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Hi Papsikels!

  How is Everyone doing? hope you are all doing well .

so i was thinking of having a theme voting each month.  as you may know The Resistance Theme is Due Next Year ( January 2023).  and there is a lot of amazing theme to continue and explore. 

 for February Release. i have some initial ideas for themes 

1. Aliens Vs. Humans 5

2.Dropship Troopers 3

3. Skull Hunters

4. Exterminators 

5. Robocop

6. Grey Aliens

but I want to hear from you too.

i will open the Ideas Discussion of our Discord Channel. 

then we will have a theme voting for February 2023. next week. will run for 4 days voting. 

i am looking forward to hear from you.  exciting times ahead!

Discord Channel



Erik Johnson


Pete Pedro

I agree with Marcos Hidalgo! Well, mostly, and what I mean is they can be noncombatants at lest untill they need to be. I have two examples. First and forgive me for mentioning another content creator, your still the best Papz, and I just bought these for my Alien games. The "sleipnir crew pack & scout crew pack" from 2nd Dynasty. Whats great about them is each pack comes with 5 crew members and each member has at lest 5 poses 1 seated 1 sleeping 1 showing off thier special skill 1 standing looking approachable either for gathering intel or even recruitment and lastly a pose for "self-defense" after all everyone has a right to self-defense no matter your big or "small" you are hehe :) 2nd example is from you Papz! Your "mute wonder child, you have her in 1 pose sitting looking scared and alone and this is how you find her in my rpg. Once/if found and recruited shes switched to her helmet and pulse rifle pose. Her role at that point is thats shes small enough to use vent s to travel, unlocking doors, flipping switches, finding equipment and just enough attack to both knock her back but get her or a fellow character out of a close call. Hence "role playing heros". I personally would love to see this hero role play utilized even across your colonial marines, dropship troopers and resistance fighters not just random characters but definitely all the characters Marcos mentioned. Adds a number of deferent opportunistic ways to play adding depth an increased sense risk vs reward loss and even sacrifice. Thanks Papz for all you've done and are doing, oh and sorry for the novel. Happy holidays everyone!


5. Robocop please

Pete Pedro

Human soldiers from Gears of war.

Pete Pedro

All the different marine variants from Halo. Halo alien factions, covenant, the banished, the flood??

Pete Pedro

Ninja Turtles, but not the ones from the latest movies those guys are to bulky, all though the latest movies had the best Krang I ever saw. Turtles more like the comic books meet the 90s movies were they look more real and less, cartoony. Dont need the first letter of their names on thier belts lol.

Pete Pedro

The warring factions from Dune. atreides, harkonnens, fremen, the emperors sardaukar. The bene gesserit?

Pete Pedro

Apologies, I failed to read the top portion with selected themes and just joined conversation. I still standby what I said in regards to Marcos Hidalgo suggestion. That being said, I dont think I could ever get enough resistance fighters, E800s, aliens, Dropship troopers, love your colonial marines, whatever you guys decide I'm not going anywhere. I have to admit though, an Ed-209 from the 2014 robocop reboot would make a fine addition to an exterminator battlefield. So yeah robocop!


I'm down for Robocop or Grey Aliens. Be interesting to see where you go with Greys


If you do Robocop you can just call him RobertCop 😂 Google that if you aren't familiar


That's a great idea! Having a set of heroes with two poses... casual and intense. For example the colony marshal in a regular "patrolling the colony" stance, and then the same character with a shotgun with a "too old for this shit" pose... that could be great!!! Probably less work for Papsikel's and a better playing option!