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(contains feral mouse to anthro TF, with a side of height, muscle and curve growths)

Commission for Mysteryman


The prison wall fell away without warning, blinding Holly in a flood of outside light. All she could do was huddle in a far corner, waiting for her vision to clear. This day was going awful already, with being snatched off the kitchen floor and stuck in a dark box for who knows how long. There was very little hurry to see what awaited outside the cramped space.

Eventually, as all things go, leaving the container became the only real choice. Hunger pains stabbed Holly’s stomach, to say nothing about thirst. Neither of those were coming to her on their own.

Pink paws inched her towards the opening on light steps. Pointed snout whipped back and forth in search of the slightest threat. Whiskers on the end twitched faster than Holly’s tiny heart. Fear still loomed over her thoughts, but there were smells coaxing her forward.

It was not the sharp sour stench of cleaner coating the marble floor. No, this was a scent of something delectable. Holly did not have to look far to find the source. Someone had left a large block of cheese mere feet from her shoebox, with a bowl of water paired next to it. Something must have been used to coat it, because it was giving off the strangest green glow. That might explain what made it smell so tasty.

Hunger proved a great motivator for dropping inhibitions, but Holly still took a moment to observe her surroundings. Rushing in blind got her locked inside that dreadful box to begin with. The ample lack of any other life seemed to make her caution almost unnecessary. She found herself in an enormous white room lined with mirrors and bright lights. It looked big enough to fill with dozens of humans, but the only thing in it besides the mouse was the food in front of her.

What the point and purpose her captors had for doing this to a street mouse was beyond her understanding. This seemed rather extreme for just feeding her. Not that she would question it on an empty stomach. Throwing caution to the wind, Holly trotted over to the block of dairy as big as herself, taking several cautious nibbles when her muzzle was in range.

It was not a flavor of cheese the mouse could recognize, but all she cared about was how damn good it tasted. Holly threw herself upon the block, biting off big chunks with her pronounced front teeth. Whatever had been mixed into it left the texture creamy, making her enjoy the way it ran down her throat. Dang food even left a pleasant warmth stirring inside her belly.

Before she realized it, she had consumed a mouse’s weight in cheese. Holly squeaked giddily at having her sides almost comically bulging out with food. It was a rare treat to feel full in her days of scurrying. She then moved on to the water bowl, which helped swell her body out further. The cold drink was so refreshing on her dry throat that Holly almost drained the bowl.

Holly rolled off to lie on her side with a satisfied burp. Perhaps she had overdone it just a little. The heavy load stretched her skin so much it ached. Rounded rodent ears curled, practically picking up sloshing noises from her belly. It did not change her mind that such a feast had been well worth it. There was no telling when something like this would be offered freely again.


That was an unusually strong shifting of gas, Holly thought while placing forepaws on her middle. The warmth all that cheese brought seemed to get stronger as it digested into her system. She tilted her head, continuing to watch her belly expand and deflate with her breaths, as if that would offer some explanation. Was she already getting hungry again?


“Squeak!!” Holly’s hairless tail slapped the floor, going stiff. A powerful shifting struck inside the tiny mouse’s stomach, radiating out across her body. Muscles became tense, drawing taut in a powerful flex. She grit her teeth, struggling just to keep inhaling through the gaps. Perhaps she had walked headfirst into a trap after all. Regret filled Holly as she wondered if this is how poison had claimed many other street animals.

By some miracle the tension passed, or at least weakened enough that Holly’s muscles could relax. She sprawled out in a daze, trying to comprehend the meaning of that. Heat continued to boil the mouse up from the insides, even her drool making steam as it leaked onto the floor.

Through the hazy confusion, she noticed something else weird happened. Pulses washed over Holly’s body almost in perfect rhythm to her heart. And then her fur became itchy as it tugged along the ground, almost like she was being dragged.

