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(Contains hyper curved Kitsune TF, BBW tanuki TF, male to female TG)


New conventions liked to go all out on making a good first impression. The hotel lobbies got decked out in some authentic bamboo and silk decorations for a traditional eastern flare. Those could not have cost a pretty penny, unless Walmart was doing a sale at the same time.

A lot of the staff also seemed to keep animal dress-up as a uniform standard; not full fursuits, but animal ears and tails wagged a plenty with their activities. Mostly just fox and raccoon ears to go with ShiftCon’s running theme of Japanese folklore. Everyone loves kitsune and tanuki’s, but there was the occasional noodle-style dragon. Every membership package even received decorative fox-tail soap and leaf mint candies.

Good thing too, considering Janus had forgotten to bring any soap with him. In fact, the blond man had to waste time at the corner store after registration because airport security sent his luggage to Mexico. There were no hygiene products to his name; just a carry-on bag with his art supplies, electrical devices, and one emergency set of clothes. He would have to make due until his stuff got shipped back to Las Vegas, hopefully before the con itself was over.

“Just try to enjoy the weekend,” Flux said for the fourth time since meeting Janus at the airport. The dark-haired man was busy setting up his Switch for them to enjoy later. Six hours on a plane had been a bit exhausting, so meeting up with friends could wait until everyone was done with registration. “If you need extra pants, we can hit the Target a block away.”

“If I need pants!?” Janus parroted, performing his own set up of fresh travel toiletries beside the bathroom sink. They piled up into a rather nice alter for his Transformers miniature to stand on display. “I can’t just walk around for five days in the same pair of pants. This is a furry convention.”

“Yeah, they encourage a bit of cleanliness.” Flux raised an eyebrow, watching Janus through the TV’s reflection. His friend had darted from the bathroom to snatch up the fox-tailed soap on the desk. “Didn’t you buy soap already?”

“Yeah, but this is authentic con fragrance. Not using it would break the rules.”

“What rules?” Janus heard him say before the bathroom door closed. 

Not wanting to pop his head back out to explain convention logic, he opted to just get a shower going. Spotting a flower designed kimono hanging off the door hook in place of a bathrobe was momentarily distracting. It’s brightly colored gold trim and red base made him compelled to feel the sleeves. The material was soft, but there was no way it was real silk. No convention, or hotel, would go to that much expense just for a theme. Maybe a previous guest left it here or something instead.

Getting back on track, Janus jumped into his running shower after tearing off the gimmick soaps plastic wrapper. A sharp yelp echoed off the white walls before he adjusted the water to a hot temperature.

Whoever made this novelty convention soap must be really passionate for the craft. Soon as it got wet, the bathroom became permeated with an aromatic scent of flowers and fish. Janus would never have the nerve to attend an authentic bath house, but he imagined this was a typical atmosphere for one. Just rubbing the bar between his palms sent shivers across his body, helping his muscles relax. With something this strong, the deodorant might have been a wasted purchase.

For being only a two-inch long fox tail, the soap was also insanely concentrated. Janus soon found his hands nearly engulfed in suds, easily spread to other parts of his body like a freshly scented cream. The more he covered, the easier it was to relax. Fatigue seeped out his pores with along with the sweat and dirt accumulated from stuffy airports, leaving a sense of invigoration. He even lathered up his hair with thick suds, getting behind his ears like grandma would always scream.


When Janus stepped back under the faucet to rinse it gave him the world’s fastest, yet strongest, body massage possible. His body shivered hard with goosebumps breaking all across the skin. Sensations clouded up all thought as Janus rocked his head back with another moan. Its higher squeal went completely unnoticed, much like how the view of the ceiling made it impossible to see the black cloud of body hair washing following suds down the drain.

Janus came back to reality feeling totally pumped for this con now. Every movement brought a firm bounce to his chest and a hard shake of his hips. There was just so much energy to let loose for the night. Nothing like a good shower to help catch a second wind.

