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(contains humans into werecreatures, gender bending, and really huge attributes, also anime sword fights)

Been a while since I did one of these, so just wanted to do a fun werewolf story to get myself back into the groove. Enjoy!


“Okay. Keep it together. You got this.”

She had been muttering that mantra non stop since getting off work, and Rachel felt no less relaxed. If anything, the drive to her favorite strip mall only seemed to aggravate her further. With a deep breath she turned the little blue wagon into the parking lot, blessing her luck some spaces were open along the storefronts. This particular strip mall had a bar and two restaurants so often found itself fairly busy even on weekdays.

The middle-aged woman wasn’t here for either of those things. As much as a drink sounded pleasant. She cut the engine and clambered out wearing a black gi over her usual sports bra and sweatpants. Once the well used bamboo sword was fished out of her trunk, Rachel stomped in for her weekly visit at the martial art studio between the more casual businesses.

“Good to see you again, Rachel,” said Bill, the dojo’s head teacher and, apparently, the receptionist for the evening. It was clear there were no classes scheduled, as only a handful of people were around doing exercises or light sparring with each other. “Another rough week?”

“Oh, like you wouldn’t believe,” Rachel explained, while tying her brown hair back with a scrunchie. “Ted fucked up on his reports and somehow got me thrown under the bus for it. I’m going to pretend everything I’m swinging at tonight has his face on it. Ugh!”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you this tense.” The older man’s narrowed eyes looked her over with parental concern. He always had a way of treating customers like family. “You sure it’s just a little reprimanding, setting you off? Or did you have another bad date you don’t want to share?”

“Oh, shut up!” Rachel laughed despite herself. Her master had a point; it felt like something important had slipped her mind with all the stress sending her blood boiling. It took a lot of pencil chewing not to punch Ted and every manager in the room during her ‘disciplinary’ meeting. “I’m just really in need of venting some aggression. You know what the wise sages say about holding in anger too long.”

“Indeed. I guess it’s good then that Kevin stopped in for the night, too. He was hoping to catch you between shifts. It seems like you both could use a bit of ‘venting.’”

Rachel didn’t need to be told that, but gave Bill a thankful smile anyway. It wasn’t exactly a big dojo, so the red-haired man going through kendo forms in the back was one of the first things she saw coming in. She liked he was already donned in protective armor, so moved to get herself suited up too.

At first it’d been hard for her to find a decent sparring partner that liked a bit of swordplay. Three weeks into trying out a regular visit routine, Rachel had accidentally humiliated five regulars with her aggressive techniques, two of which got their professional egos severely wounded on account.

That’s why she found meeting Kevin to be one wonderful gift. They weren’t particularly close friends, just a couple grateful to have someone matching their paces. The first night they’d met ended with a fight so unexpectedly heated the nerdier spectators started comparing them to anime. Word quickly spread to the point people were signing up just to watch their conflict.

A fact emphasised by three twenty-something’s stopping their practices as soon as they noticed Rachel approaching her favorite opponent, helmet under one arm and sword resting on the opposing shoulder.

“Evening, Kevin!” she called out upon realizing he was too fixated on his form to notice her yet. Experience taught her never to silently approach someone in mid-swing unless you wanted a black eye. “Fancy seeing you here all alone.”

Kevin finished his stride, turned, and whipped off his helmet to flash a smile. Soon as their gleaming eyes met, Rachel nearly lost her breath. A strange impulse caused her heart to flutter. Skin burned under the heavy confines of her Asian clothes.

“A... nice coincidence to see the lady come calling without company once again.” The slight faltering of Kevin’s bravado didn’t escape Rachel’s notice, either. Although he seemed to recover faster to continue their usual banter. “Looks like you’ve had a rough night. Sure you wouldn’t rather go next door for a drink instead.”

There was an awkward staring contest before Rachel shook her head to clear it. What the heck was that? The heat dial on her body felt like it got spun to a hundred. If she didn’t start stretching out her muscles, they might start exploding.

“Maybe if you actually beat me one of these days, punk,” she said with a bit more growl than intended. It didn’t seem to phase Kevin much as they both slipped their helmets on. “Though just to warn you; I’m in extra bitch mode, so try to actually parry this time.”

“Strange, I can’t tell the difference from your regular mode.”

Wire mesh might block their faces, yet Rachel laughed hearing the expected smugness of Kevin’s obvious comeback. They raised their swords into a stance, causing the entire dojo to fall silent. Her toes curled in their thick socks, oddly scraping their nails against the matts. That feeling of forgetting something came back with unusual urgency.

Kevin’s first move didn’t give her time to contemplate further. He lunged in with a wide swing that forced Rachel into a back step to keep the distance between them. A quick parry opened her up for a thrusting follow through, which the bastard clearly planned for.

