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(contains: Cerberus style fusions, muscle growth, galactic macro growth, hyper growth, and armageddon level orgasms.)

Commission for Ganger


Nothing like paying a visit to one of... those friends. Do you know the type? Not the bad kind full of contempt that begs the question why anyone would deal with them. This was the friend that was fine enough to hang around; anti-social with awkward quirks, but also funny and reliable when they finally relaxed. The real problem came when they needed a favor. It was clear providing aid would lead to nothing but trouble, but lack of animosity made it very hard to say no.

Any friend of Desmond Fallout would likely relate to such sentiments. Very few of them can recall ever doing the self-proclaimed scientist a favor without suffering bizarre afflictions for their trouble. Usually it was some massive transformation in species, gender, or both, although some did claim to have brief stints as underwear and socks. Point being; extreme caution was needed when stepping into the lab of a crazy squirrel-fox.

One of many things Ganger still had not learned to bring on his visits. Last time Desmond had asked for a favor the dewott could only remember having an ass and breasts so big he could not stand. The mass of his pelvis had made it impossible to move the attached legs under him. Learning to say no was just not in his nature. Although he walked into Desmond’s lab carrying a duffle bag of clothes so large their tags could not fit all the X’s.

“Welcome to my magic kingdom, dew!” Desmond said while giving Ganger a big hug. One of his favorite things about hugging the dewott was feeling the plush beans of his massive hands when they embraced. The curse of being a total paw lover. “Have a pleasant trip over?”

“Eh? It was an Uber.” Ganger shrugged awkwardly at the question. Trying to think of anything interesting to say was always hard. It was not like a kaiju was rampaging across Seattle and delayed his ride. Not yet, anyway. Setting his bag by the door, he followed Desmond’s wagging squirrel's tail into the testing chambers. “What weird science do you have planned this week? The city still making you pay off all that siphoned electricity?”

Last time Ganger had been in this room Desmond had synthesized a stone that ‘evolved’ his pokemon type from water to electric. An accidental backlash had even made the squirrel-fox his own unique species of electric pokemon. That would have been amazing if not for the side effect of leaving them insatiably hungry. All Ganger could remember specifically was sticking his tongue in any available power socket to drink up the electric currents. By the time power had been cut they were both six hundred pound battery blobs with barely a spark of intelligence between them.

“Yes, actually,” Desmond said, leading his friend into one of the enclosed chambers. On a plan table rested various fruits and a stack of unlabeled toothpaste tubes. “I managed to work out some deals that paid off that little mishap. Pennies in the bucket compared to how rich this new substance will make me.”

Ganger eyed tubes and then the fruit as if expecting some tricks. “You’re making fruit paste?”

“What? No! This is a new type of glue that’s going to solve a lot of peoples storage problems.”

“They’re going to glue fruit to the walls?”

“If they want to, but that’s not the point here. Watch this.”

It was not like Ganger came here to do anything else. Holding back about a dozen questions, he watched Desmond screw off a tube cap. A liberal amount of purple cream was applied to his yellow palm-pads before selecting a banana from the fruit pile. Desmond applied the cream along one side, eyeing Ganger smugly, as if the dewott should have been amazed by the act. Using the same lotioned hand, he picked up a pineapple and pressed it against the banana. After holding them together for a few seconds, Desmond made a big show to Ganger about trying to pull them back apart with no success. The fruits were placed gently on the table, tilting to one side clearly bound.

“Ta-da! My epic adhesive in all its glory.”

Ganger’s tail wagged gently against his legs, expression blank as he stared at the fruit. Looking up to Desmond quizzically, he offered, “Uh, that’s just great boss? Are you planning to outdo regular glue by making it edible?”

“Well, that, and the secondary effects. Keep your eye on the pineapple.”

Ganger raised an eyebrow but further insisting from Desmond reluctantly brought his gaze back to the table. Both eyes shot open wide, seeing in that brief lack of observation the fruits had begun a dramatic shift. The skin around where they were glued had bled into each other, changing the hues into the same golden brown. The banana itself was gradually getting smaller as Ganger watched. Its essence seemed to flow into the pineapple, making it inflate like a balloon, one that was stretching out to be a lot longer than it was wide. In a minute, the banana was completely gone. Yet, it was not quite a pineapple that remained. The fruit was over a meter long and its spiny skin had brightened to a sandy gold.

