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lemme get my popcorn ready🍿🍿


I had to pause so many times while watching these omg suffering


Crazy that y'all are on Myeongkyun's side. Lmao I'm team Youngjoon all the way. Like he said, it was a dick move to stop talking to him without explaining, but it's been a year what the fuck was Myeongkyun expecting. Talking about you changed?? No, duh?? They didn't date so how much did you really know about him? That's one and a year is enough for someone to change. Also there was some mistranslation. What they're saying is some which comes from the english something and basically means situationship. Lastly I'm on board with some polyamory


His Man really saw ExChange use that phone booth last season and said fine! We're swiping something from your playbook too


My MVP is Hanmin this episode. The head of the His Man HR and Gossip department


i’m so sorry guys i have to say that i’m on the minseon & myeongkyun train 🙂‍↕️ i’m a big believer that youngjoon and myeongkyun should frolic into the sunset with hanmin and minseon respectfully and never interact with each other again for the benefit of everyone’s mental wellbeing thanks


yep, agree with this as well. both def have faults and youngjoon has a big temper & distanced without explanation (which is wrong to do) which makes him easy to blame in this situation, but considering myeongkyun simultaneously both keeps trying to interact/tease youngjoon but not answer some of his questions (and then proceeded to drop that shady anonymous question)… i’d also be pushed over the edge lol. tbh it’s clear both of their care/feelings for one another were not fully communicated (both have said how they felt the other didn’t have feelings), and probably yj decided to distance first. i think it doesn’t help that yj has a tendency to feel better when things are resolved quicker (his mbti is so j), and mk needs time to think but that comes across as not gafing (eating and yawning while yj is talking… which lowkey would make me mad too). despite how they ended off, it’s like seeing an ex situationship appear in ur life after a year and u think you’ve made it clear you no longer want to interact or keep interaction minimal, but they keep pushing ur boundaries, showing you mixed messages, and making you unable to get a clear message of what they want out of you even when you’ve tried to initiate a direct convo. i feel bad for both but i truly get yj, but both need to sit down and have an actual conversation without their pride lol


I am so glad the Hanmin went to Jaesung, because he said he feels left out and it seems that he is isolating in his room too often. He volunteered to take the singles room, because nobody else wanted it. Why didn‘t Seongmin use the chance to bring him in the quad room and let Seungjin keep a single room???


Why can I not like Hwi as much as other viewers do? I loved Junseong in season 2 who also was only interested in one person right from the start, but it feels so different with Hwi and I can’t really tell why. Maybe it is because Hwi seems so far apart from the group….


no worries... will come back next year to check the Japanese ones take your time ^^ but cheering for my boy Songmin hope he figures himself out.


for me im more on myeongkyun's side (though i think they're both quite sympathetic) because i think he is genuinely having trouble understanding what's going on. He clearly has a hard time picking up on social cues (like when he's pushing youngjoon/being inappropriate, not getting what youngjoon was doing when he ghosted him, not seeming to be able to understand why youngjoon is getting frustrated during their convo, etc.). I get that it's really frustrating for youngjoon because he feels like myeongkyun is talking in circles (and i also think he thinks myeongkyun is doing this maliciously, which doesn't help), but i know that i also have a really hard time with these things because of my autism so i definitely personally relate more to myeongkyun. it's a bad situation all around because no matter what they do they're setting each other off :(


Watching this i felt just as frustrated as Youngjoon.They were in a situationship that basically went nowhere and the way Myeongkyun acts is so confusing to me. I don’t understand Myeongkyun BUT i do love to see some drama

Laura 💙

haemin is just >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


i definitely agree with you. Also the anonymous question basically saying Youngjoon is hiding something is just so weird and then he acts like he didn’t do anything. He is a very confusing man but it definitely made the show entertaining.


true :( i think both people are unable to understand where the other is coming from, and it’s so hard because their personalities clash so much esp if myeongkyun is confused and has trouble understanding socially what youngjoon feels as well. hopefully both can sit down and directly tell each other how they feel and finally clear things up, whether it’s an explanation from yj for a year+ ago or an explanation from mk now


Youngjoon was my favourite cast member before these episodes…and he remains my favourite after them.


