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(contains fox to dragon TF, weight gain, rapid preg, stuffing, Altersex to female TG)

Art by Janus 



 The door creaked open, allowing salty fish smells to pour into the living room. They acted like a pungent announcement for the arrival of a very exhausted vixen. Tired paws dragged foot claws across the carpet as she shuffled inside, slamming the door shut with a hard tail bump. How nice of the roommate to not open any windows with summer raising temperatures outside. Stripping the medical mask off her muzzle, she set it, a purse, and a set of keys on the dresser before heading into the kitchen for a drink.

 Working as a part-time sushi chef probably sounded grand to an outsider. On most days they would be right too. Faith got paid epic wages for only working during the lunch and dinner rush hours. Those never hit easy, but she refined rolling goodies in rice to an art form. She could list off no less than thirty customer friends on a full name basis, with a few random facts. People loved the way this sleek fox rolled.

That was before a pandemic happened. After two months without work, people were suddenly lining up around the block like eateries were a new fad. Didn’t help the mood that social distancing wasn’t as popular. Faith would much rather be bored off her ass and contained than bustle in a crowded sushi bar. Between a rich roommate and a hefty savings account, they were fairly set money wise to wait this insanity out at home.

“Welcome home, Faith!” Right on cue came the shouts of said roommate from down the hall. “Smells like another busy day. You doing all right?”

“Oh yeah! My legs feel like rubber. The usual.” Faith took a second to down several large gulps of water before trying a proper response. “I think a whole four people cared enough to wear masks today. At least the bar was closed off, so they weren’t coughing directly on me. How was your day?”

“Almost regretting taking this comic commission, but I got all the pages inked, so progress?”

“Sounds like a lot to me.” Faith cracked open the kitchen windows to air out her powerful fish perfume. The breeze felt heavenly on her sweaty fur. One hand pulled out the scrunchy, keeping her brunette hair in a ponytail. A few head shakes helped fan matted locks across her upper back. “Taking a break for dinner soon? I’m starving.”

“My hands are getting that jelly feeling too. You feel like takeout tonight instead?” her roommate shouted again. “We got a bunch of delivery flyers in the mail today. Some sound pretty new.”

“Sure. Why not?” Faith glanced at the counter where a bunch of junk papers laid in a stack. Tonight definitely didn’t feel like a cooking night. Even if she made a ham sandwich, it’ll still taste subconsciously like roe.

Any actual mail turned up uninteresting. Most letters were for car insurance or applications for credit cards. Like anyone has the money for that garbage during a nationwide virus outbreak.

For that matter, Faith wondered why someone would try opening a new restaurant under the circumstances. The first offering looked like another Asian spot, which got promptly trashed. That felt a bit too close to sushi for comfort. However, catching sight of the next pamphlet’s title got her ears perked.

“The Rookery? Twenty-four hour egg service? Hee. Cute.”  The basic introduction didn’t catch Faith’s attention so much as the anthro dragon woman taking up the cover. The woman was extremely thick in figure, looking like her stomach had been stuffed to bursting with eggs. At least sixty percent of her mass seemed to fill the waistline area.

It was an imprinted photo, for that matter. A fact that really made Faith think. How did someone pregnant with a clutch the size of an army work in a kitchen, much less move around?

“Okay then,” she shrugged off the wild train of thoughts after a rumbling in her own stomach brought up higher priorities.

Glancing through the menu really got the vixens tail wagging. Suddenly eggs sounded so good after days worth of using fish. A different kind of protein with its own flavors, and so many ways to cook them. The chefs running this joint seemed equally aware of those prospects. They offered just about anything from burritos to full skillets, long as an egg went into the mix.

“Hey, dude! They got this silly egg place nearby.” Faith ran a claw through the section for quiches, settling on a tasty sounding bacon and cheese mix. “You want to come out and order something?”

“I’m streaming some pin-up coloring right now. Just get me whatever you’re getting.”

“Sure. Good thing we both like bacon.” With a grinning eye roll, Faith fished her phone out of her pants back pocket and followed the website address listed. The wonders of modern technology allowed her to sign into Google and order in seconds. “Help me listen for the doorbell. I need a shower.”

“No problem, Faith. I’ll pay you back soon as I get paid for these coms.”

“No rush. Hope you’re drawing some good boobs, at least.” A brief stop in her room for fresh clothes and Faith was soon locked in the bathroom enjoying jets of hot water purging all the unwanted grim from her body fur. If she hadn’t been waiting for food, there might have been a little extra effort in scrubbing out the stress inside her sheath and balls.