One of Gangers meaty paw fingers reached out to poke the surface. It was squishier than a pineapples surface too. “Did you just…”

“Fuse a pineapple and banana? You’re damn right I did!” Desmond spread his arms in a beaming smile, reveling in applause only he could hear. When he was done with that delusion, he produced a pocket knife for Ganger. “Go on, try it.”

Dang it, stuff like this is what made Desmond a friend to be cautious about. Ganger took the knife too curious to resist cutting it open. Ample amounts of juice thick with pulp leaked out across the table by the time he got a decent chunk out. The dewott’s big black nose wiggled furiously over the aroma of fresh fruits. It was like having a smoothie prepared for him.

“Oh god!” Ganger exclaimed soon as he popped a chunk of yellow meat into his mouth. Juice was gushing out of it without even needing to bite. It was the perfect blend of banana and pineapple sweetness that no blender could produce. Razor-sharp teeth crushed down upon the morsel flooding his cheeks with the delightful flavors that had his toes curling in their shoes. “This is the best fruit I’ve ever tasted.”

“Exactly, my friend.” Desmond said while helping himself to a mix of the hybrid snack. “This glue not only binds things together on a contact level, it completely melts their physical attributes together for a perfect fusion. Look how huge they got from just one of each. I can meld thirty tomatoes together and get the mother of all pasta sauce.”

“Or ten boxes of noodles into one big lasagna,” Ganger said, but then stopped eating, pondering another thought. “Shouldn’t you be worried about fruit fusing into you?”

“Nah, I already modified the agent to protect against that.” Desmond wiggled his smaller paw hand, showing off the glistening mix of glue and juice covering its black fur. “It’s specially designed so it’ll only fuse things with equally similar genetic structure.”

“Damn, Dessy. This is a pretty clever invention.” Ganger cracked a smile with his shark-like teeth. On instinct, he raised his own enormous paw-hand a few inches in front of Desmonds. “High five!”

“Aw yeah!” Desmond cheered, smacking his paw with Ganger’s. Palm pads squished together like delightful pillows for a second. Their contact filled both anthros ears with a wet splat of all the juice on their fingers. “Ummm…”

And then Ganger tried pulling away only to find his pad firmly connected to Desmond’s. Smiles slowly dropped into confused stares, neither prepared for such tight resistance. It was probably just suction from being so wet. The dewott gave a stronger pull, causing Desmond to yelp from the strain on his shoulder. When that failed to dislodge their paw-hands, Ganger firmly planted his feet and reeled back for all he could.



Perhaps he should have warned Desmond about the action first. That might have prevented the lightweight squirrel-fox from getting yanked face first into Ganger’s chest. They both cried out, tumbling to the floor in a cluttered mess. Getting back up was another rough ordeal while playing tug of war with their glued hands, but somehow they managed. Ganger looked to Desmond finding the horrified realization on his friend’s face mirrored his own feelings on the situation.

“D-Dessy? We don’t have the same genetic structure, right?”

“No, of course not,” Desmond said immediately, only to tilt his ears with a faraway stare. “At least, I don’t think we should. Pokemon are way different to... whatever the hell I am. Both of us being anthropomorphic can’t possibly result in a perfect blending.”

Ganger gulped, not even staring at Desmond while he spoke. “T-that’s good. I was worrying since our hands are fusing.”

“Wait, what!?” Desmond looked back just in time to watch what nubs remained of his fingers sing into the thick pads on Ganger’s. His friend’s own digits twitched and plumped even bigger as their pads gained a more orange coloration to them. White claws darkened into a grey to better match the fur. Palms crackled softly with expanding bones and flesh, which only sped the consumption of Desmond’s hand until he was joined with the dewott at the wrist. “To be honest, I haven’t tested this on complex organics either, but it seems to function properly so far.”

