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(contains humans to anthro horse male, and anthro lynx female TG, muscle growth, big boobs)

Cameo by Vesryn and Marcy.


Vesryn didn’t remember signing up for a free beta testing, but only an idiot questions something they get for free. Besides, it came with a whopping five invite codes, so now he got something new to do with friends and roommates. Between Minecraft, Team Fortress, and Overwatch, game variety became stagnant after a while. Venturing back into a MMORPG might make for an entertaining deviation for a while.

FusionRain flashed the big title text on the game’s launcher. It looked like a game specifically designed for furry fans like Ves. All the screenshots and trailer clips showed off a wide variety of anthropomorphic characters. There were standard cats and dogs, but also squirrels, foxes, and even horse races. Patch notes advertised character creation having over twelve main bases, with up to eight subspecies in each gene tree. That made for near endless character variety even before all the customizable fur patterns, hairs, and colors.

A sharp jingle echoed from Ves’ headset. With a practiced tab switch, he brought up Discord and smiled at the caller’s icon.

“Hi Marcy!” he exclaimed once the voice call connected.

“Hewwo darling,” came another male speaker’s voice oozing with girlish affection. “I just finished downloading the last patch.”

“Same. Why do we need to download the game twice JUST to download a patch? It’s like we’re stuck in twenty-o-eight.”

“Yeah, but now we got fuzzy tails.” Marcy paused while Ves chuckled softly over the mic. Both men were already going through title screens to get at the good parts. Surprisingly, there came no opening cutscene with the main menu having the most uninteresting of flashing effects. They must have gotten into a very early beta of the game. “So any idea what you will be?”

“Hm…” After some lag the character creator finally loaded, drawing Ves’ attention to the first round of menus. The usual basics of name, gender, and the advertised extensive species list. “They have otters, but I was thinking of a tank role. The game says dragons, elephants, and horses are good at that.”

“Oof!” Marcy huffed into his mic in that subtle way that hinted he was having kinky thoughts. “You should totally be a horse. It’d be cute.”

“Oh, don’t pretend you haven’t been craving horse anthros all month.” Ves laughed, selecting the equine menu without hesitation. Marcy had a thing for huge boys, so picking a Clydesdale character was an easy decision.

Damn, they sure came out big too. The character model flickered into a lump of polygons that slowly loaded into a buff horse man with a military cut blond hair. A few random flicks with slider bar options got the high rendered anthro to swell with hulking muscles, while some feature browsing got him a mane of purple hair flowing to his lower back right above a matching tail. Ves would have to remember this when he rolled a character in the full released game. They could go totally anime extremes on this thing, a rarity in most MMO’s.

“Ves? I’m loaded in. Where are you?”

“Oh, uh, be right there.” Ves picked a few more random features before settling on the barbarian class. Those were usually set up as a good mix for tanking and damage, a staple for small groups. Clicking the character creation button, he sat back to watch a spiraling load screen take him into a new adventure. It was in this moment of stillness his brain processed an almost unnoticed detail. “Hey, you okay, Marcy? Your voice sounds a bit...off?”

“Really? I feel fine.” Marcy stared blankly at his discord window, like the grinning purple dragon that was Ves’ icon could see them. “You’re sounding a bit nasally too.”

“Huh.” Ves rubbed at his nose, wondering if it felt a bit swollen. Still, there was a strange shift in his friend’s voice that was hard to shake off. Maybe it was the mic setting making Marcy sound higher pitched.

His thoughts were broken when the loading screen finally opened up into an expansive village. Streets blinked into existence, followed by houses, foliage, and finally blurry figures that one by one turned into fully fleshed characters. The games HUD windows soon followed with tutorials that Ves clicked out of as soon as possible. He was no stranger to moving around an RPG, and this one used the same numbered keyboard slots for attacks as so many others.

“Just loaded into the main square,” Ves said, distracted by all the amazing characters that surrounded his big horse dude. Somehow he still got sixty frames going despite dozens of anthros moving on screen, each with their own distinct selection of features to render. Realizing just how dense the crowd was, he quickly chimed in, “I’m the horse with purple hair.”

“Hah! I can see your sexy pecs from here. Came to the south fountain.”

Ves grinned and navigated his character as directed. He was within ten feet of the fountain before a lynx's woman colored a bright orange came running up to greet him. This would be their first experience with the games physics engine as the felines curves clearly maxed out their slider bars. Each press of the movement button sent basketball sized breasts and a jutting butt bouncing violently.

“Well, I’m surprised I didn’t see you a mile away either.” Ves laughed, unaware of how his flapping lips added a slight sputtering noise.

“Oh, hush!” Marcy’s character did a pouting emoticon that made their boobs bounce again. Geez, his voice really sounded fittingly feminine for the design choice. “Cats are the best when it comes to magic and support, so I went mage. I have to keep my big hunk of a hoss healthy.”

