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Hello Papsikels!!!

Good News!

The Central Command has Approved an Additional Reinforcement Budget!

we will have a bonus Helljumper this Month plus a Democracy Pod!

Download your Additional Reinforcement here!

if we reach 750 active patrons this month. the Central Command will surely send additional reinforcement!!!

lets go! help spread the democracy news!

Stay Tuned for more Updates!!!


Print Showcase



Jeremy Bernhardt

Super Earth thanks you for your service.


Hi Paps, would be asking too much to configure the models in suhc a way that one can print them without the cloaks? I really like the figures, but I'm not a fan of the cloaks. How about doing what Anvil does and have multi-shell files?

Don Jones

I like Sebastian suggestion! I am not a fan of cloaks too.

PaintsOnA4Up - Cameron

These should finish tonight! :D Will probably be printed up by like Wednesday 🤣