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(contains anthro species TF, heavy weight gain, and confusing alternate universe logic)

Commission for Redbow



“Good morning, Safeway Shoppers! Don’t forget, we have a special on…”

A pre-recorded message echoed through the empty aisles, going largely ignored. Rain drops assaulted the metal roof in a chorus of tiny clangs. Now and then an employee wandered through on their early stocking routines, preparing for an afternoon rush.  It was almost like the town had died, even for a Monday.

About the only thing louder than squeaking shopping cart wheels were the hooves clopping behind them. Redbow hated shopping on such a drab morning, but the pegasus enjoyed having food to eat.

She still should have stopped for a coffee first. A red furred hand reached out for a loaf of bread, missing its intended mark and knocking several wrapped packages off the shelf. Her feathery wings ruffled with a tired snort before picking up the mess.

At least there was no reason to worry about some jack-off staring at her rear in stretched jeans. Part of the reason she postponed shopping was specifically to avoid the crowds. This damn store had enough space issues without trying to wiggle her way between couples arguing over dish soap.

Letting out a loud yawn, Redbow wiggled in place trying to help get the blood flowing under her thick pony fur. A gust of cold wind helped jolt energy up her spine with an annoyed gasp. She zipped up her hoodie, wondering what clueless manager ran the AC during a rain shower.

Good thing bread was the last ingredient for gourmet veggie sandwiches. Redbow wheeled her rickety cart back up to the registers, tail swishing across her rump with another angry snort. Only one person was running a check-out station, which had two people already waiting. Seeing the conveyor belt piled with items nearly had the mare consider a dash out the door.

There was not enough energy in her legs to mount such a criminal effort. Redbow settled in behind an energetic-looking fox skimming through a Times magazine. Feeling the arriving presence caused his eyes to dart briefly in her direction and then do a double take. She did not need to look up from tweeting to know his eyes scanned every subtle curve of her equine body, from top-stretching C-cups to pronounced hips. It was like he had never seen a woman before.

On a morning where Redbow had eaten some breakfast, she might have been in a mood to flirt back. Instead, her dazzling blue eyes lifted to meet the man’s gaze with burning hatred. A few seconds of sneering lip got him meekly cowering back behind the magazine without further interaction. God, the pegasus wanted nothing more than to be in bed again.

A half-hour waiting to check out did not change these feelings either. Redbow was just grateful the rain had stopped, since she failed to bring an umbrella. The mist clung to still dampened wings in the brief walk to her car. Feathers may not absorb water like her fur coat, but that doesn’t mean she enjoyed them being soaked all the same. The extra limbs felt twenty pounds heavier on her back.


“Um…” Redbow blinked, unsure if the flash that just washed over her vision had been real. Cart wheels squeaked to a stop while she tried making sense of the strange static firing through the air.


“Oh, shit!” she gasped, backpedaling with her groceries.

Jolts continued firing off with increasing severity between her car bumper, and the used carts rack. Little lightning converged onto a center point the size of a pea, snowballing it with their energy. Redbow barely got enough distance to avoid the giant white sphere touching her cart when it gave off a sharp pop. Static energy exploded out in a shower of pretty rainbow sparks, creating a dazzling entrance for the figure standing in a fresh groove smoothy cut into the pavement.

“Well, hello there! I finally got that spell to work right.’’ The goat woman fanned her arms like a presenter on stage that sent her black dress fluttering around thick paw feet. Seeing Redbow’s dumbstruck expression thoroughly amused her.  “Gosh, I forgot how cute you looked. Almost a shame, really. Still, I’m glad you enjoyed that entrance.”

While the sight of this newly arrived woman was intimidating, that was not what left Redbow at a loss. For having a form fitting dress, this goat still sported a figure that looked positively massive underneath.

The shield emblem stitched onto the chest had become harshly warped around a pair of breasts that put dairy cows to shame. Each sagging orb looked more like a beanbag fit for a normal person, yet seemed to put no weight stress on the owners shoulders. If not for the rounded fat filling out her stomach, they would have completely masked her torso from a front view. 

A soft-looking plumpness filled her middle that made her waist fall outwards instead of in. That was still nothing compared to the hips they sunk into. Her lower half spread far wider than her shoulders, giving off hard bumps with her gentle stride toward Redbow. Her rear matched the sloshing of her breasts, jutting out into a firm shelf that could support a dinner tray. Their combined bouncing caused the dress hem to flutter, making Redbow ponder if she even had a gap between her thighs.

