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(contains: SFW, several pokemon inflated into happy balloons)

Commission for psychofloatzel


Ugh! Why did waking up always have to suck? Once the sun got up over the horizon, it was impossible to block out the light with just eyelids. All the wave crashing, mist splashing, and bird noises certainly did not help attempts to resume sleeping. Blindly reaching around failed to locate either covers or a pillow, just handfuls of soft sand. That might have been for the best considering how warm the beach weather fared this early.

“... what the!? GAH!”

Anthony’s eyes flew open in a shocking revelation only to have a drop of cold dew land directly on his left iris. Letting out a strange squawk-like cry, he rolled onto his belly, fumbling to rub the stinging liquid. Stumbling about in a blind daze only made him panic harder. Something about his feet felt off balance like they were in clown shoes. It made them hard enough to try standing without a thick squishy log wedging itself between them.

“Snake!?” Anthony squawked amidst rising panic. All it accomplished was tripping over the offending mass for a graceful face plant into the warm sands. Burning pain washed over his stomach, but also along the wiggling thing pinched between his shins. Nerves followed the trail in a curve that attached the mysterious limb to his butt, confirming it as a part of him.

That was just one of about six mysteries Anthony really wanted solved right then. Planting his face in the sand had the misfortune of delaying such a search for answers. He gathered back enough wit to settle on just laying there for a while, letting tears wash out excess water and sand particles. Every time he took a deep breath it caused his lungs to expand in an odd way that lifted his body off the ground. Coupled with the crashing of waves, he calmed down fairly fast.

Only when the stinging finally subsided did Anthony dare open his eyes, slowly. As previous senses had allowed him to confirm, he was on a beach. Well, a cave along a beach faced cliff. The morning sun was still climbing beyond the mouth, casting much of the sandy floor in a warm glow. Dew collecting along the roof dripped down in a light rain that tickled along the smooth skin of Anthony’s naked body.

Getting more curious and brave, Anthony lifted his head, trying to get a look back over himself. The effort was rewarded with two surprises; that he possessed a two-foot long neck that could turn his head a complete one-eighty, and an even longer four-foot tail. His body itself had become a rather wide in the rear with a posture not unlike an avian’s. Purple skin coated over most of what he could see, with two rows of 6 grey plates running down either side of his spine.

“No way…”

Seeing such a beautiful streamlined body glistening in the salty mist was enough to make Anthony’s beak hit the sand. Blinking, he brought a hand up to confirm his skull indeed jutted forward into a rigid bird-like beak. Then he took a moment to take in his hands, well, wings. Although the insanely large appendages split into dexterous lumps of fingers, they still clearly built to serve primarily as instruments of flight.

Anthony could not help chuckling with a better understanding of his situation. Carefully, he eased back his heavy lower weight onto his elongated feet. The massive bulk of his tail served as a great balancing perch while its tapered tip struck its horns into the sand with idle twitches. Looking down caused his beak to curve into an even wider grin, wing-hands moving to stroke along the bulge of a rounded belly colored in the same grey as his spikes. This was definitely not the body he had gone to bed with last night. Hell, it was not a body that should exist at all.

“So... I’m a lugia now?” Anthony looked around the cave from multiple viewpoints thanks to his amazingly flexible neck. It was a more rhetorical outburst to break the uncomfortable silence this little hiding hole was giving him. Granted, someone appearing to exposit answers would have been nice. “Did I have too much to drink last night? Did I piss off a Mewtwo? Is that why I’m a shadow variant? Come on universe, talk to me!”

Sadly, Anthony could not speak dripping water, or waves, as those were the only sounds that answered back. After waiting longer than he probably should have bothered, the changed pokemon tried making progress with his situation. Maybe there was somewhere nearby he could ask for help. The beach looked pretty nice for the weather. There had to be somebody around on a day like this.

Oh, wait, would humans be able to understand him now? Could he talk to other Pokemon if he was in a world where they

 existed now? Best to worry about that when the situation arrives. Anthony took a few cautious steps; wings stuck straight out with tail barely wagging under control for a counterbalance. This was definitely not a body for long distance walking.

