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(contains human male to female adult anthro Twilight Sparkle TFTG, Human female to draconequus TF, lots of chaos)

Commission for Mephia



It would stand to reason the advancement of cell phones should also make mundane tasks a lot easier to accomplish. They were practically reaching the point of being supercomputers small enough to fit in a pocket. A person’s life could revolve around having a gadget that communicates with anyone or finds anything.

But a device that required forty dollars a month for service was ultimately useless in practice. Ace felt like he would find Waldo before locating his room share for the convention. The black-haired man was just one of hundreds of other people crowding up the hotel lobby in pursuit of their objectives. A good gaggle of them were content to mingle where they stood. Not like other people need to check in or get to an elevator. Why go somewhere exclusive and offer courtesy space?

The red polo Ace loved to wear slowly billowed out with his deep breath. An incoming pack of teenagers promptly slammed into him, not even noticing in their march towards the hotel reception. He staggered with a wheezing exhale, barely able to catch on a stone fixture for balance. Even taking a second for relaxation techniques was becoming a luxury in this chaos.

Deciding to take his own advice, Ace checked his phone once more to find zero texts received. It really sucked forgetting to have his name attached to their room reservation in hindsight. He slipped the device into his chest pocket to weave around yapping people while trying to make as little contact as possible. Having a tiny suitcase to squeeze through the space made him glad to have traveled light.

Eventually Ace found the side entrance into the proper convention area. They always had some nice open spaces full of chairs to plop his weary butt on. After another moment to check his phone and send a quick location update, this seemed as good a place as any to whip out a sketchbook to pass the time. Flipping through a few pages, he briefly considered finishing a doodle depicting a human-looking female alicorn suspiciously wearing his same polo. The irritation of his recent experience won out, and he flipped to a fresh page, hoping to vent some transformation themed frustration on the hotel heard outside.

Not to say he was really mad about the turn out itself. It was more a case of just wanting to get to his room to drop stuff off and eat dinner with his, running late, friends. The usual problems that befall most convention patrons.

It was fantastic to see so much invested interest remained with My Little Pony. Its latest incarnation, Friendship is Magic, ended almost a year ago after a generation-spanning nine seasons. That people wanted to continue growing with the experience was a privilege to take part in.

Some experiences were just different from others. Like how Ace was enjoying his doodles of random humans transforming into all manner of ponies, some humanoid while others clopped on all fours. He was just finishing up the legs on a unicorn that would definitely be digitally colored later when something draped over his eyes to turn everything black.

“Guess who!?”

“GYAH!” Ace leapt from his chair, pencil flying and sketchbook becoming a makeshift flail. At least it did nothing to the Asian girl that snuck up on him besides tussle her hair. “Damn it, Meph! Where d'you come from?”

Mephia straightened up with a smug grin that refused to leave. She pulled a cell from the front pouch of her hoodie to show Ace the open text screen. “Um, I’ve been here for a half hour now. You didn’t say which coffee shop you were at and never replied.”

“Oh…” Ace checked his own phone, confirming three unanswered texts. “Sorry about that.”

“Well, heck. That’s probably the happiest greeting you’ve given me yet.” Mephia giggled, rushing in to hug her long distance friend. Ace gave a soft ‘oof,’ before recovering enough to return the favor. “I checked in on the way over. Ready to head up?”

“Oh, sweet Celestia, yes.” Ace chuckled in an eager rush to stow his drawings away. “I saw a curry place nearby with the best smells. Any longer and I might have gone to eat without you.”

“Can’t blame ya. Airport taxi took ridiculously long to get us at a gate for deboarding.” 

Mephia wheeled out her noticeably larger suitcase, moving through the crowds with the agility of a leaf on the wind. It left a path Ace was more than grateful to follow on their trip to the elevators. The ride up six floors was fairly silent. Both of them became busy responding to phone messages with many other friends they were eager to meet this weekend. 

“Wasn’t Yuki on the same plane as you?” Ace asked while Mephia slipped a key card into their room's lock.

“Her layover got delayed,” Mephia replied, holding the door open for him. “She might not even get here until tomorrow.”

“Oh. That sucks.” Ace was not sure what else to add to that. Slipping his suitcase off to a side wall, he instead made a belly flop onto the nearest bed with a content sigh. “Ah, soft.”

“Don’t fall asleep. I thought you were hungry.” Mephia let the door close while setting her own suitcase on top of the other bed.

“Yeah, just let me use the bathroom first.”

