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(contains human to anthro dog TF, hyper hourglass portions)

Commission for Araym


An unexpectedly sharp turn rocked Kendra out of her muddled thoughts. She watched various parked cars pass through the window of her Uber until it slowed to a stop before a series of steps leading to double glass doors.

“This the place?” the driver grumbled without looking back to her. His sagging eyes were on the GPS of his dashboard, already knowing the answer.

Kendra glanced at the building’s numbers, fighting back butterflies in her stomach. “That it  is. Thanks for the ride.”

“Sure thing.” At least the driver gave that much courtesy, ticking off this latest fare from his app. “Just be careful not to get lost or something.”

“Oh, I’ll be fine,” Kendra lied as she climbed out of the old car. She didn’t bother watching it drive off, needing every ounce of willpower to climb the few stone steps.

This was pretty much it; the last shot, Hail Mary, bottom of the barrel desperate attempt at kick-starting a career. Four years of late night studies eating ramen soup finally got Kendra the PHD for her dream job, and it didn’t seem to matter for beans. No one hired bright eyed, young interns unless it was for free labor. Because a twenty-five-year-old blond woman can live on nothing, rent and food just magically tend to themselves.

At least getting angry about her situation gave Kendra the courage to open the door and go inside. It was one of those large but very plain office buildings inside a neighborhood of other buildings and factories. The kind of work areas where if you didn’t bring a packed lunch you were screwed. One of the last places one expected to find a research lab, but probably better here than next to a food market and daycare.

Seeing that the receptionist was a freckled guy possibly even younger than her gave Kendra a renewed hope for this little adventure. Apparently he hadn’t expected a female peer to come stomping in today either, cause his shocked eyes invariably scanned downward before zipping back up to maintain proper contact.

“H-hi! Welcome to Moonlight Genetics. Want to date I...I mean, how may I help you?”

“Um…” Kendra paused at the questionable company name more than the dudes Freudian slip. Neither would stop her from reasserting a professional aura. Being an actual field researcher came far before dating and this was the last lab in the state taking applicants. “I’m Kendra Trask. My uncle Mitchel should have set up an interview.”

“Oh yeah! Mitch mentioned that a few days ago.” It was a relief to see the boy’s eyes light up with recognition, though Kendra kept her smile straight and neutral. That got a bit harder when he checked something on his computer and glanced curiously towards her. “You’re...the new security guard?”

“Yes!” Kendra gave a confident nod, hoping she wasn’t sweating already.

After the last deal with a lab up north fell through, Kendra ended up attending her kid nephew’s birthday party where uncle Mitch caught wind of the fresh graduates’ problems. It wasn’t exactly the deep, challenging study job she wanted, but working security still meant being around real labs with experienced scientists. All she needed was a year or two subtly impressing them with her own skills in biology and chemistry. A promotion into the field would be inevitable.

That is, if this receptionist stopped looking at her so quizzically. Kendra’s attempt to appear calm and professional threatened to crack the few seconds this jerk took at double checking his computer for some apparent information. Eventually he shrugged and the standard work smile returned.

“Well, Dr. Pain has you scheduled so looks like everything went through on Mitch’s end. Take the left door and head on through to the back.”

Kendra meant to say thanks, but some words stuck in her brain. “Wait a second, his name is really Dr. Pain?”

“Don’t ask him about that. You really don’t want to.”

“Oh...kay.” Kendra slowly took her exit down the indicated hallway. The glimpses captured through cracked doorways quickly overshadowed the oddity of their lobby. Her heart fluttered in childish glee at seeing professional labs, beakers, computers. Anything from movies and more teased at Kendra’s eyeballs steeling herself to land any kind of job here no matter what.

Such resolve received its first test a lot quicker than the young woman expected. As Kendra approached the door she caught sounds of angry yelling from the other side. Before she could consider that, both sides flung outward, narrowly missing her face in the crashing swing. An older, balding man stumbled past her, mostly under the control of a large brown bear hoisting him by the shirt collar. If they noticed the alarmed Kendra pressed against the wall in fright, their little scuffle didn’t allow a chance to acknowledge her.

