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oh, sangjeong. my heart.



You guys i loved change days. The messs!!!!


So sorry to everyone who likes dongjin but im SO OVER him. he kept saying he didn’t think he needs to tell dahye who he really likes and has scolded her over and over and now expects her to know who he likes for the date?! gurl get tf out of here. also how can he say that the rest of the cast knows he's been struggling and dahye is the only one who can’t see that when we as an audience have not seen him or heard him vocalize his struggles except for that stupid box he refuses to open.

LTO (Laura)

i seriously wanted to get inside the screen and hug sangjeong. the whole thing made me so sad:( before watching the episode i saw so many comments of people talking bad about her like "it was only 3 months, why the big deal"... but time doesn't matter, she's hurt, period. and minhyung kept following her and pushing:( i don't like hwihyun but as long as she's happy, i'll cheer. (istg i kept screaming for kwangtae to go and save her, even if just as a friend lol)


wait i think sang jeong might have really left the show cuz their package where they reveal the length of dating was filmed in an ice rink rather than outdoor jeju locations like the others


if they did stay on the show, it's EVIL they weren't in the teaser for next episode lol


This might be me throwing out a wild conspiracy theory but I wonder if they saved sang jeong and kwangtae's ex for last because maybe the producers thought they would get back together. I mean, obviously everybody has a chance of getting back together, but to come so late into the show and SJ/KT having zero luck... I don't know. I'm just thinking 🤔

Claire Kiwanuka

Dongjin and Seokyong can kick rocks


Next episode might actually be the start of Yujung/Juwon's drifting apart, and I'm already sad about it. The way they were editing this episode feels like a hint to that too. It kinda makes sense though, because Juwon can't make up his mind about Seokyung. Changjin also wants to win YJ back, and I believe YJ still has feelings left for him. These 2 never really talked thing through.


Yall post when just when gunwook posted a cover of him singing the OST lmao https://x.com/bubblebaseone/status/1770484725049626756?s=46&t=oNBw8O52Bzwg1ytVdXLC9g

Lenajah Madison

dongjin is such a red flag with dahye but is so sweet and lovely with hyewon i hope he doesnt hurt hyewon


I really hope Juwon and Seokyung don’t end up together. Please. I always wanted them to stay broken up, but now I need it for my own mental wellbeing. I don’t care if they end up with someone new or not, just stay far apart.


i'm still confused on how kwang tae's ex said she wanted to pick someone he had a chance with, said yujung seems set on juwon, wrote a list of the girls, crossed off candidates, but still ended up choosing yujung😭


dahye saying hyewon looks so much better than she did with dongjin made me want to cryyy


why would seokyung ask/expect juwon to text different people everyday just because she can see who he sent it to?? i will never understand why anybody wants them to get back together, nothing good will come out of that. and it might just be me who thinks this but SHE IS A MANIPULATOR. i can't stand it

Georgina Lahiri

Aargh, I just can't get my head round SeoKyung! Without her really giving anything away about her feelings, I can only base my opinions on what I see and that is someone who is going to try and sabotage their ex's potential new relationship even though she doesn't really appear to want him herself. Whe she was receiving a lot of attention and dates, she wasn't interested in JuWon but as she has become aware of how serious he is about YuJung because she now sees fhat he texts her everyday, and because today she didn't receive a text despite having a date, she has made a decision to go after him. If HwiHyun (or anyone) tells her outright he likes her, I think she'll drop JuWon like a ton of bricks!! I'm annoyed with her but loving the drama!


Is there any possibility of you guys reacting to my sibling romance...... I know it might be difficult to consume more then 1 heterosexual show per year but GOD IS IT HILARIOUS and the men in the show are just 🤌🤌🤌


I think during their fight, Juwon just called her mean.... I genuinely don't understand her actions then and now. I also really didn't like it when she told him not to date Yujung after the show.. girl, what??


I wish we can see Kwang tae with someone else before the show ends. I’m sure he just needs one chance 🥲


Imo minhyung seems to have manic pixie dream girl'd sangjeong. He liked her bc she was so funloving and whimsical and then was shocked when she continued to act like that after they brought up marriage. Like she was supposed to immediately turn into the perfect wife material. And dont even get me started on the length of their relationship jesus christ. Honestly I hope sangjeong leaves the show bc she needs to be far far away from this man, his presence just destroys her mentally. Though I seem to hate minhyung more than most ppl bc he reminds me of my father (lol trauma) but on principal I dont trust men that slam doors.

