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(contains fat dragon worship and puff kiss inflation)

Commission for ThatKennyGuy


Bandits were the scum of the earth. That was not counting people like politicians and salesmen. Those that wanted to spend life causing more direct damage to others simply deserved no remorse. Robbing and killing to gain riches not deserved was the most reprehensible of crimes.

Which was why Kenny had no second thoughts about the morality of stealing from such criminals. Word had been spreading fast through the kingdom of Durge about increasing raids along its borders. Almost no one could be protected as the royal guard spread itself thin, trying to route the biggest marauding armies attacking the inner cities. Pretty much every mayor, count, or village old man was offering bounties to any idiot carrying a sword. At the very least, it gave residents a faint sense of protection.

There was no speaking for any old idiot, but Kenny felt confident that he had read more than enough adventure books to give some criminals their own deserved troubles. After all, he was... small... thin of muscle and fat... and a great hugger, especially with the bigger monster races that had such round midsections. These were the perfect starting traits of a thief bent on stealing from evil doers.

In hindsight, he should have also considered the practicality of such actions. The young man had many good intentions; waiting until the camp of cut throats had fallen asleep then stuff his sacks with their ill-gotten valuables. He could drag them back to a surviving village and be heralded as a hero returning stability to their lives.

Six minutes into that plan a loose lid of pepper seasoning among the pile of goodies had caused Kenny to sneeze. The brown-haired boy would never go into detail of exactly how thoroughly the night guards kicked his butt, or the additional butt kicking the rest of the camp gave him for waking them up. Suffice to say, that was how he ended up in a cage meant for large animals grateful to have all his bones intact. Luckily, his captors had been too drunk or tired to check his hooded robe for secret pockets. Basic rule of adventuring was to also have a backup supply of healing items. One quick vial of healing salve and his bruises were mostly gone when he awoke at sunrise.

Too bad he did not have a complement of acid or lock picks for the cage, but again, hindsight.

“Hey, kid? You okay in there?”


“Wha? Huh!?” The sound of crushing metal was quick to rid Kenny of his waking grogginess. Eyes shot open only for him to cry out again under the blinding dawn lights. Door hinges squeaked in protest as whoever had spoken to him entered with heavy footsteps. It helped his vision a bit when the visitor stood over him to block out the sun.

“Sorry, hun. Didn’t mean to wake you, but this cage sure doesn’t look comfortable.”

“It... really isn’t.” Kenny found the relief to let out a chuckle. Any bandit would have just struck him with something for kicks, not break their own cage lock. “Thanks for the hel-ah!?”

As Kenny’s vision cleared, a bright colorful blur darkened to a confusing blackness. It was only when he inched back that he realized it was the chubby bulge of a woman’s stomach. Coal colored scales glittered about its soft surface as the owner shifted on equally chunky legs. Craning his head slowly back, Kenny could make two smaller, but no less plump, breasts spilling out across the stomach’s crest. Peering back at the human boy from the space between them was a face with a thick snout full of smiling teeth and partially covered by loose locks of rich blond hair.

She was a dragon, Kenny realized, and a very naked one to boot. He promptly took a huge scoot back until he was pressing up against the bars, not out of fright but from how uncomfortably close her crotch had hovered near his face. It was quickly played off as simply trying to get a better scope of her figure. Pear was a great word to describe it; a strong upper body that poured outwards into a belly and hips that could eat a chair. The thick meaty tail slinking out behind her gave the shocked Kenny a friendly wave of its hairy blond tuft as it thunked around the cage floor.

“Never seen a Drykmir before?” she asked, clearly amused by his reaction.

“Nope,” Kenny confirmed with a nervous laugh. “Never! You’re just...amazing. Way more gorgeous than rumors of the race say.”

“... oh.” She blinked taken aback by his words. It may have just been light reflecting off scales, but Kenny almost thought she was blushing. “Well, good to know someone appreciates it. These guys probably never met one either. Otherwise they would have used something stronger than hemp to tie up their new ‘pet.’ Sorry, I’m a bit bitter about the whole being captured thing. Name’s Levian.”

