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Hey guys!

I'm happy to report my health has seen some great progress during this fall season. My doctor put me under some new blood pressure medications and that's worked a lot towards restoring my energy and focus. October even saw me writing a higher word count than any other month in this past year. With this renewed productivity also brought back my desire to really make Patreon (and writing in general) more my main job than the dumb deli.

So as the title says; I'm trying to think of things I can do to offer more rewards, maybe even more pledge tiers. Stories are a bit harder to sort out than art or even videos. And I'm curious is there anything you guys might be interested in for rewards?

One idea I saw a fellow writer doing that I'd like to try is a crowdfunding tier. I've had tons of ideas for one shots and serial stories collected over the years. Under this tier there would be a small list of prompts that people could pledge 1,000 words towards every month, for somewhere between $20-$30. Be another option to support content you wish to see more of.

A few years back I also tried a 'vote as we go' kind of TF story that was pretty fun. I was working full time back then though, which made it impossible to keep up with. Now that I'm a bit more freed up I wouldn't mind trying again. Might be a good extra value for the $5 or $10 tier.

Those are just ideas I could come up with. I welcome anyone else's thoughts and suggestions.

Once again thank you everyone for the amazing support. I hope this holiday season finds you in good health and turned into a form you enjoy. :3


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