Lucky enough Faith finished blow drying her tail when a loud knock came from the front door. Emitting a series of uncivilized swears, she tumbled out of the bathroom trying to hurry over. Very few people were aware of her amazing sense of balance hopping on one leg while the other struggled to go into the leg of her jean shorts.

“H-hey!” She flew the door open with a bright smile which slowly faded to a neutral expression. “Whoa!”

“Good evening,” sang the cheerful golden dragon girl towering over Faith’s slender body. Her girth filled up most of the hallway outside, not counting the wingspan and tree trunk for a tail. An apron with ‘The Rookery’ embroidered on it billowed out like a sail inches from Faith’s nose thanks to the enormously distended belly under it. “Two bacon and cheese quiches? Piping hot with plenty of sauce!”

Faith found herself in a daze, wondering if this enormous mother could even fly with such a load in their womb. It took her an uncomfortably long silence before realizing said dragoness had a paper bag thrust out in offering. Smells of fresh bacon and herbs sparked her tail going once again, prompting her to snatch it in a flustered state. “Oh gosh! Yes. Thank you very much.”

“Don’t mention it!” The dragon tipped her hat, revealing an impressive ‘fan’ of little horns poking out behind her pointed ears, and turned so fast Faith had to duck to avoid the tuft of her meaty tail. “Have a great night.”

“Um...kay.” Faith continued watching them waddle off, blushing deeper upon realizing an apron and hat were the only things on the dragon’s figure. Talk about bold or carefree to deliver food in such a state. Or maybe it was more impressive if they made clothes that fit so much roundness somewhere in town.

The vixen’s stomach gave off another pang, not appreciating this ogling delay. Faith shook her head before closing the door. At least that didn’t go as weird as it could have. Now with a hot meal in her hands, she bounced down the hallway to slide one of the big plastic containers into her roommate’s room. The attempt at subtly proved useless under the might of anthro noses, however.


“Sorry, didn’t want to break your flow.”

“God damn, that smells good! Don’t worry, just adding a bit more shading before I call it a night.”

“Ah! Well, enjoy then. I’m sure I will,” Faith shot over her shoulder already returning to the living room. Damn they put a lot of fragrant herbs on this dish. She could barely take the time to bring up a movie stream before tearing through the bag. “Wow!”

Seeing the steaming hot quiche inside was love at first sight. Damn thing must have been a fifteen incher with how they stacked it up to fit inside its container. Faith was grateful they saved her the trouble of having to get back up for a knife. She eagerly plucked a pastry triangle and chomped off the biggest bite her muzzle could hold.

“Mmph! Oh my god!” Faith sunk into the couch, giddily kicking her feet in the air. Everybody knew bacon and cheese made stuff better and the wonderful meal still caught her off guard. Delicious fluffy eggs melted in her mouth, burning her tongue with the flavors only fresh herbs can bring. She barely needed to chew, save for the perfectly crunchy chunks of pork belly, before she swallowed and stuffed her cheeks again. “Damn! What did they season this with? I might need to order five more.”

The remaining piece soon vanished with vigorous chomping. One by one Faith sucked the butter crumbs off her fingers, still relishing the delightful aftertaste. Ears flicked about in her joy, unaware they were dropping to the sides of her head as pseudo-elvish points. Her scalp needed to make room for the straight pointed horns that grew out and back across her skull.

“Urp!” Faith rested her head against the couch, piercing the fabric with their new bone decorations. Hands rubbed along her grumbling belly, letting out a dreamy sigh that left her tongue rolling off to one side.

She remained lost in a daze, oblivious that her tongue draped farther down her chin than usual, developing a forked tip. Her vulpine muzzle wrinkled when jawbones cracked and popped to make room for the larger muscle. The big black nose at the end melted away, fusing her nostrils on a much wider bridge full of dagger-like fangs.

A minor discomfort, far as Faith was concerned, as was the itching that spread across her face. Fur clumped together, melting away into diminutive scale plates. Amazingly, they still kept to her fur patterns of copper, grey, and white.

Having a larger, more reptilian, head only made it easier for Faith to scarf down the next piece of quiche. Normally a dish this professionally made deserved to be savored, but eating it made her stomach desperately beg for more. Which was odd with how the eggs stirred in her tummy creating a bloating sensastion.

Oh well, long as she didn’t get sick, going on a binge felt well deserved after all that sushi rolling. Faith stuffed the second piece in with two big bites, eyes closing in a delightful moan. The animal sounds possessed a more guttural growl beyond those of a fox. While her enlarged mashers made quick work of the egg pie, scales continued flowing down her neck, spreading like a waterfall to convert fur down her arms, back, and chest. The latter developed an especially tense sensation just as she swallowed.