“Kenny!” he squealed when the large woman suddenly reached out a hand for him. Collecting his nerves in a deep breath, he happily accepted it. “Whoop!”


Now Drykmir were not actually full realized dragons. They were more of a distant relative often theorized to have evolved from centuries of human crossbreeding. Still, there was plenty of power packed in their bones to be worthy of association with such legendary beasts. When Levian tugged on Kenny’s hand to help him up, it was done with such unexpected force that he flew off his feet to land upon the woman’s thick belly.

She felt even softer than his loving eyes could have dreamed.

Levian blinked when the human did not dislodge his head from between her breasts immediately. His hands naturally landed in a tight embrace around her waist, but at least they weren’t seizing the opportunity for some groping. “Um...you sure you’re okay, kid?”

“Mm hmm!” Kenny flashed a thumbs up before eventually pushing away from the lovingly soft gut. The deep gasp that followed implied he had little choice in the matter. “I’m twenty-seven, actually. Still just... uh... waking up though, but a nice hug sure helps a lot.”

“Right... hug.” Levian gave him a suspicious raised eyebrow stare, only to shake it off with a slight grin. “Come on, we need to get going before these dopes wake up. I may have knocked out your guards in my effort to find food.”

“May have?” Kenny pondered while following Levian out of the cage. His gaze drifted slightly off her distracting hip bounces to note the pair of bodies piled and partially hidden by a loose tarp.

“By the way, are you a mage?”

“Huh!?” Kenny’s eyes shot to Levian who was too busy observing the assortment of tents for trouble to face him. He absently wondered if those wings on her shoulders could even lift such a heavy-looking body. “N-no. I was just passing through for a quick snack.”

“Oh. Pity. We could have started a few fires or something. You should lose the hidden robe look then. It might send some mixed signals.”

“But I like hoodies,” Kenny huffed, glancing at his blood stained blue clothes. The fact it was his blood made fires sound almost appealing. “Besides, that’s gotta be some kind of human stereotype. More than just magic users wear cloaks. Uh, speaking of... why are you…”

“Hm? Oh this?!” Levian looked over her shoulder to Kenny then followed his gaze down to the red rear she was sporting. She gave her tail a few hearty wags that nearly caused her human companion to get a nosebleed. “Thought I already mentioned these yutzes caught me down by the lake yesterday. They took pretty much everything I had and thought it’d be cute to ‘tame’ me. Just as well, I was using a bedsheet for a skirt.”

“... what?”

“Hey, find me a tailor in a human kingdom that works with dragon hips and I’ll gladly tend my obligation to public decency. A pair of pants that actually fit my thighs would be great right about now.”

“... so what’s the plan then!?” Kenny forced a wide smile, wanting to think about anything besides Levian’s juicy thighs. At least not while they were surrounded by napping cut throats.

Levian raised a hand for him to be silent, then gave a quick wave to follow her. They weaved and bobbed between tents, trying to avoid the more open fire pits smoldering with old ashes. Only an occasional guard was spotted wandering about too tired from their ending night shifts to notice them. Both knew that would not last long with the rising sun.

“Grab everything of value and run, duh!” Levian answered once they found a spot between tents she felt secure in. “I worked hard killing skeletons for my bits of coin, and some scummy thugs aren’t getting it. Just stay quiet and close to me. We’ll rob these bastards and be gone before any of them notice a thing.”


“Soups on, you wretched scumbags!” A voice called out over the distant banging of a cowbell. It cut through the tranquility of the early morning with enough bite to make Levian clenched her acutely pointed ears. “Hurry and get your share! I ain’t responsible for any late risers!”

Kenny could already hear ripplings of grunts, groans, and cursing with the waking of many surly men and woman. “Leave it to the cook, huh? Whoop!?”

One of Levian’s clawed hands latched onto the front of Kenny’s robe, yanking him along with the big girl as she dived into a nearby tent. She barely got the flap back in place before they picked up the sounds of several people shuffling past. Luckily Kenny saw there were not even more bandits in this tent. Instead, it was practically full to the roof with crates and chests of various random objects.

