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So, yeah. We're back after a VERY long pause in updates.

So what happened? Short answer is writers block. When I wrote the first three parts to MLAAWK I had gone in just wanting to do a short story of silly werewolves being furries. BUT THEN some close friends and some readers started asking serious questions. And that got my mind thinking.

Boy did my muse start thinking in overdrive. Eventually I went into full world building mode. How does a society act where werewolves are so commonplace that they can be (semi) relaxed about it? Why are there other furries? How do governments and general people treat this? What kind of werewolf society stems from this?

I doubt I'll dive too deep into the standard furry racism tropes, though that's bound to be an inevitable plot point somewhere. My main influences come from things like Bojack Horseman, Delta Rune, the Heartstriker book series, and some aspects of Peter is the Wolf. Less like TwoKinds, or the Underworld series of films.

In the end I'm back on point with some great ideas where I want to take the story from here, and on a much wider scale than originally planned. Something I'm pretty excited for. And to start things off we're switching perspectives to a completely new main character.

I hope you guys continue to enjoy this series as much as I'm enjoying making it. <3


Premise: Joe thought he’d have an easier life after high school. Instead,  there’s college work, finding a job, and the ever-evil bills to worry  about. then there's the fact the full moon reveals a surprising family  secret. Taking night classes as the mysterious wolf ‘Krystal’ might even  be manageable, until he starts catching a few love struck eyes.

Story will contain: Werewolf transformations, Male to female TG, awkward romance

See attachment for story!


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