“W-what the fuck!?”

Heavy weights lurched Faith’s chest forward, forcing her to bolt upright in alarm. A glance down made her larger chin fall open, this time dumbstruck at having the view of her lap obstructed by two medicine balls inexplicably stuffed halfway into her tight shirt. Their very malleable mass bulged in excess out of a torn neckline, giving her a close up of shimmering bright scales.

It took several slow blinks before Faith understood the tight crease between the massive orbs was her cleavage. She hefted them with both hands, drawing attention to the shimmering grey scales on thicker arms. Paw pads vanished from her hands, leaving shining white scales on her palms and fingers.

“Whoa!” Faith croaked, only now noticing the way her thicker tongue and jaw flapped. Hands reluctantly released the squishy boobs to feel along her face, going cross-eyed at how much more muzzle took up her lower peripheral. A glance in the dresser mirror could confirm her upper body somehow molded into a bustier, draconic version of herself. “...cooool!”

Whether this was a virus or the quiche talking, Faith hardly cared. These changes helped wash away the work fatigue, replacing it with an insane hunger for more egg tart. Each hand snatched up a piece, alternating shoving them into her salivating maw.

“Hmmph!!” Faith hunched forward, nearly choking on a bulging mouthful. Something new tugged at her upper back, caught under the stubborn fabric of her shirt. Mom always said to invest in the name brands for their durability, and now she hated following that advice. Hard branching points sprouted from under her shoulders, driving an already tight hem into her tits and smothering the lungs underneath.

Still, the alien growths only got bigger despite an increasing lack of shirt space. New nerves came online in Faith’s brain, causing involuntary twitches until she got them under control. Frustration mounted with them until she finally tore at her garment with an angry roar. Mighty sharp talons made it easy to shred four ways from Sunday.

Relief drove Faith into a second, more content, rumbling noise. Breasts dropped in a hard bounce that barely registered thanks to a massive increase in back muscles. More impressive were the fanning of leather membrane wings that stretched across the couch in their new freedom. She looked from one newfound limb to the other, creating small whirlwinds with a few test flaps that scattered loose paper and junk.

Cleaning up is something to worry about later. An interesting thought struck Faith and the other piece of quiche vanished into her dragon mouth. Barely any thought was given to chewing before she swallowed the hard lump down a stretchier gullet.

“Oh, yes!” Faith churred at seeing the transformation resume almost immediately. So it was the quiche doing this. That explained a lot about the sexy delivery girl, although she wondered why the restaurant advertising didn’t lead with spontaneous dragonification.

Faith stroked her sides, feeling the fur convert to scales like someone pouring paint down her body. It drizzled along under her shorts to armor up the butt and hips inside, making them squirm with a mild tickling feeling. Things got subtly tighter, especially around a bulge in the base of her tail, which happily encouraged her to gulp down another bit of dinner eggs.

“Gaah! Whoa haah!?” Having mammoth grown breasts made it hard to see what else stirred inside Faith’s pants, but she sure felt so many wonderful things at once. With a nervous growl, she clamped at her crotch only to find it pushing back into her scale palms.

They could only hold on, feeling the fabric of her pants inflate into a round bulging balloon. Faith’s foxy toes curled in rapid moans as the change seemed to reverse into a pleasant burn deep inside her pelvis. Some part of her mind suddenly realized this was not the normal arousal that came with her cock. Eyes slowly grew wide in amazement to pat down the bulge, finding only the slight lips of her female genitalia remained.

An interesting development for the former hermaphrodite, but not one detracting from Faith’s joy. Pleasure rushed through her pussy’s tunnel, filling her hips until they popped. Her sides poured outwards, trying to simulate rolling dough with all the fat expanding under her glorious dragon scales. Excess rolled over the waistband of her shorts into the mother of all muffin tops.

The mostly dragon wrinkled her blushing nose, grinding back and forth on the couch cushions. Rapid expansion in her ass cheeks made it impossible to keep a comfortable sitting position. They rose out the back of her shorts like cooking bread, pushing down the waistband in an unveiling of her classic red and white heart pattern.

Another series of pops rocked through Faith’s lower body, leaving her confused to find her crotch bulge receding. No, that wasn’t it. Her hips were flaring out so wide, and her thighs thickening with powerful muscle, that they were ‘catching up’ anatomy wise. Ears flicked at hearing an ominous groaning sound seconds before the shorts finally split apart, letting Faith’s rear flop across both couch cushions.