“Well, we found their stash.” Kenny chuckled until another angry bunch of waking bandits walked past. Noise was growing all around the camp, making Kenny have to work up the courage to whisper. “So now what do we do?”

“Well, if you got a flint this tent is perfect kindling?” Levian offered with a joyful gesture to their surrounding containers. Her smile dropped under the intense stare Kenny shot back. “Okay, I have a better plan, at least... in a practical sense. Help me dig through these stolen clothes.”

Breakfast for bandits was traditionally a chaotic, unorganized mess in every possible way. Survival of the fittest was the most important law, even among their own numbers. As such, the first hours of the morning were usually spent arguing and, literally, fighting each other over bowls of stew. They were not even allowed chairs or spoons anymore with how often such utensils made good murder weapons.

By the time Levian and Kenny had found the right attire for her scheme, most violent noises had abated. They could only hope the coma brought on by full bellies would allow them some leeway in sneaking to safety.

“Who the fuck let you out, beast!?”

“And who said you could get your grubby hands on our loot?”

“She looks kind of sexy though.”

So much for that plan. Levian stuck her head out for a peek and almost head-butted one of three bandits getting ready to enter the same tent. Good thing for stupid bandits, though. None of them even made a move for their swords, trying to stare down a dragon that loomed two feet above them. They would have suffered a few easy gut punches for referring to Levian’s hands as ‘grubby’ but she resisted the urge with a deep sigh.

“So sorry, great humans,” Levian put on her best submissive sounding voice as she stepped fully out of the tent. Every motion of her corpulent body rang out with a chorus of tiny clicks and clack. Besides sliding on a belly dancer’s bikini over her thick assets, the dragon had also snapped on as much jewelry as her body had space. This proved to be quite a lot given the dozens of bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and headpieces glittering in the sun.

It was certainly overdone enough to leave the bandits dumbstruck for several seconds.

“Yes, sorry!” Kenny shuffled out around Levian to face the guards. He smiled despite utterly loathing his eyepatch and hat disguise. The young man had to ditch his robe for smelly unwashed clothes to better match the bandits in front of him. “I was just getting her ready to entertain the boss and had some trouble finding the slave tents.”

“There are no slave tents, you stupid newbie!” One thug reached out with both hands to pull Kenny up close. Their raw fish breath almost made him gag with every word. “Lucky for you, the boss is waiting for his new pet. Try to show us up again and we’ll take your other eye.”

Something about being previously flung about by a fat dragon woman made this potentially drunk guy’s threats a lot less intimidating for Kenny. Even with both arms, he could not be lifted beyond his tip toes. The fact they had lots of sharp knives was still worrisome enough.

“S-sorry, bud. It won’t happen again!”

“Better not! Now snap to it, both of you worthless chubs.”

Kenny was released with a hard push, which he recovered from before toppling to the ground. That seemed to satisfy the trio as they circled around Levian’s girth into their supply tent.

The pair exchanged a look that Levian followed up with a jerking of her thumb. They moved quickly as they could between more tents, only now the constant rattle of gold trinkets hitting each other had everyone in the vicinity watching them.

“Guess we got no choice but to see the boss now,” Levian grumbled under the ruckus she was making. A hand absently reached back, snapping the hem of her thong and causing a ripple across her butt. “On the plus side, I really need to know who makes clothes with this much elasticity. I haven’t worn something comfortable in years!”

“Um, that’s great and all.” Kenny gulped, too nervous about the fear of death to admire the bouncing booty in front of him. “How do you even know where the leader is?”

They rounded a bend upon which Kenny saw an open face tent several yards away. A red carpet had been rolled up to its entrance where a particularly battle scarred man sat upon a decorative throne. Pillows and decorative plants were all laid about while a pair of vixens in chains and dancer bikinis stood waiting on their master’s whims.

“It’s always the one that enjoys showing off,” Levian explained with a smug glance back to Kenny. “We’ll have to just wing something and start running if it goes wrong.”

There were a million other plans Kenny would have loved to hear over that one. Too bad their options were severely limited as they entered the leader’s tent. Both wrinkled their noses almost in unison thanks to the strong scent of lavender seeping through half a dozen burners.