Right before Rachel’s sword could jab into her target’s chest the slick Kevin made a pirouette to the side. His wooden blade collided into the metal pauldrons of her waist with a gong-like echo across the shop.

“One-love,” Kevin declared amidst the excited chatter of the onlookers. If he could hear the animal grumbling behind Rachel’s mask, he didn’t react to it. If anything, he sounded almost a bit reluctant himself. “Sure you want to do this tonight? Your form’s a bit too reckless.”

“I’m fine! I got this!” Rachel returned to a ready stance taking several deep breaths. It was a bold face lie as sweat already drenched her brow from that brief exchange alone. “Come on. The night’s still young.”

“I guess so-ACK!”

Rachel swooped in with the first attack, bamboo clanking together in a strong clash of power that she won. Kevin’s sword arm got pushed aside with enough force it tipped his balance. Just the opening she could enjoy jabbing her tip against his left breast with another gong.

“One-two!” she said, mimicking his smug tone. It had been a quickly established rule during their sessions that lethal areas like the heart counted as two points. “Are you doing okay tonight? Your own form feels a bit distracted.”

“Honestly, having a hard time keeping the human act up,” Kevin admitted. His labored breathing became noticeable with the rapid rise and fall of his armor. However, the phrasing of his words sent a cold chill down Rachel’s sweltering spine. “I knew I shouldn’t have come out during a full moon, but I guess we’re giving these guys a real show.”

“Wait, it’s a what!?” A million expletives raced through Rachel’s pulsing brain in a millisecond. No wonder work had upset her emotions so easily today, and she was in such a hurry to release the stress she somehow forgot tonight was one of the three a month she hated the most. “We… hang on. Don’t tell me you’re a…”

Now that she was aware of it Rachel’s arms felt more tense than ever. Still, she could bring the sword around in time to block Kevin’s next strike. They broke into a whole assault, neither refusing to give ground while the bamboo smacked together again and again.

“You seriously never noticed?” Kevin almost sounded amused, even as his voice gained a strangely higher octave. “I assumed there was only one reason you could keep up with me.”

Rachel couldn’t respond. She was too busy fighting back her increasing fear while trying to break out of Kevin’s attack. A faint to the left allowed her a chance to sweep back. Unfortunately, that caused the sleeves of her gi to briefly slide down to her elbows, showing off arms coated in a thick layer of brown fur.

“No! No no no!” Rachel trembled too much to counter attack. It was all she could do to hold on to her weapon while watching her hands puff double in size. Knuckles popped in a symphony of swelling muscles, causing each finger to lose some dexterity as they became thick fuzzy sausages. Firm canine pads boiled out of each tip to complement their nails, curving into jet black claws. It was like trying to wield a tool wearing foam gloves shaped like paws. “Damn it, Rachel. Keep it together.”

“Nya you don’t!”

Swords clashed in another series of rapid smacks. Having massive strain behind his words made it pretty clear Kevin was struggling with a few changes of his own. With every swing, the fabric of his gi tightened around flexing muscles and refused to go slack again. With every passing second his size grew in inches that caused the sleeves to ride up and expose the developing orange and black striped fur on his paw-hands and shins.

Neither of this meant anything to Rachel, since her own outfit was getting increasingly tight around her swelling body. Her head itched with the rapid growing of her brown hair fighting against its scrunchie. At some point between parries, her ears joined in the pain by growing into sharp points that moved up to press painfully into the top of her helmet.

“Argh!” Kevin’s advances were cut short when his feet literally slipped out from under him. As he rolled onto his back, it was fascinating for Rachel to pause and watch his socks shift and bulge. They were inflating like little cotton balloons, quickly developing defined round meatballs for toes. The base puffed out along the bottom to make a strong pad for walking on.

It wasn’t the claws bursting out that ultimately freed Kevin’s changing feet from their prisoners. The elasticity just couldn’t handle it when his heels cracked into a high arch that stretched them to their limits. Panic cries began filling the dojo at the clumsy unveiling of large animal paws. Yet amazingly only a few decided it wise to leave at that point.


The sword in Rachel’s hands dipped, unable to break from this odd spectacle. Not that she was in the obvious presence of another therianthrope, but that Kevin wasn’t bulking up into the hulkish beefcake of manhood she expected. Yeah, there was tons of muscle pressing out the gi and exposing his toned white furry belly. At the same time, his shoulder frame and waist looked to be narrowing. When her opponent stood up again, their whole stance seemed to change with it, legs pressed inward, with thighs gracefully thick.

“What are you staring at, doggo!?”

Despite the quip, Rachel was too distracted by the high voice coming from Kevin’s mask to avoid a hard thrust against her left breast. The expected gong was also joined in with several strained and snaps. Her sparring armor had finally had enough and was falling off the thicker area like shedding a skin.