“So far!?” Ganger wiggled and tugged again, but that only seemed to draw more of Desmond’s arm into his bloated paw-hand. Now the squirrel-fox was in up to his elbow, reflected in how the fur on Ganger’s forearm darkened into a deep aqua color and swelled with unexpected muscle. “What’s going to happen to us?”

“No idea,” Desmond said bluntly. “But hey, I always wanted to be part pokemon.”

“Didn’t you turn into a pikachu bimbo last month!?”

“That’s different. I was just-WHOA!”

Ganger felt a disturbing contraction in his hand. With it, Desmond’s bicep was sucked into his enormous paw pad. His own arm promptly rippled and slowly inflated with the extra mass. Grey fur dyed into the deep blue while soft ridges of relaxed muscle puffed out his limb. Under normal circumstances, the dewott would have almost been overjoyed to become more ripped than the Machamp at the deli.

“You can stop this right!?”

A few moments of wiggling proved to Desmond his shoulder was not popping off that pillowy dewott paw easily. “Even if one of us wanted to hack off a limb, I don’t have the tools for it here. Strange it’s working so fast too. Maybe having circulatory systems is expediting the fusion to-AW SHIT!”

Every fresh muscle bulking up Ganger’s arm swelled double in size before he could help it. His still normal, thick paw clamped down on the bluer forearm, but it did not help. The hard contraction seizing his limb slurped up Desmond like spaghetti noodles, complete with a wet pop out of the paw pad at the end.


Ganger reeled back, enveloping his head with mis-sized hand-paws. The world was spinning as his body adjusted to the meal it had just consumed. Pressure especially welled up in his right shoulder. Bones snapped as they enlarged and spread drastically with bubbling muscles. From what he could see out of one squinted eye, there was some kind of boil larger than a baseball rising out from the space between his neck and shoulders. It continued to well up until Ganger thought he might be sick, only for the pressure to suddenly give.

A sharp gasp filled Ganger’s ears, the makings of a black nosed snout tapped just out of his peripheral. Moments later, the dewott was alarmed by a strange numbness that overcame his changed muscular arm. It moved seemingly of its own accord, feeling along the growth on his neck. Nerves still seemed connected to his brain even if he could not flex them. He could feel the plump finger pads stroking over ears, through hair, and even honk the bit of nose he could see.

“Okay, that was rather unpleasant,” Desmond’s voice snapped Ganger out of his stupor. It was right up against the dewott’s ear too, making him wince in pain at the volume. “D-Desmond!? Oh my gods! Are...you on my neck?”

Ganger felt his shoulder give a dismissive shrug.

“I’d say it’s more our neck now. This is unexpected. I figured our minds would merge too, but I guess that’s where the matching genes end, eh? Hrrk!”

Cramps seized up in Ganger’s chest to remind both his dazed heads this fusion was not over. They each clamped on a breast with their paws, gasping when the flesh underneath surged back against them.


So much for Ganger’s prized pokemon league shirt. It fell off his rising form in seven chunks while paws cupped a pair of pecs falling over with dense sinew. All over his body was becoming dark blue with a solid black on his four paws. Nipples shined out through the fine furry chest as bright yellow silver dollars.

The rest of Gangers torso boiled over, wanting to catch up with the dewott’s upper body strength. Abs crunched into a solid stack of bricks around a deep belly button. Waist snapped the rim of his shorts, chiseling out stiff peaks of tough tendons. Even the blue fur along his broadened back had many patterns that rose and swell with the casual use of their muscles. He held up his arm, watching grey become blue before fattening like a super sausage. His paw hand flexed its fingers, watching each digit pop twice as large. The palm itself swelling to better accommodate all the girth. It was almost relaxing to feel his limbs become symmetrical.

“Eep!” Ganger staggered when the arm suddenly bent to flick him on the nose. His whole snout wrinkled, fighting back a sneeze before twisting to get a look at his smiling shoulder neighbor. “Damn it, Desmond!”

“Sorry. I’m just experimenting a bit. It looks like we might need a system for sharing control.”

“That feels so freaky!” Despite his protests, Ganger could not help focusing on his beefy muscles. There was a bit of strain that suddenly released, and he found himself able to control the arm on Desmond’s side again. “I really hope we will not be like this forever.”