Got this from Quora LOL - the expression “오징어 됐다” (Ojingeo dwaetda) or “became a squid/looks like a squid” means that you became “ugly” in a certain way. Apparently it’s from a Korean movie The Man From Nowhere. There was a warning that boys should not watch this movie together with their girlfriends because the main lead Wonbin is so handsome, after the movie, the boys would look like a “squid” to them.

Jay L

so mess and I'm here for it. legit jaw dropped the entire time and just soaking it in. I want to watch the uncut footage of the full convo. Also, Hanmin is so aware? Like his observances that he shared when the grocery team went out, and thinking about how Jaesung would be worried alone...


reading these comments while only 30 mins into the video… it sounds like i’m in for the best drama so far

Anwesha Roy (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 17:58:36 Even though YJ is my favourite person on this show, it makes sense that MK felt hurt by what happened in the past. It is also true that YJ was a little rude at some points in the conversation. But these are real people, and we do not know the subtle details of what happened, and we don't see YJ's talking head during the conversation at all. And no matter who was at fault, it would be so frustrating having a serious conversation with someone like MK (and that too on TV!). If I was in YJ's shoes, I would also get super irritated by MK's responses.
2024-07-16 17:52:14 Even though YJ is my favourite person on this show, it makes sense that MK felt hurt by what happened in the past. It is also true that YJ was a little rude at some points in the conversation. But these are real people, and we do not know the subtle details of what happened, and we don't see YJ's talking head during the conversation at all. And no matter who was at fault, it would be so frustrating having a serious conversation with someone like MK (and that too on TV!). If I was in YJ's shoes, I would also get super irritated by MK's responses.

Even though YJ is my favourite person on this show, it makes sense that MK felt hurt by what happened in the past. It is also true that YJ was a little rude at some points in the conversation. But these are real people, and we do not know the subtle details of what happened, and we don't see YJ's talking head during the conversation at all. And no matter who was at fault, it would be so frustrating having a serious conversation with someone like MK (and that too on TV!). If I was in YJ's shoes, I would also get super irritated by MK's responses.


Although I have conflicting feelings and think both of them have their own faults, I’m still more on MK’s side. I know YJ was very frustrated with MK and his communication skills but the way YJ kept yelling and hitting the table… sooooo off-putting. And he said he wanted to hear what MK had to say but he kept cutting in to justify himself when MK was finally talking 😮‍💨 And ngl if I was in MK’s position and the more someone came at me yelling and cursing, the more I wouldn’t want to share my true feelings ESPECIALLY if they had ghosted me before and their reasoning was “you should have the common sense to stop contacting me” like?? It’s lowkey ironic how YJ says he doesn’t like avoidant people yet he’s avoided giving closure and settling things in the past so… but that being said, MK doesn’t have the greatest communication skills so I get that it can be frustrating too


Seongmin seems so flip floppy after these episodes. I thought he had realized that him and Hwi are more compatible in last week’s episode and his call to him had more meaning, but I guess not.

jay luna

Idk if it's bc we're around the same age or what, but I just can't help relating to the YJ and MK situation and understanding both sides a bit. That said, it really does seem (just from what we see) like YJ just might have been a bit messy a few years ago, didn't handle the end of this situationship, and didn't expect to have to deal with the fallout here. The frustrations and flustering feels too real and valid on both sides for different reasons.


