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(contains mouse species TF, hyper butt, wet furry yiff, breeding heat)

Cameo by Yuki



Why did summer have to be such a dick? The wall clock barely read past six A.M. yet bright sunlight blasted through the curtains to light up the room. Getting a decent night sleep was hard enough without functioning air conditioners to combat all the roasting heat. No one in the apartment asked to receive early wake-up calls either.

High-pitch screeching of birds and the roars of Seattle traffic made sure Desmond couldn’t stick his head under a pillow and resume sleeping. Just his luck after staying awake past two in the morning grinding on MMO’s. The squirrel-fox sat up struggling to work crusty eyelids, scrunched fur looking as frazzled as his thoughts. One of these days he planned to listen to online friends and stop idling so late. He was getting too old for that reckless gamer lifestyle.

Desmond arched his back, raising open hands to reach for the ceiling with yellow paw pads. The yawn that came out his slim muzzle had a distinctive mix of squealing and whining that could slice ear drums. His arms dropped with the right one hitting a large lump on the bed before his left. He blinked with eyes fixated straight ahead, blindly giving this intrusive curvy thing a few test squeezes. It seemed to possess a soft outer layer, with firm muscled underside.

“Nngh? Good morning to you too, Dessy,” the lump grumbled in a groggy daze. “Thought we agreed on no funny stuff.”

“Wha-AAH!” Desmond glanced down and promptly recoiled like his hand touched a hot surface. That was technically the case with the thick rounded butt he had been so blindly squeezing. The thick plushy sight would have stirred an erection if he also didn’t slide right off the bed in his alarm.

“Uh, are you all right?” From beyond the impressive backside was a blue mouse girl with a vastly smaller in proportion upper body. Bowling pin was just one of many terms for how Desmond liked to describe Yuki’s figure. Not that he didn’t appreciate the perky grey breasts left hanging out in the open, nipples a bright blue same as her paw pads.

In fact, the mouse went to bed wearing nothing at all. As she removed her covers for a stretch, Desmond momentarily averted his eyes after getting a direct look at the grey furry sheath flopping out for some air.

“I...I’m fine, Yuki,” Desmond lied with a cough. He tried to ignore the knowing smile the mouse was giving. This wasn’t the first time she tried showing off. “I’ll be honest, I completely forgot I invited you here.”

Yuki’s smile dropped with an annoyed huff. “How could you forget? We literally crashed six hours ago.”

“Yeah, but it was an exhausting trip from the airport. I’m not exactly used to girls staying in my bed, either.”

“Aren’t you a girl, like, a third of the month now?”

“It’s more like half these days. I might start worrying about that. Anyway, that doesn’t count. Why are you naked!?”

“I got hot, duh.” Yuki rolled off the bed with a slight thump onto both paw feet. A sharp hip wiggle whipped out the kinks in her long ropey tail. Even next to Desmond, her appearance stood out in exotic ways. Besides having ram-like horns curled behind her rounded ears, Yuki’s hair and tail tuft resembled a splash of inky purples dotted with many white blotches. When it moved, it looked like she had ripped strands directly from the night sky.

At least she stayed a manageable five-ish feet tall. Yuki also was a size shifter when the mood struck. Often she liked to shrink to the diminutive size of a feral mouse. That would have made rolling over in bed very awkward.

It was one of those ‘for fun’ visits while Desmond took a break from working in the labs. He had known Yuki long enough that they were the best of friends, sometimes with benefits. The mouse had carried him through some of his worst lows, and he tried his best to support her. She always had that way of being insanely sweet that improved other’s spirits.

Unless she got into heat. The black nose on Desmond’s snout picked up trace amounts of a particular scent once he had gotten Yuki to his apartment from the airport. It only got stronger indoors after hours of video gaming together. Now? Well, a few big flares of his nostrils told him exactly what kind of a week this would be. Talk about timing.

“You done staring?” Yuki had finished her stretching to glance over her shoulder. Only then did Desmond realize how intently he had been reminiscing with eyes locked on the mouses swaying tail. “Seriously, I got to pee.”

“Yeah, me too.” Desmond huffed, adjusting a wedgie in his black heart boxers. Thankfully Yuki didn’t comment on the soft tent pitching them. “I call dibs on a shower though.”

“No fair!” Yuki shot him a raspberry before stomping into the bathroom.

“What? We have two in this dump.” Desmond shouted in his search for a clean towel and pants for the day. It was a three-bedroom place with two other roommates. His was just the room with its own private chamber.

“Yeah, but yours is the cool one with a stall,” Yuki explained over sounds of flushing water. “The damn tub is too slippery on my paws.”

“That’s why we all hate it, yes.” Desmond nodded to himself.

