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(Contains human to Princess Celestia TF, altersex anatomy)



Keys, wallet, jewelry, shoes, so nice to see airport security as diligent as ever. Today was a special event thanks to a supposed arson attack that occurred ten miles away. Police had yet to even conclude what caused the fire, but that was not stopping local panic from mucking up daily life. The lines into passenger boarding moved an extra ten minutes slower while everything from purses to duffle bags got stabbed with strangely phallic shaped metal scanners.

Yuki checked her watch for possibly the eighth time before tossing it into the plastic bin with her laptop and shoes. She could not tell if her rising concern made the hands move faster. Three hours of sleep sacrificed to get here early, for all the fat good that did now. They had no problem delaying passengers for the sack of security, just not adjusting flights because it would cost too much money.

A loud beep rang out from the big chamber just feet away. Yuki’s groan was just one of many down the line with the notice their wait got delayed another two minutes. The person who had just failed their metal scan stepped out, removed a cellphone and more jewelry than any person traveling needed, and stepped back in.

Most of the time Yuki was not a violent person. There was just something about hearing that alarm beep again that made her want to rush the idiot, maybe choke them with the studded belt they removed next. This was her first time traveling to a convention in years, and it was starting off in all the best ways imaginable.

Another ten minutes finally saw Yuki take her turn through the big whirling chamber. Pretending it would somehow have her stepping out transformed into a colorful pony only made things marginally better. That certainly would have been a fun way to show up at probably one of the last Brony cons in existence. The decade long My Little Pony show was finally over. Fans would find other things to be interested in soon.

All the more reason Yuki would love to just get on her plane in time. She slipped shoes on as quick as possible while the family that followed tried bowling her bins over to collect their garbage. Airport security was never slow enough, rushing dipsticks just had to help contribute delays. She could not even get her belt back on before giving up. With a backpack slung over one arm and a laptop case in the other, Yuki waddled towards the nearest open bench with her belongings cupped in her crossed arms.

It was good fortune her pants did not slip off during the short trip. Even better was putting the watch back on one wrist to see the flight did not board for another fifteen minutes. That might be enough time to pick up a quick meal on the way to the gate.

All Yuki needed to figure out first was where the heck a present came from. It had certainly not been among her possessions before fleeing the security area. A shining blue box bound in a thick ribbon bow would have stood out among all her black and grays. That pushy family must have knocked something from their bins into hers in the hustle.

Glancing back towards the jammed area of metal detectors filled Yuki with a slight guilt that said family was no longer in sight. She could not go running around gates for them, even if she wanted to. Maybe leaving it with airport security could help get it back to them eventually, if it did not get incinerated in a bomb scare. The lid rattled slightly with her shuffling in place, trying to make a hurried decision. Its ribbon tie had gotten loose, so at least Yuki could busy her hands for a few seconds fixing that, maybe sneak a glimpse of what was inside.


“Oh, no…”

No sooner had Yuki undone the bow than the lid fired off as if under high pressure. She dropped the box in a panicked squeak, but too late to avoid becoming engulfed in the rainbow smoke billowing out of its tiny insides. The airport practically vanished around her, leaving nothing by an array of colors swirling together in a dazzling display. It would have been impressive were it not also burning her lungs.


Oh yeah, the airport and its thousands of stressed patrons had gone nowhere either. Soon all Yuki could hear were incoherent screams and alarms going off in all directions. Smoke was filling up the spacious hallway at an alarmingly fast pace to catch those that were not quick or careful enough to avoid tripping over each other in attempts to flee. The poor ones lined up for airport security sounded especially doomed.

Yuki could not feel guilt given her inability to breathe at that moment. She coughed with sleeve over mouth, unable to make out much besides outlines. Forgetting her carry-ons, she stumbled in a direction away from the screams, trying to feel her way through the smog with a free hand. She could not believe so much fruity flavored mist could come from one tiny box. Even past the food court there were no signs of things thinning out.


Several figures barreled out of the gloom, shoving Yuki hard into the wall on their way past. More passengers hacking and coughing in search of asylum from this bizarre cloud. Their footsteps quickly faded back into the void under the continuous blaring of alarms.

Maybe it was the near concussion of being flung into a stone wall, but Yuki thought something was off about the people that passed her. Many seemed to have thicker profiles than even a pudgy girl like her and had put on masks that made their mouths look ridiculously bulging out. For some reason there was an occasional blur of someone wearing angular protrusions on their backs, or pointed nubs on their foreheads. Hell, even people’s footsteps grew heavy with hollow clopping rings to them.

As Yuki braced against the wall to continue, it became obvious she was not immune to these oddities. Dull tension seared in her hips, making each step stiff and difficult to rotate along the joints. They forced her thighs to press closer together in smaller strides, which made it noticeable when her legs began growing.