My two cents: Myeongkyun has difficulty confronting people directly and he didn't feel the need to define their relationship back then because he felt the feelings were mutual. Youngjoon meanwhile gets frustrated because he wants Myeongkyun to spell out his feelings clearly but doesn't want to be the one to do it himself. So he assumes Myeongkyun doesnt have strong feelings for him and ghosts him. Myeongkyun is understandably confused and tries reaching out but again struggles to spell out why he's confused. So to Youngjoon, Myeongkyun seems like a casual, flighty person. Things go nowhere. Flash forward to this ep, Youngjoon again tries to get Myeongkyun to admit that they didn't have a real relationship because Myeongkyun didn't feel as strongly for him. But this isn't true from Myeongkyun's pov, so he struggles to deny or confirm that he didnt have feelings for Youngjoon. Again, things go nowhere. I feel bad for both of them but I think I'm leaning more towards Youngjoon because I do feel like he's at least trying to clear things up and move on but Myeongkyun is still unclear about what he wants. I also get the sense Myeongkyun isn't very interested in Minseon but because he's not the confrontational type he just lets things be and I'm worried Minseon will get hurt :( Even though I do think Youngjoon was definitely at fault for ghosting Myeongkyun without spelling out why.


I get you! I feel the same way, I initially liked hwi but as the eps go on, I can’t help but find his mindset and actions more immature (which makes sense I guess due to his age). I feel like the difference was Junsung was set on Seongho and initiated a lot of things but he always made sure to reassure Seongho that there’s no pressure and he can choose whoever. For Hwi, I kept feeling like it’s a competition for him. Maybe he doesn’t mean it but his actions and words come off very pressuring to Seongmin. Even dropping small info like how he cried the day before(most likely cause of Seongmin and Jaesung date lol). And how he was so excited to see jaesung leave the chatroom cause of him like. Or Maybe it’s just me feeling like this 🤔

Sarah Figueras

I need an ExChange level explanation of the myeongkyun/youngjoon LORE


episode 7 is so domestic until seongmin starts cryinh


Agreed, I was really feeling with MK in some of these scenes, but just thinking about having to have these conversations with him, makes my frustration level explode!


Lol this season is messy messy messy! I can't handle the tension -- honestly it would be my worst nightmare to pluck up the courage to go on a show like this and then be stuck in close quarters with strangers playing out drama beyond the usual fluffy love triangle stuff! I'd have been up in that attic hiding with SJ this whole time.


"I'm not into you anymore. Please stop contacting me. We are over". There, Youngjoon. Know your audience and communicate accordingly. Talking for a hour and getting absolutely nowhere. If I was Hanmin I'd already be so tired and look for calmer waters (actually, I think Hanmin & Youngjoon compliment each other really well). Let's not forget, that Youngjoon hijacked TWO chatsessions, while Myeonggyun stayed out of his. Myeonggyun saying "where was I?" and taking a bite of his icecream, while Youngjoon is losing his mind was literally iconic. I love this emptyheaded man SO much! Hanmin, now there's some still waters, that doesn't run deep for ya. When Hanmin went to comfort Jaeseung? Best guy. Speaking of the hottest man with absolute no interesting screen time. Jaeseung should NOT be in that single. He should be in the 4-person room. He's retreating too much and however sexy he looks, when he's brooding, it's not doing him (or us) any good. I can't believe he's hardly in these episodes, but says one line at the end, and it's all I think about. I want him to pull a Yeonghee, grab Seongmin's wrist and lead him somewhere, anywhere. Who the hell cares, if he falls asleep at the museum? There are other (more active) ways to enjoy art. Bodypainting - let that be a date activity. They can have their iced americanos after. Seungjin? Deserves the world. Even with all the mess, there's not one person in the house I don't root for, empathize with or just generally like. I think, this is one of the strengths of this series.


Yes, true! JS was so mature about it, and even when he was annoyed, we could tell from his talking head, but it felt like he tried no to let it effect the group dynamic. Hwi does kinda build pressure in Soengmin‘s direction, even though he might not do it on purpose. Well I am really curious how this triangle will end….


Nothing would be worse than having the whole thing still unresolved after the show. Please let there be some sort of conclusion!