“Arf!” Rachel blushed behind the confining wire protection. Soon as the chest protector came loose, the pressure behind it sent the thing flying. Pawed hands grab at her gi too late. Breasts the size of beach balls covered in brown fur spilled free so full and soft people could have heard the sloshing were they not still fumbling about in a panic. A once snug sports bra could do very little to stay tightly stretched around her mounds bottom halves, while desperate efforts to close the robe only caused them to jiggle hypnotically.

“Holy fucking nya!?” Kevin tossed his own sword aside at the sight of Rachel. Now pawed hands grappled with his helmet a moment before slipping two rounded fingers under enough to remove it. “Why are you so… huge?”

“Gah?” Rachel blinked, trying to register the adorable tiger face her friend now sported. Their red hard had grown just as amply as her own, swishing along her elegant, strong back like a cape. Despite being half-animal, it clearly had feminine features to match its voice. “Why are you a woman!?”

“Why are you HUGE!?”

“I’m not that… grragh!” Cramps seized Rachel by the hips, spreading them so wide her gi was forced open even further. With a reluctant grunt, she released her boobs to pull down the back of her pants. Everyone’s eyes were momentarily drawn to the crack of wolf cheeks before a long and thick tail grew out from her spine.

“Geez, you even got an enormous aaa-haah!” Kevin couldn’t finish her smug jab before nearly repeating Rachel’s motion. Claws accidentally tore the waistband of her pants, trying to slide down the seat to let a snaky striped tail wiggled free from one of the legs. They looked at Rachel with a little bounce of her childbearing hips. “See? I’m just a tall plank of wood compared to that junk in your trunk.”

“Why dgggfraggle!” Rachel held up a pawed finger a second before her face began ramming into the mesh of her mask. She quickly reached it off so her canine muzzle could grow out unabated. Loose locks poured free, draping over one eye. “Why are you even a woman at all?”

“It’s a genetics thing, according to dad.” Kevin released the straps of her chest plate, wincing at their tight snap. Removing it revealed an impressive white and black stripped breast shelf, though still considerably covered by the gi wrappings. “Sometimes a guy becomes a girl, sometimes girls become guys. I drew a short straw there and my sister never let me live it down. Still not processing how your boobs grew ten times larger than mine, and I was called a heavy set in the family.”

“It’s not like I want to be flaunting these things around. Nggh!” Rachel tugged on her clothes a few more times, but the wrappings refused to cover more than half her bouncing bosom. She was considering wearing the gi backwards when a sharp ache in her heels sent the werewolf toppling over. “Aw-wooo! What the fu-oh!”

“Forgot you weren’t done?” Kevin giggled, amused by Rachel’s blushing stare. It didn’t take long for the wolf’s feet to shred up their fencing socks as they swelled into proper paws. “Geez! Even your paws are bigger. No fair!”

“You’re taller than me, jerk!” Rachel snorted through her big black nose. The changes took a few extra moments before she felt comfortable standing back up on her tiptoes. Even with the added extension of her heels the words rang true. Kevin still had her eight feet beat by his nine, and then some.

“Yeah, but I’m practically a lanky noodle,” the tigress pouted. An extreme exaggeration, in Rachel’s opinion. Kevin was still curvier than most normal human women, by a dozen sizes. “Anyway, nice match. Always happy to kick you chunky ass.”

“You wha-oh that is low, miss... ter?” Rachel’s ears flicked up and down in a rush of conflicting emotions. The jury was suddenly out on her friend’s pronouns for a second. “We were in mid-transformation. That last strike was a cheap shot.”

“I didn’t see you surrendering any time soon, either.” Kevin put her paws on hips, sputtering a raspberry back. “Three-two my win. Unless you want to really give the people a show in that tiny gi.”

“ARF!!” Rachel did a double take, finding a lot more people had wandered into the dojo curious what all the animal fighting noises were about. Hands flew to the tops of her breasts, doing more to show off their plush density than covering them. “Alright, you won. Now what?”

“I dunno, how about that drink?” Rachel stared at the tigress like she’d just suggested seppuku. “It’s ladies’ night at the bar next door. Kind of one reason I enjoy slipping by on full moons.”

Rachel’s muscular back lifted and dropped with her deep breath. A rough tongue traced along the black lips of her muzzle in calming thought. Her throat got a bit dry after such an intense little episode. “Yeah. Sure. Why not? If you try stealing a grope I’ll break your butt.”

“Are you kidding? Boobies that fine you got to work for it.”

Low growling mumbles escaped Rachel’s snout while the pair thumped towards the exit. Padded mats couldn’t muffle the weight of their paws every step. Such looming presence didn’t stop many onlookers from taking phone snaps of their bouncing figures walking past.

“See you weirdos next week,” Bill said as they exited. The old man’s attention stayed rapt at counting the stack of fresh admission fees he’d just collected.


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