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(contains male human to female anthro fox TF, hyper hourglass, clothing change, and shaky camera footage)

Commission for Mr-Jugger based on his comic: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38743606


It stood to reason the door would be jammed. Years of enduring the weather rusted most of its metal composition, to say nothing of the overgrown weeds covering its lower half.

All the more reason Ben chided himself for not bringing tools for this outing. A bright full moon shined overhead, lighting up the empty outskirts of town like the sun. That only excused the need for a flashlight. As the young man’s shoulder rammed into the door with painful results, he could have at least brought a pry bar or something. At least he thought to wear protective clothing on these chilling fall days; gloves, a hoodie, and jeans would help minimize the risk of cuts in old rusty places like this.

Still, young dedicated stubbornness paid off by the third body slam, rocking the door ajar with several snappings of plant vines. With more sweat and grunting, it eventually slid inwards enough for a hole he could squeeze through safely. Too bad scrapping metal across old concrete didn’t make a more silent entrance. Ben flipped on his phone light prying to whatever gods existed he didn’t just spook a pack of cougars or a psycho homeless man.

In this modern age, it was hard to tell which encounter would be worse. Exploring abandoned buildings alone at night was questionable enough. To do it on Halloween might tempt fate.

Not that Ben had anything better to do. The circumstances were too appealing for him to resist a little daring adventure. Turning the phone recording on, he made sure to get a good few seconds shot of the full moon through broken sky windows. Having a rare blue moon land on such a spiritual holiday needed something special to celebrate. Maybe he could play off a bit of random noises as spooky for a decent YouTube video.

“A lot more stuff here than I expected,” he spoke aloud for a bit of commentary flare. “Maybe we’ll find a lost relic or something.”

Once upon a time this building found its use as storage for the local train shipments until time eventually uprooted the tracks themselves. Alternative routes were put in on opposite ends of the town, leaving this place all but forgotten. That included a lot of old crates and equipment illuminated by the man’s phone light. Full crates were left in large stacks, but most were long since raided of their contents and collapsed from the wear of rot.

Just visible beyond the light, Ben could make out a flight of metal stairs heading to a balcony area. It looked pretty small, even for an office. Nor did he like all the rust on those steps.

“Yeah. We’re just going to ignore that.” No wonder video cameras shook so much. Ben found it near impossible to keep his phone steady, moving from one pile of garbage to the next.

Something interesting did take the form of a long disabled forklift. Its entire hood was missing even with a slow panned sweep of the floor, most of its engine parts likewise looted. Behind it looked to be some homeless shelter made of tarps and boxes, but the signs of old ash fires showed the squatter had long since departed. At least he was getting something of note besides rotting wood.


“What was that noise!?”

Ben whirled in place, waiting for the camera to focus in the appropriate direction. Hopefully that line delivery didn’t sound too hammed up in playback. He had been waiting for over ten minutes for literally any kind of natural noise to ‘freak out’ over. A bit of drama always helps with the view clicks. 



Okay, that sounded less like a natural old house noise. Something metal fell to the floor and was now rolling a short distance, most likely stopping against a crate. Just enough of an oddity to slip Ben doubt of this place’s safety. He still stalked forward where the noise had originated, citing that if cougars were present, he’d have already been eaten.

“Hah!... ahh?” Ben jumped around the edge of a crate only to let his phone hand fall to his side, dejected. Not much amazing to catch on camera beside more crates and a bundle of moldy blankets on top of them. The objects in question looked to be a few old nails falling out of a worn box. He was about to just call it good and head back to town for something else to do when the blankets shifted. “O-oh, hello?”

A strange guttural noise came from under the pile, barely audible. One didn’t need to be a genius to know that meant a wild animal. Ben located a broom nearby, helping him keep a safe distance trying to move the blankets while filming with one hand.

This didn’t feel like that big a mistake until around the fourth jab into the pile. There came an angry sounding grumble from underneath as the blankets rose on paws the size of a person’s feet. The many scraps shed off a living form in a gradual unveiling of the largest red fox Ben ever laid eyes on. Damn beast looked ready to take on a great Dane as it shook off sleep and fixed its attention on Ben. It was hard to tell if the glowing blue effect of its eyes were from the camera light or the moon above them.



