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Hello Papsikels,

its time for another Preview, Meet Yey'in-Thwei the "Brave Blood"

a Hero Type Elder Dishonored Skull Hunter 


Yey’in-thwei lay in a fever dream of agonizing pain for 13 long years.

His escape pod, launched from his hunting party’s weakened vessel, had barely enough power to sustain his life, drawing instead on fuel reserves meant to speed him home along preset coordinates.

HIs wounds were great, and he constantly struggled to breathe through his damaged helm within the tight confines.

But his unending grief and shame threatened his life far more.

For a veteran warrior such as he, or truly any Hunter, death in honorable combat was a great death.

Fleeing battle for any reason, however, was to die without dying-- a shame greater than almost any other.

Such was the significance of the knowledge gained during the battle at the Omega research outpost that had killed so many of his hunting party. The location of the Hunter ship, laden with the treasure of fantastic technologies, which must surely have crashed near to where he’d launched, was too important to be lost to the rest of the Hunter society.

Whether any of his battle-kin had survived, he couldn’t help but doubt, but it was now his tragic mission to ensure that location was transmitted to the Council of Elders so that it could be recovered.

Yey’in-thwei silently wished for his own death during the long trek home, yet his resolve carried him on through nightmares of his friends' deaths.

When he was finally found, and had been sufficiently healed, he was brought before the Council, and witnessed perhaps an even more profound tragedy.

As he petitioned for the detailed analysis of his escape pod’s computer, he told his tale of wonder and sadness to a rapt audience.

His name, meaning “Brave Blood”, had been given to him when he bested a rampaging Mad Hunter at a young age, losing an eye but beginning a life of victorious battles and respected leadership. He was not the largest, nor the strongest, but his tactical mind was uncanny.

He had traveled far, collected many trophies, and gained great honor in his 500 years, but on this day he was openly mocked by some and outright disbelieved by others. Shame was heaped upon him for leaving his hunting party by those that had barely any real trophies themselves. He had been gone too long.

Regardless, he would not cease his calls for immediate mobilization, for in truth, no one knew the fate of those he’d left behind.

But his passionate words fell largely on preoccupied ears.

He had returned just as the entire Hunter society was in the turmoil of a leadership challenge, and he was being positioned as a scapegoat for those that needed a political distraction.

These were rare, near-mythical events, and every clan was rushing to support one of those vying for the crown.

The Widow of their fallen ruler, a personal friend, was supporting the intended successor, though she herself was in mourning and not present for much of the proceedings.

Etiquette prohibited anything from interrupting the process of establishing a new Grand Ruler, and eventually Yey’in-thwei was censured for his continued appeals, even suffering the indignance of public corporal punishment.

Those he still counted as friends begged him to stop and wait for the matter at hand to be resolved, but his mind first crumbled, then ossified under the immense grief and shame.
Had he endured so much simply to let honorable politics supercede reasonable action?

With what remained of his influence, he formed a veteran crew of loyal Hunters, commandeered a warship and set out to find whatever was left of his hunting party. This was not a bloodless endeavor, however, and his crew knew that their actions would almost certainly leave them all branded as Dishonored.

When the challenger to the crown took this opportunity to pursue them to garner political support, Yey’in-thwei broadcast a scathing indictment of the honor code, pronounced his intention to never return until true Honor was reestablished, and set about systematically destroying their attackers.

On that day the Dishonored Clan was born, "Brave Blood" becoming the first ic’jit--"Bad Blood", or 'killer of his brothers', and Hunter society was forever changed. They would go on to become notoriously effective mercenaries, feared and reviled for their use of devastating firearms and their lack of an honor code.

Many jaded Hunters have joined or exploited his philosophy since then, and the rift may never be mended.

Lore by - Oldheadjoe




He might be a 'Bad Blood', but when you need to call in the big guns, he's the one to get the job done! A unit of Dishonored with heavy weapons led by him will turn almost anything to dust.