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Hi Papsikels,

Today is an Awesome Day!  I will be having the Debut of my Monthly Sneak Peaks!

Similar to Preview Week but this time its much Earlier and in Open Post :) 

keep Locked to This Thread as there will be lots of Sneak Peaks Coming this way.

Stay Tuned!




Joseph Plissken

Nice to have john Connor at last. Not a fan of the tentacled void head exterminators. It would be much much interesting having a t1000 in many poses.

Joseph Plissken

Finger crossed to get the t1000 as premium surprise. The guyver is amazing

Derek Adams

I'm glad to see a Guyver but was hoping for a whole set based on him


Same! But from my experience we've just seen the tip of the iceberg... doubt Paps is here to tease us if its what people want!

Gregory Neal

OH HELL YES!!! I LOVE GUYVER!!! Now we just need to get some X-COM up in here!


More Colonial Marines please

Pete Sims

It's been a blast with some absolutely amazing miniatures and great collections, but.... well. I'm out. See all of you some time in the future.

Pete Pedro

Any chance on one of those spider tanks, like the T7T ??

Pete Pedro

Oh, and dare I ask. A Emilia Clarke resistance fighter, And pleeease her holding a pulse rifle wearing Colonial marine armor she never wore but would just be super awesome. Minus helmet of course :))

Derek Adams

OMG we got 1 Zoanoid I'm hopping for more


I KNEW we weren't done with Guyver! Thanks Paps (cant wait for more!) and congrats on Cyber Saga 2!


Guyver, and multiple zoanoids, time to upgrade my sub to cyber

Derek Adams

they should do a guyver/skullhunter hybrid

Pete Pedro

The henchmen looks cool, reminds of spaceballs.


Oh lawd, I saw the Guyver unit 01 and could hear the theme song! Excited for these.