Okay, not a problem. Waddling awkwardly closer to the cave mouth allowed Anthony to spot an extension of rock jutting over the ocean water. Climbing up there with giant wing hands was pretty easy, at least. Anthony was enough of a Pokemon nerd to know how a Lugia works. A simple test flight over a soft body of water should be a breeze. He was already getting used to moving this new bottom-heavy already. Giving one happy wag of his spiked tail, the shadow lugia dashed over the wet rocks. Elongated feet sprung Anthony off the ledge in a majestic leap with wings spread wide and sights set for high for his first flight.


Then again, it was the perfect weather for a cold salty bath. If the painful burn of smacking his belly into the ocean water had not fully woken Anthony, it’s gagging taste sure did. The calming rhythm of waves shifting became disrupted by a frantic splashing of lugia wings on their surface.

The silver lining to having a thick belly is that it made for easy surfing back to shore. That was arguably Anthony’s first accomplishment of the morning. Feeling salty water drip from places he knew only pokemon should probably have, he half-dragged himself up the beach one wing full at a time. Belly and tail dragged along the sands and dug a deep trench behind the emotionally drained lugia.

Anthony was not exactly upset he had been turned into a pokemon overnight. A little more say in the circumstances would have been nice, is all. Maybe a slight cheat to know how his new form works too. Lugia was one of his more popular choices on a team, but what was the point if he did not know how to fly or swim?

Also, he was super hungry. Waking up in a cave mysteriously would have been great with some breakfast prepared. Grinding his grey round belly across the ground was not helping Anthony forget it was empty either. Constant stimulation just made his organs clench hard in an annoyed rumble.

When harsh sands turned into ticklish blades of grass, it only made the lugia’s stomach rumble louder. Anthony groaned in the effort to lift his head for a look around. All that expert splashing had drifted him from the cave onto a pleasantly clean beach. Close to the sandy drop off was a rough sidewalk that served as a border to some dense forest that he had blindly crawled into. Seeing an artificial road filled him with renewed hope, even though there was no sign of another living being yet.

That was not a super high priority after spotting the berry bushes. Following along the concrete path, most likely by design, was an endless wall of berry bushes. The poor former human had crawled right under precious nourishment in his slump. Someone had clearly wanted to give passing trainers a variety of options for their partners. Every twenty meters or so the type of bush changed abruptly.

The one directly in front of Anthony held dozens of deliciously plump Sitrus berries. He did not need to think twice before ripping a wing full off its branches. After inhaling gallons of dirty salt water, the aroma of fresh fruit was euphoric. His beak clicked several times, trying to brush off the drool seeping out, and then gave up. Hunger was too strong for anything but slamming his face into the full wing-palm for several eager bites.

Damn! They tasted better than they smelled. Anthony’s head rocked back in an animalistic moan, juice dripping down the length of his noodle neck. His beak clicked in several slow chews enjoying each burst of flavor the meat grinding washed across his tongue. After a few seconds, he reluctantly gave a hard swallow of what meat and juice stayed in his mouth. The fingers of his free wing-hand brushed off what it could from his face so he could lick them clean.

Only a few seconds later Anthony felt something slide down his spine causing his tail to stiffen. Something akin to drinking a coffee with a Red Bull chaser filled his plump body. This was not surprising given the berries in-game properties to heal hit points. All the lugia’s fatigue washed into the ocean, leaving him jiggling in place. Such an overwhelming need to move made him even consider trying to fly again.



Anthony stared down at his wing full of berries with worried confusion. The entire pile rocked as the fruits he had partially eaten shifted in form. They had suddenly lost their usual pear-like shape for a completely spherical one. Well, almost considering their bite indentions. Small tickles of juice were pouring out of these broken parts to form a small lake inside the lugia’s palm.