And this is why we don't ghost people! I'm not really on either side for the argument, I can feel for both sides! I wouldn't be able to argue with Myeongkyun, it would drive me up the wall. But it also broke my heart seeing him cry!


all i can say is mess


never been rooting so hard for two people incapable of communicating with each other

jb phinx

I can’t remove it to my brain now…. Myeongkyun really does sounds like taerae talking its insaneeeee

jb phinx

This is interesting… y’all think Myeongkyun and Youngjoon’s convo only ruined Youngjoon’s image but on twitter…. gurlll… the twitter people are hating, cursing, reading Myeongkyun to death! Personally, I’m not picking sides cuz I actually think its both their fault for not having a clear communication and they could and should resolve all their past issues before entering a dating show


im sorry to everyone becuz im on youngjoon's side, if i were in his place i would be mad af maybe even flip the table. I need a proper conversation to end things, i hate dry people and would want an adult and an honest man to talk to not someone who's silent, even if he's hurt, hun i need to hear your thoughts and whatever is happening on your head, dont leave me hanging.


myungkyun was pissing me tf off when him and yj were talking… like that was SO frustrating to watch! yj is asking him so many questions and he’s just like “idk do whatever” over and over… girl if you told everyone that i had a secret that i didn’t know about, and then refused to tell me what it was, and then refuse to answer any clarifying questions and laugh and shrug it off, i’d be pissed too!!

Amal Abdi

The voice of taerae and the mannerisms of ricky, the connections hmmmm


All I have to say is youngjoon is my baby and ppl are saying he was yelling too much but tbh if I was trying to talk to someone like myeongkyun and they were yawning and eating I would crash out too and honestly more than he did


exactly! like gurl do you know me that well to know my secret? even if you do, why would you wanna keep MY secret to yourself? yall please communicate and put this to an end by next episode in that 'date' or whatever we saw in the teaser.


Love you Seungjin!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU MYEONGKYUN!!! He's as icon, a legend. I can understand to an extent where YJ is coming from about feeling like MK wasn't serious, but seeing what I saw today (and tbh from day one) I'm on MK's side. Even if the relationship between the two was ambiguous, YJ should have been clear that he was done with MK if he wanted things to end well. YJ says that MK didn't seem serious about him, but if you liked him that much, you very well could have been the one to make the move to be official. Why put all the responsibility on MK? (My personal opinion, but I'm sure there was more to the relationship that YJ is not letting on, bc his blow up was not anywhere near "nothing much happened" or "we were just acquaintances") They both agreed that YJ ghosted MK, yet now that his "image" is at stake, he wants clarity and resoluteness, and timeliness from MK, when MK was very clearly still is hurt and confused by what YJ did. (Not shocking since he introduced himself as someone who cares about educational backgrounds/images. I don't think this is bad, but just very telling) (Seeing MK cry is something I never need to see again. It felt like watching a sick puppy. I want him happy forever.) Even from the way MK speaks to Minseon after the argument about human relationships, you can tell that he wasn't just hurt as a romantic partner, but as a person. (The subtitles didn't translate that he said things about human relationships in general, not just romantic and that MK specifically said "how can you say this to another person?" meaning you don't treat people like that romantic or otherwise.) He feels like YJ didn't even give him the common human decency of closure for the situation, so why does he owe him the same now, when YJ has made no attempt to right his wrongs when he had ample time and knew exactly how to get in contact with MK by admitting that he knows he follows him on IG, etc. Everyone wants MK to just get over it and tell YJ how he feels so this can all be over with, but no one knows how being ghosted felt for him and to still see YJ on socials etc, but not hear from him or have his messages be read with no reply. Especially when MK very clearly really liked YJ. At the end of the day, I wish MK nothing but happiness, lol. All of the guys this season are great(?), its just unfortunate that this happened/


I think both are wrong. I think Youngjoon, even if I understood that being ghosted meant we were done, doesn’t mean everyone will. Especially when Myeongkyun thought they had something deeper than just a fling, so I understand why he wanted an explanation. I also think Youngjoon did try to control the situation a little too much since the beginning and also don’t think he should’ve told Myeongkyun he hated him. But Myeongkyun also needs to be honest with Youngjoon, rather than saying one thing and then be shady in his confessionals. Youngjoon was getting mad cause Myeongkyun couldn’t be honest and wasn’t really taking the conversation seriously. It’s clear both have some feelings for one another and some things that need to be resolved.


