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For those who missed the AVH 1,2 and 3 or would like to see new Contents. 

Hi guys,

Yesterday i have launched my first Ever Kickstarter.  the campaign is about Aliens vs Humans part 1 2 and 3 all in one core set.  many of my supporters already have this set but new one doesn't have it yet so i decided to have it accessible as a one mega bundle.  

but wait! what else can we expect from the Campaign?   

New and Exciting Kickstarter Exclusive Minis! 

Every Campaign has its Stretch Goals and i plan to add any levels of goals every 1000 point. lots of new models are unlocked and more to come!

i have l made a Stretch Goal only Pledge for those who are interested only to the unlocked  Rewards. 


if you are an existing Papsikels Merchant Tier holder.  and are interested to sell the new KS SG models you just need to pledge the Stretch Goals only rewards pledge and you can now have access to sell it on your online store when the campaign ends.

more info's and update will be added here. 

Stay tuned and Stay Awesome





Im loving the Royal Brood...and the Aggressor....and well everything

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Well, the "Papsikels Patreon Believer" is all gone so that leaves me out. I have most of the other models. I hope more are made available to us and I'm in.

Bruce Robertson

Supported, we need more colonists!


i find it a little upsetting when we pay $15 or more that unless we pay the Kickstarter price the extra minis are not available to loyal patrons have also been seeing characters that are not in the downloads like the whole left side of the pic above will be rethinking if i want to stay a patron.

robert banks

They have a tier on the Kickstarter for all the new models from the stretch goals for $25. Not a bad deal if you already have the full release of hunters vs. aliens.

Dwayne Hinton

the stretch-goal-only models reached about 27 at the time you made that post. adding onto Banks' post...


This is great, love the Kickstarter stretch goals. Lots of new people getting the existing models and Patreons getting a large variety of new ones for the cost of a monthly subscription. What a great deal!! Look forward to more and more!


yeah, this is where I think Mark dropped the ball a bit. The earlybird for Patreons when there were only a few stretch goals just wasnt good value at all. The natural inclination was to wait and see what would actually be there. I guess that was why it was called "believer" but still doesnt leave a good taste in the mouth


I do wish the patreon kickstarter tiers maxed out at $20 instead of $25. I probably will skip it since I didn't get the early bird discount. I understand the bad taste it might leave in people's mouths, because in order to get the complete set they've been getting through patreon they now need to buy something additional. I'm still staying a patron, but I'm not a fan of splitting up a theme / set like that, especially when we're already 3 months in.


and each release is better and better. So good!

John Elliott

seeing these models and the stretch goal models, yes, it is VERY upsetting that this will be the only way to see those.

Dwayne Hinton

there's a stretch-goal only option. and the cost-per-miniature in it goes down every day... and it already includes vehicles, modular guys, etc. so i have no idea what your negativity is about... cuz you want to pay MORE? that's always an option on KS, to overpay... have at it if you like. no idea why the stretch goals models being inexpensive is upsetting when you CAN overpay if you want...

John Elliott

Yes, the SG may be decreasing as you put it, which is fine, but the point is that we, loyal subscribers are still, no matter how you look at it, forced to spend even more to complete a theme that could have and should have been a monthly release. I believe in backing KSs and have backed quite a few but their themes were completely unrelated to work currently being or has been done. So yes, it is upsetting that I have to pay extra to get the full set / theme that should have been a monthly release. When I see this being done, it's borderline gouging. Especially with what they're already making a month.... Just saying.

John Hall

The KS is amazing value for Patreon subs - it's going to work out at like less that a dollar for each new/remixed sculpt. It'll be like getting 4+ months worth of content in one go for like half the cost.

PUGDOG Enterprises, Inc.

I'm a big fan of loyalty, real loyalty, and I'm not a fan of the "early birds" because they are a negative incentive as noted. But the amount of stretch goals is awesome, and to complete a set for a small "add on" price is *not* out of line with current goings ons. Besides, it's time to move on to the next "theme" here, and not keep dragging out the same old one. Everything has "add ons" eventually. Not just toys and games, but cars, houses, clothes, even food. Everything. Giving an option for the non-patreon releases is supporting the patrons. I just bought in to the whole thing. Didn't want to miss anything. And I really like a lot of the models here. So it's supporting the creators too. It's not "wasted" money like so many other things have been :(


Is it a way to change plage from only strange goal to Patreon pledge?


Is there any way to late pledge only just found you