“W-what!?” Redbow forgot about the cart entirely, still clopping back on shaking hooves as the woman approached. “The heck is that supposed to mean? Who are you? ...and what did you do with my car!?”

“Eh?” The goat twisted around, unintentionally showing off her thickened profile while observing the effects of her sporadic lightning entrance. Most of the old sedan’s right tail light looked sliced out of existence, along with the cart rack, leaving nothing but a curved metal groove. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I can fix it up, no problem. Heck! You’ll probably get yourself a better car tomorrow.”

“I...I will?” Redbow continued backing away until her tail got pinned between a parked truck and her butt. Before she could move around, the goat already closed what little distance was between them. “What do you want?”

The goat’s smile dropped into a chillingly serious demeanor. One long sleeve slowly rose to offer Redbow a thick fingered, clawed hand. “I’m a demi-god from the far-distant future. Come with me if you want to live.”

“Holy shi...seriously?” Redbow gulped, remember at least five doomsday themed movies at once.

“I…” the goat’s lip twitched before breaking into heavy laughter. “Oh, hell no. I’ve just always wanted to say that.”

Redbow shivered as she relaxed against the parked truck. She reluctantly joined in with giggles. “Funny. Me too. Careful Schwartzinager doesn’t sue you for that entrance.”

“I know, silly. He’s got nothing on me. It was worth it to make sure I’d appear like that.” The overly voluptuous woman regained some composure, wiggling her still outstretched paw to Redbow. “But I am from the future and we should hurry this along.”

“O-oh? I guess so.” Redbow bit her lip, still unsure of the trustworthiness in boobs dangerously close to smothering her face. She worked up the nerve to raise her hand and clasp around the goats. Well, more like the fuzzy white paw engulfed her palm in its fat fingers. “So if my life isn’t in danger, why are you here?”

“Simple, I got bored...” The larger woman replied with a wink.

“Okay, what?” Redbow would have keeled over giggling if her hand was not being held so firmly. “Time travel must have scrambled your brain too. Why would you use the overpowered ability to visit some random pony?”

“Hm? Oh, this isn’t random, silly. I’m an alternate timeline version of you.” The goat’s smile gained a triumphant gleam. “And now you will be just like me.”

“Wait, wha-Haah!?”

Lightning surged through Redbow’s arm, causing the fur to stand on end. She only felt a light tingle, but had no inclination for disintegration like her bumper. Unfortunately, all manner of pulling, flailing, and even a hard punch failed to release the goat’s grip. Her flesh grew warm, absorbing large quantities of energy. She wondered if this fat psycho was a runaway battery.

This went on for nearly a minute until the goat seemed satisfied with something. Their hand released Redbow so suddenly that she reeled back in a painful fall on her tail.

“Ow! Fuck! What the hell is your...uh, is this a problem?” Redbow spent a moment regaining her footing off a sore tailbone. The anger this worked up promptly dispersed in leu of checking her arm. Despite their disconnection, energy continued coursing strongly through her flesh, drawing muscles tense. Pressure boiled from under the skin, bulging it out in odd areas.


“Gah!?” The pressure reached a literal breaking point. Redbow recoiled in stunned horror, watching her hand bloat double in size. Thick sausage fingers wiggled in a hard rub against each other, unused to the reduced space between them. Nails grew out into short claws and became bleached snowy white. This continued down across her hand like running water washing all color from her fur. “W-what’s happening to me!? What did you do-ooooh fuck!”

“Someone’s not paying attention,” the goat smugly teased. Her grin stretched up to her floppy ears, watching the rest of Redbow's arm jiggle with increasing fat. The whole limb looked hilariously swollen compared to their lithe body, more so when its fur finished brightening to the plain white up to her shoulder.

“The what? Oh…” Redbow looked at her meatier appendage and then to the goat. They were close enough that it was easy to tell their arms perfectly matched in size and shape. “Y-you can’t be serious. Why would you want to change me into you?”

“Because I am you. Try to keep up.” The goat’s hips swayed in hard bounces with her casual stroll towards Redbow. “And we like being a goat. You can already feel the power at our disposal.”

