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So, day one with NAI and... Wow. Just wow.

First, the good things: It's extremely flexible (just as I remembered, but better). It recognized all the characters I tried. It's very creative by itself. No more LoRAs or Checkpoints. You can change key features, such as the hair color. I'll finally be able to generate sex scenes!!

Now the bad: NAI has a very basic and awful style on its own, so you have to rely on other artists styles (and I don't fully like the idea, but there's no other choice), so I'm still working to get one of my own, if you can call it like that. The eyes, oh the eyes... They're ok, but far cry from SD+Adetailer, and that might require some extra work. The backgrounds are worse than the ones the model I used in SD could generate, and I really liked how beautiful they looked.

Overall, I'm very happy. These images are unedited, I only added the logo, and I love them, so I feel very encouraged. Yay!

I leave you today with some Tomoe, and boy, you'll see more of her in the near future. See you soon!



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