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hey Guys!

its time to show the awesome Bio Boosted Apex Hunters!

Bio-Boostered Apex Hunters-- Elite Hunters of the Evolved Clan wearing entire suits of bio-organic armor, making them the most durable individual troops in the army. Their equipment is rare, however, and they deploy alone.

check out the skull hunter army forge. and give it a thumbs up.


Stay Tuned for more Previews!





Bryan K. Brown

Okay... now we need a Sith Yautja... I have one in a campaign my unfortunate players are trying to deal with!

Joseph Plissken

i have to say that i'm zero fan of the concept , but the models are awesome soi i'll use them as hyperzoanoid with guyver unit on them. Similar to the final boss of the second guyver movie


Awww, sad you dont dig the crossover, but glad you like the design and can find a use for them! Indeed, awesome models!