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Premise: Xilimyth has learned that a lot of times you can solve your problems by growing bigger!

Contains: Quick female macro growth, minor hyper and muscle growth, tickling.

Commission for Xilimyth


The bright green car was hard to miss among the backdrop of brown sand and dull green plant life. Not to mention any motorist could clearly see it’s hood popped open and the white flag of distress tied to its antenna. Which is why it sucked when the truck didn’t even slow down on its way past.

“You son of a…” Desmond dashed into the road waving his arms way too late to matter. Uttering more curses, his black furry paw foot kicked a rock on his way back into the driver seat. “I really hate people.”

“Well, Brenna’s not happy you got her car stranded either,” Xilimyth said with a lazy wag of her cheetah tail. She looked surprisingly comfortable taking up the back seat, despite having to scrunch her knees under her basketball sized breasts. It must be a cat thing. She never bothered to meet Desmond’s dirty look while finishing a tweet on her cell phone. “My battery is at twenty percent too. Didn’t you call a tow truck?”

“Yeah, but it’d be nice to get to a gas station or somewhere with food.” Desmond ran a hand through his jet-black hair before catching another thought. “And the brake fluid hose wore on its own. There’s no way I could have done that.”

“Funny how often you say that and the poom finds contrary proof anyway.”

“Is she still mad about my orca-cougar experiment? SeaWorld paid us a mint for those showings.” Desmond felt his butt vibrate and pulled his own phone out of a back pocket. The dejected groan that came from opening his messages made Xilimyth’s ears curl back. “And my credit cards won’t go through so our pick up turned around. How nice of them to leave people stranded halfway over.”

“Awesome,” Xilimyth mewed softly. Letting out an overdramatized groan, she rolled into a sitting position and exited their car.

“Where are you...whoah!”

“I’m walking us home, damn it,” Xilimyth explained in the process of removing her T-shirt. The sight of her breasts bouncing out in their tight custom bra had a way of taking her roommates breath away. She kicked off her shoes and wiggled out of her jeans as well, tossing everything into the back seat before slamming the door. Ironically the warm June sun felt nice on her half naked form. “We got better things to do and I’m not going to just sit on a highway all day.”

“Y-yeah, I mean, wait, what!? You can’t just grow to solve all your problems!”

Xilimyth stretched out her arms and draconic wings shaking off the backseat cramps. She flashed a devious grin over to Desmond, making a show of flexing her athletic bicep into its adjoining boob. “Why not?”

The slight drop of blood oozing out Desmond’s nose was her desired reward. “...even so, Brenna will just get even more upset if you handle her car like some Hot Wheels.”

“Oh pssh! She knows I’m careful with her toys.”

“You know you could probably flag down a dozen cars just staying like this?” Desmond tried to glance away but couldn’t resist going back to watching Xilimyth stretch. Something about the yellow and black spots made wonderful decorations on her muscular figure.

More so when said muscles twitched and expanded.

“Mmmpph!” Xilimyth purred with a blissful smile. Arms wrapped around in a self-hug while her bare feet pulsed larger, digging up mounds of sand around them. Her shins popped and lengthened behind them, followed by thighs, hips, torso. A systematic rush of explosive growth traveled up her body making every part noticeably bloat. “This is more fun!”

“Uh huh!” Desmond said, too dumbstruck watching Xilimyth’s ears expand with an almost toon stretching sound. The process reversed itself making the cheetahs head swell before shoulders popped and breasts bulged tightly, starting to overflow their cups. By the time her clawed toes blipped into rounder meatballs she was already looming over the car maybe a dozen feet tall.

The purring got louder both from Xilimyth’s joy and her rapidly growing stature. She could see it having an effect on Desmond’s face and wanted to milk every second of it. Toes clenched at the ground before her feet dug out an even deeper mound of dirt. She turned on thickening legs stretching out her wings and raising her tail, just in time for Desmond to see the ripple fill her butt drastically wider.

Ignoring the blubbering gibberish of a flustered roommate, Xilimyth continued her turn like this teasing display was almost practiced. Arms traveled up the Deeping ridges of her abs to cup the underside of bulging breasts. The ripple hit them right on the mark, pushing flesh between her fingers like a marshmallow while pressing down the cups of a ridiculously looking small bra. She chose to keep her underwear on specifically for this bit of fun.

It was especially cute when Desmond gawked at the cheetahs exposed pink nipples before promptly turning away. There was no way to hide his burning red face, or that tent in his pants, but the effort always felt commendable.

“Why do you always act like you don’t love this?” Xilimyth said, shaking her hips into another rush of fatty muscled expansion. Her voice carried a resounding boom across the rocky desert terrain while creeping past twenty feet tall. Shame that was about all her panties and bra could take before snapping off. It would have been fun forcing Desmond to help remove them.

“When did you suddenly become a dom?” Desmond counted with a childish raspberry. The playful banter knocked a bit of cognitive fashion back into him, and he was always eager to fire some back.