If Ben was certain of anything, he now had the footage for a ‘perfectly cut scream’ clip. After a few seconds of silently staring at each other, the monster fox decided the best exit to make was over the man’s obstructing body. It pounced on him with an open maw, knocking them both to the floor before dashing out the front door.

Everything happened so fast it took Ben a while to realize he was on his back, staring at a moonlit sky. Shortly after, the notions of extreme pain in his right hip and butt registered. The latter had clearly been from his fall. With the former he cursed upon sitting up to feel the gash in his jeans where the fox’s claws had drawn some blood. A quick check of his phone elicited another curse at seeing its screen cracked too.

“What the fuck kind of fox was that?” he asked no one while standing to brush off. Seeing the video recording was still on, he couldn’t help half-heartedly adding, “Hey. If anyone heard of dire foxes or something, leave a comment explaining that one to me. God damn broke my phone too. Think I better call it for the night. Don’t want to end up with rabies or something.”

Walking suddenly became such a chore with everything bruised from his fall. Ben even felt hot, hoping his heavy breathing wasn’t getting picked up by his phone. He was more using the light to check for any more giant animals in hiding, but figured a few more minutes of footage couldn’t hurt. Maybe some clever voice-over commentary would spice things up when he didn’t have a pounding headache.

“Ugh!” Ben made it a few yards to the door when he finally had to keel over for a breather. It was an open area that let the moonlight shine its brightest, so he had no problem seeing everything. Oddly enough, the moon almost felt stronger than his flashlight like this. “Okay, maybe that fox gave me rabies? But who ever heard of it acting within... minutes?”

Ben absently wiped sweat from his forehead, tired eyes shooting open in alarm. Another wipe confirmed his hand brushed along a thick layer of hairs, becoming matted in perspiration. As he continued rubbing the area with his fingers, the layer spread across much of his scalp.

“What the hell?” Involuntary twitching brought Ben’s shaking hand to his ear. To his shock he missed, finding the organ steadily climbing up towards the top of his head. Lobes were vanishing to feed the growing pointed tips as muscles developed that allowed them to fold in any direction.

There was no reflective surface in sight, so Ben tried to steady his hands long enough to reverse the camera to selfie mode. The face that flashed back on the cracked screen nearly made him drop the device in his startled yelping. It barely looked like himself anymore. His ears now rested top his head as big triangles coated in copper red fur with black tips.

The human black hair fell off in clumps even as Ben ran a hand through it. The same copper fur overwhelmed his scalp in a short, soft layer. The only exception being around his cheeks and neck front, which became a creamy white fluff.

“Hnnngh!” The phone camera captures Ben’s recoil from his nose scrunching up. His eyes went cross watching it puff double in size, developing a rough black skin. “Agh! Aah haa! Haa! Nngh!”


Watching one’s face push out from the inside was both intriguing and very discomforting. The phone cam captured all of Ben’s facial distortions and loud snaps as his nose extended on the front of a long, narrow muzzle. His jaw caught up slightly behind, unwittingly flapping a lengthy tongue in a showcase of many sharp teeth. Ignoring the last of his human hair falling out, Ben timidly honked his big animal nose before poking along the insides of blackened gums.

“N-no way!” Ben couldn’t deny he had a fox’s face, having just seen a large one minutes ago. With a sputtering gasp, he jerked his longer snout up to gaze at the bright ball of rock shining through the broken roof. “Did... was that thing a werefox? Oh, my god! I think it infected me with that claw wound I…”

Something clenched inside Ben’s throat, making him cough into the phone. “I’m still changing. I... what the... oh wow? Is that my voice? I sound like a... oh hell!”

As the bump of an Adam’s apple vanished from Ben’s slender neck, fur cascaded down from it across the rest of his body. He couldn’t see it but felt a slight itching in its journey underneath the long sleeve hoodie. More wrinkles developed in the fabric thanks to a slight collapse of his shoulders and thinning arms. But what finally made him drop the phone was a rush of pressure in his chest.



“Ooooh! T-that’s my... huugghhh!”

From under the flat cotton fabric rushed out two spherical mounds, stretching the material as if powered by an air compressor. Ben brought his hands under their amazing protrusions but could only hover inches away, almost scared to touch them. There was no mistake, he had just grown a pair of insanely huge breasts in seconds. Hell, they continued to grow as he watched, biting his lower vulpine lip to stifle sensual moans.