I also love when you guys break out into random musical numbers 😂


And last comment! I’m telling yall Myeongkyun and Youngjoon is Korea’s Plane Jane and Amanda Tori Meating 😂


i was watching dabit's stream of these episodes and people are rly Madmad and angry at these men. mostly at seongmin and then yj/mk. but these shows are edited, ppl have their bias and view of points etc. man everyone should calm down and not take reality shows personally, lawd! everyone should be more like Hwi and just enjoy! Also big pat on back for Hanmin, thats my one true MAN! not even a man, but a male BEAST. a cheetah with desire. hanmin is like an experiment to see what a tiger could do after starving for gay men for 24 hours. Tiger is so HUGE, a MAN and a MALE.


Why do I feel like Myeungkyun's childhood might have involved a traumatic fire or a kidnapping or a cruel chaebol parent? lol. He's so hard to read we have to analyze his snacks but clearly eating is the way he expresses anxiety. I feel for him and if he's really as simple as he appears I think he'd be safer with Minseon who seems to genuinely care for him. I was really put off by Youngjoon in this ep but maybe we still don't know the whole story? I adore Hwi and Seokjin and their friendship. Someone on Twitter said Seokmin is actually an academic who has published a volume of poetry which would explain his odd combo of oblivious selfishness and extreme sensitivity. Hanmin seems like such a sweetheart!


I fully support the Ricky Myeongkyun association. Me and my friend have literally been calling him Ricky since the ep he appeared 🙃.


I love that RJ is in the His Man reddit cause I saw that narcissist post too and did the biggest eyeroll 🙄. Like yall can we be so fuckin for real rn? We see a small snippet of these people over the course of 1 WEEK!


Seungjin singing booseoksoon and svt songs. Legend behaviour


There's a fraction of a fraction of a chance of Jaesung and Hwi getting together BUT IM RIDE OR DYING FOR THEM. Like they communicate so well with eachother and everytime they're on screen together literal sparks fly. They're too stuck on Seongmin to see eachother. Also the second day was way too soon to reveal the ages CLEARLY. Like imagine if they hadn't revealed them till the 4th day. Jaesung would have been to deep in pursuing Hwi to back down just cause of their age gap.


listen i would go absolutely insane if i was trying to seriously talk to myeongkyun & he acted like that too; THAT BEING SAID............ i am absolutely living for it. i love it. literally just like "and why are you mad? & why are so you concerned" bc he is truly not wrong. youngjoon WHY ARE YOU MAD?? tell us your secret‼️‼️😂😭


honestly though i do think all of this is due to the fact that MK's head is literally empty & YJ loves to yap. that is what this all boils down to. & honestly, MK owes him absolutely nothing. it feels like MK hurt YJ's pride & YJ is punishing him for it


i agree with everything u said but i lean more towards MK bc YJ ghosted this man but he (MK) was still trying to reach out to him for a year, next they meet again and in this house and YJ is ignoring him and acting like he dont know MK (yes its a two way street but again ghosted soo i feel the leeway goes to MK bc YJ didnt want to talk to MK in the first place soooooo). and when everyone is turned around this man is dragging him to empty rooms and saying wht do we tell everyone, and MK said tell them whtever u want. and this irritates u when u had all the card in ur hand from the beginning and ur getting mad bc MK wont conform anything, sir. plus its ur man ur after that interupting this convos and then u start flirting in front of him and then ignoring him (MK) again. and the next day ur like when are we telling them , again MK said ew dont have to tell then anything or whtever u want to tell them. and i get YJ style comes off as laid back and friendly but from his profession and him POSSIBLY being in the closet in tht industry he can be a little controlling but he came off as overbearing and rushing of MK feelings. TO ME. and this is just my opinion and i know its not right bc we dont have all the info .

Ezbai Hernandez

just wanted to say that jaesung is looking tooooo good in that all denim fit


I’m with adam and RJ here because i’m on myeongkyun’s side as well. People are complaining about myeongkyun’s communication attitude during that talk, how about we talk about youngjoon’s communication? Non-existent because he ghosted myeongkyun and left him wandering. You could not tell me ghosting someone is an answer because it is not. I get that myeongkyun’s attitude during the talk is irritating but just like what he said, younjoon didn’t answer his questions for MONTHS and he wants myeongkyun to answer his in a few second??? What myeongkyun is doing is called tasting your own medicine. Pick it up youngjoon.