“On the bright side, we’re getting amazingly ripped.” Desmond yanked control back to flick paw pads along the many bumps lining their stomach. Another gasp made him pause before drifting further down. “Speaking of which, here comes the rest of us.”

“What are you... oooohhhh!”

It took an extra second for Ganger’s head to receive the rush of pleasure over flooding his groin. He leaned in with Desmond to get a better view over their puffed out pecs. Their hips had been steadily spreading with extra mass to accommodate an expanding backside. Legs had become just as blue as everything else with the expected rise of so much strength the thick layers forced them into a wider stance. But it was the space between the monstrous paw-feet that had their delighted attention.

Any resignations Ganger had for their rapid transformation melted away from the sheer bliss sweeping through their giant body. Both heads felt a hard pulse ruffle the denim of their pants, followed by an explosive bloating. Their collective cocks combined into an impressive phallus outlined in the tightening fabric. It’s button strained for several seconds before giving out a sharp snap. A thick mushroom head flopped out through the new space, surprising its owners with the yellow and pink spotted surface. The rest of its shaft quickly followed, gaining inches both from the fusion and the pair’s arousal.

The tight pants were surprisingly stubborn, pinching growing testicles like a pair of grapefruits. When the seams showed no signs of giving, Desmond used their claws to tear the entire garment off. Now their dick could wag freely before them with its soft erection. A pair of grey balls swayed gently with their steps, nudging their knees now and then. It was surprising for Desmond to ease up on control, as Ganger almost immediately grabbed for their miniature canon with both hands.

“Looks like you... aaahhh…” Desmond bit his lip to stifle a groan. The dewott was pumping all his paw beans across their member in a gentle back and forth. The stick of meaty nerves throbbed in response, rising into the slight upward curve of a full hard on in no time. “Y-you seem to be, gah, enjoying this now. Oh christ, why are our paws so soft?”

“Mmmh, I like soft!” Ganger declared, his strokings gradually increasing in speed.

No doubt the dewott was going to be clocked-out horny for a while. It was a condition Desmond referred to as ‘post-transformation arousal.’ All that stretching and shifting of muscles, bones, and fur on the nerves can equal the sensual pleasure of ten body massages. The former squirrel-fox would know, having experienced such experiment aftermaths plenty of times.


Judging by the rising tension in their legs, it would not last long, anyway. Desmond could feel everything Ganger did with their body. Their body hunched forward to better hammer palm pads across the length of taut foreskin. Pre drizzled out the gaping hole in their bulbous head, staining their knuckle fur. Both heads were groaning now, abs crunching in labored pants.

“Gah!” Ganger gasped, feeling the thick shaft pulse in their hands. He tried to continue the stroking, but it slowed considerably.

Desmond whined softly beside his head brother. They could feel the muscles in their hips drawing painfully tight. The spotted member pulled back into a high rise while ball sac drew tight against its base. Ganger forced a few more long strokes across the fleshy member, helping build the pressure rapidly mounting behind it.

Shame that canon was aimed at the chamber entrance when a raccoon woman in a lab coat came strolling in. She had been too engrossed in typing out a text to notice what awaited inside.

“Hey, Desmond? Sorry I’m late. Slept in, and... uh…”

Jason finished her text right before a glob of sticky fluid splattered onto it and most of her hands. She looked up dumbstruck at finding a multicolored penis head throbbing inches from her own. Fluid dripped in a constant stream, forming a puddle at the raccoon’s paws. Looking past it she was barely surprised to find the lumbering mountain of muscle had Desmond and Ganger’s heads on its shoulders.

“I see you guys have been busy.”

“Huh. I didn’t even notice us getting bigger.” Desmond looked around, finding the table of fruits and glue a lot tinier than minutes ago. All that muscle must have shot them up to nine feet tall. Not that he had time to contemplate that with the hard pulse that rocked his shared body’s hips.

“H-hi Jason,” Ganger strained as his paws clamped gently around their shaft. “Y-you...might want to...to...duck?”

Jason raised an eyebrow but realized fully what was happening when the penis aimed at her bulged in a hard contraction, sending a large glob of milky fluid out the head and down its length. “... oh.”