That was clearly not the case, since nothing was even grabbing her. Holly looked down at herself for the longest time, seeing her fur and paws twitch with her pulses. It was not until she caught a side glance at the empty plate and bowl that she got a clue what was really going on. Both dishes seemed comparatively smaller from her shifting perspective. Before she needed to climb the bowl to get in, but now she could probably stand on hind legs to lean over the edge.

“Haah!” Holly squeaked again, too boggled by her growth spurts to notice a hint of intelligence creeping into her vocals. She was already the size of a large rat with the rapid pulses showing no signs of stopping. Fur became denser while sides thickened, bones lengthened with muscles working to keep safely wrapped around them. Within minutes Holly might have been mistaken as a house cat, and then she surpassed the size of a strangely tailed doberman. It felt weird watching the bowl seem to shrink down to the point she could carry it in her paws.

Her... paws?

Holly gazed down at her front legs at a complete loss. Size was not the only change overcoming her form. The bones in her toes were giving off rapid popcorn pops as they lengthened. Extra joints formed in a drastic increase to their dexterity. The little numbs off to the sides even plumped up into a stout digit that would make grabbing easy for her.

“Nnngh! Oooowww!” The front legs themselves soon gained their own growth spurts. Joined in by her back legs, making her even larger by the second. A hard cramp caused her shoulders to hunch, only to stretch outwards by an expanding collarbone. Holly suddenly found herself able to rotate her front limbs in many directions they could not go before, making it hard to still consider them legs, or even paws. They were becoming impressively lean with muscles, and perhaps pleasingly plump with fat. “Ooooh! HUGH!?”

Speaking of which, her hips were going through a cramping expansion of their own. Harsh grinding in the joints compelled her hind legs to rotate out from under her. Paws scrapped their claws across the tile floor until walking on all fours felt strangely uncomfortable.

The constant widening of Holly’s hips also dramatically reshaped her rear the process. Grey fur ruffled in a slow rise while glute muscles jutted out from under the base of her noodle tail. A large deposit of fat rolled on top of them, further rising the curving cheeks until she had a thick pair of buns leading into some powerfully shapely thighs.

Holly’s tail thrashed as she raised up onto her hand legs for the first time. It took a bit of waving from her... arms, but she found some balance. Having limbs streamlined with her spine made that easier. Trying to walk around on two paws, however, was a different beast.

Not that she knew what to look for while exploring the room from a human perspective. The box she had been in minutes ago looked silly laying next to her paw foot. Holy could even hold it in just one of her pink-skinned hands.

A fluttering in the chest caused it to slip from her fingers with a gasp. Both hands clenched atop the area, feeling the sensitive fur around her teats wiggling. Without warning, her chest pushed back, hard. Despite all efforts, her palms were slowly shoved further away from her chest by increasingly sensitive mounds. Fat just seemed to pour around her sensitive pink numbs, bloating the milk glands around them with increasing weight. Within seconds the pressure became too much, causing gray fur to bulge between her thin fingers.

“B-breasts!?” She did not understand why, but somehow knew she now possessed mammary glands like a human would have. Huge ones at that. In fact, she was suddenly aware of a lot of things that seemed familiar and new at the same time, things she had no memory of ever learning about. As she let the soft mounds slide out of her palms into a gentle hang, with a bit of a jiggle, she was certain they were of an above-average size.

Just what she needed; more bounces and wiggles on her changed body while moving about the large room in search of answers, or at least an exit. It was just mirrors after mirrors all along the walls giving her multiple views and perspectives of her toned muscles and healthy curves. Such a sight was nothing to complain about. Holly had never considered, much less desired, being made part human, but dang if it did not make her look a heck of a lot cuter.


Besides, her rodent stomach had much more pressing concerns. There was no way of telling what her captors were planning to do after her sudden transformation. She just hoped feeding would be part of the agenda soon.

“Hello? Anyone?” Holly called out in a still mouse-like squeaky pitch, but human sounding enough. Not that she had any idea when or why she suddenly knew how to communicate like them. The hunger and trapped situation took a higher priority. “Is anyone here monitoring me? I can only assume this is some kind of experiment about metamorphosis, because obviously I’m proof it’s working. No offense, but you seem poorly prepared for it. Leaving me naked is unsanitary, and I have no place to deposit waste if this is a long-term thing.” The anthropomorphic mouse said with an intelligence she certainly did not possess a mere ten minutes ago.