“WHOA!” Anthony squawked, flailing his wing to scatter the berries like they had become hot coals. Even as they hit the ground, their bloated forms became even more distorted and stretched. They were soon the size of basketballs, rolling over each other to make room. Juice gushed out the bite areas splashing across the lugia’s slick skin and soaking the grassy floor. He backed away fast as monster bird feet could allow until his back pressed into a nearby tree. Every puffed berry ball gave off an eerie straining noise, the skin rippling violently to hold in whatever was causing them to inflate.


It was a battle they were not fated to win. Anthony’s eyes widened, watching his berry breakfast explode one after another. Impossible amounts of juice rained across the area, causing him to bring his wings up as a shield. The shower of juices lasted for ages before he dared to look around his makeshift barrier again. Not a single berry ball had survived this strange expansion, leaving a good patch of grass submerged in juice. The place was probably going to smell like fruit punch for a while after that event.

No sooner had Anthony processed that anomaly than another notion caused his eyes to go wide in alarm. Both eyes and wings shot to his belly where he could feel the sample he had eaten shifting about. The rounded bulge of his middle visibly vibrated and he could actually hear a muffled sloshing going on. This did not seem at all possible; he was about to spend the last moments of his short pokemon transformation exploding in a rain of berry juice.

Apparently he had more luck than the berries. After a few tense seconds of holding his middle trying to endure the mounting tension it all just... stopped. Anthony’s tail gave the ground a few curiously wet slaps while he righted himself up to examine the situation. It was hard to tell, but he was sure his stomach had more roundness to it. He certainly felt full, with lots of sloshing going on with his movement, but otherwise his insides felt fine. If anything, the extra nourishment was rather refreshing.

Trying to get a sample of seconds was still off the table, of course. Anthony peeled himself from the tree never taking his eyes off the very suspicious bushes full of unpredictable fruits. No where in the games has there ever been a food exploding mechanic. At least, not one Anthony had been aware of. A wing absently wiped some juice tickling his neck, moving up to his beak to lick it off before he could realize what he was doing.

When nothing extreme happened from a bit of juice sampling, Anthony began looking at his full belly to the bush. Were these things some kind of booby trap for wild Pokemon, or had he been the one to make them expand? That did not sound like a power lugia’s normally had. He gave a soft chuckle, realizing there was nothing normal about this morning either.

Further testing would just have to be done. Anthony waddled away from the small lake of juice. Eyes never left the suspicious berries until a different kind of bushes rolled in front of him. These were fairly decorative, appearing as pink little gloves; nanab berries, he realized. They did not smell nearly as good, but this was for scientific purposes. A single berry was plucked off a branch and brought up to Anthony’s mouth. He was very careful to only give a tiny nibble off the edge, getting a splash of tart juice on his tongue.


The treat had barely been pulled back before it surged out like the last berries. Anthony placed it gently on the ground before backing away. Eyes never left the bright pink skin suffering an onset of little bulges underneath its thin skin.


A few seconds later the berry’s insides boiled over, inflating it to a size bigger than the lugia’s own head. He waited almost a whole minute with wings raised ready to guard against another explosive assault. However, aside from a trickle of juice outside Anthony’s teeth marks the berry ceased all movements. Gingerly a wing-hand stretched out to its limit, allowing him to shuffle close enough to nudge the giant fruit. It wobbled awkwardly under a more pressurized spurt of juice and then settled back to normal. The skin had no give looking to be barely holding onto its insides.

Anthony snorted, beak curling into a grin. So apparently his bites can puff up things after all. Even more interesting was that there was some control depending on the bite’s severity. He was pretty sure lugia’s never had the power to do that in the games, but it was also too cool to question. This just cried out for more experimentation.

A lot more experimentation.

Anthony whipped around not caring when his tail blasted through the bushes to send berries flying. He only needed a few steps to find a decent sized stick to chomp into.


The wood whacked Anthony in the face as it flew out of his wings in an explosive growth. Thankfully, gaining half a meter in thickness had made it much softer. He waited for it to float back into his grasp and gave it several test squeezes. The amount of ‘filling’ had been drastically reduced this time, allowing the lugia to giggle while squeezing the log like some kind of inflated toy.