It was when he leaned in to turn off the water flow that Janus paused. There was an awful lot of wet hair clinging to his upper back. Maybe a trip to the barber might be in order after meeting up with some pals. Did they even have a hair place in this area?

That did not matter, Janus was ready to take on the world; right up until he ripped back the shower door and nearly tripped over himself scrambling to pull the cover back. Staring directly at him from across the room was a blond woman with a rather pleasantly toned body. They looked just as freaked out at being caught wet and naked in the shower until Janus realized he was looking at the mirror.

For some reason, this discovery did nothing to calm her nerves.

“Um...hi!?” Janus gave her unfamiliar reflection a nervous wave, shuddering at the cute voice that squeaked from plump lips. Of course, the woman across the way perfectly mirrored the wave, followed by a shaky climb out of the shower on dainty legs. One look down shattered whatever delusion this might have been a prank. Her nose almost got buried between two plump mounds bouncing on her chest to every heavy breath. A quick brush between fatter thighs confirmed what she could already feel drastically lacking deep inside.

“O-oh! Okay...okay...don’t panic. First thing; get dressed. Second; find Flux and panic.”

Even that rudimentary plan did not want to work in Janus’ favor. Hands moved to feel the wide span of her hips and then the soft cheeks of her butt. Eyes then moved from the woman mimicking her in the mirror to the men designed jeans on the floor and she gave a sad headshake. No way those would ever fit on this badonk. Without another option, she waddled on unbalanced steps to the kimono hanging off the door.

“Mmpphhh! Wow!” Despite the weirdness of her situation the Japanese robe slide over her body perfectly designed for stylistic cover. Fabric tickled across her smooth, perfect skin like a million feathers. If doomed panic had not been Janus’ dominating emotion, arousal might have easily taken over. This thing must have really been silk. The slightest movement felt like scrubbing with the soap all over again. “Oh, duh!”

Janus whipped back towards the shower, accidentally smacking herself with her own hair from the motion. The fox-tailed bar still sat resting on a wall-mounted shelf, not even showing signs of being used yet. Part of her wanted to grab it, but feared further contact might somehow make this situation worse. Even if it did not, what kind of scene would be made from a half-naked wet woman complaining to the registration office.

It occurred to Janus that these bars of soap were being handed out to everyone at the con right before a pressure near his shapely backside derailed all further thoughts.


Janus nearly slammed into the door feeling a sharp jolt run through her spine. A second later she could register something heavy and wiggling weighing down against her butt. There was a bit of hesitation to look back, as if that would somehow invalidate these new feelings attaching to her senses. When she relented to take a glance, her jaw nearly hit the floor at seeing a multiple of furry limbs at the base of her spine. Each one was the same golden fur and white tip style as the soap not six feet away; a bush of fox tail wiggling against each other like wild snakes.

“Crap! Did I just grow tails!?” Janus watched two of the alien limbs wag back at him. It took a few tries, but he counted a whopping nine of them. “Yup. I just grew tails. O-okay, this is fine. I can...can...NYA!?"


The hem of Janus’ kimono fluttered from an explosion of pelvic growth. In the brief seconds her privates were on display, her hips had popped over three feet wide, while a waterfall of fat poured into her rear to give it a bubbly wobble. Janus herself was way more concerned that with the growth came a thick matt of rich golden fur covering her from waist to groin. Looking back at the mirror, she squeaked louder to find a patch of white fur along her inner glutes had stamped her rear with a heart shape.

The robe settled back down barely long enough to keep such a heavy bottom covered. Any movements would tug the hem up and give viewers a teasing glimpse of a plump lower rear and fuzzy white crotch. For some reason, the notion of strutting through the hotel lobby with such a teasing get up intrigued her.

“OW! Hey! No, stop!” Janus squeaked from an itching that notified her the changes were not over. “I’m bottom heavy enough, thanks! You don’t need to go that far south.”

Fur ignored Janus’ protests, proceeding to blanket her thighs with gold and white along the inside. Both got a lot thicker while also lengthening at the same time. They became better suited to flow into her bubble butt as changes continued down her shins. Here Janus had to stagger against the sink for a brace, feeling both her girly feet seize in a hard cramp.



