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This is it!!! the First Part of the Metahumans Series is now Live. with Collaboaration with Kyoushuneko Miniatures and The Arcane Gearsmith for the Intro Story. 


we give you. 

Papsikels City is not just inhabited by Humans but by Metahumans as well.

this magical creatures have different traits and ideals.

they live side by side with normal papsikels citizens but sometimes things can get rough.

Thus The League of Meta Humans is born.  an organization of different magical factions of Papsikels City. 

Druktar Taraman is the Head of Taraman Clan.- a family of Storm Shaman that harness nature power of  lightning. conjures purges and electric shocks on their enemies.

Taraman Clan plays a vital role in the 2nd Racial Wars. the Taraman's used their skills to battle Drones and Mechs Deployed By FUKIMASA on Troll Tribes during the war.

More stories will be revealed in the coming days. 

Arnork Schwarzenjeagger - is one massive Terminator . this class of trolls prefers massive battle guns but do they really need it? their beefy physique is enough to squash any normal being that comes on their way. 

many of them serves as bodyguards and bouncers in Papsikels city .

Orcvester Stallone - is a war veteran during the 2nd Racial War.  at present he is associated with the Orkish Gang Horde that is determined to bring down Watanabe Tech Corp. 

there are few orks left living in Papsikels city, most of the orks are scattered in the Outer lands  surviving its harsh Environment.

In Collaboration with Kyoushuneko Miniatures we are giving you Shadowrun Dwarfs for this Release.  more dwards will be releases on Kyoushuneko's Patreon page 


so definitely check it out!

D is a master Dwarf all arounder in Papsikels city he can be anything he wants. 

he got a twin sister and they both have a similar characteristics and Skills.

The Arcane Gearsmith


Kyoushuneko Miniatures





This is so cool! Awesome!!


This is fantasy tier though?


Damn Tuskers... :)


Looking forward for a Shadowrun special


wait so papsikel fantasy is going to be cyberpunk themed as well?


Will this be in both or just the Fantasy? Shadowrun's actually Cyberpunk Fantasy at least people have claimed it for ages. 0.o Maybe do them as Welcome Pack additions.


hi yes there will be welcome pack additions to fantasy cyberpunk welcome pack :)


These look great! How do I add fantasy to my existing Elite level? I want it all!


Wow! You are amazing Paps! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Awesome! Can we get more shadowrun stuff for the fantasy their? I love scfi fantasy mash ups


Amazing! How do I add fantasy to my existing cyberpunk level?


NEARLY ALL OTHER MINIS PATREONS: Here's some minis for DnD, the only game that exists. Sci-Fi? What is Sci-Fi? Nobody cares about that. PAPSIKELS: Here's your fantasy minis - there's one with an SMG, one with a chain-fed rotary cannon, and... <3

Beyond Hope

Jake, did you never see the Citadel/Games Workshop mini from the 80s "Wizard with submachine gun" ? :)


Yeah - and realistically the whole of 40k is basically science fantasy anyway, after all! I'm not complaining at all, I just think it's an amusing contrast.


Classic fantasy, right? Wizards, Dwarfs and chainguns ;-P