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We will have an early preview week for January 2022.

and we are Going to War!

Stay tuned to know more




Chen-Song Qin

We need power armour like from the animated shows or the book.


Love em all

We Are Not Home Today

Finally some Dead troopers! I can use these baddies as some nice scatter


Yeah, some great figures. Looking forward to the release.


Any chance we can get some Helghast from Killzone in the future?


For the remixers, could we get a version of NME from the Ultraverse, please? The synthetic aliens would be perfect with just some slight modifications.


I thought that the Cyber Elite tier was useless from this month because the Cyberpunk content has been moved to MMF?. I inquired about what would happen with the tier and it's bonuses and got no reply. On Paps' own advice I downgraded to Sci-Fi only here and subbed to the MMF Tribe for the cyber content. Now there is bonus Cyber Elite throwback content that I've missed out on. When I first subbed to Cyber Elite in December there was absolutely no mention of the fact that it was being dropped in January, even though I would assume that the plans were already in place by that point. Why make the Cyber Elite tier pointless and continue putting out exclusive content for it? Especially after advising an Elite tier sub to downgrade?

Sergio Lafuente

I don't know what NME is from the Ultraverse, but remember that I can only remix existing models. I don't know how to create from scratch, just simple changes


Cyber Elite is not Cyberpunk . the Cyber Elite tier has throwback release and its running for months now. if you are into the throwback releases. you can join the elite. tier to get this month throwback. also plus new month Elite only excusive model to be revealed in the coming days.


Hi Papsikels, do you have anywhere a picture shown what the January Cyber Elite throwback contains? Would be great to know that, before i upgrade my pledge again :)


Ill try to make a public post later


Thank you


Yeah. Far too many subs like this say "Pledge now and you can get this" but you can't see what it is unless you pledge 🙄. I love the Paps stuff but hate that we got messed about with the whole switch to MMF for the Cyber content.


HI Sergio, like this: https://comicreviewsbywalt.wordpress.com/2014/08/29/2-ultraforce-jackpot/ Basically not too different from the models above but with four arms.


Yes there is a high chance that i will work on this in the coming months

Sergio Lafuente

Hello Black Sunset Enterprises, LLC As I said before this is a thing for Mark, unfortunately I still can't create from scratch, but I plan to learn :)