Yuki honored the law of dibs and exited soon after finishing her business. Shooting another raspberry, she scuttled over to where she dropped her clothes, making a show of bending over to present her butt once again. The grey that covered her chest and stomach also ran between plump thighs to form a heart pattern on her inner glutes. Something she knew drove the squirrel-fox wild to see.

It wasn’t supposed to be one of ‘those’ trips, but even Yuki can’t control the cycles of heat. There were already aches building in both her male and female genitals. No way Desmond could miss the scent they produced, but at least he was trying to play it casual. Poor guy is in for a surprise then. She probably won’t make it to dinner before the urges become too strong to keep her legs closed.

Until then, Desmond was just fine closing the bathroom door for a morning revitalizing. Hot shower water worked its magic, pouring over his fluffy black and blue fur in a gentle waking caress. At least he can enjoy a few minutes of tranquility alone before all the roommates wake up.

“Oh, right, I was supposed to get more conditioner on our home last night.” Desmond fluttered his lips in a spray of water, eyeing the empty shelf space a deluxe-sized bottle normally sat. When you have a tail almost the size and weight of your body, it takes a lot to scrub the grim out. He didn’t want to resort to dish detergent again. Luckily a sparkle on the floor drew him to a glitter decorative, full looking bottle. “Yuki!? I’m using some of your shampoo!”

“What!?” The naked mouse in the other room pulled an earbud out, having started a call with Discord friends waiting for her turn at a shower. When no further muffled noises came over the splashing of water Yuki shrugged and jamed the bud back in. “So yeah, Dessy’s tail is totally softer than it looks. He didn’t even notice me cuddling with it all night, but damn he snores like a dragon…”

Desmond likewise heard chattering from beyond the door which was too distorted to figure out. That wasn’t a ‘no’ which was good enough for his desperate situation. A hard squeeze blasted ample amounts of soap into his waiting palm, assaulting his nose with an odd scent of birthday cake. Geez, even the shampoo had glitter in it. Was this supposed to be for kids?

Turned out Desmond would have to ask Yuki for the brand. Just one handful allowed him to scrub his tail, his butt, and all the way down his legs before the concentrated suds thinned. Pumping out a much smaller dab got him just enough for his torso and head too.

The dang smell, too. Desmond took deep breaths hanging outside the shower heads spray. He continued to scrub random parts of his body, feeling light and fluffy as a frosted cake. Maybe this was a home-brewed kind of shampoo. Yuki loved to dabble in magic when she got the chance, which suddenly made him think it unwise to keep the mouse alone and bored outside. If only he could spend all morning letting the subs clean out his fur and moisten the skin underneath. Desmond gently guided his tail around with a slight twist, running the appendage through the downpour first.


The suds fell off a lot thicker than expected, landing with wet slaps around the drain. Their consistency acted as glue for the large clumps of fur that slid off with them. Desmond’s face looked on in a deadpan stare by the time his rinsing reached the base at his behind. His beautiful mattress of hair completely washed off, leaving him holding a thin worm-like tail in its place. What little blue hair remained became so thin they could see the bright pink scale patterned skin underneath.

“Yup. That is...definitely magical,” Desmond gulped, never breaking the habit of talking out loud when nervous. Before he could fully register his new fifth limb, a slight shifting accidentally put his butt under the pouring. “Aack!? Oh no…”

While the fur on Desmond’s body didn’t wash away as eagerly, other unusual things flowed out with the rinsing of shampoo. A hard shifting sent both his hands clasping the cheeks of his ass, doing nothing to stop a sudden rush of swelling. Soft fat puffed through the space between fingers before pushing the palms themselves further apart.

Hips followed suit in rapid hard cracks, stretching one discomforting inch wider at a time. Desmond tried his best not to move, but the constant expanding of his pelvis forced his paws to adjust on a constantly changing center of balance. This slid more soaped parts of him under the flowing shower head. Thighs plumped in a hurry to catch up to the massive fat stretching out his butt into a sturdy shelf. Space between them closed and then became an annoying burden, forcing him to walk with a wide, slightly waddling gait.

“God damn,” Desmond mumbled, hands still roaming the enormous curved surface of his back end. Alarm gave way to a dull excitement that had his cock poking slightly out of its canine sheath. “Wait…”

Glancing down at the yellow bulb rising from his groin confirmed it was not canine any longer. But it was way too familiar giving the blue one he had seen just minutes ago. As if confirming suspicions the water finished cleansing his paw feet. Toes cringes while he watched, becoming thinner and longer with more clear looking claws.

“Oh good. I’m turning into a mouse with a dump truck ass. Should have seen that coming.” Desmond turned in a fuming rage for the shower door. He didn’t get past the first step when his daintier rodent paw stepped on a glob of former tail fur. “WHOOP!”