“Sure. Sure.” Mephia busied herself unpacking while listening to Ace close the side door behind her. She had her own little ‘kit’ of goodies to bring to conventions at this point. There were her badges of various characters, pony and furry alike, the sketchbooks for artists to doodle in for money, and a few assorted pony related accessories to flaunt. “Ugh, registration will be a bitch to wait in.”

She moved to set the pile of important convention gear on the room's complimentary desk and paused. It looked like somebody had already occupied that space with items. A large envelope rested dead center with a multi-purple alicorn easily recognized as Princess Luna on it. Surrounding it were three presents colored red, orange, and blue respectively, complete with decorative bows on top.

A quick glance around the room turned up nothing else peculiar. Her pony sister Yuki could not have possibly checked in ahead of them. There would have at least been another suitcase. Gingerly picking up the envelope revealed no seal, so Mephia pulled out the two papers inside with the same tact one has when defusing a bomb.

She didn’t read much before there came a flushing noise and Ace stepped out from the bathroom. His brown eyes caught the artistic envelope going wide with envy.

“Oh wow. When did you get the fancy stationery?”

“It was already on the table,” Mephia mumbled, still focused on reading an unexpectedly warm welcome. “Apparently someone invested in gifts for every con attendee this year. They even got one for Yuki.”

“Damn, that’s even better.” Ace walked over to join her, but a stray thought made his smile wane. “Wait, how did they even know which rooms are for attendees?”

“You’re asking the wrong girl. Maybe they just put a bunch of boxes in every room.”

“That...could not have been cheap.”

“Hey, I’m not going to turn down a freebie!” Mephia set down the papers, giving her friend a coy elbow nudge. “So which one do you want? The blue one might be better fitting for Yuki.”

“Why? Because her pony is blue?”


“...makes sense. I’ll take red on that logic.”

“I would ask for orange, anyway.” Mephia giggled, passing Ace his present. “Should we open them together?”

Ace shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

“Okay! One...two...three!”

They yanked the ribbon off their respective presents in almost perfect unison. To say what laid inside was a surprise would be a massive understatement. The pair watched the lids slid off, only to become blinded in firecracker explosions that filled their room up with smoke. Neither was in a proper state to notice Ace’s box emitted a cloud of sparkling purple, while Mephia got bathed in a crimson red.

“Who smoke bombs a hotel?!” Mephia demanded between coughing fits. Tears blinded her eyes, leaving only a blueprint memory of the room to get at its front door. She made it about a step and a half before tripping over a bed corner. The loud crash of her painful landing alerted an equally blind Ace to the plight.

“Mephia!? Are you o…” While Ace avoided the same bed, he could not have taken into account the woman clumsily sprawled on the floor beside it. It was a mixed blessing to have someone break his fall, even if Mephia’s swearing sounded less than accommodating. “S-sorry.”

“Ugh! You’re heavy!” Mephia patiently guided Ace off her as gently as she could manage. Hopefully that would not become a sore spot for most of the convention.

Both used the bed as a brace back onto their feet. More rubbing helped clear their eyes, leading to another surprise in that their smoke attack had dissipated. Some puffs of the colorful dust remained but was rapidly vanishing into the rough carpeting.

“The heck was that?” Ace said, seeing Mephia look just as baffled.

“You got me,” she said, whipping a strange glitter from her shirt. The only remaining proof of such an event ever taking place. “Oh good. Now we’re completely covered in the gunk too.”

“Dibs on the bathroom!”

“Wait, wha-oh you ass!” Mephia barely blinked and her roommate had already closed the bathroom door behind him. There came the sound of faucet water shortly after, leaving her hoping for at least two towels to use soon. “Mmph!”

Thank goodness they were on a lower floor. They could open the windows for a bit of fresh air circulation. Mephia leaned on the glass, taking deep breaths of a cool breeze like it was a drug. It did little to help clear her head, only drawing attention to an itching sensation spreading across her everywhere.

The bathroom door clicked open causing her to twist around watching Ace emerge. He approached, still using a towel to clean up his face, but there was still a lot of purple in his hair. Multiple shades, in fact, decorated so much of the long locks down his back that Mephia wondered if he slipped on a wig.

“I...uh…” Ace appeared equally confused the second he removed the towel and got a good look at Mephia. He was fairly certain the human body did not have the flexibility of a twisted noodle, nor was he used to looking up so much to make eye contact.