The second pulse was a lot less restrained, as was the third and fourth. Jason found herself ejected backward out of the chamber into the far wall of Desmond’s lab. Seamen blasted her body with a force that kept her pinned several feet off the ground. Ganger and Desmond’s orgasm was so potent it was impossible to notice any pauses between ejaculations. Jason might as well have been bathed in a fire hose. It was all she could do to keep her mouth and eyes shut, trying to endure the burning of her lungs until it was safe to take a breath.

By the seventh contraction, the amount of splooge finally eased up, with the tenth barely making a stream across the room to pelt Jason’s toes. Only then did the raccoon let out a gasp that sprayed globs of spunk off her lips. Relief was short-lived as gravity returned, yanking her from the wall into the pool of excess fluids filling the floor. Oh god, it even got up her nose.

A wave of drowsiness settled across Ganger’s mind, but the notion he had just jizzed into a friend’s face helped sober him up fast. Same could not be said for Desmond, who the dewott saw was already asleep. The squirrel-fox head listed limply onto its bulky shoulder, tongue rolled off to one cheek with eyes half-closed. It was a sight that made Ganger really hope his new neighbor did not snore.

“Jason? I-WHOA!” Ganger took one step, but either from fatigue or just having huge stocky legs found it hard to maintain balance. Not that a floor covered in his own juices helped paw pads keep a firm grip. He gave out a sharp cry as the hulking mixed form slid three feet while enlarged hands flailed to maintain control.

Instead, one palm hit Desmond’s experiment table, which could do nothing to support the eight hundred pounds the two boys had combined into. Legs promptly broke, sending everything crashing to the floor. The impact popped several of the toothpaste contained to pop their contents under Gangers enormous paw hand.

“Ow! What the hell...my lab!?” Oh good, the fall also got Desmond’s head awake too. The only things he could even feel at first were soreness and pain, but as he looked around at the mess coating inside and out of the chamber, memories came back. “Ugh. Why does it always have to be in gallons? I need to find a way to run a power generator on peoples fluids. Oh, hey, was that Jason?”

“Sure was,” Ganger said as he got their body back onto cautious foot paws.

When they got out of the chamber without further pratfalls, they found Jason still laying in the largest pool of wank results. At least the raccoon found the sense to roll onto her back. Little bubbles emerged from her nostrils with every small breath, leaving mucus to trail down her muzzle. Eyes could only twitch as the giant two headed hunk loomed into view over her.

“You okay, Jason?” Desmond asked. His head showed a lot less apprehension than Ganger’s. The dewott alternated looking at the soaked clothes on Jason’s body to the remaining foamy ocean around them.

Jason opened her mouth, choked on the rush of things that poured into it, and then hacked out a reply. “I hate you so much, Desmond.”

“She’s fine!” Desmond declared with a bright smile to Ganger. “Nothing a shower and decontamination can’t fix.”

Ganger’s focused whipped back to his fellow head. “Decontamination!?”

“Of course. My radioactive nature is a part of us too. Always good to be cautious about these things, or she might start growing extra heads too. Can you help her up?”

“Yeah. Sure.”

Ganger reached down with to gently wrap plump meatball fingers around Jason’s shoulder. He only needs one paw to heft the raccoon back onto her trembling legs.

“Thanks,” Jason said grumpily as she began wiping off what chilling semen she could. It did not help when Ganger’s paw gave a sharp yank nearly knocking her back over. “Um...you can let go of me now?”

“I’m trying!” Ganger said with surprising alarm in his voice. No matter how much he tugged or wiggled his palm refused to separate from the back of Jason’s lab coat. It was pretty easy to guess why, but the sight of purple strands mixed into the ample juices on his hand confirmed Ganger’s fears. “Oh shit, I’m covered in Desmond’s damn stupid glue.”

“Hey, it’s not stupid if it works!”

Ganger ignored his other head, almost flailing a protesting Jason around in the air trying to get the smaller raccoon off. Then he felt the hard contraction run seize his wrist and stopped cold. The fabric of her coat was already feeding into his plush pad. “Shit shit! Jason, you gotta get your lab coat off before we absorb you.”