Tossing that aside, his eyes caught sight of a rock the size of a basketball. A few tugs found it to be heavy even for his monstrous strength, so he settled on hunching over to give it a few gentle nibbles. Now he wondered just how light he could make... whatever it was expanding these things.


Turned out the lump of stone was bigger under the ground. Highly pressurized growth sent it sailing high into the air leaving Anthony craning his lengthy neck back in awe. All its jagged ridges smoothed out as it took on a round shape bigger than the lugia himself. The thing got so light that a passing breeze picked it up in a high arch to carry further down the beach. Looked like his desire could control his bite victim’s density too. Good to know, since he did not want to send a swarm of things floating over nearby towns. People might panic.

Seeing such a large rock floating away made him wonder if there was a size limit too. Only one way to find that out. Anthony’s tail snapped happily through the air as he turned to bite into the nearest tree.


“... oops?” Anthony blinked as a bright red beach ball landed on his head, rolling off across the ground. It was not until he saw the stem he realized this had been an apple tree. More of the inflated fruit rained down upon him, bouncing across the forest floor and onto the nearby beach. That was a bit of an unexpected side effect. He was glad to have not bitten the berry bushes.


The tree might have still been overkill, he had to admit. Anthony fell onto his tail with a startled squawk when the ground shook. Earth upturned in large chunks to make room for roots that snaked around the Lugia. Their course structure softened while they puffed up rapidly like snake balloons. His eyes followed their path of expansion back to the base of the tree, which vibrates intensely to cause many of its leaves to fall off.


Leaves that exploded into thick green bubbles as they drifted along the air.


It looked like the tree’s home planet needed it. With one massive explosion of dirt, the towering plant launched from the ground propelled by the pressure of its inflated roots. Bark strained and stretched to contain the mass, swelling it out several meters wider until it resembled a hot-air balloon; both in form and function. It reached several kilometers off the ground and there it stayed, floating off in whatever direction nature dictated it wanted the poor plant to go.

Anthony collected his bottom beak off the grass, deciding a lot more discretion would be needed with further testing. But it was clear there was no real limit with this newfound power. He could probably inflate anything to any size he wanted, with whatever weight he desired. As if being transformed into a Pokemon in a new world was not strange already. He could become some kind of legendary Pokemon in his own right worship by humans eager to be his balloon toys.

Granted, he did not know what practical functions spontaneous inflation granted. The lugia was drunk on power for the first time in his life and couldn’t care less. Watching things puff up was damn fun. About the only thing left to test it on was…

“Oh, my gosh! Did you see that tree fly out of the forest!?”

...living subjects.

Anthony scrambled his way up a tree without even thinking about it. He had no idea why that seemed like a good idea. Perhaps being caught just randomly biting things to see if they would inflate was too far-fetched an explanation for a flying tree. That was a great first impression to give strangers.

Moments later a brown dog-like creature rushed through the bushes enraptured by all the inflated apples rolling in the breeze. Its bunny long ears twitched with the frantic shifting of its gaze. An eevee, Anthony realized with his own brand of curiosity. It was quickly joined by a long hooded snake composed mostly of purple scales, and a blue turtle with a curled tail; an arbok and squirtle respectively. Both were more relaxed than their fuzzy friend, but also concerned for all the bloated plantlife.

“What the heck is all this?” The arbok spoke with a feminine hiss, twisting their body to observe the area.

“Must be a balloon party!” The eevee squeaked as it swatted an inflated apple with its paw. “Maybe a human is celebrating something.”

“But it looks like something exploded out of the ground.” the squirtle had edged over to the small hole Anthony’s tree had left in its departure.

“Wow, these smell like apples.” The eevee seemed oblivious to any suspicious implications about the surrounding scene. Its nose twitched rapidly, drawing close to one of the red orbs bigger than itself. “A really delicious apple.”