Silence returned the moment her muzzle snapped shut. Rounded mouse ears twitched back and forth but could hear little beyond her own breathing and the hum of light bulbs. After a minute, one of her paw feet began drumming its claws irritably against the floor.

“Seriously, are you guys listening to me? It would have been at least standard to provide audio receivers with any observation cameras. That weird cheese experiment left me starving after I finished. You can at least provide me with an adequate meal.”

Realization hit Holly with her own sense of foolishness. Her brain may have altered with her body to become smarter, but even the best had ditz moments. Glancing down made her tail wag at the sight of the green glowing cheese still resting on its plate. It was still a decent-sized block by human standards after she had nibbled off a sizable chunk.

“Nevermind, this will do,” she shouted with a giggle. Without hesitation, she scooped up the heavy morsel to rip a much larger chunk off with her pronounced front teeth.

Something about her taste buds must have changed with everything else, because this flavor burned her soul with such delight. Happy mouse hips could not stop thrashing their pink tail around in hard bops. Thanks to having a much bigger muzzle Holly finished the tasty morsel in no time. She put thickened lips to use sucking on her fingers one by one trying to savor what crumbs of dairy remained.

“Well, that will do for now, as far as nourishment goes. URP!” Holly blushed after unwittingly releasing gas for the first time. What an odd sensation that was. Surveying the room one more time found nothing new. There had been a faint hope once she had finished the cheese, and possibly the experiment, someone would come out to explain their next step. “It would be nice if someone came along soon, though. I don’t want to waste this amazing new body just waiting in a roo-oooOOOMMMM!! W-what the frick?”

A wave of tension washed over Holly’s abdomen, causing her to hunch forward, hugging it. Spite flew from her mouth in deep heaving breaths as the muscles of her torso flexed in several hard pulses. Maybe she was not supposed to eat the whole cheese if the result was becoming sickened. Fear seized her mind that maybe it was still poisoned. Becoming human like might have been some unforeseen side effect.

Knees quivered in their struggle to keep the mouse standing. Everything sure felt labored and sore despite barely moving from the room’s center. The pulses were coming with increasing intensity, sending ripples from her center across every cell and hair in her being.

“What the…” Hugging her stomach made Holly notice the shifting in her abdomen first. Muscles under the furry skin crawled from the energy infusing into them. They writhed against her palms disturbingly before puffing out with rapidly increasing density. Deep ridges formed until the muscles were squished against each other, resembling a rack of bread buns.

Granted, these abs could not possibly be considered soft. Holly’s shaking hands traced along her defined tummy, finding them incredibly sensitive despite the steel-like firmness. As she watched, the other muscles around her waist smoothed out of any fat only to swell into more angular, hard ridges of power. Even her back bubbled with many supportive wedges around her spine. A human doing hundreds of crunches a day would probably never reach this level of torso power.

“Gah!” Holly’s curious arms shot out in a waving motion, struggling to keep balance. Swelling mouse paws streaked across the floor thanks to a surge in her height. It only seemed to pause for a few seconds before her body stretched taller and thicker again, and again. She had to constantly readjust her stance to keep from tripping over her own growing feet with how fast her satellite ears creeped towards the ceiling. Looking down only helped make her nauseous. Having a perspective of the floor moving away was like falling in reverse.



Holly nearly fell over when her breasts and butt exploded out in opposite directions. Hands slammed up, trying to hold her expanding mounds only for the soft flesh to overflow the space between fingers. When she eventually gave up, their hefty mass fell into a deep hang that covered her top pair of abs in mammary flesh. They had both easily surpassed the mouse’s head in size, looking so full she could hear milk sloshing.