In a sharp motion, her heels shot up into an impossibly high arch thanks to her feet gaining several inches of length. Her toes strained from having to bear the entirely of her weight for only a moment before their base puffed out into enormous platforms. Contact with the floor became slightly less cold thanks to firm black pads swelling under them for further support.


One by one, the toes attached to such swollen feet popped over five times their normal size. Each became a rounded meatball coated in creamy white fur, while blunt black claws slinked out in place of toenails. Everything except the pinkies, which slinked up along the high arch and dwindled away to barely just a claw. At least they were all a lot more evenly sized to make it easier for standing on them, especially when little black pads swelled out under them.

Those helped a lot in keeping a grip on the wet bathroom floor when Janus suddenly found it hard to control her fingers. More cramps seized up her fingers, compelling them into tight fists. Janus groaned softly, barely keeping one eye open from the discomfort. White fur thickened out across the back skin that soon enveloped over the knuckles and wrists to match her massive paw-feet. Golden fur quickly moved to envelope the rest of her arms, but Janus was focused on her hands pulsing. As she raised them up for a closer view, they were rhythmically expanding and deflating with her heartbeat. Fingers pressed tighter against each other in a mounting struggle for room. There was even a glimpse of claws and pads growing out of the exposed thumb tips.


Finally, in one especially hard surge, Janus’ hands flung open as her palms ballooned triple in size. The digits attached to them could barely be recognized as fingers; each ending in round plump tips possessing sharp black claws and a puff bean pad. Their size slightly hindered the attached knuckle joint, making them not quiet hands, but also not paws like her feet.

The changing, former, male could not help but admire a few test wiggles of her new digits while the rest of her arms thickened out with an admirable amount of muscles. Enough to get a bulge out of her bicep, but still leaving the paw-hands as the biggest part of the extremities. That still made her stronger as a gender bent foxy lady than as a construction man. She would have almost stayed lost in the fur between fingers tickling themselves if the biggest cramp yet had not seized her chest.

“Oh, no…”


In a split second Janus considering clamping her squishy palm pads against her breasts, and then promptly wondered if it would have helped. It did not matter since she took too long deciding, anyway. The tiny oranges of her breasts stiffened under a rush of pressure filling inside them. One blink later the front of Janus’ kimono flew open under a torrent of bouncy, white furred medicine balls. Their motions were so powerful that Janus’ twitching fox ears could pick up the milk sloshing.

There was just enough time for her passive perception to pick up on the ear oddity before gravity asserted dominance once again. Breasts fell forward in a hard tug that yanked her from the sink in a forward fall. Luckily the bouncing globs of fat were also excited to prevent Janus’ face from breaking the floor.

“Well now wha...aaah...nnngghh!?”

Having a painful fall onto her boobs did not prevent Janus’ face from breaking in other ways. His eyes went crossed alarmed at the sight of her nose puffing out. It slowly sunk lower to become more flush with the upper lip, losing its tip for more pronounced nostrils.

“Flargh!? Bwaah!?”

The ability to form coherent words was temporarily withdrawn as Janus found her tongue flopping out several inches too long to stay behind closed lips. Her mouth itself was flapping about in clumsy growls and yips, much to her surprise. Every sinew and muscle was beyond her control while it toughened or changed to fit a semi-human anatomy. It was almost a welcome relief when the bridge of her nose extended out further into her lower field of vision. Lips thinned out but stretched along an extending jawline. Teeth grew into sharp-pointed fangs while several more popped in the empty gum space.

A single final pop made Janus yip softly, seeing her nose surge into a big black button at the end of a sleek vulpine muzzle. Not wanting to bite her own tongue off, she slowly focused on getting the lengthy muscle back into her cheeks before clamping her mouth a few times to test how bitting works.

“Well, that was odd,” she huffed, but then perked her ears. “Oh, thank primus, I can still talk. Guess the boobs should have been a clue, but you never know.”

