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So after a month of raging horny monster slutiness, I´m excited to present to you this theme

A little while ago, one of you was so kind to approach me with this concept:
We have seen your guys being massive sluts, how about you show some of their softer side? 

Puns aside, I was intrigued about the idea.
I think it might be interesting, how would you like to see a cuddling Murphy? Or maybe Rycel playing the part of stay-at-home dad? Hamilton being sweet and caring to that virgin student? After all a key part of every himbo is their big and fluffy heart

Of course being me, it will still feature massive muscle butts being throughly railed and bred, just you know, all warm and fuzzy!

So let me know what you think, would you like to see a theme like this? Or should we keep it all racy and raunchy?

I´d love to hear your thoughts and ideas!



What if you Hamilton teaching a Virgin student about sex ed like a teacher being pounded by a student in class scenario and after the student finishes, Hamilton gives him an A+ and then slips him a note saying see me after class again 😏


I think this theme is great, especially during a time like Thanksgiving where cooking, comfort and pleasure go hand and hand and that I really want to see a cuddling Murphy ☺️❤️

Reed A. Saur

Yes, absolutely. Himbos need soft affection sometimes too. I especially want to see guys using a man's massive pecs as pillows. Rycel bonding with his son and cuddling would be good!


I'd really love to see Murphy getting cozy with a big bear neighbor who invited him over for Thanksgiving. That tiny waist could fit into one of the his neighbor's hands!


This sounds like an amazing idea! I can't wait to see what ideas end up coming to life! - I love the thought of Murphy giving in to his desires & having one night of romantic passion with one of his students/alumni - I'm also loving the thought of Rycel giving some lucky virgin the boyfriend experience, making his first time a night he'll never forget (the guy knew he was hiring Rycel but still showed up at Rycel's door with flowers; it made Rycel's heart melt a lil bit)! - you did some art of some hot himbo knights last year, and every time I saw your art of that big blond himbo knight, all I could think of was him having a passionate love affair with the king he's honor-bound to protect (and maybe the king gets the knight knocked up & they co-dad; I admit that last bit is more of a "me" thing haha)

Drekhan Nostraz

Loving caring horny himbos are indeed the way to go. Open their hearts and ass cheeks


I say the stress of cooking the Thanksgiving feast is getting to them. Like they got to baste the turkey every half-hour, they still gotta cook the sweet potatoes, and the kids got into the whipped cream that was meant for the pumpkin pie. It’s madness, but it somehow all comes together and people are laughing around the table while having a good meal.


Love this theme! Seeing as its also Rycel's birthday month it might be cute to see his son (or sons) give him breakfast in bed! Maybe snuggle into bed with him and also give the big himbo daddy a side of "cream" or his sons own himbo milk if you wanna get a little more wild! 😋🤤 I also like the idea of Murphy getting a little more "uninhibited" when he has a few drinks. I can imagine he becomes one of those lovey, friendly drunks. Maybe as his getting carted home by Rycel and the gang, he offers of his body to them for a night of romance. Who'd me mad enough to pass that up!? 😂


The idea sounds intressing i would love to see more of that


Especially since Murphy needs a good nap after all that Thanksgiving stuffing!


Lol they're all so sweet! That blond knight story would be so awesome, including some palace intrigue there and you have material for a whole series!


Yes, and they still gotta look stunning for their guests. Just another day in the life of a trophy husband


Awww you remembered! A Rycel pic being all soft and cuddly would be so fun to make. But man that Murphy idea sounds great too!


Its time to make a comic about Mr. Martinez and the twins and how they spent all day "Stuffing", "Marinating", and "Creaming some cornhole" in preparation for thanksgiving dinner before the wife and the rest of the family show up