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(contains pregnant dragons, egg laying, anal sex)

Commission for Psi

Sequel to: https://www.patreon.com/posts/do-crime-19544367


Tension struck deep in Psi’s belly button, sending a ripple across the rest of her body. Tendons drew taut, locking hips in place, slowly lifting her thick serpent tail in an unwitting flash of panties under her maid skirt. This included locking the muscles in her fingers, letting the vase she was delicately washing slip out. Its resulting crash echoed across the cavernous hallway doubtlessly heard by much of the attending staff in nearby rooms.

“Damn it all,” the ferret dragon hissed once the assault had ceased. Her quivering hands lowered to a rest atop the distended round bulge of her stomach. Already its hefty cargo of eggs was slowly descending onto her crotch, eager to force open her passage for delivery. However, eyes glared furiously at the broken shards of antique porcelain sprinkled around her huge dragon paws. “Why can’t you gold makers wait another hour? Mistress is going to make me pay for that vase now.”

“You’re damn right she will!!” a familiar male voice alerted Psi to the rapid approaching of heavy boots. She let out a squeak, whirling in place to present herself submissively to the palace seneschal. The robust blond human served as her boss when the higher ups were not using the ferret dragon for entertainment. “How are you still this pathetically clumsy after this long? We expect more capability, even from a pseudo-dragon.”

Psi’s wings gave a flutter, but she maintained eye contact without a sign of searing offense showing through. A rising contraction helped distract her draconic instincts, raising hands out of position to grip the sides of her stomach. “F-forgive me, sir. My… um… my eggs are about to drop and I underestimated the time I h-had to NNNNGGGHHH f-f-finish up.”

“Like that’s a viable excuse for a king’s maid.” Despite his disproving glares, the seneschal waited for the contraction to pass so Psi can straight herself. “Never forget you’re still a prisoner, and aren’t deserving of sympathy, dragon or otherwise. That aside, Lady Matilda will have my head if I force you to dawdle in a hallway when it’s time to atone for your crimes. Get out of here quickly. The vase will still need cleaning up when you’re done.”

“Sir!” Psi said with only the slightest of skirt curtsy. There was no desire to show gratitude for being allowed to perform her highest priority job. They had a very clear relationship; the seneschal hated having to ‘babysit’ a huge clumsy beast, and Psi wanted nothing more than to roast this impudent human on a spit. Sad that such comforting dreams have to wait. Already she could feel the back of her birth canal yawning open with the next contraction. If there was any saving grace to this indentured servitude, Psi found it in how fast these routine clutch drops went. An hour or two sounded a lot better than a normal woman’s eighteen.

Psi waddled past the angry nobleman, not intending to hit him with the pointed tip of her tail, but feeling good about it, regardless. It never failed this crap would happen just as she was ready to finish another maid shift with plans for a hot bath and tea. Only four months ago she had been a tiny ferret man that got conned into being the fall guy for a produce heist. Long story short, never steal a dragon’s eggs and milk, less they transform you into one as forced compensation.

Technically, Psi wasn’t a ‘pure bred’ kind of a dragon by the kingdom’s standards. She still had the standard package of thick tail, horns, wings, and fire breathing, but aspects of her old ferret self still shined through. Brown splotched furs intermixed with areas of shimmering green scales, and her roars often came out as adorable ‘dooks.’

Appearance didn’t matter in terms of what the transformation required Psi to do. To say the magical changes in her biology helped repay the cost of commercial goods would be a vast understatement. Her half-scaled, half-furry breasts bloated even faster than her belly, requiring rigorous milkings every morning. They usually generated a yield of three to five buckets worth a market price most commoners could retire on. Dragon milk not only tasted like cream from the gods but also worked as a powerful reagent in many common medicines.

Between working as a cow, chicken, and maid, Psi’s already voluptuous form only continued to grow wider and heavier with each rotation. Most of the servants compared her towering eight foot frame to the decorative gourds their king enjoyed growing around the castle. 