The only thing that amazed Ben more than his newly grown beach balls was how his hoodie didn’t shred from their sheer mass. Cotton creaked slightly, somehow keeping a firm but snug grip supporting his bust. When the second growth hit, the zipper simply vanished instead of breaking, developing into a low neckline that showed off a canyon of peach human skinned cleavage.

“I got... I’m becoming a…” As the peach fur washed over his mammaries, Ben almost missed the notion his hoodie seemed to change with his body. Not that he couldn’t notice when a pinching collapsed his waist, causing his jeans to slide off. “What. Is. Happening!?”

Confusion and lust for Ben’s rapidly changing species and gender made it increasingly hard to think straight. Even as he tried grabbing for his pants, they disintegrated into nothing. There wasn’t even a sign of his underwear or shirt while his shoes flaked off his bare feet. The hoodie quickly made up for this by tugging its hem down between his thighs to connect, wrapping fine edges around his hips to transform it into a jumpsuit. That hardly made it warmer to wear, but the red fur washing over his exposed butt and legs offered to compensate.

“Mmmmhhh!!” Ben’s eyes rolled in a feminine groan of pure bliss. A strong twinge had struck between her thighs with the changes, making her noticed the hoodie jumpsuit lacked any semblance of a bulge in the crotch region. For some reason, that didn’t concern her very much. She just wanted to stare at the moon a bit longer.

“Yip! Oh, fuck yes!” Something tickled at the base of Ben’s spine, eliciting rapid hip shakes. A tuft of black fur sprouted its way out of a pre-made hole, taking a few more shakes to dislodge an explosive growth of the changing human’s spine. She glanced back with a bubbly giggle, loving the way her thick fox tail swished across her rear.


“O-oh!” Speaking of which, Ben’s hands shot around catching her ass right before it plumped across her palms, gaining several pounds of soft fat. “T-this is... ahhh! Amazing!”



One surge after another pushed Ben’s expanding hips and buttocks outwards. It became impossible for her dainty girl hands to cup them. It still didn’t stop her from using the supportive grip to jiggle it with endless delight. Everything jiggled and bumped against itself, sending waves of tingles across her nervous system. She nearly lost it upon noticing the cream white fur had developed on her inner glutes into the shape of a heart.

Despite the untold level of hormones the change flooded into Ben, she became incredibly exhausted near the end. Hands reluctantly stopped shaking her butt and came back to rest on the equally sloshing chest bulges of her hoodie’s. The last of the red fur trickled down her sexy legs, where it made a prompt shift to black ‘sock’ markings.

She was suddenly glad for the tail weight when her feet underwent a sudden lengthening. Toes swelled into little meatballs, growing sharp claws in place of fingernails. It left her with an interesting blend of feet, paws that took a little practice to walk on.

“Oh wow! Oh, fuck!” Ben sputtered between labored breaths. Sweat continued trickling out of her, causing her new fur coat to shimmer in the moonlight. It was all she could do to stay standing for several minutes, mind reeling at the idea she was now a werefox. A drop dead busty one, at that. She even liked the leotard hoodie thing the moon’s magic bestowed on her form, keeping her gloves in the process.

Hopefully, the expensive shoes returned when she changed back.

If she wanted to change back.

When Bren’s breath finally slowed to the point her breasts didn’t wobble like ocean waves, she squatted to retrieve her phone. By some miracle, it didn’t completely break from a second fall. It might have even recorded the whole transformation from the angle the lens landed at. The sweaty new vixen cleared her throat and then tried not to stare at her own chest. Only now in the brighter light did she notice her enlarged nipples poked large bumps through the hoodie fabric.

“I guess that concludes this place is haunted, after all. Ten out of ten if you like sexy fox people. And even if you don’t I recommend coming to give it a visit. Remember to like, share, and subscribe so I can make more videos like this. For now, I’m Bren...na. Brenna signing off!”

One gloved finger tapped the phone off and Brenna stuffed it into the safety of her hoodie’s front pouch. Emerging through the jarred door proved slightly more difficult with a lot more curves to account for, but she managed without injury. Giving the moon another loving gaze, she started skipping along the open woodlands back to the trail home. Apparently lacking shoes had no effect on paw pads.

The night was still young. Maybe she could hit up a bar or a party in town for a wild Halloween celebration. 



thanks again for the story desmond really love it X3