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Premise: Sometimes working customer service can put you in a bad mood. In Vesryn's case it can turn you into an absolute monster.

Contains: male corgi-cobra hybrid into female kaiju. Macro growth and indoor destruction.

Commission for Gwen


Vesryn arrived at work already wishing to burn the place down. The morning had gone a lot worse than usual. Between missing his alarm and crashing over a wet pile of leaves, the corgra was going to have a hard time smiling at anyone today.

"Rough trip over," his boss asked upon noticing the mud smudging Vesryn's pants.

"Yup," Vesryn said while locking up his bike. It was one of those questions that seemed to beg for an 'I'm stupid' sign. Like he could afford to dent and muddy up his best means of transport on a CVS wage.

"Well, hurry up! Everyone's behind and the ovens aren't even on yet."

"Yup." Vesryn dragged his tail into the break room a bundle of dirty hair and irritation. Of course, no one could be bothered to turn on an oven. They were too busy trying to accomplish the minimal amount of work so he could cover their butts.

Luckily, he was a corgra with a sense of foresight. Inside Vesryn's locker was a fresh change of work clothes for any messy disaster. Changing into them did bring some feelings of morning fresh comfort, but a growling from his stomach soured them. Being late ruined everything, including a decent meal. It would be a challenge in itself to survive the coming five hours before lunch.

"Why can't anyone install a snack machine in these places?" Vesryn grumble over a brief stop at the break rooms own vending machines. They were all for drink related crap because candy bars are too expensive to maintain or something. No way could he get back downstairs to buy a sandwich without being seen. Every minute in here was another risk of tardy troubles with corporate.

All hope seemed lost until Vesryn caught sight of the Coke machines last three buttons. They were not the usual variations of diet sodas, but an energy drink called 'Static Fuzz.' He read off their flavor listings of Kaijuice, Blonde Bomb, and Tauriffic, finding none of them helpful in making a decision. With a 'better than nothing' mentality, he inserted the bills to select the first option.

Despite having to chug it down in twenty seconds flat, the flavor was rather enjoyable. Vesryn would peg it as some kind of flowery tea base before finishing the can with a loud belch. It certainly had a bubbly aftertaste that left his fur tingling with energy. Tossing it into the trashcan on the way out, the corgra was ready to face what hell this day brought.


Or perhaps not. Vesryn barely got on the floor when a strange tension overtook his jaw. With several loud crunches his lips parted from what felt like having large rocks pressed against his gums. A curious feel with his canine tongue revealed those to be teeth.

Employees had a vanity mirror just above the timeclock that Vesryn rushed over to. The sight of his fangs pronounced in an overbite several inches long made him bark in surprise. Ears perked up at the noise sounding a lot deeper, stronger than his normal yips.

"What the fuuuuuUUUGGHH!"

Pressure welled up behind Vesryn's nose this time, making his face scrunch tight. It suddenly felt like his face was pushing out from inside, filling his folded ears with a cascade of snaps and pops. When it finally passed Vesryn looked in the mirror almost relieved to find his teeth back to normal.

And then he realized that was only because his snout had stretched longer and wider than he ever thought possible. Deep nostrils flared atop a swollen black nose fogging much of the glass from view. The appearance of new purple scale plates along its bridge gave him an increased monster-type appearance.

The notion made Vesryn stare at his deformed snout reflection for a moment before bolting to the trash can. Reclaiming the discarded drink can, it too a bit of muzzle positioning to bring it close enough to read the tiny print.

Warning: May contain fast acting mutagens.

Side effects may include: Monsterism, spontaneous and/or rapid growth, weight gain, flatulence, and a compulsion to yodel.

Consumption of Static Fuzz brand products is a legally binding agreement to waive any liability for damaged structures, property, or people in the immediate vicinity. Please drink responsibly.

"Aah!?" Vesryn had just finished rereading the warnings when a cramp forced his hand to involuntarily clench. "O-oh...oh no."

The poor can groaned in protest as the fingers holding it grew thick with excessive power. Claws extended out from the ends, tearing through thin foil easier than butter. Even the pads on Vesryn's palm and tips bloated twice their normal size. By the time he had the control to relax the growing first, the drink can flopped at his feet a shredded mess of its former self.

Lack of recycling was far from his list of worried consider the giant monster hand he had just grown. Everything from fingers to elbow had bloated thick with muscles, befitting some uneven cartoon character. Twisting the limb back and forth he saw the same hard plates had grown out of the thick fur as if to be protective armor. They even seemed to be glowing in the dim lighting.


Another series of spasms raced up Vesryn other arm. He could only hold it up dumbfounded as the extremity twitched and inflated into a matching monster’s paw. Suddenly that drinks flavor name and warnings were making a while lot of sense now.

And this was not an idea place to turn into a kaiju.

"Oof!" Vesryn had barely ran three feet when his progress was halted again. This time by a wall of angry boss dressed in a fancier work shirt than usual employees. "There you are. What the hell is taking so...did your face get bigger?"

"Among other things?" Vesryn held up his paws to wiggle jokingly. The glittering of their dagger pointed claws made the man recoil instead. "Listen, I should really be going...somewhere, preferably with a lot of space."