“F-fuck I’m huge!” Faith cackled, rubbing her hips with a devious lick of sharp dragon teeth. There had to only be a foot of space between her rear and the couch’s arm rests. The squishy hump looked easily capable of smothering a whole person’s upper body. Something she really wanted to do later, perhaps with her roommate, but half of a quiche still taunted her from its plated container. “Gnaw! Mmh!”

While scales continued down Faith’s legs, the pressure shooting up her tail was very unexpected. Spinal bones exploded double in size, feeding rich minerals into their attached muscles. She had to scoot forward halfway off the edge, watching over one shoulder as her fluffy bush grew long and thicker. Fur flew off in small explosions because of the rapid gains. The base alone expanded nearly a foot in diameter, forcing the crack of her dragon ass to squish around it. Thankfully, it thinned on the way down to a pointed tip, but not before its extensive seven foot length wagged excitedly over the back of the couch.

Guess that made some sense. Everything else about Faith’s increasingly awesome dragon form was getting very large. Why stop at the tail? She leaned back the best she could, resting the remaining quiche plate on her massive cleavage. Just in time to see her toes wiggle over from beyond the mounds. There was a slight twinge, and each digit surged into plump meatballs on the end of some massive dragon paws. A big body needed some big platforms for support too. Just gave Faith more soft things to smother a person’s face later.

The new dragoness felt her ass resume expanding the moment eggs touched her tongue. Sure, that wasn’t the only area affected by her feasting. It just seemed like most whatever force changing her focused primarily on that lower region. Faith could feel her body steadily growing taller, breasts fattening, limbs filling out. Even as her hips pressed into the couch’s armrests, its very frame sunk into a grove that followed Faith’s rounding form.

“HIC!” The entire living room shook with Faith’s involuntary jump. No sooner had she swallowed a mouthful of quiche than her stomach began churning in response. She dug hands under the massive breast table to rub at it. The feeling seemed to come from just below it, from a place she suddenly realized was her womb. “O-oh...n-no way. Don’t tell me I’m making...a...NNNGGHHH!”

Pressure mounted inside Faith’s abdomen to a symphony of gurgling noises. She clenched hard at her belly, smoke seeping from her grit fangs. Many objects were forming into existence deep inside her, quickly filling up the limited room she could offer. That did nothing to deter them from expanding. The dragoness could hear the soft clicks from their harsh shifting against each other.

Just when she thought the bloating would become too much, her powerfully changed body decided to make more room. Faith gasped as her stomach quivered and suddenly bulged outward, pushing her hands aside. Breaths escaped in several heavy pants while she rubbed desperately along the curve of her rising belly button..

Something this last series of changes would not give her time to examine. More smooth objects rolled out to join the bunch, demanding room in their rapid maturity. Faith clutched her waist, unable to stop it bubbling further outwards. Scales ached being stretched across the tight skin, making her every touch send a shiver through her empty loins. The white of her muzzle grew a bit red, feeling things down there starting to get heavily moist.

“Fuck yeah. I got some damn eggs growing in.” Faith chuckled, a bit fatigued by the rush of change and its resulting arousal. It wasn’t a small clutch either, more like a third medicine ball to rival the spheres of her bust. She could even see it thanks to the excess girth giving some lift that sent her breasts sliding off to the side.

Faith caught sight of the container wedged between the three massive bumps. There was only one piece of quiche left, making her chin stained with drool. A few quick bites saw the end of that amazing meal. She licked her fingers before placing them between the folds of jiggling breasts and belly. The rising rumble deep inside her womb made the dragoness gleam, striking a mental note to order this stuff again before the final rush hit.

“GRRRWAAARRRR!!!” Faith cried at the ceiling with her stomach’s growth. Eggs poured into her womb like a firehose, swelling her belly at a steady pace. Any resemblance of curves vanished with the falling out of her waistline. They forced legs to spread apart and wrap around the sphere sagging into her lap. Hands eagerly rubbed over what surface area they could, belly button getting increasingly out of reach by the time it popped into a pronounced outtie.

“Holy hell! I need to tip more!” Faith mused when her womb finally seemed to be content with its current storage of eggs. Breasts jostled violently on top of her spherical middle with her labored pants, growing tight from a subtle increase in milk no doubt. Everything felt so soft and huge. She could spend the rest of the night just squeezing her stomach and enjoy the feeling of eggs move inside her.


Oh right, so much awesome happening in quick succession made Faith forget she had a roommate eating the same dish. The new dragoness ran claws through her silky rich hair, imagining what amazing hot babe must be waiting down the hallway. Getting up took surprisingly little effort, despite all the dramatic increases in weight and shape. With one hop, Faith landed on her paws and waited a second for her literally couch-smashing ass to stop jiggling before heading off to check.


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