Curiosity brought her hands back around to cup the thick swell of her ass cheeks instead. It was hard to tell if it was filling up with more fat or muscles, and frankly both sounded like a pleasing option. Her rear jutted out so firm and soft that a normal sized human could probably sit on it without trouble. To say nothing of how her hips had expanded double their previous width. She was having a hard time guessing an exact measurement considering her continuously growing height rising past twelve feet.

“Hnnngh!! Oh... oh my…” A loud pop filled Holly’s sensitive ears, which she realized were her shoulders spreading to match her hourglass hips. The flesh underneath bubbles underneath, bulging out the skin with strengthening muscles like she was wearing protective pads. That quickly changed with her biceps thickening out in a wave down her arm, only pausing at the elbow for a second until an involuntary flex inflated her shins with titanic strength. “T-this is not an e-e-experiment I would expect. Nnngh! Mah! B-but I guess I c-can’t complain.”

Spasms struck the mouses thighs, sending her staggering into a wall. The mirrors simply could not handle a sixteen foot mouse woman’s force, shattering most of the glass upon impact. Holly barely felt a thing, being more interested in watching the space between her legs fill up with strong beefy fibers. Her legs were soon forced into a permanently wider stance with such rich thigh muscle, combining with the bulking of her shins to swallow her knees in dense ridges.


“Owie!” Blunt pain trickled down from where Holly’s scalp crashed into the ceiling. She slumped onto her fat butt, trying to find space in an increasingly shrinking room. As her hands rubbed around the tender bump, fingers noticed an odd thickness to her head fur. “Ugh. Hair too, huh? Seems silly to come out now.”

Despite the complaint, hundreds of fine fibers continued growing around the fingers holding them. Holly soon became a bit impressed with the silky texture to her new hair, more so when she caught sight of her meaty curved self in the mirror. Having a long flowing cape of grey swishing across the middle of her ridged back added an air of cuteness to an otherwise intimidatingly huge and muscular physique.

“Maybe it is a bit late, but at least it’s over before you wrecked the building.”

Holly blinked at her reflection in the still unbroken mirrors. It took an amazing amount of seconds to realize that was not her voice speaking. Whirling to face the wall she had fallen into revealed it had been completely retracted. Much like the shoebox, there was now just a wide square gap leading into a dank metal hallway. One that, thankfully looked high enough for her to stand in at eighteen feet tall.

“Down here!”

And then the mouse looked down, having to crane over the reach of her chest mounds to see a little blue fox guy standing next to her knee giving a cheerful wave. It was hard to get a read on his role in all this due to having cargo shorts and a t-shirt under an open lab coat. Not the expected appearance of a scientist.

Still, it was another life form, albeit a quarter of Holly’s size, so she offered a warm overbite smile back. “Hi there? I’m Holly. Did you do this?”

“Wow, you named yourself? That’s amazing progress from our projections.” The blue fox seemed to talk to himself while jotting notes on an iPad. His fuzzy tail, which was bigger than his actual body, wagged happily from this observation. “And yes, this was a little mutagen enhancing experiment I wanted to try out. Call me, Desmond. I hope you don’t mind the unexpected growth spurts.”

“Well…” Holly flexed both her arms. Tense muscles inflated nearly twice as thick before being drawn taut as she winked to Desmond. “I think I can survive like this.”

Desmond was blushing, though that might have been more to do with how her breasts vibrated with the tensions. “G-good to hear. Please come this way.”

“Um... okay?” Holly rose onto feet hunched over until she got out into the larger hallway. Her little host moved with surprising speed to stay ahead of her stride. “So may I ask what purpose you’ve caused me to meta morph into such a tall and... shapely state?”

“Hm? Oh! My friend is sick, so I just want you to help comfort him until he gets better.”

Holly nearly tripped over a corner following Desmond. Having vastly improved intelligence did nothing to help her wrap sense around that kind of answer. “You mean you picked a random mouse off the street, fed them mutagen to rewrite their physiology, and drastically increased their sex appeal just to tend to one sick person?”