“Yeah, but...gah!”

The goat found conversing with such a reluctant ninny boring. Her chubby hands clasped onto Redbow’s hips, deciding a direct approach might be better. It was not like this reality bending power couldn’t change them back later. Granted, being from the future made her guess how that option would take.

More energy poured into Redbow’s pelvis with the intensity of a fire hose. An appropriate metaphor for the way her bottom resembled a balloon inflating. Loud pops filled the area with the rapid spreading of the pony’s hips. The goat licked her lips, enjoying the way they pushed her hands apart. The zipper tore from Redbow’s pants, allowing her growing figure to push down its hems in a gradual ass unveiling.

And what an ass it was becoming, if the goat woman had to toot her own horn. Whole pounds landed on each cheek with each passing second, causing them to jiggle and jut out behind Redbow into an enormously sexy hump. She tried weakly to pull her jeans back up, but they refused to go over her butt anymore. It’s flesh bulged freely over the waistband in a sloshing display.

“Ahh paah!” Redbow jerked her thicker hips, feeling a surge travel into her loins. The goat’s converting grip suddenly became a necessity to stay standing while she writhed in unexpected pleasure. Knees buckled together, finding the space between them suddenly closing up. Pants suddenly became an unwanted presence with the fabric being stretched skin tight around her plumping legs.

Neither could see the sensitive areas underneath, or Redbow might have noticed her crotch fur turning white. Even as her unevenly sized arms reached back to heft her rear and let it drop in a pleasant bounce, the bleaching spread to encompass all her hips and growing legs. The symbolic leaf cutie mark faded away into plain fur, replaced with black stripes along her curves. Hair fell off her tail in a rain of large clumps thanks to the fleshy bit puffing out into a goat’s nub.

“Mmmpphh!” Redbow bit her lip, getting a sudden cramp in her hooves. She glanced down past the goat’s arms, eyes growing wide to see cracks forming in her sturdy platforms. The flesh underneath was growing oddly, developing unfamiliar nerves and joints that made their covering increasingly uncomfortable as she watched. With a loud snapping the hard shells fell into pieces, allowing her the freedom to stretch out new… “Oh. My. God! Are those toes!?”

“Mmm, yep!” The goat giggled as she also watched Redbow wiggle her plump digits for the first time. Five little meatballs on equally fat quadruped extremities, just like hers. “They seem a bit much now, but lots of our friends like paws, especially ones this big.”

“I’m fucking enormous!” Redbow exclaimed, sounding way more enthusiastic about the fact than upset. She grappled with the goat’s hands, feeling them move up to her almost comically slim waist. “S-should I really be enjoying this?”

“Hmmm?” The goat met her gaze with a cocked eyebrow and a smile. There was no immediate resistance to her teasing the pony’s red stomach fur. “You can feel it, can’t you? The power that wells up inside of both of us. Everything is getting so big, so soft, so strong. The rush of it all is practically orgasmic, isn’t it?”

The warmth filled into Redbow’s middle, sparking a low whinny of approval from her. Flesh drew tight again, giving a strange full sensation. Tension built up again, making her toes curl with an eager smile. When the dam burst she let out a gasp followed by a giggle, eyes locked down at the goats hands slowly pushing away from her stomach.

No, the goat wasn’t releasing her grip. Redbow’s middle had exploded out in all directions in a thickening expansion. A flat stomach billowed out like a sail before sagging over the front of her tight pants with overloaded pudge. More rising dough pushed out her waist, destroying any resemblance of an hourglass figure. Not that she cared with how ticklish everything felt. Nerves stretched raw under the whitening fur, making the goat’s teasing passes with her claws strike with the pleasure of a thousand feathers.

Speaking of which, the poor pegasus was losing her most defining feature. The goat sighed somberly, wings being the one aesthetic they hated giving up. Still, not like they would need those to fly anymore. Red feathers molted off in a parting ceremony as the flesh of Redbow’s extra limbs sunk back into her shoulders, helping them thicken out further. Her remaining pony arm flexed into a fist, white fur pouring down it in a rush with fat filling out behind it.

The goat leaned back with an amused chuckle. It was like poor Redbow got stuffed into a large goat monster suit. Her still pony chest and head swayed in a daze attached to an ultra-thick body in straining undersized clothes.

