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(Contains anthro for to dragon TF, muscle, size, butt and breast growth, rapid preg.)

Commission for robinbechauf

Art by Janus


The hungry growl proved powerful enough to echo over the ambience of clanking gym weights. Such a sudden outburst cut Robin off mid-sentence with a sheepish blush. One of the fennec’s hands came to rest on the exposed stomach between her sports bra and spandex shorts, rubbing the lines between her pronounced abs.

“Sorry about that, I had a light breakfast.”

“Heh. Totally understandable,” said James, the fitness client she almost slept over working with today. Thankfully, the older tiger took well to his squat regiments and racked the barbell without the taller, buffer vixens help. “Good thing our day is about done, huh?”

“Is it? Oh!” Robin checked the watch strapped tight to her right wrist, gasping. It’s digital interface displayed fifteen minutes past noon. That was some extreme bonus time she wouldn’t get paid for. “Yeah, sorry for pushing you longer, James. You good?”

“Just catching my breath,” he said with a dismissive hand wave. The tiger took this opportunity to rest on the squatting rack, heaving for breath. The fact he could do ten sets past his fifties still impressed Robin to no end.

No doubt he would not complain about spending extra time in the shadow of an amazon either. If Robin’s dense muscles didn’t test the limits of commercial spandex, the swell of her breasts and rich buttocks enjoyed trying with her every movement. Whatever got clients lining up to pay her bills.

For now, however, Robin was relieved that she only had one appointment today. Another rumble from behind her furry abs made Robin’s next course of action clear.

“Right! See you next week, James. Don’t forget the morning stretches I taught you.”

“Oh, I won’t. Go enjoy lunch.”

Robin was already out of the gym with one clawed finger swiping across her cellphone. Being free to pursue such an adventure only left her faced with one of life’s greatest problems; what did she feel like eating?

The McDonald across the street was just a flat no. This wasn’t one of her binge days, and the grease would make her gassy later, anyway. Search engines offered little else for a substitute. A sandwich shop rested under a mile away, but Robin hardly felt like a jog after doing so many squats. Her gym came with vending machines, most of which were protein snacks and canned TrimFast. Bland tasteless muscle food suddenly made the over-salted burgers look like regal cuisine.

“Oh!?” Robin glanced both ways down the street for traffic, ready to surrender to the burger clown. That was when she caught sight of another place just two buildings down. Its sign was a rope tied banner implying it must have just set up. That would explain its absence in Google searches.

Curiosity now peeked, Robin walked over with a wide stride and got a laugh upon making out the sign graphics. A gold dragon anthro with curves even bigger than hers rested a plate of omelettes on the swell of an obviously hyper pregnant stomach. No way the city decency laws would let them keep such a strangely improper mascot, no matter how sexy the fennec thought she looked. Then again, Robin didn’t know many dragons. Bells jingled as she stepped inside, absently pondering if such a species usually generated several dozen eggs at once.

“Welcome to the Rookery! What’s for lunch?”

Turned out the answer was ‘yes,’ if the massive red beast behind the counter was any clue. The dragon leaned forward on the table, elbows propped to rest her grinning snout in both hands. From behind, wings fluttered and a total log of a tail swished its golden-haired tuft through the air. What really dropped Robin’s jaw was the couch crushing span of her hips and the inflated medicine ball of her stomach. That and the fact the dragon didn’t seem to wear anything but an apron with a name tag reading ‘Levian’ on it.

“Um...may I see the menu?” Robin said after recomposing.

“There was one on the door, but sure, sweetie!” Levian brushed the draping lock of her gold hair back before sliding a laminated folder across to the fennec. “You okay? Looks like you just came from that gym next door.”

“Y-yeah, actually I’m the owner.” Robin smiled in relief for some casual banter. Eyes darted to the menu and back to Levian, almost getting caught on her half-naked pear figure again. “Did you...lose your clothes or something?”

“Oh, honey! You have no idea!” Levian giggled, almost like she had told a joke. She adjusted the straps of her apron, making black scaled breasts bounce before settling them atop folded arms on the counter. “You’re the owner? I’ve been curious about some spa treatments to work out the sores.”

