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Renkaku Cyber Samurai is now live! - Download link in the post below.


The Time has Come.  meet the Modular Cyber Samurais on Steroids.  a series of previews will be added daily leading up to the May 17 release.

Stay tuned!


This Month 3 new models is added for our ever growing Metahuman Welcome Package. 

meet the new Heroes below

Here are some Painted Minis Showcasing the Modularity and the infinite possibilities of the Renkaku Cyber Samurai!

                                   Renkaku Rising -  a short Story by Marc Farrimond

Rain, it was always raining.  No matter what time day or night, the heavens always seemed to open and pour their hearts out onto the neon-lit city, like some giant child searching for a long lost toy.  Black Sorrow sighed slighting and moved taciturn into the courtyard, her lithe body vanishing into the shadows and her swimsuit making her almost totally invisible to most spectrums rendering her invisible.  The marquee in her right eye streamed data at an alarming rate, the current temperature, wind velocity, traffic reports, and much more, but many years of training had taught her to block out the extraneous information and just see what she wished to see and right now it was highlighting her quarry, three floors up in the darkened office building.

Tanika Yoshigura was not someone to be messed with! He had state of the art tech guarding him 24/7, more bodyguards than one could shake the preverbail at and of course drones, lots and lots of drones.  Right now several of those bodyguards lay on the wet concourse floor, quickly becoming as cold as the marble that was now stained vermilion with wet sleek blood.  Like a coiled spring Sorrow leapt upwards to the small slanted roof, landing silently and in one deft movement she slipped the window open and entered the room, darkness engulfing her immediately.

Two floors to go and the marquee detected numerous traps lying along the way, her hand glided over the vr screen above her hand and she effortlessly hacked into the mainframe of the office, shutting down the defenses one by one like turning off a light switch.  She smiled at how well the ICE worked and made a mental note to thank Yellow Sin for creating the simple yet highly complex programme.  Being a clone sometimes had it’s advantages and of all her clone sisters, Sorrow and Sin had the closest thing to what normal people would call a friendship, if you could call a cadre of homicidal cloned elf assassins normal!

A light came on at the end of the hall and two large shapes appeared, each toting shotguns almost as long as the elf was tall, their huge bulks signaling that they were troll muscles assigned to bodyguard Yoshigura.  Without breaking her stride, Sorrow ran along the wall and backflipped between the two towering titans and the only sound was that of their heads hitting the floor as she resheathed her nanokatana and set her sight on the goal.

Tanika Yoshigura sat back in the large backed leather chair, illuminated by the glow from the bank of monitors that lay in front of him.  He looked up and directly at the all but invisible elf and smiled a broad smile, one that had far to many teeth for anything remotely human.

“Not bad, not bad at all, but not good enough!  Really I can’t understand why send a fool to do a mans job!”  He laughed and waved his hand instantly raising the light levels in the room, and causing the simsuit to revert to its off mode.

Sorrow drew her nanokatana and her mind raced as she calculated all the possibilities and outcomes that could happen, her neuroprocessor moving five times faster than the human brain.



She moved almost to fast for the naked eye to keep up with and was within striking distance of Yoshigura in a heartbeat, and thats when it all went wrong!

The monofilament blade sliced downwards and rather than decapitate the businessman, it seemed to just disintegrate into nothingness, Sorrows momentum pushed her forward and she instantly found herself being hoisted high as an invisible force grasped her slender throat as if she was a doll.

The air phased for a moment and Sorrow understood her mistake. She was held at arms length by a hulking cyber construct, its blood red samurai armour gleamed as it shook her lithe body.

“Renkaku! I’m frelled!” She thought before the lights went out…

As Sorrows body hit the office floor, the hulking machine turned silently, its huge coiled arms folded over its chest and vanished from sight.




Scott B

Ooooh.....I will definitely be printing those.


I wonder how many floor plans you'd have to create / print to have a game running through the SCIRE / ACHE


You might want to workshop the name a bit? Great models though thank you


Now I need to finish my elven squad and think about some diorama to set them against each other


Man these look sweet... I'm loving the little bits. the stuff you have to second glance.. Keep em coming

Pablo Retamero

Welcome pack is growing fast!!


space mantis looks awesome!

Pablo Retamero

Is it the 17TH yet? I can't wait!! so much awesomeness