“What the hell!?” Yuki braced against a guard rail trying to avoid the path of a freakishly enormous guy with a long chin charging past her.

The more pressing concern was how tight the woman’s jeans were rapidly getting. Denim creaked in growing protest around thighs buffing up like two glorious hams. Their excess fat and muscle trickled down into her shins, which popped from extra calcium lengthening their bones. The hem of each pant leg shot up almost a foot, revealing a fine layer of white fur growing underneath.

“What the actual hell!?” Yuki repeated, louder and way more concerned. She could not mind becoming a little taller. It was just the increasing fire in her pelvis and huge legs were making her look a lot less human. “H-hey! Anyone still around here? I may need some...uh, o-oh! M-my voice too!?”

It took a second for Yuki’s twitching ears to catch the shifting of her tone with nearly every word. A hand shot to her throat, finding it growing the same fine white hairs as most of her body by this point. That was kind of annoying after the hours spent meticulously working for a clean shave. More importantly, was the feeling of her Adam’s apple, or lack thereof.

“H-hello!? Oh god...um, dearest Twilight, my precious student. Oh, no freaking way!”

When Yuki spoke again it was with a female voice both alien and very familiar, especially when reciting lines from a cartoon show, Friendship is Magic. Every word she spoke came out deep, yet gentle, befitting someone of royalty. An exact match for Princess Celestia, a staple side character of the series.

It was a bit of a mix bag revelation. On one hand, the princess was Yuki’s favorite character. On the other, she had no idea how much longer hands would be a luxury extremity. Fingers were already feeling a little stiff in her struggles to undo an agonizingly tight belt clasp.

No sooner had the belt loosened than the pants button and zipper busted open. They had no chance under the tight pressure of Yuki’s expanding hips. She grabbed at the hem unable to prevent the muscles plumping up her butt from spilling everything overboard. It was no surprise to see that a sun graphic was on both her flanks among their fine mat of ass fur.

“YEEK!” Yuki got another surprise, however, when a sharp pang struck above her swelling rear. She let the pants drop to her thighs, stunned by something tickling over her cheeks in a gentle flutter. Apparently she now had a horse's tail, one the same rainbow colors as the smoke flooding everything in the airport. It moved in an almost endless wiggle, even with no strong winds. “This is crazy. Is everyone turning into ponies or something!?”

Loud, clumsy clops echoed down the hall almost in answer to Yuki’s personal conversation. Before long, a guy with no pants ran into view.

Galloped might have been a more appropriate term. The man’s back end was entirely horse-like, forcing him to walk on all fours. Unfortunately, the hind legs were much longer than what remained of his arms, making the guy very unbalanced. Having bird wings grow out from under a scrunched shirt probably didn’t help with that. It made Yuki’s numbing hands reflexively grab her own horse butt, which was still growing at an alarming rate with mixes of fat and running muscle.

They locked eyes for a second, but the budding pegasus opted to continue running off into the obscuring mist. Seeing another person look thick and ready to fall over probably inclined there was no help to be found here. Yuki could hardly blame him from that perspective.


She certainly had her own share of problems with a large clump of rainbow hair spilling over her face. It was kind of hard not to enjoy feeling locks of hair flowing between her fingers, dark browns lightening into a magical rainbow while years of growth cascaded down her back in seconds. Much like her tail, the new mane waved about like caught in an endless wind.

That was also when she noticed her ears had grown acutely pointed and furry atop her head. Yuki just could not hold back a bray of joy when she followed this to her forehead where the makings of a horn grew out from her scalp. By all accounts this should have been horrifying, but how often does someone turn into a damn alicorn?

“What the-aah! Argh! Ow! Ow! Ow!”

Oh right, alicorn’s have wings too. There was just enough time for Yuki to register the shifting behind her shoulders before pointed spires pushed out from under her skin. She tried frantically to grab her shirt hem, only to find her arms would not obey her.

“Argh! Why now, you stupid hooves!?” yelled the changing woman uselessly at her hands. Fingers had become forced to curl into fists, the outlines between them fusing together into solid fleshy lumps. Joints vanished while skin gained a bright sheen from hardening into protective platforms. The rest of her arms were not far behind, with wrist elongating and shoulders folding inwards to keep her new forelegs jutting forward. Yuki neighed in alarm when something gave under her feet. A sudden clopping to clumsy struggling footsteps hinted shoes might no longer be an issue either.

Wings continued to twitch in their struggle to grow under Yuki’s stubborn shirt. The fact her chest was puffing outwards with the expansion of her ribcage was not helping either. Slowly she could feel the feathery tips slipping out under the hem until a second set of elbow allowed her to flex them free. It still pushed the whole garment uncomfortably around her bulking horse's neck, so hopefully some magic could get rid of it once her horn fully developed.