“What the fuck?” Kendra whispered while watching the pair gradually and aggressively make their way down the hall. Upon closer inspection it was not a bear, but a dog escorting the angry swearing man from the building. A german shepherd was wearing a blue security uniform and possessing hands. Hell, he even wore boots. Years of scientific research wouldn’t allow her to explain it off as a suit either. That wagging tail looked way too real.

“Oh, some idiotic reporter tried sneaking in to get dirt on my research. Oops, sorry, miss.” Another man in a lab coat had followed behind the scene so silently that Kendra missed his presence. Granted, eyeing up the inexplicable dog man didn’t help her perception much. “Honestly, there’s so much garbage trying to pass itself off as the media these days. He was going through my samples, no doubt trying to find some way to frame me as a Frankenstein monster. Incidentally, who are you?”

“K-Kendra Trask,” she said upon peeling herself from the wall. The shepherd came back into view, strolling down the hallway with ears perked in a much happier position. “My uncle said he’d contact you. Wait, you mean that dog is your research.”

“Call me Frank.” The dog offered a clawed hand with paw pads on each finger to Kendra, amused by her surprise at speaking. “And yes. The doc here calls me one of his works in progress. I assure you, we don’t bite.”

“Right…” Kendra knew her face was burning hot, but good mannerisms allowed her the nerve to shake the offered hand.

“Yes, well, I’m Dr. Pain.” The other man butted in without offering a shake. His emotionless eyes scanned across Kendra’s body in an eerie analytical kind of way. “You’re a bit taller than your uncle said, but everything else seems on point with the calculations. Follow me and we’ll get you adjusted for work.”

“Wait, really?” Kendra fell into step behind Pain at a complete loss. More so when they went through the double doors into a scientist’s dream lab. They even had a giant laser machine. “Weren’t we supposed to do an interview or something?”

“That wastes too much time and as you can see, we got lots of funding to earn.” Dr. Pain cracked what might have been a smirk at seeing Kendra’s fascination with a machine full of petri dishes. After a second of fumbling through some desk drawers, he flipped out a small packet of papers. “Just sign these consent forms and waivers while I make some preparations.”

“Oh, sure!” Kendra thought she might have a heart attack. The writings were barely a blur in her rush to sign every dotted line. After dozens of attempts at biting and clawing into the industry, she finally had an in. She didn’t even pay Dr. Pain any mind when he began swabbing her arm with sterilizers. “So do I start tomorrow or-OW!”

“Hm? If you wish.” Dr. Pain dismissed her cry, focusing on administering his injection. A green substance emitted a soft glow as it slowly depleted into the woman’s bloodstream. “The effects are fast acting, so you should be fit for duty by then.”

Kendra wisely waited until they pulled the needle from her vein before throwing a fit. Any sense of professionalism left with it. “What the fuck did you just jack me up with!?”

“Why, this procedure is standard for all our security staff.” Dr. Pain calmly stared back in genuine confusion.

Frank, however, bit the lower lip of his muzzle with a meek ear flick. “Doctor, I don’t think she was told about that part yet.”

“Are you serious?” Dr. Pain whipped his gaze between the two, showing the first instance of emotion yet. Too bad it was panic. It didn’t inspire Kendra’s confidence. “I would have assumed your uncle went over everything before setting up this arrangement.”

“I’m going to...slap him later for...this,” Kendra said, finding breathing suddenly very difficult. Hands shot out to catch herself against a table, knocking over equipment her hazing thoughts prayed weren’t expensive. Something latched firmly onto her shoulders, which turned out to be Frank. “I feel...off…”

“Yes. That would be my latest serum starting the restructuring process. As a side effect you’re going to be unconscious for the duration, so try not to panic when you wake up a bit different.”

“Fucking...great…” Kendra managed to cough before collapsing against the big dog’s chest.

*    *    *

“How could you let this happen!?”

It was not so much waking up as snapping out of a trance. Kendra’s eyes shot open in a rush of alert energy and got promptly blinded by bright lights. Aside from grunting to rub her scrunched eyelids, there was no aches or grogginess to ward off.

“Don’t blame me for this just because I got the fur coat. You’re the one that invited that stooge in and left him alone in here.”