“Yeah? I can imagine with a load like that.” Robin grinned when they both stole a glance at Levian’s stomach orb. “You look ready to drop any second.”

Levian giggled louder. “Don’t worry. My partner and I usually lay our loads every morning. Helps keep the supply fresh.”


“Anything catch your eye? We got a few lunch combos.”

“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Robin focused hard on the menu in her hands, trying to force her imagination not to interpret the meanings behind Levian’s chitchat. “Philly steak omelette sounds great. You got any hot sauce?”

“Sure thing!” Levian was already scribbling down the order on a pad. “Anything to drink?”

“Sake if you got it?”

“Oh, fancy!” Levian tore the receipt paper out for Robin. “Take a seat anywhere, dear. This’ll just be a few minutes.”

“Thanks!” Robin said, swiftly turning to avoid watching Levian’s bare ass waddle behind the drop curtain into their kitchen.

The big fennec decided on sliding into a booth close to the counter for easier food delivery. Empty restaurants weren’t such a bad sign when they gave Robin free choice of seats. Plus, she didn’t have to worry about anyone getting upset by her sweaty workout stench. Hunger just took a higher priority than showering today. A girl can skip once in a while without destroying the world.

Curtains fluttered, and Levian was back at her station, smiling with happy wags of her thick spikey tail. Light crackling sounds of cooking oil came from the kitchen while the red dragon lost her attention in one of the complimentary sudoku puzzles offered with menus. Robin distracted herself with a bit of Twitter browsing instead of questioning the host’s apparent lack of modesty.

They weren’t at it long before Levian ducked backstage again. When she emerged this time, it was carrying a plate steaming with strong flavors of garlic and peppers.

Robin was drooling by the time they set the plater on her table, along with tabasco and garlic butter. Stuck inside the generous pool of scrambled eggs, she could see fine cut strips of beef floating along with peppers and mushrooms. Levian even set aside a smaller plate with a pair of buttermilk rolls.

“Remember to chew before you swallow,” Levian teased upon noticing the fennecs tail curl with a look of ravenous hunger.

“Thanks,” was all Robin got out before tearing into the eggs with a fork. No sooner had a big glob of mixed proteins flew into her muzzle than it rocked back with a loud moan. “Oh, Sweet Jesus! Now this is a lunch!”

“Good to hear! Let me know if you need anything else.”

A few muffled grumbles spat bits of pepper from Robin’s mouth, presumably as a gesture of affirmation. Levian gave a happy shrug, returning to her own busy puzzle activity.

Doorbells chimed together seconds later. Robin’s ears turned in that direction a second before her head, curiously eyeing the middle-aged human looking dumbstruck at their near-naked dragoness host. She gave a small laugh before resuming her own business of devouring the most delicious of omelettes.

“Welcome to the Rookery,” Levian said in the same sing-song voice she gave Robin. “Dining in for lunch?”

That seemed to prompt the man into action. Robin paid them little mind as he ordered some egg sandwiches for a quick take out. A large piece of beef landed on her tongue, which she wanted to savor in slow chews.

Something that would have been easier without the need to wiggle in her cushioned seat. The fennec used her free hand, trying to adjust her shirt and pants between bites. Everything felt suddenly tight, especially with her stomach oddly pushing into the table. She must have worked her muscles really tender again, but that wouldn’t explain why her breasts swelled further outward too. It was hard enough eating without being able to see the omelette dish beneath her. Maybe it was time to up-size her work out clothes again.

A swishing of motion turned Robin’s attention back at the counter in time to see Levian’s behind bounce into the kitchen. Naturally, the poor human got lost at how to handle such a wanton display of fat scales.

“Talk about a dump truck ass, right?” Robin offered with a wicked grin.

The man jumped a foot in the air, as if only now noticing a tall vixen mere feet away. He returned a nervous smile, but Levian’s prompt return with a paper bag cut off any chance for a retort. He thanked her for the lunch and exited in a hurried fluster and chiming bells.

