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(contains BBW, feral TF, Pool toy TF)

Thanks for the questions guys, though I couldn't fit them all in. Let me know if you like this kind of experiment by hitting the heart and I'll do more.


Nothing like having an open pool after years of quarantine. Having one built in for her condo was a favorite among Tabitha’s many investments. It gave her both a personal place to lord over in the summer and an excuse to raise the rents. A total win-win for the monster boss of Seattle.

She flipped the gate latch which gave off an annoyed screech of rusted hinges. Apparently the cleaners weren’t as worth their pay rate. Something to be addressed during their next monthly visit. For now Tabitha walked into the fenced off area, briefly slowed when her goat thighs caught on the three foot wide opening. She wrinkled her lion nose pondering replacing the whole gate.

“Later,” She shook her head with a giggle. Large cloven hoofs smacked the concrete in her heavy steps around the pool edge. A green bikini helped cover large feline breasts, while a matching thong concealed the green snake scales of her hips and buttocks. The large solid green anaconda that served as her tail swished gently with the rocking motions, occasionally swerving in curious glances at their surroundings.

Tabitha was in such a good mood this warm spring day that she was alarmed when her tail suddenly hissed in aggravation. She twisted to glance back at it and then followed its gaze to the sunbathing area they were heading towards. Rage quickly filled the chimera’s six-hundred pound being. Sitting right on the extended, reinforced steel recliner ordered specifically for her was one of the most deplorable, deviously psychotic tenets she ever had the hell of needing to interact with.

“Good morning, Tabitha!” Desmond waved back cheerfully. Either the blue and black squirrel-fox had a plan for his transgressions, or simply didn’t understand the eight-foot monster of death stomping towards him. Just one of his many enigmatic traits to get pissed off over.

“Good morning runt.” Tabitha did not try to hide the angry growl in her words. Her hooves stopped beside the extra large recliner making sure her wide belly and shoulders blocked the moron’s sunlight. Her rounded ears flicked curiously when she felt one platform nudge a paper bag full of bottles. “Don’t suppose you mind getting your dirty dyed fur off my seat?”

Why is Desmond’s fur blue and skin yellow?

“Dirty?” Desmond straightened up in an unconvinced indigent way. “I’ll have you know this is my natural pelt. It just looks this way from all the metal mixed into the hair so my radiation stays contained.”

“I don’t care that you…” Tabitha blinked slowly, actually taking several hoof thumps backward. “Have you been filling my unit with radiation this entire time!?”

“No. That’d be completely reckless,” Desmond said laughing at such a dangerous notion. “My blood just has a lot of natural radium in it. That’s why the energy has turned my skin to a yellow pigmentation. It works with my fur as if I’m constantly wearing a lead suit.”

“That really doesn’t answer. You know what, I’d rather not think about it. Get off my fucking chair!”

“But I just got comfortable,” Desmond whined, not even reacting when Tabitha stepped forward again with a warning hiss from her tail. Instead, he was fishing through the bag for a soda can. “It’d be the same as putting two of the normal ones together. Or how about I lotion up your back for ya?”

Hey Desmond? how do you manage to write on a keyboard with your fox paws? Seems like it would be hard, especially since speech to text doesn’t understand fox sounds either: p

Tabitha snorted in response. Without explanation she squatted down, driving one of her thick paw hands into Desmond’s bag.

“Whoa! Tabby? What are you… aw hell!”

“Yeah. I’m not in the mood for this.” When the chimera withdrew her hand, there was a thin bottle of shining green liquid pinched between her claws. Taking no effort to bite off its bottle cap, she promptly tilted it over to pour the fizzing contents atop Desmond’s head. “Get off my seat before I drown you in your carbonation trash.”

“No! Please stop! That’s not soda. It’s myyyyip! Yeep yeek yap yap!”

“Say what?” Tabitha raised an eyebrow glancing at the now empty bottle she held outstretched. Only then did the duct tape label of ‘feral fun’ become apparent to her. She glanced back at Desmond, not very surprised there’d be a stash of weird fetish fuel nearby. “Huh. I can only imagine what poor souls you were planning to torment today, creep.”

Desmond said little in his defense, unless hapless barking and chirps were a language. His body twisted and flailed its limbs rolling side to side as if struggling with cramps. It made Tabitha cringe when several cracks caused him to arch his spine in newly straightened ways.