Both arbok and squirtle cringed unable to stop their friend from taking a curious bite out of the bloated fruit. To their surprise, an audible crunch echoed among the trees, and the eevee found itself enjoying a bite of apple meat gushing with a surplus of juice.

“Oh, wow! It IS an apple guys. Guys? What’s wrong?” It swallowed the meat with a happy bark, turning to find its friends backing away with rising fear. Glancing back to the apple caused its tail to drop, eyeing the small geyser of juice rushing out of its bite rupture. “... oh.”


The entire sphere of apple exploded with a force that sent the eevee flying. Its friends could offer little help trying to recoil from the rain of apple shrapnel barraging them. They had expected a balloon popping, but a fruit bomb was a whole another level of surprising.

It was also the perfect stunning device to prevent anyone from noticing the purple lugia drop in from above. Anthony could not have asked for a better opportunity. He pounced upon the eevee, using a hard flap of his wings to lower it to the ground. Before it could even comprehend the legendary bird mass squishing down he had given its front paw a little nip.

With a hard spring, he glided the short distance to the squirtle. It was too busy trying to rub apple juice out of its eyes to be aware of why its fluffy friend had yelped in pain. Nor could it respond to the threat closing in before Anthony pierced its tail flesh in his teeth.

Being last though the arbok sensed something was amiss with both friends yelping. It quickly coiled up its long body, giving off its sharpest hiss. “Who’s there!?”

Something large bounced against the side of its head with a hallowed drumming sound. Panic caused the snake Pokemon to react on instinct and whipped around to sink its venomous fangs into its assailant. There was just enough time to recognize the taste of apple juice before realizing what a mistake that had been.


A second apple balloon pop washed fresh chunks and juice over the three pokemon. The arbok’s head rocketed back to slam against a tree several meters away, leaving it stunned just long enough for a parting bit on its tail tip. Anthony gave a sly chuckle as another flap of his wings propelled him back into the cover of tree tops. He was getting the hang of this flying thing at least.

The squirtle was the first to recover from the chaos. Once it could see through the citrus haze, they went to work washing out the eevee’s eyes with a bit of water powers. Both were then quick to peel their snake friend off the tree bark they had become embedded in.

“Are you okay?” the squirtle asked after washing out the arbok’s eyes.

“Ugh! I think so?” The snake reared up its body again, glancing around with an annoyed hiss. “Did anyone else see a giant lump of shadow attack us?”

“Sort of,” the eevee said in a dazed tone. “I think it bit my paw and now I feel... w-weird!?”


The eevee had raised its paw for its friends to observe a mild wrist abrasion. Instead, all three gave an alarmed cry when the toes wiggled and then expanded into round dough balls with pads. Its palm joined right after blimping to match the cartoonish disproportions, followed by the entire leg. The eevee staggered back, trying to escape this bizarre mutation only to stumble when its other front leg surged into a thicker, rounded, limb. Such drastic swelling disabled all apparent motor controls, causing the little dog creature to fall onto its chest with balloons for prosthetic legs. A hard shift caused it to look back, watching its tail shot straight into the air before puffing out three times in size.

“W-what’s going on? S-someone help!”

“I don’t think-BLAAARRRGGHH!”

Whatever profound insight the squirtle had to offer became literally drowned in a gush of water. Its eyes went wide with snout flapping in a useless attempt to stop the rush of liquid escaping. Slamming both hands on his nose did help clamp it closed to some degree. That just seemed to make the water decide to go elsewhere. The turtle’s eyes bulged in alarm as both hands went down to rub the underside of its shell. Only a trickle of water continued to run down the sides of its snout while the hard covering groaned and then popped into a large outward curve.

“Ah! No no! Not me too!” It cried while its little body expanded out in every direction. The structure of its shell slowly weaken as it stretched and contracted into an increasingly round shape. Despite the increasing pressure, the squirtle tried to push its gut back in only to find the natural armor squishing around its hands like a softening pillow.