Aileen Lo

honestly the only match for minhyung in this cast is someone like seokyung who understands how to appease his ego, instead of someone like yujung who also operates logically, bc he cannot allow someone else to be more "right" than him. and unfortunately his measure of "rightness" seems to default to technicality, tradition, and social acceptability, which, so long as he is abiding by that "rightness", absolves him of taking responsibility for the emotions of whomever he is communicating with. and unfortunately i can see why sangjeong would want to get back together, because like in the worst cases of asian parenting, the more your self-esteem is beat down by their standards, the more you want to prove yourself for their approval

Lynn Pratt

So I have a theory that Dongjin is still holding onto resentment about his lost idol dream and his life generally not going where he wanted it to. Fully letting Dahye go, being ok with her dating other people instead of this wishy washy mix of jealousy and indifference, would mean finally moving on from the regrets and accepting the choices/mistakes he made in the past. And I don't think he's ready to do that.

Lynn Pratt

I know that we are getting a very narrow, edited view of Minhyung. But goddamn is he making it so hard to not just completely side with Sangjeong. Like, if I'm really stretching to give him the benefit of the doubt, he fell hard and fast for the parts of Sangjeong that were different from him, that got him out of his shell and made him remember how to have fun, and maybe thought that he was setting them up for a successful marriage if he "fixed" all the little annoyances and flaws he saw before they got married bc it would save them from fights and resentments down the line. But the problem is that, just as Sangjeong said, all the things he felt needed to change were about her, he wasn't reflecting inwards one tiny bit to find anything he could do better or differently to make their relationship better. He was seeing Sangjeong as someone with marriage potential that he could shape into the perfect partner while she felt like she'd already found the perfect partner. Sangjeong deserves someone who isn't going to ask her to change without also being willing adjust themselves to meet her needs. And she absolutely doesn't need someone who refuses to even acknowledge the harm theyve done to her and make her feel even worse for "dragging down the mood". She needs someone who doesn't make her feel small. I don't think any of these men are exactly that person, but I do hope that she at least becomes friends w/ Kwangtae bc I feel like they went through similar relationship struggles and could be a big comfort to each other after the show.




also makes me wonder what her Olympic coach was like and if Minhyung treats her similarly and she's used to bullies


It’s very obvious Juwon is asking what he could do to make things right and she’s just dancing around the question. Seokyung is giving i don’t want you but i dont want you with someone else either. It’s very petty of her…. lol I NEED DONGJIN AND HYEWON TOGETHER. They seem like they bring out really good qualities in each other. I also want Dahye to be happy in the end, whether that be with ChangJin or choosing to stay single.


i‘m sorry but maaan did minhyung loose me this episode. the way he stormed after sangjeong and shut the door? girl get away


I wonder how Sangjeong was treated by her Olympic coaches and MH being a surgeon makes me think she might have gotten habituated to controlling people critiquing her every move so he felt "normal" to her at the beginning. Surgeons are used to being obeyed bec in the operating room it's a life or death situation but outside in the real world they are famous for being the worst controlling narcissists (not all ofc but many). Their normal voice is giving orders. SJ makes me think she might be like Taemin who said he had no idea how to be a normal person when he got to the military and SJ retiring from such an intense sport after being in it her whole life must feel similarly. Remember how MH said at first she would forget to eat and he had to take care of her and she said she had no appetite? She was either depressed or used to such a regulated life she didn't know how to take care of herself. So her undeveloped emotional life is emerging now in a way she can't hide from it. All that fierce passion used to be directed towards an ultimate goal and now she's achieved it--whew that's gotta be tough learning how to redirect it. It makes me so sad she wants to get back together with MH bec that seems so unhealthy for her


LITERALLY he called her mean... and from the story they told , she was being mean. and she's definitely the type of person who doesn't want him, but doesn't want him to be with someone else either


I'm rooting for dongjin and hyewon but I need him to get hsi shit tgt with dahye cause the way he talks to her es lowkey disresoectful. ANd how is he unable to hold a conversation after 13 years SPEAK UP


At the end of the show, everyone needs to go back home single for their own sake. What all this people need is TIME.

Lisa H

Juwon's "Let's be nicer!" to Dongjin (his hyung!) killed me. School teacher energy 😂


In the back of my mind somewhere I got attached to him and rooted for him and seeing him crying with his ex and their story made sense, can him and sangjeong just get together they'd be cute af

Moses Lee (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-29 06:02:52 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN
2024-03-22 13:36:05 Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN

Am i the only one that can't find the EXchange Ep 15 Watch link? :(( I can't find it anywhere on yall's feed. DYINNNN


She really was.. she blew up on him for (imo) nothing really. I'm so curious to see what else she does in this new ep lol


I love how the girls just kept rotating in while Kwangtae and Hwihyun were just sitting there. Kwangtae and Hwihyun's therapy corner is a great new segment for the show. I think we really needed it to fully elevate the show to greatness.