“Did...did you wash so hard you got smaller?” Mephia squeaked out with a nervous giggle.

Ace adamantly shook his head. “N-no. Have you always been this...long?”

Tall just did not seem the term for Mephia in this instance. When she checked herself it was like her entire body stretched out like taffy. Hips, waist, even her breasts were smoothing into a state that left her looking like an eight foot log. A very flexible one she found out while bending to remove her hoodie. Even her neck had gotten thicker and streamlined with her spine.

Ace lifted a finger to comment, but got lost in the sight of his hand growing a fine layer of purple hairs. The digits themselves slimmed into a more refined feminine shape while fur washed around to engulf the entire arm. “We were...drugged, right?”

“If you want to go with that, sure?” Mephia gulped, continuing to test her body’s increasing bendability. Twirling to touch her face to ankles resulted in a mesh of thick white hair to drape across her face. Her once short brown locks had become bleached to resemble snow. A glance back to Ace watching his other hand undergo a furry girlization made her gulp. “Not to alarm you, though, but you’re looking a bit horse faced.”

“My what? GAH!” Ace’s new hands grasped his face and recoiled. Fur poured from his shoulders across his form in a gush, including giving the strangest of five o’clock shadows. He pinched his nose, startled to find it grossly swollen in size. Not that mattered when the bridge popped and his entire jaw ground outwards in an extended equine muzzle. Moans of discomfort cracked through higher octaves until it reached a hauntingly familiar pitch. “Ooooh that was...unpleasant. Meph, why do I sound like Twilight!?”

“I’m more worried why you’re looking like her.” Mephia offered, shuffling her increasing weight between feet. It was getting hard to stay balanced on her tight shoes.

“No way!” Ace raced to the desk mirror just in time to watch his ears climb up through the thick mane of hair to rest as sharp points at the top. There came a mild headache coinciding with the steady rise of a bone protrusion out of his forehead. “Did I just grow a freaking HORN!?”

“You just grew a horn, dude.” Two sharp pangs caused Mephia to grimace, an extra weight resting atop her own head. “And I think I did too.”

Ace looked to Mephia with a head unmistakably that of a popular cartoon alicorn princess. It looked almost comical on his still thick male torso, but they had no idea how long that would last. “You got two actually...and they’re a bit mismatched.”

“Wait, what?” Mephia had to do a lot of wiggling with her body surpassing nine feet long, but she eventually got her head in reach of her tiny arms. She was no zoologist, but they seemed to be a deer and goat’s horn, respectively. “I think it’s safe to say those were some kind of transformative booby traps, at least.”

“Please don’t say boobie!” Ace gasped from the pressure that clutched his chest. They could both see a surreal rippling of mass under his polo, diverting much of the middle weight into two prominent spheres jutting from his chest. A drastic slimming of his waist dropped an even larger deposit into his hips, causing the fabric to creek as they rolled out several inches wider. Quivering hands roamed across these thickened areas, finding their plush nature alien yet pleasant. “T-these were definitely not in the show.”

“WHOOP!” Much as Mephia wanted to offer a remark, the balance in her stance tripped her into a rough fall. She propped on an elbow, watching slacked jawed at the way her pants and shoes inflated like tight balloons.

In a rush, giant claws pierced through the end of her right shoe. A lizard's foot exploded out through the newly created openings, with a green-scaled leg busting the denim pant leg to shreds after it. Mephia had just enough time to process the animal limb before a cloven grey hoof swelled out the other shoe. An accompanying goat's leg made short work of it’s confined in an unveiling of shaggy brown fur.

“Uh, little help? HURP!” Mephia felt an icy chill shoot down her spine, striking the base above her rear. The center of her pants bulged into a thick tent between her mismatched legs for a moment before the entire garment exploded off her body to make way for a red dragon's tail. She flopped back onto her rear, watching the limb twitch several feet across the floor as a white tuft grew out of the tip. “Nevermind. I didn’t need those pants, anyway.”

“Oof!” A twitching in Ace’s hips encouraged him to take a seat on the bed for what was to come. Not a second later the sheets under him shifted, which he realized was the inflating fat filling out his butt and thighs. With a slight pinch his spine stretched out over the hem, quickly developing the thick purple fibers to drape across the mattress as a horse's tail.

“No fair,” Mephia groaned in her struggle to stand. Having a noodle for a body meant hips and shoulders were not working properly. More so when golden scales cascaded down her left arm to reform her hand into a bird’s paw. She used its pointed claws to gesture to her smooth snake shaped body.