“Yeah!” Desmond glanced over his shoulder, looking like Holly’s protests had been inappropriate for their situation. “The flu is no joke. I’d do anything for my buddy’s morale and health.”

“Would it have not been more cost effective to have just hired an already amply endowed mouse woman instead of creating one?”

“Geez, you’re sounding like my wife.” Desmond paused in front of a shutter nearly as tall as Holly. Fingers tapped rapidly across a glowing number pad. “No one ever wants to do the fun thing and watch you grow over a hundred times in size. Put this on, please.”

The shutter whipped up fast enough to be considered a safety hazard. Beyond it, Holly was only mildly surprised to see a nurse’s dress big enough to engulf a car. Having the opportunity to stop conditioned air from blowing across her naked fur prompted her to do as asked. To her surprise, the material was pretty fitting despite so many random factors that went into her body’s macro growth. Even the tight area around her bust and hips was compensated by the material’s rich elasticity.

“I don’t think I have the skills to do proper nursing, Mr. Desmond.”

“Please don’t make me feel old by being formal. And don’t worry about that, we’re just doing the dress for cosmetic purposes. Unless the poor boy gets a heart attack seeing you, in which we have emergency alarms installed.”

“That is not very reassuring.”

“It’s the flu, not a terminal illness.” Before Holly could counter with mortality rates, she had no business knowing, Desmond gestured to a door several yards away. “Anyway, the guy is in there. Do anything you feel like to make him happy. I’ll go get you both something big and tasty to eat.”

“Um…” Holly watched the little man skip off without a care in the world, even humming the theme to a kid’s show she could not readily identify.

With a shrug she took the few steps over to enter her sudden patient’s room, having to duck over the doorway’s top to avoid another headache. This room was almost as bare as the last one she was in. A single bed was set beside a spacious bay window with some monitoring equipment that was not set up. A stand on the far wall held a TV with consoles for gaming, and books for reading.

“Oh...wow! I told Desmond I wanted a huge nurse as a joke. I hope he didn’t force you too big.”

A bunny man was resting in the bed, eyes wide as plates, watching Holly squeeze inside. She had not thought it possible, but he was even smaller than Desmond. Hair was almost clean shaving on top of an adorably round head that matched his extra large hands and feet. The teal and orange fur made her wonder if everyone at this facility was exotically colored, perhaps because of the experiments conducted.

But such inquiries were not part of Holly’s current job. After taking a moment to pull her skirt back over her rump, the mouse sauntered her way to the bedside. Looming above a bunny small enough to be a pet only seemed to excite him further.

“It was a bit... excessive,” Holly admitted, rolling her shoulders in a flex that made her chest bulge against the tight gown buttons. A sight that made her patient blush. “Still, I can’t find a reason to complain yet. You can call me Holly, cutie.”

“I... I’m Jeff. This is great to meet…” The bunny was cut off by an involuntary series of coughs. Holly promptly dropped her flirty posture to rest a comforting hand across the entirety of Jeff’s back. “S-sorry about that. God my throat is sore.”

“Well, no need to talk too much on our first meeting. I feel you’ll be with me for a long time.” Feeling inspired by Jeff’s adorable smile, Holly sunk into a squat. The bunny’s grin vanished to one of confused squeamish when half his body, along with the bed, became overflowed with pliable boobs. Unable to get his arms out from under them, he could only look over the mound’s crest into the mouse’s alluring grin. “What’s saying we start with me hand feeding you lunch. Then you can spend the afternoon playing video games in my lap. We can wing the evening from there, but if you’re good, I’ll give you a bath.”



“No one ever wants to do the fun thing and watch you grow over a hundred times in size.“. Which is crazy. One would think there’s a whole slew of hungry TF enthusiasts just waiting for the chance to (pay to) see something as amazing as a feral mice turning into a giant, buff, anthro nurse. I guess they’re broke. Still: Jeff is so lucky to have a mad scientist as a friend lol. Don’t even have to worry about health care—as long as they don’t mind the experimenting ;3


A street mouse was an interesting choice, since they still carry the plague. Interesting story.