And to think Desmond almost decided against installing a shower rail. It turned out to be the only thing saving him from a painful fall on his wobbling buttocks. Shame it didn’t save him from passing fully through the shower spray. He wiped wet bangs from his eyes and stepped through the faucet again to turn it off. Like hell he would walk around with soap in his fur to avoid a simple transformation.

Sure enough, he barely got out of the shower before letting out a very rodent squeak. Everything blurred in his vision with the surreal sense of falling. By the time he wiped them clear, it was to the viewpoint of a much larger looking bathroom. Waddle walking over to the sink found the counter rose from his waist to his chest. He was just tall enough to see the blue and black furred head of a rodent frowning back in the mirror. The large satellite ears with yellow insides wiggled in agitation.

“At least I’m not smaller than Yuki. Though I’m not sure how to feel about the bubble butt.”

Desmond twisted around to give his wet butt another passing grope. Somehow the hip span and curve felt even bigger in his dainty hands, but that could be a side effect of shrinking several feet.


Nope, they definitely grew bigger. Once the bathroom door was open Desmond tried to stomp out, only to get his hips caught on the doorframe and bounce back. Letting out an indigent snort, he turned sideways in an awkward shuffle through.

Hearing Desmond’s pained squeak at the door drew Yuki’s confused attention. She only needed a moment to recognize the familiar fur patterns on the mouse struggling to get inside. Promptly after which the sight of their constantly jiggling ass sent her rolling across the bed in a fit of giggles.

“D-Desmond? Oh my gosh! Why the hell did you use my shampoo?”

“Um, I was out of mine. Obviously.” Desmond thunked his mouse tail against the floor, but it was clear his guest wouldn’t stop laughing soon. “I can get the whole mouse change, but why am I so dummy thick?”

Yuki surprised him by rolling into a sitting position, never losing her childish grin. “I dunno, you tell me, mr. pervert. I enchanted the shampoo to impose a person’s image of the perfect body. Yeah, I rather enjoy plenty of junk in my trunk, but you’re a damn ass gremlin by the looks of things.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Yuki blinked, letting out a squeak as Desmond suddenly leapt upon her. He knew how to adjust for a new weight fast to pull off a jump that short. Said weight sent the other mouse flopping onto her back, the fat girth of Desmond’s hip spreading almost fully across her lower body as a wet blanket.

“Would you keep teasing me if I planted my mobile couch on your face?” Desmond jerred, not caring if his soaked fur got all over the bed. His more angular nose wrinkled, promptly killing the tough guy act. Catching the whiff of a strong musky scent suddenly reminded him of the condition the mouse girl was just going into.

Heat easily explained why Yuki’s response was to grab Desmond by the shoulders and pull him in for a kissing. Their whiskers tickled at each other, encouraging Desmond to grab hold of her arms to tighten their embrace. Slowly a flash of blue skin rose out of Yuki’s cock, poking between her friend’s tree trunk thighs. Judging by the sharp stomach jabs, her scent did wonders for Desmond’s own rodent member.

“Oh, I don’t know about that. Can the evil fat rat do such horrible things to little old me? It’s a terrible threat if it’s something I want.” Yuki asked in a half joke. The rising moisture in her female bits would like nothing more than a pillow rear for a distraction.

Desmond, however, faltered when their embrace drifted apart. “Are we really doing this, though? I mean, you just got here and I’m all cleaned u-UUUHH!!”

“Then let me be clear.” Yuki grabbed Desmond again, pulling them close enough to touch noses. This time the look in her eyes burned with a fiery passion. “Either you deal with my problem, or it deals with you. And you don’t want to know the thousand ways I can wreck that gorgeous ass of yours.”

Only an idiot would offer a rebuttal to someone this crazy horny. Desmond took a deep breath before cracking into a smile. “ Now who’s bad at making threats?”

“Just shut up and...o-oooooh!” Yuki failed to notice the subtle wobbles of Desmond’s frame until his chubby mouse fingers were gently coiling around her cock. Still moist fur worked enough as lubrication so it only took a few hard pumps to send her head rolling back against the mattress.

“Better?” Desmond offered, muzzle curling into a grin. Digits slicked along the throbbing underside of his friend’s blue phallus, increasing the strength of Yuki’s reflexive wiggles. Already spurts of pre escaped out of the head, aiding his job with a bit of fresh lube. It also made for a great handle for ducking under her balls to get at the wet slit hidden behind them.

“Gaaah! Haah!” Yuki’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. It wasn’t just Desmond’s ass that gained new levels of thick. Her pussy yielded to the meaty yellow member until its tender flesh strained at its limits.