Ghosting someone is not just a “dick move” that you need to move on from easily. It often creates traumatic feelings specially if the person on the receiving end (this time myeongkyun) does not have an idea what or why the other one ghosted him. He could have said that he doesn’t want myeongkyun anymore or that he wants to stop whatever is happening but no. Not only he ghosted him, he left him messaging him for months and not give a response. No response is not a response specially if you’re an adult who needs answers to move on. Also, are we forgetting how youngjoon acted the whole episode even before that conversation? He’s being rude and confrontational for exactly no reason to the point that other men are noticing it already.


he changes his mind every 5 seconds. i never can guess what he's about to do


imma stand 10 toes behind youngjoon 100%. but i do hope they can actually have a good conversation and work this all out so they can finally just go their separate ways and be happy


is it possible for the producers to bring in another guy ?? SEUNGJIN NEEDS SOMEONE...PLEASE🙏🏼


Idk you cannot control how someone reacts to you. Is ghosting traumatic? It would depend on your definition of traumatic and on case by case I guess. Regardless, it has been shown that Myeongkyun is deliberately fucking with Youngjoon. I think this is a case of tears being seen as more vulnerable than anger. Both are emotional responses and one is not more noble than the other.


Both of them clearly need to be better at communication 😭 But I guess the reason why I'm a teeny tiny bit more on YJ's side 🤏 (might change my mind later, idk) was because I felt like MK went about expressing his confusion the wrong way, with his shady anon message and basically stonewalling YJ's questions with "whatever I don't care what you do" which came off soooo frustrating to watch. YJ pretty clearly told MK that if MK still had feelings for him, he should spell that out so YJ wouldn't take it the wrong way but unfortunately MK still couldn't bring himself to admit it. Also YJ shouldn't have ghosted MK and should've broken things off cleanly but I guess if we're being really generous maaaybe he felt they weren't serious enough to "break up"? MK also only tried to reach out once or twice casually so maybe both parties didn't feel like the relationship was serious enough that they could confront the other. I do feel like YJ could have been more gracious about how he handled the conversation and maaaybe MK might have been more comfortable opening up. YJ was sooo aggressive in that confrontation, and MK's flippant responses only fuelled his anger. But I guess YJ was already pissed off by the anon message.

Sarah Figueras

At the same time both of them are very wishy washy about what kind of relationship they actually had and if YJ was really into MK and he acted that aloof I could see how YJ felt MK was just wasting his time. YJ said he wanted more but distanced himself from MK because he’d never give him a straight answer…idk I don’t think either is a reliable narrator lol

Asiaxoskz (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-18 22:58:25 Also my main problem of why I can’t sympathize fully with myeongkyun is bc what he says in confessionals and what he says in real life don’t match at all and that makes him seem two faced in a way.
2024-07-18 22:46:37 Also my main problem of why I can’t sympathize fully with myeongkyun is bc what he says in confessionals and what he says in real life don’t match at all and that makes him seem two faced in a way.( two faced not quite the right description he’s just really confusing)

Also my main problem of why I can’t sympathize fully with myeongkyun is bc what he says in confessionals and what he says in real life don’t match at all and that makes him seem two faced in a way.( two faced not quite the right description he’s just really confusing)


Like in confessionals he says that him and youngjoon were basically dating even though they didn’t ask each other out but then when he’s talking to youngjoon he says they were basically only acquaintance's. Then in confessionals he says that youngjoon randomly stop texting and didn’t tell him why but then while they’re talking youngjoon says he texted “I want to stop talking because…” (I don't know exactly word for word) and myeongkyun agrees that he texted that???? Like which is it and there's many other examples of this where what’s being said in the confessionals don’t match what he’s saying irl. ( I hate writing big paragraphs I know there’s a lot of spelling errrors)


Girl the drama ma ma ma