“I’m going to have to give Frank some due credit,” The leader laughed while eying up Levian’s expansive curves. “After you nearly broke his arm yesterday, I was worried you’d be difficult to manage.”

“Of course not, kind master.” Levian kept her tail still, forcing the nauseating words from her mouth. Playing coy was just another adventure for her, and she made a point to keep her eyes darting around to appear meeker. “I was merely taken by surprise, but now this feels much better than roughing it in the forest.”

“Oh, yeah?” The man shifted to lean forward, his gaze intensifying around Levian’s breasts bulging in her bikini top. “What are you? Some spoiled mother from a beastman tribe? Can’t imagine your fat ass as a hunter.”

That got a few nasty chuckles from the guards and other slaves observing Levian’s every move. If only they had been as sharp as Kenny, they might have noticed the slight flaring of Levian’s nostrils. But that moment of anger was promptly buried under a very wide sharp toothed smile.

“Of course I can’t fight. That’s just silly. I was dancer to an inn from a previous village your handsome boys burnt down.”


“Really?” Kenny parroted, realizing his mistake under the death glare Levian shot him.

“And who the hell are you?” The leader snapped with a matching irritation. He looked almost surprised, as if speaking had alerted him to Kenny’s presence for the first time.

Before he could think of a response, Levian’s beefy arm coiled around his shoulders and slammed him firmly against the rolling fat of her hip.

“This is old cook friend from same inn. Also, my dancing coach. We used make big performances every night for guests.”

Kenny went limp, giving off a muffled groan into the dragon’s squishy red scales. Such a lame story was so full of holes no sane person would ever hesitate to…

“Oh, okay. That checks out then.” The leader reclined back in his seat. A snap of his fingers spurred one of the vixen slaves to bring him a bread roll snack. “The boys and girls can always use some new entertainment to beat each other over. Go ahead and give us a dance now.”

Another muffled, much louder groan caused Levian to smack Kenny upside his head. That got the little human jumping back to attention on his surroundings.

“Of course, great masters! We will dance splendidly for you.”

“You had better.” The leader scowled for a moment before snapping his fingers twice. Both of his vixens whipped around with ears perked and tails stiff to await their commands like trained dogs. “Get some instruments. I want music for our entertainment to dance with.”

Both vixens were off quick and quieter than trained assassins on their task. While Kenny watched them go, he risked a peek back out of the tent. Any hope of finding an escape route was dashed. By now most of the camp was awake, alert, and gathering outside with a keen interested in the ‘fat red monster’ scantily clad for their benefit.

“So, uh, Levian? Can you even dance?”

“Nope.” Levian also seemed to regard their surroundings, weighing out options. She was particularly looking at the roof and sky a lot. “Can you?”

“Not in the least. I’ve played some clarinet but…”

“Don’t worry about it. My plan will work regardless.”

“Plan!? What pla-aah!”

The vixens returned in a rush; one with a flute, the other a harp. They resumed their places standing on either side of their human master making swift work in tuning their instruments. 

Soon as they popped fluffy tails back in, Levian grabbed hold of Kenny to back him up slightly outside the tent’s open face. All the crowding bandits backed away in unison to give them a generous dancing circle. She also had to act fast, directing one of Kenny’s hand onto her hip while gently holding the other for a traditional waltz.

“Listen and don’t talk back, Kenny, I... Kenny? I said listen!!” Levian’s last word came out with a searing hiss that snapped the human from his doppy daze. He had gotten lost in the feeling of repeatedly squeezing the fat along her curvy sides. “We’re going to try giving them the lewdest show two talentless hacks can improvise. When I go in for a kiss, I want you to take a deep breath and blow all your air into my mouth.”

“Wha… ah!?”

“Just do it!” Levian hissed again as the vixens played a slow melody. She rocked her hips with a hard step that nearly flung Kenny around like a doll.