“YEEP!” Desmond blushed watching his chest barrel outward with the expansion of his ribcage. A hard grimace matched the sudden craving of his stomach, but it was the sudden grinding collapse of hips that sounded really uncomfortable. With a loud snap he was fully flipped onto all fours already looking like his body was built for such a natural stance.

A fact confirmed when his swim trunks slide off around Desmond's hind paws. That was a set of privets Tabitha could have lived her life never seeing up close.

Another loud whine came from Desmond as he watched his hands flex and compact in on themselves. Thumbs shriveled away in seconds on their journey up to his wrist to become the declaw to a paw of thick forepaws. With a sudden sneeze, all the black hair on his head flew off in a small explosion, landing everywhere across Tabitha’s personal recliner.

While that still pissed her off, Tabitha couldn’t help plucking the suddenly feral fox by the scruff of his neck. On top of everything else, Desmond only retained a third of his former size, looking more like a toy hanging before her smug lion face.

“Yip! Yip! Yip!”

“Well, I like the new look, but I never fathomed you could sound even more annoying.” With a grumpy huff, Tabitha tossed the little fox across the pool where he landed in relative safety among the flower beds.

Her mistake was assuming that was the end. After taking a second to brush off all the black airs, Tabitha turned to ease her massive rear onto her favorite seat unaware of the little blur erupting out of the bushes behind her. There came a warning hiss from the snake tail, but Desmond had already closed the distance. His narrow maw sunk into the presented ass getting a wonderful taste of bikini and snake scales.

“RRRWAAAARRR!!” The chimeras lion roar was enough to set off car alarms across her condo’s parking lot. Reacting purely on instinct her paw snatched the first thing it could from the bottle bag and brought it around onto Desmond’s head.

What’s the longest you have been stuck as an inanimate object, body part, and/or sentient dessert/food?


Either the fox had a skull made of brick, or he invested in cheap glasses. The container shattered easily on impact bathing Desmond in a dose of some grey fluids that carried a powerful scent of lilacs. He instantly released the vice grip on Tabitha’s ass cheek with a pained yelp and flew into a tumble across the concrete ground from her monster-tier strength. 

Tabitha was too angry from the bite marks searing her scaled backside to notice Desmond’s pathetic whining grew silent. After a bit of rubbing into the soft cheek did nothing to ease the pain, she hefted onto both hooves, preparing to throw the entire bag at the little bastard.

“How dare you touch my gorgeous form without permission,” she roared, turning with surprising grace on her keratin platforms. “I… Desmond?”

The blue fox continued to lay on his side from where the earlier attack sent him. However, Tabitha took a tentative step closer noting his more rigid stance. Legs stuck straight in the air with his tail, seeming to lack any sense of joints. If anything, his entire body seemed to have a more rounded, lumpy feel to it. Even his bright wide eyes and smile were fake, virtually painted onto a vaguely formed head.

“Oh!” Tabitha blinked as she realized what Desmond’s smooth skin, now reflecting sunlight off it, reminded her of. She glanced at the broken bottle still in one paw and giggled over its label of ‘Pool Toy Time.’

“Guess I found one good way to finally shut you up,” she teased, first dropping the broken glass in a dumpster before waddling over to pluck the near weightless toy fox off the ground. Amazingly, there was no trace of the potion itself spilled over her chair or ground, which was fine. Tabitha didn’t like the idea of spending time as an inner tube or something herself. “Hope your roommates don’t mind me keeping you like this for a month… or three. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before biting a woman’s behind.”

The inflatable in her paws didn’t move in the slightest, but Tabitha had a feeling Desmond could hear and understand what was going on. That cute rabbit neighbor he was always bothering recounted such weird experiences to her before, after all. Such a notion got her lion whispers twitching in thought, eventually producing a wicked smirk that would have made the pool toy recoil if he could.

“Welp! Since we’re here, it seems like a waste not to go for a swim now. Knowing your perverted mind, this might seem like a reward, but I’ll try my best to be rough as possible.”

The world became a blur as Tabitha did another hoof pirouette before leaping off the pool’s edge. Very few understood that thickness in her goat's legs was almost all muscle, generating a great height while she tucked the latex Desmond body under her breasts. The last thing she allowed her new toy to see was the increasingly dark outline of her shadow covering the pool water before being cannon balled into it.


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