The same could not be said for Yuki’s pants. With a hard crunch of her hips the wad stuck around her thighs finally split apart along the side seems, falling into a messy scrap clutter atop some broken sneakers. She continued clopping clumsily around the concrete hall, forelegs pawing at the air in struggling to fight the forward weight and tense pull of her pelvis. Her human figure vanished as organs and bones inflated out her sides to a more equine anatomy.

“Oh..oh sweet celestia...or, uh, me?” Yuki looked down the curve of her barreling chest with a blush. Her bra remained slung around bulging shoulders, squashed flat against white furry muscles. Except her perky mammaries have not vanished, only moved from their perch. As she craned an elongated neck to watch, Yuki’s bust was sliding down her stomach to rest above her crotch.

And the beast going on down there made Yuki very glad to be stuck in a concealing fog. Even without the thick horse rump stretching them out, her panties could never conceal the cock rising out between the finished udders. There was already little human left about her member. Its head had flattened and was developing barbs while every little throb made it stretch another inch. That may have had to do with the rush Yuki felt just looking at it. The phallus quickly lost most of its limp stance to press against the alicorn’s toned stomach.

Before long, the furry ball sack between Yuki’s hind legs brought enough pressure to break her panties. Everything fell deeper into her crotch, unwittingly rubbing her soft udders along the sides of her massive hard-on.

Yuki bit her aching lip to stifle a moan, which turned into neighing. A pang of arousal was just enough of a distraction for when the last shift attacked her hips. She landed with a hard clop onto all fours, ass surging double with bouncing fat to lock her there. Moments later her face flooded with tension which she could not fight from pushing out everything into a proper equines muzzle. Even Yuki’s animal nose felt monstrously huge with the way it began taking up most of her bottom vision.

“Ugh!” Yuki took a few testing steps around the airport tunnel. There were still a few pangs while twitching muscles and sinew finished developing, but she felt safe to assume the worst parts of her transformation were over.

Or maybe they were the best parts, depending on a person’s opinion. Clopping on all fours came almost second nature, thankfully, and Yuki’s joy only mounted the more she took in her majestic alicorn form. Her butt was especially hard to miss. The damn plot must have been at least a foot wider than her front shoulders, making audible ‘wub’ noises every step.

Ten minutes of happy trot dancing must have passed before the new Celestia remembered the chaotic series of events that had just transpired. Tracing her steps back to the bench where she had abandoned her stuff became relatively easy. Ventilation was finally kicking in around the airport and helping to clear out the smoke. The closer she got back to the source, the better her vision became.

Unfortunately, the loud braying of panicked ponies also got louder the closer Yuki got to airport security. The alicorn was beside herself to find the place overrun with a congregation of colorful equines. Some unicorns were even trying to experiment with their newfound magic by making objects float. To their credit, airport security was still doing their best to keep order, aggressively pulling down any pegasus that thought trying to fly in this space was a brilliant idea. Almost all of them still had clothing on them to hint at a former humanity; hats, shirts, skirts, mostly stuff too stubborn to break off and impossible to reach without thumbs.

The fact Yuki was larger and rounder than most of these ponies did not escape her. Butterflies stirred like a hornet's nest in her stomach on the slow approach to her backpack. As luck would have it, most gathered were more concerned over their own spontaneous equine conversion to pay the looming princess much mind. Only a few rowdy stallions and mares gave her some curious, or suggestive, glances at the erect log throbbing against Yuki’s underside while she passed them. Probably should have expected the experience of shape-shifting would make more than a few insanely horny.

Trying to ignore the flirting wink of an orange mare with really hung udders, Yuki made her white horn glow with intense concentration. A white aura of energy enveloped the zipper and pulled it across the rows of teeth. From the open pocket floated out a cell phone to hover before the alicorn’s muzzle. She had to think for a second and did not expect to tap texts with just horse magic alone.

Blueberrymouse: Had an incident at the airport.

Mephia: Oh, snap. You okay?

Blueberrymouse: I’m...good. Might not arrive at the con until tomorrow.

Blueberrymouse: Heck! I might have to fly there directly...

Mephia: Oh...kay? O.o

Mephia: Well, just stay safe. Ace and I are already lost in some chaos, like you wouldn’t believe.

Something crashed, which Yuki whirled with a hard butt bounce to see was another pegasus getting forced out of the air by another in ripped police fatigues.

“You damn kid! This a no-fly zone. You want to goof around and get caught in a fan or jet turbine?”

“Aah! Chill, will you? Can anyone working here even fly planes with hoofs?”

“Not the point, damn it. You need to take this slow and safe!”

Yuki watched the bickering crowds a bit longer before rolling eyes back to her phone.

Blueberrymouse: Trust me, I have SOME idea.


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