Thankfully, the big dragon calmed her nerves, and they settled into a more rhythmic dance together. Kenny did not think himself capable of leading, but Levian had the fortunate lack of patience to already assume that role. Jewelry clattered to the hard bumps of her tail swaying. Each step Kenny followed only to find her plush scaled belly smashing against his chest and face. Rolls of jiggling fate bounces and squished around his smaller stature, occasionally whacking his hair about with the swaying of her even softer breasts.

It was like he was experiencing heaven and hell in a glorious mix of emotions. Levian may act abrasive, but her body generated a soothing warmth and sense of protection. That and Kenny really loved hugging what he called ‘big softies’ back home.

“Now!” Levian whispered when the song reached a tempo that slowly dropped off. She worked in time with the music to pull Kenny off her gut and squat down just enough to wrap her muzzle against his lips.

Kenny had just puffed out his lungs with all the air they could hold before he felt plump dragon lips wrap around his mouth. Closing both eyes, he pushed back as Levian requested, blowing out down her throat with all he had.


Of all the things Kenny expected from this plan, actually accomplishing something was not one of them. From deep within the dragon’s gut came a hissing noise remaining consistent with the force of his blowing. Hot air blasted down Levian’s throat without the slightest hint of resistance. She even rolled her eyes back with a sensual moan while taking it all in. When it ended, the same eyes snapped back urgently, staring into Kenny’s. Her hand left his on the thick dragon’s hip to pat rapidly against his chest, but the moment he caught on to take another breath their dance song resumed.

“Keep calm, and get ready to do it again,” Levian muttered when she broke their kiss.

It was obvious something drastic had changed soon as they resumed a dance. Levian’s steps had become stiff and unbalanced, trying to continue leading Kenny through their waltz. Hips had lost their energetic bounce, unlike the thick lizard tail that stuck almost straight out bobbing behind her. Everything about her limb movements looked inhibited. When his face met her chest, the scales sprung back with the highly taut skin, generating a hollow drumming sound inside the dragon.

“No, seriously, what?” Kenny looked up at a grinning Levian getting annoyed at her lack of sharing odd plans. Even her shimmering breasts looked way too firm to just be supported by a stretchy bikini.

“I have magic fire breath,” she said while purposely going into a stiff dip that flashed her thong butt to a cheering bandit audience. At least the dragon knew a thing about creating distractions. “The gist is that I’m building it in my mouth so when you blow air in I can change it into a gas on the way inside me.”

“Why would you want gas…”

“Trust me!” Levian spun, almost smacking Kenny over with the whipping of her tail. She lead him through another few steps that Kenny could have sworn had a squeaking tune. The music once again slowed so the playing vixens could take a rest. “You’re about to see something really awesome, so pucker up and get ready to blow me hard!”

“Wait, wha-hmmph!?”

Sweet dragon lips latched across Kenny’s surprised face again, leaving him no choice but to grip her soft curves taking it all in. Instinct, and hormones, promptly compelled him to tease the dragon’s muzzle with light smacks and tongue play. A startled moan meant it was Levian’s turn to be surprised, but she managed to pus the pleasing stimulation aside. Some hard hip bucks that slammed her belly against Kenny reminded him there were more life-threatening matters at stake. With most of the camp enjoying their impromptu make-out session, he had an easy time taking deep breaths through his nose.

What resulted from his efforts would be on Kenny’s mind for weeks to come. Little squeaks could be heard from across Levian’s body with each breath blown into her. The dragon went tense, drifting arms from their embrace into a more stiff position at her sides. All other movements became just as locked under the mounting pressure of gas. She reminded Kenny of the wooden mannequins armor smiths would use.

Until the dragon in his arms began expanding, anyway.

At first it seemed like Levian was simply pressing her belly into Kenny in a flirty manner. Something that happily encouraged him to pump a large breath down her gullet. It was so big that Levian’s entire middle swelled out into a tight round bulge that forced them slightly apart. With a loud pop, her waist reversed to push out and become flush with the belly. The push also dislodged their crucial lip lock, leaving Kenny flabbergasted by Levian’s more bloated body. Her cheeks and limbs looked fuller despite her weight feeling noticeably lighter.


“Just keep going!” Levian snapped in a panic. Light jerky movements of her head and fingers tried to lean her back in for Kenny’s lips.

