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      In a distant, barren desert world, humanity struggles to survive, and most people fight for basic needs. War Dudes follow Undying Joe, believing him to be their eternal protector who grants them power through cars and V8 engines. They think he is immortal and that serving him will get them into Valhalla, making them immortal too. Their beliefs form a unique cult that influences their words and actions. Amidst this chaos, two rebels may have the potential to bring back order.

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What no Max figure no Master blaster?


I play Gaslands so this set is looking awesome!


The Bruce Lee of Predators


Hell yes this is bang on what I wanted, this is great addition

Pete Sims

okay, Officer Hardy has arrived, now I'm a happy camper. This is a gorgeous collection and the addition of the vehicles is a bonus I was hoping for, but didn't expect. Thank you. Loving this theme, just wish there was more of it. Wouldn't have minded some of the vehicles and characters from the previous two movies as well but I'm grateful for what is included. Perhaps some time in the future, maybe. Ahhh, didn't see that to start with. Officer Ahhneeee..... super cool, great addition!

John Hall

Lots of potential for this theme! (copyright-friendly suggestions) Furious Empress, Gyro Pilot, Immortal Jim. Lady Spouses, Mister Blister, Hugh Mungus, Assless Chaps Mohican-hair Guy, Wild Child, Aunt Identity etc. ;)


April is looking good!

Jeff Briggs

Mad Max….nice. Just started playing the game a couple days ago on my Steam Deck.


donde encuentro los modelos de este mes??? no lo encuentro .


donde descargo el contenido de este mes?


buen dial alguien me puede respoder ?

CK Lai

What great models!

John Hall

Unrelated to anything by there's a new Starsh!p Tr00pers video game out with some new designs...