Attempts to dash past were halted by a strong arm slapping into Vesryn's chest.

"Not until you explain what the hell is going on," the boss continued glaring with a complete lose for patience.

With a rising heat in his chest making it hard to breath, Vesryn could relate. "Look, I...I... aye ya!"

The manager did not have to guess what elicited horrified stammering from Vesryn. As the heat rose to an inferno in his chest, the hand holding the corgra back found itself suddenly meeting resistance. As they watched a pair of soft mounds swelled out of Vesryn's pecs, stretching his shirt into increasingly rounded shapes that distorted the CVS logo.

The growths quickly filled up what little slack the cheap shirts provided, hefting the hem in a rough unveiling of Vesryn's purple belly and orange sides. It was a lot like seeing a tube of toothpaste get squeezed, for every inch Vesryn's waist compacted, equal mass flowed into his chest and hips to expand them bigger.

Seams groaned in protest but there was nothing Vesryn could do to save the work clothes that had come from his own paycheck. A dizzy spell overtook his sense that he quickly realized was caused by a surge in height. His body was growing both thicker and wider by the second, forcing his view of the boss into an increasing stare down his wider muzzle.

With several loud tears his purple breasts bounced free almost smacking the dumb ass in his slack jawed face. The sudden growth of medicine ball breasts was not nearly as surprising as the armor scales forming across Vesryn's collarbone and stomach. Spikes were even starting to sprout out of his broadening shoulders and elbows.

Another loud rip drew Vesryn's attention to his bloating back side. The fluffy tail was starting to get extensively long, running across the floor as if desiring to return to the break room. Feeling a wedgie coming on, he decided to put his new claws to use tearing the work jeans completely off. An action he immediately regretted when that flashed a moist pair of purple feminine lips between bulking orange thighs.

Within seconds the corgra's whole physique had gone from slightly chubby man to porn star levels of woman, with extra implants and eight feet of height to boot. Not that her manager could call those tits his hand was stuck between fake by any extent.

"Um, can you let me go?"

"Yeek!" The manager had completely lost track of how long he had been trapped in Vesryn's cleavage until she had spoken up. Jerking back to reality caused him to stagger away nursing the hand as if it were burnt. "Seriously, what the fuck is happening to you?"

Vesryn growled, which came out an unexpectedly loud rumble. "Look, I would love to explain my amazing diet and exercise plan to get this killer mutant bod in detail, but I'm more concerned if you don't let me out in the next thirty seconds th...Hargh! T-too late, you might want to look into scheduling a renovation for tomorrow."

The fact Vesryn had resumed growing clued her boss that it was time to initiate evacuation procedures. Each word that left her widening snout full of sharp teeth deepened with the reverberating power of her size. Combined with the growling strain of muscles bubbling under her mix of fur and scutes had her catching the whole stores attention.

Things became real tight real fast for the mutating corgra as her head inched closer to the overhead rafters. Vesryn felt her tail crumple against the breakroom entrance seconds before her butt clogged it entirely. Fur flashed in the overhead lights being constantly shifted by the moving corgra flesh underneath. Muscles groaned from building pressure that forced involuntary flexes to inflate them larger.

That was not nearly as impressive as the three sets of horns growing over Vesryn's head. Everything else was so intense that she did not even notice them until a wayward turn tore apart a hanging advertisement for razor blades. Reaching up to feel them accidentally punched two giant holes through some support beams.

The notion of her head rapidly rising towards the roof was lost to Vesryn. She was twisting and turning to glance at all the shinning scutes and spikes spreading across her bulking body. There was even a nice set of plates forming a protective layer around her waist and butt. All the groans and growls she was making from the non-stop tension had well attracted most of the store, but they were a bit less impressed by the mutating bombshell dog looming over them.



It was when Vesryn's hardened, more snake looking hooded head, hit the ceiling that people stared to leave. The instinctive urge to cry out from the dull pain overwhelming her senses came out a little stronger and... monstrously than intended. Shooting off a green plasma beam from deep within her throat was a bit of a surprise too. It cut clear through dozens of steel supports bringing down a large portion of melted roof as a result.

"Oops, uh, heh." Vesryn blushed, clicking her claws together upon noticing the tension leave her body. Of course, her growth would tapper off just shy of getting out of the building. Now she was some sixteen-foot tower of jiggling bulk with her tail jammed into a cheap employee lounge.

An annoyed cough from below the twin mountains of her chest caused Vesryn to lean forward. A loud bang and several curses saw the collapse of another roof section when her horns broke through the beams. Just narrowly missing the debris falling around him was the monster corgra's boss. His gaze was one of mixed arousal, hidden mostly behind seething fury.

Vesryn could only offer her best smile with so many glowing green teeth. "Is now a good time to put in my two weeks?"



"Is this a bad time to ask about severance pay?"


That is a very good question. The hiring contract might not cover acts of monster. XD


Blonde bomb sounds kinda scary after that.


Well it's scary because it invokes the image of turning blonde and needing to call the bomb squad.