Ves blushed despite hiding behind a screen an entire ocean away from his best friend. “Just be careful. I’ll be taking a lot of damage trying to cover those mountain landscapes on your chest.”

“Then you better get moving hot stud.” Marcy hit his attack command, but it clipped harmlessly through Ves’ thick chest.

“Yes, mistress!” Ves emphasised the title in a snarky tone. He ran a hand through his hair before readjusting his headset, unaware of the purple hues seeping out from his roots.

They began what sadly turned into a routine. MMO’s had a fixed formula to try keeping players invested, and therefore spending money, in a game for as long as possible. Map markers lead them to NPC’s, which pointed them to quests, which usually boiled down to either Kill X amount of things, collect X amount of things, or to mix it up, kill X amount of things to collect X amount of things.

That was fine when the pair of nerds still had each other for company. Ves got to learn the ins and outs of wielding axes as a giant horse man. His attacks were so strong they did close to double an enemy’s health in damage. Since that understandably led to minor counter attacks, Marcy was soon running off nuking even more enemies with his offensive spells. Like Ves, they had gone for a more mixed class of healing and damage. It allowed a chance for them to cover each other’s shortcomings for a small scale grinding adventure at least. Hopefully, they’d be running group dungeons after a few more patches.

“What’s this game about, anyway?” Marcy asked at one point in their usual banter talk. He adjusted his headset, almost like his ears were sliding up his head. Worse was the itching of orange fur breaking out across his face.

“Something about lycanthropy, I think,” Ves replied, taking a swing that cleaved three enemies at once. He gave a little first pump, oblivious to how hunched over the keyboard his growing body had gotten. Every burst of experience fed more inches in both height and girth, putting a heavy strain on his desk chair. “I think the storyline is still in drafts, but apparently a demi-god cursed it to always be a full moon, making everyone stuck as were creatures.”

“Oh?” Marcy promptly moved his camera controls until the bright blue moon in the game's sky took up his entire screen. He only intended to check for a second only to find the shiny silver circle totally enthralling. Eyes glistened in the light as their pupils stretched into animal slits. A stubby tail flicked out from under the waistband of his shorts, followed seconds later by the growing cheeks of a fat butt covered in orange and brown striped fur. “It’s kind of pretty.”

“Marcy? Hey! Heal me!!”

“W-wha-nya? Oh! Sorry, Ves!” Marcy snapped back into reality, giving sharp fangs a passive lick in his mouth. Pressing tab brought his target cursor instantly to Ves, who became occupied fighting some large plant monster enemies biting big chunks off his health bar.

It only took three key presses for Marcy to save the situation, bringing Ves’ health to full. At the same time, his hips gave a few pops inflating out against the chair’s armrests. The orange fur covered his pelvis before tricking down plumping legs and coating his feet. He shifted in his seat, trying to kick off a dull cramp, failing to notice that his toes swelled into bigger, more even paw digits.

“Thanks, hun!” Ves sighed in relief, not sure what the consequences for dying might be. His own eight foot body filled out with the rush of experience points. Unlike Marcy, there was barely an ounce of fat under the flesh growing brown and white hairs. The bulge of his stomach first melted away into a flat board, only to bubble out until his shirt stretched into a taut outline of beefy, thick abdominals. He rolled his shoulders to a surge that puffed them several inches broader, rolling excess into his arms until the sleeves tore without even flexing. “We should probably try the next area. I’m already hitting level seven.”

“Sure. Me too,” Marcy said tentatively. He never knew Ves to have such a deep tone before, which sounded sexy as hell. Ironically, those were so distracting he failed to notice the angelically high octaves of his own words. That and the slight cracks that came with his furry face pushing out into a blunt feline muzzle.

Traveling to the next level area saw the player numbers thin out significantly. Good for them. It made grinding their levels all the quicker. Ves just had to stop for a few seconds to stretch out his fingers. After a feathery layer of white hairs grew from his wrists, they seemed almost intent on pressing against each other. He almost worried they were developing a nerve condition until the odd impulses suddenly went away.

Having to play mouse and keyboard with three thick fingers tipped in hard keratin came almost second nature to Ves. A good thing since they barely cleared a few mobs before a notice of an event flashed across their screens. Soon as the text cleared, tar monsters rained from the sky. One of which landed on Marcy for a big burst of damage.

“Nya! How gross!” he exclaimed with an animal growl. His rounded backside wiggled in violent tail thrashes, hammering keys to nuke all the ugly creatures on screen. Ever growing claws at the tip of elegant fingers did considerable damage to his keyboard in the process. “Ves help! I’m getting dirty.”

“Don’t be silly. You were always a dirty bimbo.” A full rotation of axe abilities made quick work of five globs at once. Ves shivered, trying to ignore the itching of purple hair trickling down his back. From between the space of his backrest and seat unfurled a horse's tail, sweeping the ground with its thick fiber hair. “Easy cake. I just dinged level eight.”