“Are...are we done?” Redbow said between heaving breaths. While her legs had gotten much stronger she struggled in the pleasure of their transformation to keep balanced. Her rounded middle and butt wobbled with clumsy steps as she moved, trying to check out the white and black stripes on her back.

“Oh, almost hun.” The goat drummed her chin, faking disinterest. “Unless you’d rather we stop and I change you back…”

“N-no!” Redbow lunged forward, surprising her goat self by grabbing at the loose collar of their robe. They pulled together rough enough that the goat’s tits slammed into Redbow’s face, nearly bouncing them apart again. Still, her grip held firm.“Give me everything you got!”

Before the goat could answer Redbow pulled them into a tight kiss. Not the response she expected, but one they could roll with. Hands reached around giving Redbow’s new snow butt several hard squeezes, the last bits of energy flowing through the brief connections of their tongues wrestling each other.

Stubby horns sprouted between Redbow’s ears. Lobes lost their acute points while growing out nearly a foot long before flopping over against the sides of her rounding head. There was a moment of awkward shifting trying to kiss with changing lips but soon her muzzle finished widening, which made it easier to suck on the mirror image of her fresh goat face.

They certainly had a lot to suck too. Warmth from more than her arousal filled Redbow’s face,  smoothing out the edges of her chin. Hell, most of her neck vanished under the puffing rolls of a double chin, with excess pinching slightly against her muzzle. It did nothing to stop the pairs make-out session, just added a lot more squishing like watching horny marshmallows.

No sooner did Redbow’s hair finish whitening than both goats heard a rumbling deep in her chest. Sensing the moment they were both waiting for, the goat took a deep breath before pulling Redbow’s ass against her hips, clenching them while she blew warm breaths down their throat. 

The act shot Redbow’s eyes open with a surprised moan. Tension surged into both her petite breasts, drawing them painfully tight until they began vibrating from the pressure.


It was like watching an explosion in slow motion. The goat’s huge knockers rocked back from Redbow’s chest gushing out from under her shirt in a shower of cotton confetti. When the former mare finished blinking her view was blocked by nothing but white globes of mammaries bigger than truck tires. Her poor counterpart from another universe couldn’t dodge in time and got a face full of hubcap-sized nipples, making her stagger out of their lewd embrace.

A second later gravity seized its hold on Redbow’s huge milk sacks, flopping them atop the other goat. The slapping of soft flesh together, both full of universe altering magic, reverberated across the parking lot, shattering many car windows and triggering alarms.

“S-sorry,” Redbow squeaked, sheepishly cradling her much larger girls. Even fatter hands had no hope of grabbing such bloated boobs. The excess flowed freely around her palms like sandbags.

“Don’t mention it. That was kind of hot.” The goat wiped stray blood from her nose, giggling madly at her handiwork. Only the torn unfitting clothes gave any sign this fat goat twin had ever been anything else. “Oh, here, let me help you with that.”

“Huh?” There was a snap of fingers and Redbow suddenly felt the tight pinch of her pants release. She watched awed as jeans and shirt unweaved under magical forces, intertwining together and changing substance around her massive new figure. When the sparkles finally settled, she was suddenly wearing the same black-and-white robe as her double a few feet away. It covered them down to foot paws completely, yet somehow made her look more corpulent. “Thanks. So what happens now?”

The other goat’s smile grew wide enough to show some fangs. “Oh, I dunno. You want to try out some magic yourself?”

“Wait, you mean I can do the wobbly transforming fats too!?”

“Wow, I really haven’t been paying attention to myself. Hah. Can’t you feel all that cosmic power eager to release?”

Redbow took a deep breath, taking a second to focus her senses on the fire filling her distended stomach. “Yeah! Shit, this is fantastic. I feel so...huge.”

“Sounds about right.” Her goat twin giggled. “You want to go back into the store and try fattening up some bored people?”

“Nope! Better idea,” Redbow said, trying out a finger snap. It took a few tries with how sausage they became before she got a cell phone to appear in her palm. “Let me text my girlfriend for a meet up. She will love the couch-sized butt we will give her.”

The alternate goat wrinkled her nose with an indignant snort. Her smile faltered for the first time since arriving. “Not going to lie, I’m a bit jealous we have a girlfriend in this timeline.”


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