Ears twitched irritably at the nearby voices of Frank and Dr. Pain apparently going at it. While waiting for her eyesight to clear Kendra focused on what information her other senses could relay. Judging by her position, gravity, and chill on her ass; they had laid her out on a metal table buck naked. Trying to take in a deep breath proved difficult with the massive weights set on her chest. Bastards couldn’t have given her a blanket or something at least.

“Mmph?” Kendra tried to speak only to manage a snarling grumble. Wonderful, her tongue felt bloated and flopped about in the struggle to work her jaw. Something about the muscle movements were off and took a few tries to get a handle on.

The barely human noises were still enough to break up the men’s conversation. Dr. Pain’s milky silhouette entered Kendra’s vision before blinding her again with a penlight.

“Oh, good. Are you with us again, Ms. Trask?”

“Y-yeah. God damn it! Get that out of my face!” Kendra pushed the invasive instrument aside, trying to ignore how her voice sounded slightly deeper in pitch. The job barely mattered to her anymore. All her priorities focused on if the hack had yanked out her kidneys or something during the blackout.

Having this damn pressure on her upper torso didn’t help investigate for scars either. Kendra lifted her head to find two round beach balls on her chest, obscuring her vision. For some odd reason they had a fine layer of brown fur instead of rubber, looking slightly deflated enough to pour against her sides. Even so, there was no way to push them off, no matter how hard she tried. Palms merely sunk into their soft fuzzy surface with a consistency like foam. For some reason that tickled her nerves too. “What the fuck did you do to me?”

“To put it briefly,” Dr. Pain started, slowly going over his choice of words. “Part of the waiver you signed was full consent to take part in a breakthrough of gene splicing this facility is running. All of our security is doubling as test subjects to cross with the DNA of canines, which was the injection we gave you upon hiring.”

“Oh...shit…” The more Kendra’s racing mind took in, the less she wished her eyes would clear. Bringing a hand into view, she saw the entire arm wore the same brown and black fur as the round weights on her chest. Each finger tip ended in a long blunt claw and a puffed up bulge of skin that felt spongy to the touch. A black blur caused her to go cross-eyed, making out a big black nose at the end of a long, wide bridge. Working control of what she realized was a much thicker tongue, she passed it along way more sharp teeth than a human should normally have. “You gotta be kidding me!”

“Try to take it slow now!” Frank offered when Kendra pushed herself against the heavy pull of gravity. “There’s been a bit of a...complication with you.”

Kendra ignored the advice, sitting up with all the strength she could muster. Legs slid around to dangle off the side of the table, looking just as furry as her arms with clawed, paw padded feet at the ends. It hardly surprised her to feel a fluffy tail brushing lazily across the top of her ass cheeks.

The size of said ass when Kendra glanced back. Now that was a surprise. Her former lithe frame positively ballooned with over a foot of additional hip span, packing enough fat atop each glute that her backside squashed across a wide amount of table top. Turning back, there was no longer any denying the heavy sphere’s were her breasts. Their beach ball size blocked any view of the floor. “This is a complication, eh?”

“Indeed! A rather irritating one, too.” Dr. Pain glanced over some papers on another table, furrowing his brow. “We thought that reporter Frank kicked out was attempting to steal some of my mixtures. Looks like his goal was sabotage. You were supposed to become one of my experimental super guards, but an unknown reagent added in has also...enhanced your attributes to a drastic degree. I can assure you I will include compensation in your paycheck for this inconvenience.”

“Consider me assured,” Kendra grumbled through clenched fangs. She gently pushed onto her feet, nearly falling over immediately. All the new mass shifting around created a different center of balance to work with. “Super guards isn’t exactly a scientific term either, doc. You guys got a mirror?”

“Over here,” Frank said with a jerk of his thumb.

The journey across the lab started slow and unsteady until Kendra became more accustomed to her expanded figure. There was a lot more bump and sway than what she was accustomed to. Reaching the full body mirror near a washing station, she gazed in to find a german shepherd woman staring back, kind of beautiful, in an exotic alien way. She still had her original blond hair and blue eyes, which seemed to mesh well with the brown patterns of her fine fur coat. Too bad being more stacked than any porn star she’d ever seen overshadowed everything.