Robin resumed eating to avoid making eye contact with the red dragon. The irony that her own butt was slowly pushing down her pants waistband and smoshing into a cramped backrest didn’t go unnoticed. Pinching got near painful before she forced a brief respite in eating to undo her belt and zipper. A slight release that allowed her belly to fall out as a proper bulge, slightly tilting the table in its push. She gave her stomach’s underside a curious rubbing, causing several solid objects to shift inside.

“BURRP!” Robin startled herself with the involuntary bellowing. Deep crimson blushes formed along a muzzle that had a strangely broad width for a fox.

“Thanks for the compliment,” Levian said with a fit of giggles.

“S-sure. May I have a glass of water?”

“Sure thing, dear.” The red dragon made another trip into the kitchen, returning in seconds with the refreshment.

“Thanks!” Robin swallowed another bite, marking the halfway point of her meal. Just seeing the water made her realize just how spicey Levian cooked this omelette. She was working up a better sweat than on the treadmills, trying to wiggle more room out of this cramped booth. Even her tail was getting pinched by her ass, both of which continued to thicken out under her. “What the fuck!?”

Reaching out for the water made Robin stop cold to gaze awe-struck at her hand. The claws she had worked hard to file this morning now grew several inches larger with sharp points that could probably cut her table. Fur seemed to retreat up her arm as it turned into a layer of small, smooth scales of matching color. The fingers themselves popped in random places to become thick sausage digits, pushing off their paw pads like scabs.

“What the hell is going on!?” Robin gasped, mostly because her sports bra was getting really tight. Like everything else, her mounds were growing significantly in a short amount of time. She looked from the tight bulge in her shirt to her hand and then checked the other to find it also assumed a reptilian nature.

“Oh, you’re just turning into a dragon.”

The neutral tone Levian answered in had Robin jerking attention away from her expanding body to give them a perturbed look. “Why!?”

“My partner and I have magic eggs. Duh! Anyone that eats our stuff gets big and scalie. Whether they keep it is up to them.”

“Seriously!?” Robin continued watching scales overtake her arms, shirt sleeves tearing with a surge of bicep mass. A passing thought went back to the poor guy just in here, but a cramp in her shoes cut it short.



Better make that former shoes, she mused, trying to fold her legs in a way that didn’t overturn the table. They were getting so long the pant legs barely got over her knees. Years of squats already gave Robin a set of melon-crushing thighs. Now they looked ready to shatter a skull while tearing through her tight pants. When she finally got a foot curled around the base of her seat, it hardly resembled such an extremity. Her toes were just round meatballs sporting even larger claws than her hands. Heels rose on an arch of strong tendons, forcing her to walk on the thick base like an animal’s paw. At least they were proportionally huge to support the rest of her massive weight.

“This...this is so cool!!”

“Oh?” Levian’s ears perked with a curious glance at the now ten foot, thicker, vixen.

Robin was all smiles as she twisted to watch her tail push at the seat of her pants. The fluffy fifth limb quickie lost most of its prized hair, making up for it with a massive girth of scaled muscle. It coiled a tapered tip around, brushing along the side of the booth against her meatier leg. That was when she noticed how juicy fat her half furry, half-scaled ass sunk into the foam padding.

“So if I finish this, I’m going to become a dragon?” Robin looked back to her omelette. Curiously, the tilt of her unnoticed billowing belly created against the table had slid it across the other side.

“Well...yeah? It’s hard to say if it’s the type of person or the dish that determines your final...nevermind.”


Robin didn’t bother with the fork, resorting to hefting the plate in one muscular hand and dumping the remaining egg mix directly into her shifting muzzle. Her black nose turned the peach tan of her forming facial scales, before the nostrils spread flush into them. Large pointed ears shriveled away to be replaced by a series of acutely spiked horns jutting out either side of her head. It looked pretty against the wild mane of hair.

“Hey! What’d I say about chewing?”

“Burp!” Robin replied in a gentler growl. Her longer dragon tongue rolled out to one side in a goofy smile as she stroked her belly with both hands. The magical meal soon landed deep inside her, filling the pudgy bulge with a surge of warmth. She glanced down curiously, watching the last threads of her shirt break under a flowing excess of breast flesh. “Uuh...o-oh!”

