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Hi Guys!

its time for February 2024 Previews!

Lots of surprises Next Month!  <3 

stay tuned.





Working bros 😍

Joe Dunaway

Luv them assassin preds!


This is an awesome release! Love that you're doing the SST Invasion troopers!

Gorka Justo

More skull hunters, yeees!!

Gabriel Revilla

I'm a super big fan of the new predator sculpts! Do you mind me asking if future predators will share a similar design? Or is this style something reserved for the White Crow clan?

Pete Pedro

Dig the new bug. Love the working bros!, and the loose equipment props.

Emma Marx

Everything looks amazing!! Very excited! Can’t wait to see the cyberpunk preview 😊

Pete Pedro

Question: Working Bro E. Is him holding everything one solid print? Or are those separate loose prints stacked on top of the container he's holding?


Im so excited! Im gonna be putting together both armys for the starship troopers game now that i have so many files. You should really make more of the regular human units.

John Hall

Love everything about this release! Bros, Omegas, bugs, MI, Skullhunters - glorious!


Finally someone has made some working j- *ahem* bros!


So Cool, Been waiting for Working Joe's Synths ;)


So happy with the 'Working Bro's this set is worth the money just for those! Top job Paps! :-)

Phil Gee

You're brilliant at making very aggressive looking aliens and to me that's very much the character of the Arachnids, these spitters lack that look The heavy infantry look by contrast look awesome and I think these skullhunters are my favourite you've produced, really cinematic I've absolutely no use for high tech Omegas with very crude medieval hand weapons, baffles me. The boys are a wonderful addition, servitor androids or clones, I may even put numbers on their foreheads All in all there's plenty of value in the release, I'm really pleased to have most of it and I'll look at making the spitters look more threatening, the Omegas just no I can't see me using ducks but a couple of models in each release is fine and something to look forward to each month. Illithids, opidians and Skeksis please!


for some reason i didnt get jan 2024 scifi uploaded to myminifactory, just the cyberpunk part


hi we sent you mmf redeem on your registered email. can you check if it went trough?


any chance you can release some bio masks and weapons as individual pieces? asked for consideration a few months ago and still looking forward to the possibility! thanks