Bed springs creaked with Desmond’s undulating roll against its edge. His pelvis bounced in every odd direction while he teasingly speared his friend one agonizing inch at a time. The top of his shaft stroked hard along Yuki’s balls and clit, stimulating every genital nerve at once. When it bumped into her prostate, it ejected another spurt of pre onto the hand ramming her shaft.

“Fuck! Oh...yesssss!” Yuki could barely keep a breath in, especially when Desmond began the traditional rhythm of bucking against her hips. Not everyone took the time to pleasure both sides of her at once, something she would deeply thank him for later.

Yuki cupped her perky breasts, giving them little squeezes in attempts to heighten her already drastic high. Their bouncing around was nothing compared to the bed under her. It rocked on straining metal legs with the groaning of springs sounding in symphony with the two mice fucking atop them.

In times like these neither mouse cared about collateral damage, even when not randy as all hell. Desmond was trying as hard not to trip on his own sloshing back weight as to please his adorable visitor like a suitable host. Every few humps his size would rock an oblivious aroused Yuki a bit too far, forcing his free hand to adjust themselves into a better position. Not that he’d complain about an excuse to squeeze his fellow mouses’ plump hips and chubby belly. The softer density of her fat bulged between his fingers.

“Hnngh! F-fuck, I’m getting close,” Yuki seethed between her teeth, hugging tits to her chin. Another thing about having two sets of gear was how quickly they can be worked into a climax. Her prostate swelled, giving off little twinges thanks to the rapid thrusts of Desmond’s cock inside her pussy. Legs clung best they could around his specious hips, tail tuft tickling his legs as it coiled around them.

Desmond could feel the blue dick in his hand pulsing in near endless spurts of juices. It only lasted a few more palm strokes before Yuki gave out a sharp bark, scrunching her face in a rather adorably tense expression. Feeling the shaft suddenly pull back stiffly, his pace quickened, milking her dong in a hungry frenzy. It was so hot watching his friend scrunch up, trying to hold back the rising pressure for a few precious seconds before shuddering in a hard release.

“BLARGH!?” The blue cock throbbed so hard it pushed Desmond’s fingers away in rapid expansions. A second later the fatter mouse recoiled from a glob of seaman firing into his face. Looked like Yuki was a lot more virile than she looked. Several more streaks of cum shot through the air, splatting across Desmond’s chest and bed. Through the haze of her male bits orgasm Yuki could comprehend her little misfire and would have laughed if she had the breath for it.

Not that she could get away with it. After wiping the sticky offering from his muzzle, Desmond grasped Yuki’s hips with both hands to resume his hard bucking. The stretched tunnel was already drizzling wet after that climax, so he could focus on a little personal pleasure.


“Yeek!” Yuki barked at having her ass slapped playfully. Desmond rocked back and forth, using the weight of his bloated backside to add force into each thrust. The bed frame shook, bouncing their bodies inches off the mattress. “H-hey!”


Desmond just grinned, getting a few more hits in whenever their bodies hovered above the sheets. Whatever complaints Yuki wanted to lodge were lost when the extra contact made her tunnel ripple and suddenly clamp hard around the member pounding into her. Her squeaks filled the apartment in time to the contractions of her pussy, milking Desmond’s rodent dick for every inch.

One good turn deserves another, as the internal massage finally helped Desmond reach his own peak. His weight slid over Yuki in a hunch that almost covered her body, hands clasping the mouse’s soft breasts for support while he came. The yellow cock vibrated against Yuki’s walls, unable to stretch her tender flesh further and filling what space it could with the warmth of baby batter.

“Ugh! D-Desmond, you’re heavy,” Yuki panted in a daze, weak paws pushed into her fellow mouse’s chest, unable to get their fat butt to budge. Normally a double climax would send her fast asleep, but feeling Desmond’s weight slowly falling into her palms was a bit panic inducing. “Desmond? Hey! Don’t you da-”


“Oh, I dare!” Desmond giggled, feeling Yuki squirm under the girth of his pear figure. He shuffled just right so his deflating dick remained inside her, but everything from the neck down got buried in blue and black mouse fat. Bapping pointed noses with a very annoyed Yuki, he added, “So what else shall we do on your first day here?”

Yuki snorted. “I’m thinking shower, breakfast, and then hiding your dead body.”

“...in that order, right?”

“I’m still thinking about that,” Yuki said, adding a kiss on Desmond’s nose in case he thought she was serious. She shuffled again, rubbing a hand between their bellies. “If all that jizz gets me pregnant, I will need the child support.”

Desmond’s face paled at those sudden prospects. One of these days he’d have to stop indulging people in their heat cycles.


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