They were not wrong. Her hips spanned wider than most sofas and swayed in hard bumps with each step. A lot of material went into the construction of her maid dress, which barely covered anything. Her bodice always felt tight again by the end of the day, breasts bulging out in generous cleavage refilled with milk. The skirt dropped around her hips low enough to not flash her panties with every tail wag, but occasional slips still happened.

At least the guards showed a ferret-dragon the courtesy of opening double doors upon her hobbling approach. Psi couldn’t fit through just one side when at full term, while contractions reduced the limits of her operative capacity to standing. The weight continued to press upon her hips, tearing her open from the inside.

“T-thank...nngh! GAH!?” Psi didn’t make it across the threshold before feeling a twinge deep in her loins. Not a second later, water poured through her panties, forming a puddle around quivering paws. Her blushing gaze dropped to the floor with a hard tail smack against the marble steps. While they had expected the event, showing it in front of guards was less than preferred.

“Hang in there, m’lady.”

Psi glanced at the door guard between heaving pants. Words of encouragement were very rare for her fat ass these days. Considering it was a younger male ram speaking, she could only guess they weren’t trained on how to handle the palace pet. Or maybe they knew the gist, since neither guard moved from their post while she clenched her gut in labor. Any help in her duties was strictly forbidden under threat of sharing them.

“Thanks,” Psi forced through grit fangs. Her walk continued with no care for the wet hazard left behind.

Showing good manners was the least of Psi’s problems. With her water broken came the body’s natural desire to push its falling load out. It made the short stroll to her hut in the castle courtyard an agonizingly slow march. Even if she ignored the call of labor, strengthening contractions made sure the eggs would come out, eventually. By the time she got inside, the first ovoid was already sliding through her tunnel. Its bulky presence forced her stance into a wider shuffle.

While technically a humiliated prisoner Psi found life as a draconic produce factory not that bad a trade off. The little hut royal engineers supplied contained more comforts than any street alley or horse stable. A straw bed came with silk sheets. Resting at its head was a small chest with grooming tools, some tailored clothes, and even a pile of steadily growing payment for her services. Sure, things get a bit cramped when her figure bloats up with subsequent layings, but she would never complain about that. This was far from a slaves lifestyle in many regards.

Trying to untie thirteen dress laces while an egg shoved rudely against her pussy, however, felt worth a lot of unladylike curse words. Psi slipped off her panties with a practiced wiggle of her thick tail, no problem, but a dragon’s fingers were too thick for the ties humans loved to excessively put on clothes. Being the only uniform made for someone of her size created a strong desire not to soil it any further, less she performs tomorrow’s work naked while it’s washed. An event that’s happened more times in Psi’s detainment than she wanted to admit.

“Hnngh!” Psi’s draconic muzzle scrunched under the quivering tension in her belly. Sadly, the eggs didn’t care about her work habits. Reluctantly she sunk into a deep squat with her tail stiffly curled into the air.

Being in the privacy of her own chamber afforded Psi the freedom to push with total conviction now. She wanted these blasted things out of her womb as badly as they did, just not in the hallways where nobles can make it into a spectacle. Those unfairly rich lower life forms loved to make it a joke she present for all the capital to watch the fate of anyone that crosses a dragon. More likely they were all just perverts with a scalie monster fetish.

“Hah! Pah pah pah!” Luckily contractions were already pressing the first egg against Psi’s pussy lips. It only took one firm push to get them spreading open in an unveiling of a wet, glistening shell. It’s widest part fought with her muscles limits for only a second before popping out with an audible squelch.

Liquid dripped from Psi’s pussy as it closed again, though not all the way, basting the fresh egg in a steadily growing puddle. The ferret dragon’s toes flexed, digging trenches in the dirt floor with their claws. Gods, part of the reason perverted humans wanted a spectacle was because of how much it worked her up. She didn’t even intend to get aroused during layings. The damn things were so big they had a tendency to rub along very tender spots on the way out. And it only gets worse near the end, with her strength waning so shells really had to be ground past her clit.

