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Domnique Gilmore

The Boyfriend it’s a Japanese Dating shown or “We are “ Bl series


And Hanbin's AOTM is coming, but we're gonna do a full package once all the videos are out (last one drops the 30th)

Hannah Hebert

The boyfriend Japanese dating show


The boyfriend Japanese dating show!!


Also we won’t be able to do The Boyfriend until after the show is over or after the summer, thank you for understanding 🙏🏼


zb1 vlog marathon oh i can't wait for that ..


Lun8 <33 I have a feeling you guys will really like Superpower and the other songs on the album. While I think 8turn is more up your guys' alley personality-wise, I can picture you guys really continuing to enjoy lun8's music


Also, just in case it's not known, there was a pre-release performance mv for the song Pastel from the same album as Superpower. It's super pretty, but idk if you guys also check out the album pre-release stuff

Silver Halo

Looking forward to the week!


every time a new schedule drops i am so happy that we now have weekday names 🥰


is there a recording for the discord live? i cant watch it since it's 5am in ph ㅠㅠ