“Why do you get an ass and tits, and I’m stuck as…” She trailed off to watch her right arm fluff into a lion’s paw. “Whatever this is!?”

“Hey, you’re the one that likes gender bent Discord.” Ace giggle perfectly mirroring Twilight Sparkles laugh from the show. “Aah!”

Tension in his shoulders forced Ace to thrust his chest forward. It took yanking off his polo for Mephia to realize she was not being mocked. As the changing pony’s bust bounced freely without a bra, it was also clear two large protrusions were pushing out of his back.



Luckily there was plenty of space when the purple furry flesh split and feathery bird wings erupted out of Ace’s back. Plums flew everywhere while they flapped out of sync, trying to get him used to a different set of muscles.

Mephia snorted and twisted her elongated neck to view the miniscule sized bat and bird wing that had popped out of her back. “Geez, even that part you get to show off a lot mo...oooggh!”

She turned back to Ace just as one of the purple feathers brushed past her nose. Her whole faced cringed with a surge of pressure, chest puffing with a deep breath. Much as she tried her limbs had an even harder time reaching her nose.


Everything else considered so far, Ace should have expected the weird rubber band effect Mephia’s sneeze triggered. Her mostly human face shot forward in a loud twang that stretched her widening nostrils all the way to her brown furry chest. It promptly recoiled with a loud snap that left her head wobbling violently in the general shape of a horse’s snout.

“AH!?” Seeing his friend transform into a fully realized draconequus was still only small potatoes compared to the lightning that struck Ace’s pelvis. He hunched forward, heaving for breath as both hands clasped the crotch of his pants. It was only at this crucial point of the transformation he remembered Twilight Sparkle was a mare. “W-whaaat? Pah! Haa haa haa! Ooohh...oooh god! Nnngh!”

The defining denim bulge pulsed against Ace’s girly palms, sending a wave of pleasure that got his hips grinding against the bed. Again and again the waves struck in a slow rhythm. Each time he felt his member deflating, yet this somehow made the next pulse more intense. Slowly the space between his enlarged pelvis opened up, pulling his manhood towards the threshold until…

“OH FUCK! Mmmh hmmm! Ouuugh! Aaah aah! HAAAAAAAH! GOD YEAAAAAaaaahhhh…!”

Ace flopped across the bed with legs in the air. Everything from ears to tail shook in uncontrollable spasms with her first orgasm into princesshood. At the same time her raised position presented her shoes to an intently staring Mephia. A perfect view to watch the protective covers split open for the larger bloating hooves that emerged to say hello.

“See what I mean?” Mephia crossed her arms in a huff. That her body was floating off the floor reclined like it was in a chair felt so second nature she failed to notice it. “You got all the good stuff.”

“Faa...faa...gnnnnh…” Ace could barely manage groans through her labored pants, slowly lowering her shapely legs to rest heavy hooves back on the ground. Torn shoes and socks still clung to her arched ankles, stubbornly trying to remain useful to the alicorn. “It...mmh...could have been worse?”

Mephia continued grumping, taking a long drink from a straw. “Worse? Your clothes still fit. I don’t think I even have a butt anymore, just legs on a noddle dragon.”

“Not everything fits,” Ace grumbled as she sat up. She glanced from the twitching wings on her back to the polo laying off to the side. “Maybe if I learn how magic works I can snip some holes in.”

Mephia narrowed her eyes, taking another sip. “Isn’t that what scissors are for?”

“Yeah, but...I just turned into a freaking Twilight Sparkle clone or something. Only an idiot wouldn’t try some magic.” Ace paused while observing Mephia floating through the air. “Incidentally, why are you drinking a mug of M&M’s?”

“Am I!?” Mephia gasped upon noticing the wooden beer mug in her lion’s paw. She had no recollection of finding such a thing among their possessions, only that the transformation had left her thirsty. After bringing it up to observe the many colorful pebbles shifting inside, she gave Ace a shrug before taking a big swig. “I’m pretty sure these are Skittles. They go down like strawberry milk, though. Is that normal?”

“...you’re an embodiment of chaos concerned about what is normal. To me, that’s the weirdest part of this so far.” Ace smirked at her own quip, getting a giggle from the draconequus. Shifting to stand on her awkward hooves suddenly caused her vision to get fuzzy. A large lump of fluffy bangs fell across the mare's face, causing her to frown. The cartoon’s main characters had way too much hair to deal with. It was somehow irritating the fur between her wings without a shirt. “I’ll be right back.”