Jason just blinked up at them in confusion. “Absorb? Wait, what the frick have you guys-SHIIIIII-!“

Another hard pulse of muscled pulled Jason off the ground again. This time she did not come back down. The raccoon slid through the flesh of Ganger’s palm, cutting her scream short as it devoured her within seconds.

“Ewww! Is that what happened to me?” Desmond asked as he watched the offending arm swell out. It was like the limb really had eaten their friend. He could see the bulge of Jason’s body traveling through the bicep to vanish into their buff torso.

“Yup. She’ll probably be rejoining us in a second.”

Not even a second passed after say that when Ganger felt a crunching in his side’s shoulder. Their back broadened by several more inches to allow a large pimple to rise out of the stretched furry skin. It grew to nearly the size of a basketball before both boys felt a ‘pop’ and heard Jason gasp.

“W-what the fuck was that?” Ganger felt control get torn from his arm so Jason could feel around her raccoon's head with it. The feeling of monstrously large pads on her nose made her gasp again, pulling the paw hand back to wiggle its rounded fingers. “What the fuck is this?”

She glanced over and reeled back at smashing black noses with Ganger. Looking past the dewott’s apologetic smile was Desmond’s head using what felt like her own hand giving a tiny wave. It felt like her hand, but it was only another giant paw. It did not take long for Jason to piece together the ‘what’ of the situation. She was subjectively a much better scientist than Desmond.

“The hell did Desmond do this time!?”

“Oh, come on!” Desmond rolled his head back since the other two would not let him slump their muscular back against a wall. “That was totally an accident on Ganger’s part. It’s not like I spray fusion glue on everything for fun.”

“Not yet, you mean?” Jason raised an accusing eyebrow.

“... we’re getting off topic.” Desmond averted his eyes with a nervous cough. Ganger and Jason looked to each other, exchanging a knowing glare. “Although I’m surprised how little your joining impacted Ganger’s body. I would have expected an... ugh... anyone else feel that?”

“Yes!” Ganger and Jason said dryly. Being of one body of course meant they all felt the fluttering spreading over their torso at roughly the same time.

Hands clamped onto their chest in what might have been the three heads’ first synchronized act. Pectorals pulse back against their pads in several hard flexes. On the final crunch, their firm muscles vanished under a layer of thicker squishy fats. Ganger’s head let out an especially approving growl watching the giant paw-hands getting pushed outward under tumbling mounds of purple furry flesh. Within minutes they were cupping a pair of breasts as big as yoga balls, capped with bright yellow areolas wider as saucer plates. Their sloshing consistency threatened to spill out of their stubby clawed fingers.


“Ow!” All three heads winced, ducking their hulking body upon slamming their foreheads against the ceiling. Much as they wanted to play with their new mammaries for a long, while the dull pain in their craniums took any pleasure out of it.

That and the sensation of their hunched back pressing against the ceiling. Desmond’s testing area was the size of an aircraft hanger, and the impromptu cerberus was filling it out dangerously tight. Falling onto hand-paws and knees only delayed things by seconds. Cracks formed down the ceiling along the muscled scape of their spine. Windows along both walls shattered from the pressure letting their purple fur bulge through.

“Desmond!?” Squeaked Jason’s head. “Why the heck are we getting huge?”

“You got me,” said the Desmond’s head. His attention was more on watching their shared legs and sides roll muscle on top of muscle laying waste to his test chambers. “Our fusion must have made us unstable. I’ve never actually tried gluing three fruits together yet.”

“The hell does that mean!? Nggh!”

A hard shake in their hips caused both heads to glance over their respective shoulders. The hard ridges of their muscles vanished under inflating cheeks of soft fat. It gained a lot of jiggles to its sway while pelvic bones popped wider into child-bearing curves.

“Certainly didn’t expect your fat raccoon hormones to give us so much excess, either,” Desmond said, ignoring a glare from Jason.