“Well... crap…” Was all the arbok could really add to its friend’s distress. Considering the pattern of events, it had a feeling there was little it could do to help them before things got worse. Not a second later, the snake’s body gave an involuntary shudder before straightening out. No matter how hard it tried, the internal pressure would not allow it to coil. Before long it gave out a startled hiss as it fell onto the ground as a perfectly straight purple log.

“Oh, gosh!” the eevee moaned from the stain of its expanding hide. Fur slowly thinned as its skin stretched over an expanding torso. Its belly rounded out, forcing its hind legs wide apart only to keep it balanced as it dug into the ground, lifting its rear higher. “Are we blowing up like those apples?”

“I really hope not.” The arbok yelped, watching what it could from its stiff position. There was just enough neck flexibility to watch the entire length of its body growing thicker in rapid soft pulses. Its divine sleekness gave way to a bloated, squishy mass that crushed increasingly more grass under pillowy girth. “I’d really like to not pop.”

“We’re a lot softer than those fruit though,” the squirtle said and then yelped. Any attempts to try holding back its swelling shell were stopped after both hands involuntarily flew out to its sides. Another rush caused its tiny limbs to pop out in stubby round lumps that could do little more than wiggle slightly. Fortunately, the shell base had puffed out wide enough to keep it propped upright when its legs followed suit. “At least, I think we all are.”

“Ooooohhh!” The eevee shuddered what little it could with a pleasured moan. It’s back reversed its curve, swelling up into a high arch that gradually joined its belly bed in making a perfect ball of brown fur. It could not help giggling while its new central body continued rising and rolling out with increasing size, lifting its head over the tops of the berry bushes. “This is actually kind of fun.”

The arbok blinked, but a glance to their squirtle friend found the towering water-type also lost in a daze of delectation. Before it could even comment, the soft plush of its body hardened with a rush of pressure. Panic gripped at its serpent heart, realizing this could be the end. The whole snake’s body was preparing to explode right in front of its friends.


Or it could lose any resemblance of ever being a snake. The arbok felt its body pressure give and then got sent flying in a rapid spin. It landed with a harsh bounce, followed by three more in an uncontrollable roll against a tree. With one explosive burst, its form had warped into a sphere of incredible buoyancy, yet a lot of slack pressed against rocks and branches. This must have been what a partially deflated basketball must have felt like.

“Oh wow! That looks really fun!” The eevee giggled and gasped. It had tried kicking its hind legs to get its rounded body rolling, only to feel them both pop out into inflated stubs. What little definition remained of its butt smoothed out until only a tail and paw-stumps remained to look taped onto the giant ball. “Aw. Can someone give me a push?”

While the arbok was too dizzy to form words, Anthony could barely contain his glee. Watching the three pokemon warp into balls large as a car was too much fun. It was especially nice that they did not pop as easily as the tighter experiments. They looked like such nice and squishy beds. Now he was certain nothing was safe from the magic of his bite.

They did not look upset about the imposing conditions either. Even the snake-ball looked over its giggling companions with an air of contentment. Having a complete loss of motor controls must have that kind of effect on people.

If anything, they looked pretty happy to be balloons. Anthony got another thought glancing from his collection of victims to his own thick bird body. Tail spikes smacked against the branches supporting him in a rapid wag.

“Why the heck not?”

The lugia flapped off the branches into a short glide deeper into the woods. It was probably a good idea to get some distance for the ultimate test. He would hate to be a risk to others, or rolling off into the ocean. After a few minutes of flight practice, he settled on a small clearing well out of view of the other Pokemon. Taking a deep breath, Anthony lifted one wing up to his chest and gave it the biggest bite of the morning.

“OW!” Pain rocked through the large limb, sending him tumbling along the ground in a complete failure to endure his self injury. “Is that what I end up doing to people? Yesh, lugia teeth are sharper than I...o-oh...aw yes!”


Anthony regained his composure fast as pain dissolved into a mounting pressure deep inside his plump body. He craned his neck around to watch his grey stomach trembled with the pulses of each heavy breath. Wing-hands rested upon either side of it, rubbing along the smooth surface to stimulate the tightening surface.