“Mmmh. Fuckers…”

Speaking of which, Psi sucked in a deep breath, feeling number two falling into her shaft. She gripped both knees tight, shoving with the contraction for another quick deposit. Unfortunately, stomach muscles betrayed her just as the tip began poking out and decided to take a breather. Not wanting to tire out this quick, Psi forced herself to stop, letting most of the egg slide back into her. Attention returned to her uniform laces, hoping to remove it before all this excitement caused her breasts to leak.

She almost got the garment loosened enough when the shack’s door flung open. A figure even larger than hers blocked most of the doorway, blue scales glistening in the sunlight.

“Sorry I’m late dear. You know you’re supposed to tell me when you start contractions.” Matilda waltzed in like she owned the place, because frankly she did. When a blue dragon with mammary glands bigger than pumpkins showed up willing to share, it surprised no one to find their king bending over backwards for her. It was one of those things most people don’t see in a lifetime. “Ugh, and you’ve soiled your panties again on top of the other two incidents? You can at least act like a dragon and not leave a trail of messes for me to follow.”

“S-sorry, ma’am. I wasn’t pre...prepared and...oooooOOOOHHHH!!” Psi’s blush nearly covered her entire face as her belly drew tight once again. All she could do was reflexively push, popping out another egg next to the one between her feet.

“And you’ve just started too?” Matilda tutted, nudging the door closed with her massive tail. “I’ve been so stressed this past week working on the upcoming spring festival that fucking your next clutch was going to be my big pay off. You better not have been trying to hold them in all day.”

“N-no. Of course not, m’lady.” Psi gripped her knees harder, not wanting to point out how futile the act of fighting this body was. Trying not to drop her first couple clutches led to the public display that made her so popular with the nobles.

“Whatever. Let’s get you undressed before you make a total disgrace of yourself...again.” Matilda lowered onto her knees, gently untying the last knots to Psi’s dress. That was when Psi noticed the blue dragon wore very little herself. A basic bra just barely supported her bust, much of which overflowed the top. The basic loin cloth around her waist did nothing to hide the penis long and thick as a warhorse’s, especially with the rise of a soft erection. “There. Now we can do this proper.”

“Do what, ah!?” Psi yelped in surprise when Matilda stood up, yanking her maid dress off with the motion. Any comfort or privacy felt destroyed with the onset of labor pains shortly after.

Matilda frowned slightly seeing a fellow dragon reduced to such a sad state, but it was part of a punishment so she dared not show too much compassion. She still neatly folded Psi’s skirt on their bed while a soft thunk behind her signaled egg three had arrived.

Most of Psi’s clutches usually sowed in eight to ten eggs the size of a goose’s. Judging by how little her stomach shrunk so far, this would probably be on the higher end of the spectrum. While a good profit, that certainly didn’t suit her mistress’ immediate needs.

Matilda watched Psi brace for the next drop, dejected at being denied such a wonderful green pussy for a while.That was until Psi’s dragon tail lifted with the internal muscle flexing, presenting her spread ass cheeks to them. The sight alone sprang the blue dragon’s cock completely out from under her loincloth, inspiring her with an alternative.

“Yeek!” The harsh squeeze brought onto Psi’s fattened glutes broke her laying rhythm. Superior strength forced her to tilt forward until her hands slapped the ground to keep from face planting. From her new position on all fours, Psi glanced over flared wings to find Matilda kneeled down before her raised rear, kneading it together with a hungry lick of her lips. “M-mistress!? What are you...this makes it much harder to...to lay my...aaahhh…”

“Shut up and keep pushing!” Matilda snapped, never losing her devious smile. She took her time squishing Psi’s butt, admiring just how soft and rich eggs had truly made their figure. The glorious size might have almost been cause for jealousy, were it not influenced by a curse. Didn’t make her want it any less. Her pointed snout nuzzled its way between the ferret-dragon’s comfy pillows, dabbing along the tight ring of their anus with salivating licks.