“Ugh!” She stuck her tongue at the mirrored image while giving her enormous boobs a hard bounce. Their sloshing weight will be a nightmare for a while. “Do I really have to work like this?”

“I am afraid so,” said Dr. Pain, still nose deep in report papers. “The sabotage was very sloppy, and we even found some reversing serums contaminated. I must flush the entire stock and brew from scratch. That’s going to set us back by at least six months.”

“I got to be a flea bag for half a year! Uh, no offense, Frank.”

“None taken.”

“You will be a ‘fleabag’ a lot longer than that, Ms. Trask.” Dr. Pain straightened up, finally looking Kendra in the eye. “Sabotage or not, you still signed a contract that keeps you on security detail to this facility for two years, with opportunities for extended service. In fact, with a base test group to compare results for the second compound, your contributions to this research have become invaluable.”

“Test group?!” Kendra parroted with a glance to Frank. “How many of us are there?”

“Counting you? Five.” Frank could not keep his eyes from darting below Kendra’s chin for a split second. “And just fair warning, you’re our only female too.”

“The good news just keeps pouring in,” Kendra declared, arms instinctively trying to hug over her exposed nipples. Even her hands had trouble reaching each other around that mammary shelf.

“Well, I was expecting to hire at least two more ladies today along with you,” Pain continued. “Now I can’t risk it without knowing the extent of the contamination. Sorry to say we must put you on maximum security detail for the immediate future. That means in the lab at all times. Another breach like this and we could damn well lose our funding.”

“Like I really want to be stuck like this,” Kendra scoffed, but then her pointed ears perked with a sudden thought. “Wait, you want me in the lab hovering over everyone all day?”

“Yes!” Pain threw his hand up in exasperation, oblivious to the increasing wag on the new dog woman’s tail. “That is exactly what I pay you to do along with the practical testing. I want you half mutts to be aware of every damn thing that happens in this lab from now on.”

“Oh, you can count on me to do that much,” Kendra affirmed with a wide smile. She couldn’t believe after all this crazy mad science her dream plan still played out perfectly. If she was security over everyone in the lab, opportunities to show off her brain power behind these thick curves would come on a silver platter. With any luck, she might become Dr. Pain’s assistant long before she became human again.

Still, it’d be nice to not look like they had spliced her genes with a dairy cow. Spotting a trash can under the hand wash sink, Kendra gave it a weak kick to vent frustration out on something. The result was a metal bin sailing with enough force to explode through the concrete-reinforced wall on the far end of the lab. Her canine mouth dropped at the sunken hole of shattered bricks, chunks of which broke off with the collapsing structure into a pile of rubble.

“Whoa!” She squeaked out, flexing her biceps curiously. Oddly enough, the muscles under the fur didn’t swell anywhere near what she expected after a feat of strength like that. “That was kind of cool. I mean...I’m so sorry, doctor!”

Kendra’s words died out when she turned to find Dr. Pain smiling so wide he showed some white teeth.

“I call you my super guards for a reason,” he explained in an aura of pride. “Not just improved strength; smell, hearing, reflexes. By the time your body finishes adapting to the serum, you’ll be stronger than most standard army marines. And when my research is finished, countries will beg us to make half animals like you a standard part of their military.”

“Guess that’s worth putting up with a bubble butt for a few years.” Kendra gave a deep sigh, drawn to the gentle wobbling that caused against her pectorals. “You are going to get me a bra for these bombshells, right?”

“The underwear may take a while to measure, but we should have something fitted for you in time for tomorrow’s morning shift.”

“Good enough. I’m just getting a bit cold here.”

“Welcome to Moonlight Genetics!” Frank laughed in a silly barking way as he patted Kendra on the back. “I’ll get you to a bunk and we’ll find you a mumu or something before meeting the others.”

“Sounds like a good start,” Kendra admitted. Instinct caused her to smile with raised ears and a tail wag, which Frank responded in kind. She let the senior canine lead her out of the lab, still annoyed by all the sashaying her body did, but hopeful about the career that laid before her exaggerated movements.


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