“What are you…?” but the bathroom door had already closed, cutting off Mephia’s question. Seconds later there started up the consistent buzz of what could only be a shaver. “Huh…”


“ACK!” Not even an embodiment of chaos could expect everything, like a hard crash against the window behind her. Mephia flew headfirst into the ceiling, dropping her mug and sending skittles covering the floor. “Oooowwww...what the frig? Oh… hey.”

“Hey Mrs. Bendy horse,” said the disoriented grey pegasus smearing up the window with their squashed muzzle. Their wings flapped awkwardly out of sync to keep suspended in mid-air. “How does flying work?”

“Um, it’s Miss, actually,” Mephia said, unsure why that distinction was important right now. It was difficult just keeping eye contact. The pegasus’s pupils seemed to look in two directions at once in their dizzy state. “And you’re asking the wrong pony with these appetizer wings of mine. Just whatever you do, don’t stop flapping?”

“What?” the pony perked in alarm, and then promptly vanished when gravity asserted control over their relaxed wings.

Mephia was just glad they appeared a second later, continuing to attempt flying off towards the busier street side of the hotel. It was comforting to know she was not the only crazy thing in a three-mile radius. Another thought occurred to the draconequus just as the bathroom door opened up.

“There! My head feels twenty pounds lighter at least.” Ace entered with heavy foot clops almost proud of her impromptu hair cut. They had shaved the entire back off, leaving a small drape halfway down her neck. Most of the bangs had likewise been clipped to only reach her eyebrows, save a large spike of fluff curled off to the side over one ear. “How do I look?”

Mephia looked up from where her head pressed into the carpet and grinned. “You look like Twilight Sparkle had a rebellious teenage tomboy phase.”

“That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. Also, what are you doing?”

Mephia shrugged, keeping her position of touching mismatched hands to her mismatched legs. It left the lengthy barrel of her middle scrunched into an awkward circle. “I’ve never been able to touch my toes so easily before.”

“Maybe you should stop?” Ace offered with a nervous chuckle. “You look like a pretzel.”

“Nope!” Mephia uncurled into the air, only to entangle herself in a knot with neck and tail. A snap of her eagle paw caused sesame seeds to rain onto her fur. “Now I look like a pretzel.”

“That makes even less sense!” Ace rolled her eyes, deciding to fish out a tank top she had luckily packed. It was nice to see they were both getting into the situation while she worked wings with the modest breast covering. “So now what do we do? Think it’s a good idea to report this to con staff? Or...you know...go out in public?”

“Oh, um…” Mephia sprung out of her wound state drumming fingers together nervously. “About that, a pegasus just crashed into our window while you were busy grooming. Wait, did you just leave all that mane laying on the bathroom floor?”

“Yes, but is that really the priority right now!?” Ace’s eyes grew wide at the bit of news, giving implications she did not like thinking about. “Is it...possible they sent gifts to everyone in the hotel?”


Both ponies jumped from a loud noise out in the hallway. Voices rapidly rose in incoherent chattering, and sometimes shouting, until it was all they could hear.

Ace looked to Mephia, who could only bite her lip and shrug back. Slowly, the purple princess stepped toward the front door. Having to balance on flat hooves was still a bit of a challenge. Good thing she had not shaved her thick tail too. A plump butt alone was not a good counterbalance.

With a soft click, she pulled the door open enough to slip her muzzle out. It was only half a surprise to see the hallway flooded with colorfully furred equines of every sort. Some were clopping around on all fours, chatting with others that had become bipedal like Ace. She was pretty sure a Kirin galloped past towards the elevators at one point.

“Well?” Mephia asked eagerly when Ace closed the door and turned to face her draconequus friend. “What’s it like out there?”

“Well...not to point hoofs, but it looks like what you’d do with a crap ton of chaos magic?”

“Oh, don’t you dare blame this on me. You’re the princess of friendship here!”

“I am not…” The eagle claw snapped again, giving Ace a strange fluttering sensation. Glancing down, she could only gawk at suddenly wearing a polo with perfect cuts for her wings. Unfortunately, it also connected to a puffy skirt that curtained around her hips to the carpet. A heavyweight dinked in a soft landing against her horn, which she did not need to examine to know was a crown. “...I will murder you!”

Mephia raised her lion, and eagle paws suddenly wearing boxing gloves. “Come at me girlfriend! We got all weekend to sort this out.”


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