“Gaah haaaahh!!” Hard shudders rocked Psi’s hips, her breath struggling to go in. Instinct drove her rich butt higher into the air while her draconic mouth sunk between folded arms to muffle pleasured moans. A few times she had to be milked while laying, but this was both better and worse. Trying to bear down against gravity was already a challenge without someone basting your backside.

Matilda enjoyed the struggle of watching Psi’s pussy bulge and slowly part in the crowning of another egg. She couldn’t resist stroking a finger over their swollen clit, causing the ferret dragon to cry out again as the egg sank back slightly. Only a slight delay before another heave pushed it out into the blue dragon’s waiting claws.

“That’s my girl. You’re getting pretty strong at this.” Matilda eyed the gapping pussy dripping with birth and arousal juices. Much as she wanted to feast on that, her throbbing erection could not be ignored.

“T-thank you, m’lady,” Psi gasped between breaths. Her bloated breasts squished hard against the ground with each expansion of her lungs. The unexpected stimulation left her in a euphoric daze that she didn’t notice Matilda set the egg with the others before standing up. “Aaah!”

It was noticeable when Matilda grabbed the ferret dragon by their tail, pulling it harshly to one side with a handle-like grip. Psi opened her drooling maw to protest, only to clench her teeth in a seething growl. Hands racked claws through the dirt under her, feeling something press hard against her anus ring. The muscles proved tight for a dragon, but the excess lubrication provided allowed Matilda’s cock to force it’s way inside.

“N-no!” was all Psi got out through the rush, blinding her with pleasure. Tongue rolled out with the word to hang dumbly against the side of her muzzle. The next egg acted almost in sync, stretching her vagina from the opposite end, trying to squeeze past the intrusive member’s girth. She didn’t think it possible to feel this over stuffed and it was glorious beyond words.

“Mmm, I told you I needed a good lay. And you’re too occupied with your own to serve yet.” Matilda gave Psi’s butt a smack, eliciting a cute ferret chitter. Giving the green dragon tail a firmer squeeze, she began rocking her hips against the ferret dragon, loving the way their coming egg traveled along the bottom of her dick. “Better hope you get that clutch out before I cum, or else you’re going to be railed raw all night.”

Given Psi’s current mental state, that hardly felt like a threat. Her chest continued to grind along the ground with Matilda driving into her ass at an increasing pace. It didn’t take long for her sphincter to grow accustomed to even their mighty phallus, though trying to push an egg out while quivering with pleasure proved much more problematic.

Thwoomp! Twhoomp! Thwoomp! Twhoomp!

“Oh goddess! Aaah! AAAAAAHHH!!”

Psi bit into the fur of her forearm, unable to muffle an orgasmic yell. Her insides convulsed around the objects jammed into both holes, milking Matilda’s member while unable to control the muscles to push out her egg. It was somehow a torture and the best climax since becoming a dragoness.

“Ah fuck yeah~!” Matilda was just happy to have something massaging her cock in all the right places. A few more booty smacks helped Psi through the rest of her orgasm before the blue dragon felt a shove against her balls. Pulling out a bit further than usual, she grinned to see another egg flop onto the ground. “I’m proud of you, Psi, but try a bit harder still. I’m getting very close already.”

“Mmmhh! Hmmmm!!” Pathetic whimpers were about all Psi could offer in response. Soon her body began rocking under the powerful thrusts of her mighty dragon mistress, beginning another rise of sexual tension in her sore and tired pelvis.

Getting these eggs out like this was going to take a lot more than originally planned. Psi had no idea how many eggs remained in her room, or if she could finish before her mistress.

Considering what would come after, a strong part of her didn’t want to.


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