“Hah! I’m halfway to ten. Try to keep up.” Marcy giggled, spamming another group with rapid area spells. His reach got a bit awkward with the drastic slimming of his torso. Shoulders collapsed in on themselves, losing their edge. A hard clamp pushed his waist into an inward curve that further exaggerated his already large butt.

“I scale way better than you, watch!” Ves sprinted his character past Marcy, laying his strongest attacks on a boss like monster that spawned before them. Shame it didn’t go down in one rotation, but that finally provided their hours of leveling with some challenge. Too bad his lips chose that moment to cringe and itch for some reason.

Plowing through the odd distraction, Ves rolled out of the monster’s attacks, responding with strikes where he could. The theoretic noises of combat droned out the crunches of jaw bones extending his nose in a downward slope away from his face. He soon had the help of Marcy casting status buffs and cures for when the tar beasts got in a poison inflecting attack.

For suddenly drooping very loose the front of Marcy’s shirt gained a different rise with each spell cast. His chest puffed outwards further and further, becoming increasingly dense with a rounded hang. The hem rose, exposing the bright white fur of his hourglass belly, trying to offer what room it could to the growing mounds. Even that didn’t help after a minute of combat. Both massive balls of flesh pulled the shirt into a tight wrap around them until the cheap cotton split in half. It was only with the enormous breasts flopping their weight on his keyboard that Marcy finally noticed their existence.

“What the nya!?” the anthro lynx cried out, staring at the foreign cleavage spilled on her desk like sandbags. She clamped onto them with both hands, crying out when the contact confirmed them as a part of her. A glance at the furry, slender hands of a super model made Marcy cry out again.

“Aw, hell yeah!” Ves couldn’t hear his transformed friend over his own whinnies of excitement. With the fall of the last boss tar, all remaining underlings phased out with the events’ conclusion. A rush of experience and currency rewards also provided the push to finish his muzzle growing out into the proper head of a horse. Acute animal ears flicked about outside the headset while he did a little victory dance. His chair consequently bent under the rapid shifting of his hulking weight. “Great work, Marcy. Are you all right?”

“I, um, I have boobs, Ves.”

“Hah! You sure do. That’s one thing everyone loves about…” Discord flickered as the webcam feature activated. Ves blinked at what came on Marcy’s box before recoiling. “Holy shit! You’re a cat!?”

“And you’re a horse,” Marcy retorted, although the grin spreading on her lynx muzzle betrayed her approval.

“What? GAH!?” Ves looked down, tumbling back so hard his chair finally snapped into three pieces. His new size did not give much distance to fall, but his chiseled behind still landed with a resounding thud. It took almost a full minute for his brain to process all the new things it was seeing; giant horse snout taking up his lower vision, three-fingered meaty hands, hoofs where his feet should have been, the nerdy purple hair that clashed with immensely broad muscles. “How the heck did this happen?”

“Eternal full moon, I guess?” Marcy watched Ves rise to his feet, giving her a look. “What? I got nothing better.”

“A fair point.” With a heavy sigh, Ves lumbered out of the room, smacking his head on the doorway as a reminder to growing several feet. He returned with a metal folding chair that thankfully supported him enough to still chat on. “So now what do we do?

Marcy could only shrug at the camera. “I don’t know. Who made this game?”

Ves flicked to the games help menus searching out version information. His eyes darted rapidly across lines for a few seconds before landing on a name that made his brows shoot up. “You got to be fucking kidding me.”


There was no reply while Ves stomped a few keys and clicked on something. A new icon joined their call, one that Marcy also recognized with wide eyes before it vanished with a successful connection.

“Oh, hey, Ves! Marcy!” called the unmistakable voice of Desmond Fallout. By the sounds of his yawning words, he had probably been sleeping too. “How are you liking that game beta?”

Ves glanced to Marcy, who just seemed to have a huge grin on her face, and both hands jiggling her tits. Damn things took up nearly her whole camera. “Not that we’re complaining, Des, but why the hell are you developing a TFing MMO?”

A bunch of noise akin to coughing and shuffling footsteps came from Desmond’s mic, followed by the rustling of someone putting on a headset. “Totally genius strategy, right? Would you rather pay a monthly sub to do chore grinds, or become the same sexy species as your character? I mean, it took almost a year to get real life proportions synced with the slider bars.”

Marcy purred so loud it made Ves’ ears flick. A glance at her box made it immediately obvious what she was enjoying. Ves quickly adjusted his camera until the giant bulge in his torn shorts wasn’t visible. Looking a bit pouty, the lynx said, “We’re still having a lot of fun. Want to come level with us for a while?”

Ves blinked, but then heard Desmond shift again.

“Sure, why not?” their friend and transformation addict said. “I got a cow gunslinger I’ve been dying to try for this patch.”


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