Twinges struck from somewhere else deep inside Robin. Not just her stomach, but another organ slightly lower, and feeling fairly stretched itself. The realization struck her a second before the cascade of new objects began forming under the shimmering taut scales.


The near-dragoness hunched forward, hugging her stomach. It pushed back with equal force, expanding faster than a beach ball on an air pump. From just under the flesh many small objects clicked together, trying to find a place to settle. They filled her up in another way that brought meaning to a lot of Levian’s previous statements.


More pulses struck along Robin’s back, causing her to arch her spine. The act alone thrusted her heavily pregnant stomach forward, lifting the table partially off its legs.





In one combination of explosive growth, Robin’s hips, tail, and legs utterly decimated her jeans into a pile of scraps. Not wanting to stop there, layers of muscle and fat she could only dream of weighting for thickened out her bottom half. The booth’s tight pressure became unbearable until it was surprisingly the bench that gave first.

Levian gave a dejected sigh, watching another bench’s back rest fall apart in four large pieces and a shower of splinters. Robin’s new lizard tail wagged over the open space, happy in this new freedom, while Robin herself looked over one shoulder to give the red dragon an apologetic smile.

“I really need to hire an architect for transformation proof furniture.”

“Mmh! But what a transformation!” Robin purr-growled, reaching back to feel the flesh of her butt squeeze between her mighty fingers. “That felt as good as se-AXE!?”


Another panicked bark and Robin rocked forward, tipping the table enough that the plates fell off onto the floor. From under a stubbornly tough, if not small, shirt grew out very large draconic wings with big spikes perched on the joints. They flopped about the open seat cushions as Robin looked on bewildered. It took a few seconds for the nerves to register with her brain, allowing them to rise and fold against her broader back in a relaxed state.

“Oh...my...god! I can’t wait to fly like this! Oh wait…” Robin’s joy tapered a second, glancing back to her swollen midsection. Or at least what she could see around her milk heavy tits. “Can I even fly while with eggs?”

Levian scoffed. “I can’t but you look packed with upper body strength. Just know I don’t encourage it.”

“That’s fair!” Robin gently lifted the table off her belly, sliding off onto monstrous paw feet before setting it back in place. More spikes jutted out from her arched ankles and shoulders, giving a wicked aesthetic to her muscles. Shame they didn’t help her walk. Two steps sent her hefty hips swinging, the attached giant tail promptly sending her table spinning through the air in a crash landing around the restaurant’s far side. “Uh...sorry for the mess?”

“Hindsight is my fault,” Levian muttered in a forlorn glance at the broken table impaled on her wall. That looked like a repair job worth her last months of tips. “In any case, it’s nice to see you enjoying your new self. Your friends at the gym might be in for a surprise.”

Most of the words fell on deaf ears. Robin noticed her reflection in a wall mirror and took it as the perfect opportunity for a few flexes and dramatic pregger-dragon poses.

“Ha ha! No kidding. My kids are going to flip out when they see I got even more rip..and round.” Wings wiggled as an idea struck Robin. “Oh! Say, can I get four more orders of that omelette to go? My family could do with a late lunch.”

There was a moment’s pause with Levian blinking back. Eventually the request sunk through, springing her to attention. “You don’t say!? Well, set that fat caboose anywhere you like. I’ll have them ready in five minutes.”

“Who are you calling fat, chunky!?” Robin shot Levian a raspberry before they vanished into the kitchen.

The desire to see how her rear twerked in the mirror was put on hold with a sudden chiming of bells. Robin turned and had to lean forward to see a very confused and slightly aroused mouse man gawking up at her belly and breasts. Damn, could this pear figure cast a mean shadow.

“Hey! Sorry to block your way. I don’t work here, either.” Robin bounced awkwardly out of the way with a flourishing gesture of both hand and wing towards the counter. “The chef is in back fixing me an order, but take it from me; these meals are worth it. They’ll change you in fucking awesome ways.”


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