And then his limbs were pushed back in a bull rush of explosive growth. Anthony’s belly gave a groaning roar that sent pidgey flying from their perches. Its crest rose faster than baking bread, popping out the lugia’s waist while his back pressed against the grassy earth in its rolling girth.

“Aaaah! Aaah! Hell yeah!” Anthony chuckled. His tail gave a hard crack against the ground before total control was lost. Another rush of inflation stretched the limb several meters across the clearing until its tip touched the trees on the far side.

With a few hard kicks, Anthony got back onto his feet. Just in time for his hips to pop and vanished under the momentum of his growing gut.


Wow. The former human thought he had clown feet before. While his legs became devoured by the merging of waist and hips, the monster's paws surged out long enough for him to get a glimpse of plump toes past the crest. That did not last long, but it was still cool to see the puffy feet. Another surge blocked out the ground as the lugia’s gut continued to become the biggest part of him.

“Whoa!” And boy, was there a lot of lugia going around. Anthony looked up from rubbing his swelling sides to find the surrounding trees shying away. As the seconds ticked by, everything around him became smaller. Bushes were uprooted with the swelling of his bouncy tail. Rolling hips of squishy Lugia hide upturned the ground into a deep ring around him before squishing around the older, stronger trees seeking more room.

“Mmmhhh~!” Anthony was getting so big his head crept over the tops of the tallest oaks. The rounded sphere of his body was soon breaking branches to join him in a race for the sky. All around him came the sounds of frantic forest destruction; his plush bloating body squeezed through any and every crack it could find in its march toward epic balloon levels. Watching his gut knock over so much lumber was a relief in the sense he was too tough to pop. “This is nice… maybe I bit too hard though...”

A soft chuckle escaped Anthony’s dome of a belly and chest. Might have been late to question actions with his butt digging a crater out of this forest. With a shrug, he rocked back a little to relax himself. An action that crushed a line of pine trees along the curve of his back. It was disappointing when his wings involuntarily moved off his belly to jut out like he wanted a hug. Getting to rub and squish at his body while it grew so large yet soft had been the best part of the process.

On the bright side, having wings inflate out into plump billboards helped keep him mostly upright. When a strong breeze threatened to send Anthony in a destructive backward roll, his bloated limbs easily caught among the trees to anchor him in place. He was rounding out bigger than a hot-air balloon, granting him a lovely view of the whole coast. Between the gentle caress of a warm salty breeze, the sun’s continued glow, and the tickling of acres of crushed plantlife under him Anthony could have almost gone back to sleep.

Until his body gave a groan loud enough to drown his ears. One eyebrow raised, watching the looming peek of his belly wobble violently. It was hard to see even that much with his neck plumping into a thick log too.



A thunderous boom like a drum beat echoed far across the landscape. Villages and even some cities paused their daily routines in bewilderment for what could have made such a sound. Many of them, especially in high raised buildings, found the answer more easily. The giant dome rising from the distant beach could have been seen for miles around. It’s strange purple and grey coloration made it stand out rather jarringly to the blue sky and green woods around it. Almost immediately dozens of trainers were setting out to what this strange plushy anomaly could be.

For Anthony it was the perfect bliss. Being taller than a skyscraper and wider than a village could not have been a more perfect size. Hopefully, he could figure out how or why he was brought into a Pokemon world with such power once things wore down. But for now the tiny lugia head was content to rest in on its fat pillowy neck for an extra large nap. That lasted about ten seconds before his relaxed state of mind strolled across another train of thought that shot both eyebrows into his forehead.

Did this stuff actually wear off!?



Maybe it does wear off, Anthony, maybe it doesn’t and you stay the world’s biggest Lugia shaped Bouncy house. Either way: Be sure to eat all the pokeballs thrown at you! I’m not sure you can bite the inside of a pokebal when you get transferred into one lol. This really was fun inflation story to read! And who else to do it with but lugia?! That pokemon is such a good base for expansion kinks.