Grasping the sink with both hands, Janus levered herself back onto shaking legs. All nine of her tails wagged in endless excitement at the stunned anthro fox staring back through the mirror. The poor kimono was struggling to keep her fat butt and wobbling boobs covered. Its neckline could not be closed, no matter how much she tried to stuff the white globes back inside. There was little choice but to let them hang out, hem only inches away from revealing bright pink areolas.

A loud thump from beyond the bathroom door reminded Janus that she was not only at a convention, but in a room with other people. In a way it tore her mind in many directions; most notably the questions on if the staff office had a procedure for suddenly growing boobs and if Flux would still be up for that trip to Walmart. But most importantly of all...

“I wonder if I can get in the fursuit parade like this.”


Ten minutes earlier


“Yeah, but this is authentic con fragrance. Not using it would break the rules.”

“What rules?” But Janus had already closed the bathroom door. Shrugging to himself, Flux flopped onto his double bed, enjoying the thick comforter. Eyes soon drifted over to his own pile of convention material, and the leaf candies resting on top. “Meh! Why not?”

Hearing shower water run probably meant there was time for a quick Fortnite match. No reason not to try a chocolate treat while queueing.

“Mmph? W-wow!” Flux barely popped the thing into his mouth before a rush of sweet fudge engulfed his tongue. He had expected that plastic tasting garbage from a dollar store, not some imported drop of heaven. A few test swishes inside his mouth melted it in seconds, making him moan with delight.

Another two popped in at once before Flux leaned against the bed’s headboard to focus on his match. He tried to chew on these a bit slower to make them last, only to discover they were multi-flavored. Small explosions of fruit-flavored jellies filled his mouth, making him get headshot by the distraction.

Oh well! Respawn time gave him an opportunity to try another, and then another when he got fragged after that. Flux was far from a bad player, but it could not be denied his ratio would have been better without his attention divided. So many flavors lingered on his tongue long after swallowing. He could barely wait for an opportunity before unwrapping the next sweet surprise. It was amazing because they were not that big for candy pieces, maybe after-dinner mints at best. Someone working this con really went all out for quality, even on the little things.

Needless to say, Flux was sad when the small pile ran out. If whoever made those things was not selling them by the pound in the dealer’s den, that would be a true crime to everyone here. Maybe Janus would be interested in sharing his when he got out of the shower. Coming back from the sugar pleasure rush only made him realize his horrible game stats on the ending screen. At least the little snack was filling.


Maybe a little too filling. Flux sat up, directing hands and attention to his stomach with a raised eyebrow. Gentle strokes and kneading through his shirt did nothing to appease the tension. His insides strained tighter than after Thanksgiving dinner, making the skin surprisingly taut and sensitive. No sooner had he thought to just ignore it in favor of a new game than the flesh under his shirt pushed back.

“Um...What the...fffffuuuugh!?”

A surge of pressure made Flux double over, clutching his stomach. It did not help stop his previously flat abs from swelling outwards. Hands tried to push down, only to be forced back by a mounting bulge. Firm flesh became hidden under several levels of fat that made Flux looking like he really ate a thanksgiving meal, followed by a second turkey. Within seconds it got so big that his belly bulged over the waistband of his jeans. The hem of his shirt slowly crept up the round pudgy curve to expose his belly button. Beer gut would have been a gross understatement with how it swelled between fingers.His whole middle was a rounded medicine ball of dough and grey fur.

“Wait. FUR!?” Flux pulled his shirt back further, jaw dropping. The sagging bulge of his belly and chest had sprouted a fine layer of soft grey hairs. Even more continued to spread in a wave from this center, switching to a darker shade when moving around to his sides and back. For some reason his waist looked a bit more caved in despite collecting enough pudge for love handles. He tried to pull the shirt down, not wanting to witness this weird morphing any further, except his belly had continued its plumping inflation and refused to be covered anymore.