“Hey, newbie! What the hell are you doing to my new pet!?”

Angry yelling from a bandit leader was all Kenny needed to grab Levian’s puffy face and feed her another good, long exhale. Loud squeaks like rubber carried across the camp from Levian’s body rapidly expanding out and up. Her already thick rear billowed out behind her, stretching out the golden weave of the slave thong with surprising comfortability. Likewise, the ample black breasts ripened out as two smaller spheres to her gut, even bouncing off the crest like children’s toy balls. Much as Kenny wanted to enjoy the tight mounds sliding along to envelope him in their cleavage, the other bandits were recovering from the sight of a dragon bloating up bigger than their tents.

Pain and ache burned at Kenny’s lungs, which he did not let stop the biggest breath he could muster. The whole scope of Levian’s plan had become rather obvious, making him hellbent to see it through. Besides, the sounds of slow gas hissing into her body, and its subsequent creaking, was pretty dang fun. It was especially nice how her body expanded to push its scales firmly against his body. Almost all semblance of joints were quickly hidden under the swell of her hide. The tail was reduced to a giant squeaky tube erected into the air like its tuft was a blond flag.


“Oh, crap! My jewels!!” Levian whined since only her face was left with any functioning muscles. Every last piece of treasure applied to her body proved too shoddy for such rapid gains. Hinges broke off, clasps snapped, and necklaces shattered off the dummy thick dragon in a shower of glittering debris. There was barely time to mourn their loss when Levian felt a tingle run over her scales. Some slight shifting rustled her lower body before the whole dragon floated off the grass. “No, no, no! Kenny! Grab my treasures, quick!”

“Someone kill them!!” The leader shouted to his dumbstruck tropes.

“Sorry, Levvy! I don’t want to learn if you can pop like that.”

“Don’t you da-MMPH!”

Kenny wiggled deep into Levian’s cleavage, rather liking her at the size of a house. Unfortunately, his added weight was just enough to keep her anchored to the ground. While the surrounding bandits scrambled for axes and knives, he shot forward to give Levian one more exhausted kiss.


What little treasures remained on Levian fell away from her expanding mass, causing more distressed whines from the dragoness. At least the thong and bikini continued to stretch snuggly over her assets while they squeaked or bounced with increasing size. Her bloated rear draped in gold rose above all the tents as she surpassed the size of a decent cottage.

“EEK!” Looked like this kiss filled her with enough gas for the escape plan, and not a moment too soon. Kenny barely finished exhaling when Levian’s body shot off the ground completely free of gravity’s pull. If not for the bikini, Kenny might have slipped out from her literal boulder-sized cleavage from the rush.


An arrow whizzed past so close the wind rustled Kenny’s hair. Bandits in the rapidly shrinking camp below took several more pot shots with less luck. Some even threw axes and spears, coming no closer to hit the giant dragon blimp floating away. Before long they were caught up in the air currents, getting whisked across the countryside to relative safety.

“You okay there, Kenny?”

Levian’s squeaker voice made it impossible for Kenny to hold in his laughter. Only after almost two whole minutes of giggling while the puffy face of a helpless dragon glared on did he finally catch a breath. His poor lungs were going through a lot today.

“Y-yeah, just some vertigo... squeaker.” Kenny giggled a bit longer and eventually settled into the fold between Levian’s breasts. “So, uh, do you do this often? You sounded very knowledgeable about inflating yourself.”

Levian was already flush, but such a question made her face burn. “I’ve had to escape a few messes like this in the past. That’s all.”

“Sounded more like you enjoyed it, though.” Kenny’s eyebrows wiggled. “Sure you only save this trick for escapes.”

This whole situation of bloated suspension over miles of farmlands almost felt like a mistake. If experience taught her anything, Levian realized she was stuck floating with this pervy dork for a long time. “Don’t read too much into it kid. I swear we’re never going to do this again.”

A firm snuggle around the tree trunk that was Levian’s neck was Kenny’s response. “If you say so, new friend, but I’m going to hold my breath for you.”

“... make any more puns and I swear I will drop you.”


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