Xilimyth shrugged, her tail growing so long it twitched across both highway lanes. “When my only other option became waiting six hours in the middle of nowhere. It’s not like I’m going to smash through buildings...again.”

“Thank god for the little favors, huh?” Desmond jumped from the driver seat, slamming the door with his extra-large squirrel tail. “For someone in a hurry you seem to be dragging this ou-woooow!”

Just as another ripple struck, Xilimyth stepped forward, sending her expanding foot paw into Desmond’s chest. He landed in a painful thump on his back suddenly having thick cat pads pressing down on his lungs. A second later the woman's toes wiggled and thrusted into his face ballooning to the size of basketballs.


“Just shush, you grump,” Xilimyth said before letting out a mew that sounded like thunder with the natural acoustics. Wings flapped a few times generating larger gusts in their widening spread. Hands continued playing with her breasts as they billowed out a few seconds behind growing fingers. “If we have to do this then it’s going to be fun.”

After that all Desmond saw were the pink pads and soft fur of Xilimyth’s toes inflating around and over his face. Most of her paw snapped and widened to encompass the tiny squirrel’s skinny body as she finally stopped growing an even thirty feet tall. Thankfully she was taking great care with her seismic change in weight, wiggling toes so their squishy pads teased at Desmond face.

It was all Desmond could do to catch a breath between two digits big enough to crush rocks. Only bits of light flashed through the space of Xilimyth’s teasing foot grind. Her paw pads were softer than foam pillows and the fur made for an almost cozy cover. Shame the ground were shoving sand and rocks into very uncomfortable places with Desmond’s shifting. Trying to yell out for mercy only got mouthfuls of toe fur while hands grabbed blindly at the big pad on the paws base.

“Gah hahahaha!!” Xilimyth recoiled back pausing her macro abuse for a second. It confused Desmond for a moment that she would suddenly laugh so hard until there came an echoing of, “Stop that Dessy, it tickles.”

Seems like after years together Xilimyth didn’t know better about her roommate yet. The frantic grabbing and squeezing resumed in earnest across her paw pads, with Desmond mashing his face against her toes for good measure.


Xilimyth’s laughter pierced through the air causing everything not weighed down to shake violently. Wings flapped frantically out of sync while she hopped around on one foot generating a dense cloud of dust. It was a struggle to keep balanced without jerking her in a way that pulverized Desmond into paste under her paw. On one hard hip shake the cheetah's spotted tail sent a whole row of bushed flying into the nearby hills.



Eventually even a cat loses their balance. Xilimyth relentless backwards taking her foot paw off Desmond. Unfortunately, she could not catch herself in time and landed with a bang on her soft butt.

‘Bang’ is a bit of a light term for the effect Xilimyth has on her surroundings. She could actually feel herself sinking upon landing. The entire high brock into a crumbling mess with a very ass-shaped sink hole visible when she stood again. Even worse was when she saw Brenna’s car hop several yards into the air and land in a series of broken metal noises.

“W-what was that?” She asked sheepishly.

Desmond sat up following her gaze to their vehicle. His pointed ears could pick up the sound of something hissing, the tires visibly sunk far back against their fenders. “Pretty sure that was all four struts breaking at once.”

“Ah crap!” Xilimyth wobbled around the broken road, absently dusting bits of pavement off her backside fur. “Now she’s going to be justifiably mad.”

“Don't worry, I’ll pay her back for it.” Desmond gave Xilimyth’s foot paw a reassuring pat when it landed close. Attempts to kiss a toe elicited another involuntary giggle from Xilimyth, making him dart away sheepishly.

“On a freelancer's pay rate? You should be careful hun.” Xilimyth sunk into a squat carefully picking up the broken car with both hands. “Keep owing us stuff, the poom and I are going to end up owning your soul.”

“I could learn to enjoy that.”

Xilimyth shot him a look, grinning to find the little punk was ogling her hanging chest. Her mounds swung wider than the hills around them threatening to drag across the road in her position. “Let’s just get home. You want to ride on my head or in my chest?”

The question surprisingly gave Desmond something to think over. “I better get on your gorgeous purple hair. I’ve been smothered by enough awesome soft things for one day.”

“Whatever dork!” Xilimyth stuck her tongue out patiently waiting for the squirrel to climb up her massive form. It was kind of cool to watch the way he clambered up using the bulged of her muscles as footholds. Within seconds she felt his minor weight setting between round cheetah ears, one of which twitched from a delightful fur scratching. “Okay. Hang on now.”

With that the giant cheetah rose to her full height. Wings helped cast a long shadow over the disaster of upturned plant life and destroyed highway around them. The pair knew there was little they could do in terms of repairs, so silently began the walk home. Each of Xilimyth’s footfalls generated small tremors often leaving a series of cracks in the softer bits of earth. Even the rich curves of her body shook about in their naked glory, making Xilimyth glad they had miles to go before reaching a city dwelling audience.


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