Something suddenly broke with a sharp ping that made Flux gasp from the relief. Both the button and zipper of his pants broke under mounting pressure, allowing his stomach to pour out further. He knew immediately that was not the only part applying pressure. All the seams around his hips were strained and squeeze down on his itching rump. No amount of wiggling on his bed seat could relieve their stress. It just made them slip down his legs.


“Aaahhhh...mmh gawd!”

Flux had reached down to try pulling up his jeans only to get them thrust aside by his hips. They exploded into a wide span that dwarfed even his fattened waist. There was no hope of pulling them back up, especially when more fat poured into back. An onslaught of rich fuzzy butt cheeks overflowed the hem, pushing it down to his thighs while a deep crack spilled over the edge.


“Um…” Flux blinked, twisting to look over his shoulder at the chubby ass squishing around his white briefs. Right atop its cleft had sprouted a little nub of muscled flesh coated in thick orange fur. Giving it a nervous poke confirmed it as an extension of his spine, which wagged if given enough focus. The bright color confused him further, but made a bit more sense when the nub grew longer, muscles bulging out, attached to fresh sinew that glued itself to developing vertebrae. “Wait...what!?”

Much like all previous attempts, Flux grabbed hold of his new tail with one hand only to have it continue slicking from his grasp with a rush of growth. Fur puffed out along its gaining length to become a very dense bush. Its pattern developed a series of rings; orange, yellow, black and dark grey. The dang thing did not stop growing until it was as long as his legs, thumping against the headboard in Flux’s rising anxiety.

Getting used to a new appendage was overwhelming for the changing man. Both hands stroked along its soft fur, so sensitive he could not hold back a grin. He recognized the colors setting in; they almost perfectly matched those of his fursona. A quick peek at his flanks confirmed their signature ‘power light’ markings; an orange dot inside a circle with crosshair lines connecting them. And yet, this was also a bit different. Flux, the furry, was not supposed to be so bottom heavy, or fat in general. Not to mention he was supposed to be a fox. Having fluffy ring tail markings made him look more like a…


Flux had been so lost in thought petting his fifth limb that he failed to notice the arms themselves changing until fur swept across his hands. Grey hairs had swept across his shoulders down to half the biceps before sharply shifting to black ‘gloves’ just how he liked it.  While his arms thickened out to match the rest of his bulking curvy frame, the hands became concerningly smaller. As he watched, fingers slimmed and lengthening while growing claws that looked professionally manicured. Little boils rose out of each tip forming a firm textured black skin, perfectly matching the huge pads that developed out of his palms.


It was no surprise Flux’s legs followed a similar shift. Well, similar at first anyway. Thighs rubbed together from an intense itching traveling down them. No doubt a side effect of growing much more fur. Whatever area the sensation passed over immediately began inflating with ample deposits of muscle and fat. Flux blushed, panting as his legs blimped out like sausages. Their girth drew the denim of his jeans tight enough to be mistaken as a second skin. Buying those extra expensive quality brands almost felt like a mistake with such stubborn seams.



Socks, on the other transformed hand, never stood a chance against the coming changes. Flux could barely stifle a scream after watching fat flow down his shin and then his feet deformed with a loud popping of bones. They doubled instantly with additional bone and muscle presence, before another crack angled them away from his legs, leaving the heels in a high arch. It occurred to him that Flux had digitigrade feet moments before the end of his socks inflated like balloons. The elastic quickly reached its limits, wound around toes that were bloated into plush golf balls attached to a massive platform.


It was a given the sprouting of claws would see to the demise of both foot coverings. Fabric snapped away while a pair of plump paws rushed out the torn openings. Whatever remained flapped loosely against the fur of Flux’s inhuman heels.

“O-oh!? Ah crap!”

Flux had considered calling for Janus until the itching began creeping up his neck. In a rush he was off the bed and almost tripping onto his fat ass trying to get to the desk mirror. Each step was forced into more of a waddle thanks to his thick hips refusing to let his jeans be pulled up, while hammy thighs made it hard to pull them off. Throw in having to suddenly deal with walking on tip-toes and he had to fall across the desk for a brace soon as it got within reach.

