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Update 10/07/2022

- Hey Guys! we have added 2 New Fighter Stat Cards for our Latest CYBER MMA FIGHTERS.  Shout out to Jeremy Bernhardt for creating this amazing Stat Cards.




the files has been added on the links below.

(you can download the rules at the link below)


He has also made cool back stories for each Fighters!

check it out.

Andy Kutor

Andy Kutor has the bare minimum level of implants allowed in the heavyweight division of the PUFC, and he only has those because he isn’t allowed to compete without them. Instead of reinforcing his body with kevlar bone sleeves and nanofiber muscle upgrades, Andy relies on his speed and his footwork to be his protection as he controls the whole ring with an uncanny ability to always be a blur of motion.

Richardson Silva

Seeing Damulag on the vid-feeds from Titan City, Silva slammed his fist onto the bar and roared, “I used to kick that fat bastard’s ass all the time in high school.  If he’s the best P.C. could send to CyberFist, I can be the PUFC champion without breaking a sweat.” He stood and turned to the now-quiet, crowded club, “Who wants the first shot at the king?”


Zagat is a 3 time heavyweight champion of the PUFC.  His conditioning and endurance has seen him through so many fights that it is nearly impossible to bet on anything other than win or lose in a Zagat fight. Along with an ability to withstand endless assaults, Zagat’s Target Acquisition Optics (T.A.O.) visor helps him spot the perfect spot to attack at any moment to deliver maximum damage.

Gregor Mac Konor

Gregor “The Cyber-Cube” Mac Konor is the ultimate grappler.  Like the fictitious gelatinous cube, Gregor can hurt you on offense, on defense, or just by his mere presence.  He has no need for speed.  You can’t hurt him unless you hit him, so he knows you’ll come to him eventually.


Known simply as Rayu, this competitor has never been seen before this year’s PUFC Championship tournament.  Rumors spread quickly about his origins, and the most popular version is a stress test of experimental mil-tech.  His attacks come from all angles and he can stop an attack without breaking a sweat.  The cash falling out of the cybernetics judges’ pockets must have been a coincidence.  Nothing to see here.

Randy Orkloin

Randy has 2 speeds: resting and FULL SEND!  Like a heavily overclocked CPU, Randy is ringing every bit of performance he can from his implants, even his damage regulation feedback array.  Randy gets stronger and stronger as the fight goes on.  Those punishing punches come at a price, and he enters every fight in a race against the ticking time bomb he has become.

you can download the full cards lists here


Stay Tuned!




Jeremy Bernhardt

Been waiting for you guys to get your hands on these. Enjoy! Any Papsikels favorites you'd like to see in the arena? Ark vs. Cyberbabe? Corpo Goblin vs Remy the Ugok?

Adrian Alexe

Funny pokes with those names. :D

Jeremy Bernhardt

Mark gets full credit there. I only named 1 fighter, and he's a bonus we haven't seen yet.