“Gack!” Ganger cried when a bright yellow mushroom popped out from between their breasts to smack is nose. This was, of course, their splotted combination of dick. Having tits pressed into the floor felt awkwardly arousing enough without a rod the length of a Boeing grinding against the smooth stone floor. The cerberus’ generous backside wobbled in rapid hard slams against one end of the room. Large fissures formed in the walls with the dewott forcing them to rock back and forth.

“Ah shit!” Desmond’s eyes went wide, feeling the familiar pressure mounting inside their clenched rear. The skin sac drew tight around their balls, which may have been larger than two vans by now. “J-Jason stop him. We can’t cum again.”

“W-what?” Judging by the heated skewed expression on the raccoon’s face she had not realized what all their body’s rocking and shaking had been about. Nor did she seem all that prepared to handle the rising need in her new loins. “Ugh! I can’t get control of anything from him. What’s happening?”

Ganger had a far away glazed look in his eyes. No attempts to call him back, including headbutts and ear bites, had any effect on the dewott. A pink tongue rolled off to one side of his goofy open mouth expression as the tightening of his member urged him to fuck the ground harder.

“W-well, in theory, there’s a c-c-chance the hormones reeeeeleased from orgasm might amplify our already uns-s-stable growth and... oh god, too late.”

A hard shudder ran down their expansively sized body. Very little room remained in Desmond’s lab with most equipment smashed against walls or under their rolling bulk. Claws from all four of their paws dug deep trenches through the concrete as they flexed with the rising tension.

Jason grit her teeth watching the cock poking out of their cleavage pulse twice, then rise perfectly stiff. Their efforts to hold back the rush of pressure at its base lasted very few seconds. “Damn it, Desmond. This is why the insurance agency ignores our calls.”

A second flooding did not fill out the building, it demolished the entire end wall. Surge after surge of cum rolled through streets overturning cars. Loud rumbles followed shortly after, surprising many pedestrians with the soft tremors under their feet. An echoing crash promptly saw the roof of Desmond’s lab disconnect from its walls; hoisted by the back of the three-headed monster contained within. It quickly crumbled away in large chunks as the muscular form saw fit to push over the three remaining walls.

The trios growth gushed over them as fast as their ejaculations. Purple fur rose up among the skyscrapers of the city like rigid mountains. There was just enough time to compare the two before the furry muscles rolled over streets, demolishing blocks and bringing tall structures to dust swimming in the lake of jizz.

And still they continued to grow. Neighboring countries only had time to notice the tremors before the sky was blotted out and then they joined everything else serving as a bed for Ganger’s afterglow. By the time their bright glowing erection throbbed out its last drops of milky fluid, which filled a valley beneath them, much of the west coast was little more than a violet mountain range. Some areas further south were noticeably softer as one paw absently reached back to scratch the plump rear mounds.

“Wha?” Ganger blinked when he suddenly felt their massive body lifted. The ground pulled out from under him, allowing a brief view of what looked like boob imprints carving valley’s into the landscape. But the entire continent continued to get smaller, while they continued to grow larger. Desperate hand-paws tried to reach for some grip only to lack the reach as gravity continued to pull earth away.

“Well... this is nice,” Jason said groggily. Eyelids droops slightly as she clearly tried fighting off fatigue of afterglow.

“Yup. There goes earth,” confirmed Desmond. “Hey, welcome back, Ganger. You got horny for a bit their.”

“Geez! I’m sorry, guys.” Ganger blushed, taking in the fading Earth and its moon. “Um... are we stranded in space?”

Desmond shrugged with his shoulder, relieved to have something in control again. “At the rate we’re growing we might end up becoming space.”

“Fantastic!” Jason grumbled, rubbing her face with the hand on her side. “You know I had a date tomorrow? I didn’t need two spunk showers to go with it.”

“Oh, we’ll be fine. Look, Jupiter is already caught in the orbit of our right paw.”

Ganger and Jason looked down, almost amused to find planets, and stars really were circling them. With nothing but a black void for frame of reference, it was hard to tell when they would stop growing, if they ever did. Still, it got kind of nice when they had amassed enough lights to be a galaxy. Now the hulking cerberus just had to figure out how they could send projections of themselves back to earth.

Assuming they ever found earth in the collection of gas balls rotating around their fat ass and tits.


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