Tufts of hair draped across Flux’s vision, prompting him to notice the tips dyed in the bright orange colors. Propping up for a better mirror view, he could see all his hair had changed; becoming a bright teal with orange all along the ends. Strands in the back tickled his shoulders as they poured down across his spine in a waterfall of growth. The sensation would have been enjoyable if he did not remember Flux was not supposed to have black hair. Years of growth happened in moments until there was a cape of rich fibers tickling his exposed bubble butt.

Pressure behind Flux’s nose whipped attention back to the mirror. Fur washed over the last human skin of his face, mostly grey except for a black ‘mask running across his eyes. The skin around the tip and nostrils darkened into a rough black texture that quickly grew moist before his entire face pushed out. His lips curled back from the tension of an extending jawline, inadvertently showing off rows of teeth that were developing sharp pointed edges.

With a final pop, the tension relieved itself, leaving a lot of nose blocking the bottom of Flux’s vision. It was an animal’s muzzle all right, just not a fox’s level of length or width. Watching his ears rise out of the rich forest of hair as fuzzy round discs confirmed his suspicions; he had become a raccoon.

An...obese raccoon version of his character.

“How and why would someone do this...to...my character?” Flux needed a second to catch on the voice coming out of his flapping maw was just as alien as his body. The pitch had become incredibly higher, leaving him with a very feminine squeal. A rub down of his neck confirmed the absence of an adam’s apple, also making him notice the raccoons face had a softer, sleeker feel unbecoming of a man. “Oh, you can’t seriously be making me a-EEK!”


Flux’s pupils dilated smaller than pencil points. In a rush of pressure, the flesh over his right pec surged out into the size and shape of a soccer ball. His shirt could barely contain the addition of dense mass as it fell into a gentle hang atop his pudgy stomach. Refusing to look at it directly, he watched dumbstruck as the anthro in the mirror raised a shaking finger to give it a test poke. New, very sensitive nerves, cause his jiggling rump to give a hard shudder as the finger sank all the way to its second knuckle without resistance.


A left breast promptly followed the same rush of inflation action, this time eliciting a scream from Flux. It fell to hang next to its sister as two grey blobs of milky fats. The shirt’s hem shot all the way up to his freshly voluptuous chest, unable to spare any room as the lower parts of both boobs bulged out from under it.

Developing an instantaneous rack bigger than anything Flux had ever known brought about another shocking notion. Both furry hands shot down under the sage of his belly, confirming a complete lack of something very important for a man, but finding another thing very important for a woman.

Before Flux could explore any further, there came a click of the bathroom door handle before it creaked slowly open. Her mind raced with excuses, each more implausible for this sudden transformation than the last. Nerves barely remained steady enough to turn and face her room share with a blushing face. Trying to remain balanced on paws entangled in too tight jeans was nothing short of a miracle.

Whatever gushing statement had been planned fell away with a golden fox woman emerged from the bathroom. Her enormous butt and beach ball ranking boobs could barely be contained in a tight-looking kimono. The only thing more amazing than her figure was the bush of nine wagging tails trailing behind her.

“J...Janus!?” Flux gasped, unable to deny their obvious identity. Only one person had gone into the bathroom and they were nowhere to be seen.

The kitsune seemed to have the same train of logic when she met the raccoon’s gaze. “Flux!?”

An awkward silence filled the room as they both looked each other’s fuzzy body up and down. Both looked ready to bust out of their small sized clothing for slightly different reasons. Neither was really sure if they should be jealous of the others developed build.

“Why the heck are you a cow proportioned vixen?” Flux found her voice first.

Janus blinked and then got a goofy smirk on her slender muzzle. In retaliation, she reached out a finger to give a sharp jab at Flux’s exposed belly button. The raccoon woman instinctively clasped at the mound of gut pudge, giving a girlish giggle.

“Oh yeah? Why the heck are you a chunky tanuki?”


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