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Hi guys, lately I've been getting bored because I have to draw too many variations, now I want to increase the number of illustrations and reduce the number of variations. Please let me know what you think about this , thank you >.<



I really love your pregnant variations, so whatever ends up winning, I hope we don't lose those


I like the variations because it gives me a lot of pretty faces and elements to edit from the PSD tolike make my own versions like cum, milk, ahegao and other stuff :3

Darasaki Uchiha

Sorry, I just don't understand what do you mean. Can you please explain the difference? Isn't variation is like a different scene or am I wrong? If that's what it is, I personally like your current style of work much more with different scenes and angles😍😊 But you do whatever you think is better for you, in the end of a day that's your art)


I want to draw more illustrations than many variations for one illustration like the present :&gt;

Darasaki Uchiha

Well, as I said, you do whatever you think is better😊 If you ask me, I believe that variety makes things much more interesting, than just the same angle with minimal changes) For example your work with nurse 2b is still my favourite, it's very very nice) also you're doing animations now with your older works, that's also very cool) But yeah, if you feel like that's not what you want - it's ok,no pressure) Sorry if that was too long)

Darasaki Uchiha

Lmao, now I'm reading everything and I understand that what you said is exactly what I wanted too🤣🤣 It just was weird for me 'cuz I thought that you already increased number of illustrations compared to your older works🤣🤣 But if you can do even more, then I'm super down for it😍😍😍


Some artist that I follow would do less variation (1-3) and more illustration with one of the installations based on the patreon's votes. It also allows you to see which variations is most popular with your supporters.


That's great! I hope you're still able to include milk variations as well. They're my favorite!


Just checking but are you saying you want to do more still illustrations and less CG like illustrations where there's more changes for like a story/flow? Personally I like the facial and effects variations (like milk, semen, etc) so I hope that stays. Additionally love the preg variations, was hoping in fact you could possibly do more there, maybe bigger pregnancy even.


I don't mind illustrations as long it doesn't burn you out. And I don't mind variations since it's more simpler and easy work for you. Best I can say is "go for it and get experimental". Extra Note: I believe at one point last year, you asked us how many girls we you to draw per month plus comic (or illustration). I think it was 3-4 per girl max with 1-2 comics? I don't remember. Anyway, find a good balance of variations + Illustrations + number of girls you can do. We believe in you!!!