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(Contains gradual Male to Female TG, masturbation, hyper proportions, food binging, rapid pregnancy)

Commission for Max-O-Zuma



There had been some hard days in the household, but this time really took the cake. Never had such a blatant act of betrayal passed without facing justice. It just spat in the face of common decency before grinding a heel into everything noble people stand for.

“For fuck's sake, I’ll buy you more mountain dew while I’m out,” Kameko said with a roll of her eyes. Her head also rolled back, finishing the last gulps of sweet fluid before crushing the green can with one hand. Without even looking, they tossed it several yards across the kitchen for a perfect landing inside a wastebin. “You get way too fussy about this stuff.”

“How does buying more later help my thirst now?” Max countered, having watched the perfect toss with uninspired anger. Striped tiger tail thrashed wildly high in the air with fur almost permanently stuck standing on ends. “Taking the last of my stuff is just rude.”

“So is using my shampoo, but you don’t hear me crying like a girl.” Kameko twisted to wag her many, much thicker, tails back at her tiger roommate. “Do I even need to show you the receipts for my conditioner?”

“They don’t sell that stuff magically enchanted at Wal-Mart, you know.” Max ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair, blushing over its silky fresh texture. “I like the smell too.”

“Just be careful how much you take. I might enchant the next batch with some growth hormones to go with the vitamins and lilacs.” Kameko busted into full laughs at the blush crossing Max’s feline muzzle. Tail’s became a writhing mass of happy snakes as she skipped past to the hall closet. Max leaned out from the counter to peek at her putting on a coat and shoes. “Seriously though, I got a date to meet. I promise I’ll come back with more caffeine sludge tonight.”

“Better be a twenty-four pack this time.”

“Yeah, whatever, nerd! Have some of my tea if you’re desperate.” Kameko blew him a raspberry before closing the door behind her. Magic allowed her to apply the locks without a need for keys.

Max remained sitting at the kitchen counter, wishing he had the chance to point out she never drank her own tea. It was probably the biggest commodity in their house, since the kitsune liked to snatch whatever he brought home instead. Maybe it was something to do with her nature, but that hardly excused regular theft. What was he supposed to do with his day? Drink water like some common peasant?

Ugh, tea sounded like a kingly alternative to such bland refreshment. Max pushed off the stool in a silent landing on his feet’s paw pads. Like a perfect feline, they made barely a sound in his slow walk around the kitchen. He did not know which shelf Kameko had even stuffed her teas, and odds were good neither did the kitsune.


“Nya!?” Max barely missed hitting his head on the sink, having to resort to out-of-place areas in his search. Curiosity perked his ears as Kameko would not need to use doorbells if she had returned early.

Straightening out the crease in his t-shirt, Max rushed to the door. Patiently waiting for him on the doormat turned out to be another feline. Granted, this one seemed to have a loose concept of professional work presentation. She wore a khaki uniform suggesting UPS employment, but the top was hand tied in a knot that drew her average bust together in revealing deep cleavage. The hem lifted so high it showed off the bright prink fur of her belly and white furry sides. Her shorts were even worse with the legs removed to become a tight bikini around her soft hips.

“Good morning, sir!” she said with clear amusement for the tigers slack-jawed surprise. Shame the slight scratch to her voice ruined a lot of her adorably sexy appearance. No sooner had Max collected his wits, and his chin, from the floor, then she shoved a digital pad in his face. “Sign here, please.”

“R-right!” It was only then Max noticed she had a small box pinched between her thighs to draw more attention to the lewd shorts. He signed with slightly more legible handwriting than normal before passing it back. A nametag caught his gaze above the pink cleavage identifying this questionable employee as ‘Sorsha.’

Silence fell across the porch. Max stared into the smaller felines youthful face with ears slowly folding back. Just as he worked up the nerve to ask a question, she responded by thrusting her hips forward. The box pinched between her legs jostled with the violent motion, almost slipping free.

“Well? Don’t be shy, just grab my package, and maybe take your box too.”

“Seriously?” Max grumbled, but Sorsha was too busy laughing at her own brand of humor. Somehow he kept his hands steady while pulling the package out of her grasp.

Surprisingly, there was no attempt to tackle the tiger or some other perverse act against him. Unless you counted when Sorsha turned so he could see her pull up the shorts riding into her butt crack. It was kind of interesting how the pink fur on her inner glutes formed a heart. “I always take my work seriously, sir. Have a fun day.”

“Sure…?” Max watched her tip a non-existent hat on her green hair before turning  back to the delivery truck nearby. Not wanting to take part in this weirdness any longer, he shut the door in a hurried flicking of locks.

The box had the right address on it, but lacked a recipient name. A few light shakes rocked his paws with the shifting of a heavyweight inside. Most likely something for Kameko. Max had ordered nothing online lately, nor were his friends the type to send spontaneous gifts without notice.

That hardly stopped him from taking some scissors to the boxing tape. He needed something to do while waiting for the tea to brew. Stupid beverages are such a pain to make when not already in cans.

“Huh. Cool.” Max dug his fingertips through the foam peanuts inside, letting his finger pads trace over something solid yet smooth.

The small statue he pulled out definitely fit Kameko’s collective habits. Kitchen lights reflected off the polished, hand carved jade onto the walls in a decorative coloration. Someone had designed it into a perfectly shaped figure of a humanoid woman, but it lacked distinguishing features. Limbs only ended in stumps and lacked a head or tail.

What really had Max’s tail curling was the statues proportions. The thing was only about ten inches long, but its breasts and hips spread almost the same in width. No wonder it felt so heavy in his paws with that much solid mass. He could not help chuckling, trying to picture a real girl so hourglass shaped. Every attempt to get through doors would probably be a struggle.

“Ow!” Static pinched at Max’s fingers, causing the statue to slip onto the kitchen counter with a hard thud. Several cracks splitting the surface proved it to be real jade, at least. The landlord might not find it impressive, though.

Max pushed that aside to look at his hands. A few finger flicks showed no signs of serious injury, just a light ache along his knuckles. He did not know stone could conduct static, much less give such powerful shocks. Now it seemed more like a good idea to let Kameko deal with it later.

Leaving the statue where it had damaged their counter, Max moved back to the coffeemaker to get the hot water it had been ‘brewing’ for his tea. Suddenly the bitter aroma of crushed flowers from an open box did not interest him anymore. Not with the lines of his stomach vibrating with a low growl. Good lord, had he become hungry suddenly.

Shame there was a reason Kameko was doing the grocery run today. When Max flew open both freezer and fridge doors, his tail hit the floor in a rush of despair. Between the two middle-aged nerds, they had several partially filled condiment bottles and a pack of expired hotdogs to their name. 

Devouring the latter did absolutely nothing to satiate Max’s hunger either. He already knew there was no chance of waiting until nightfall for Kameko to return with food. The only option was to bite the bullet and enter civilized society for a quick run.

Or maybe a light stroll would be better. Max had to wedge his way through six pairs of pants before finding one that would not squeeze his pelvis. Ironically, it was the same pair Kameko’s sister had gotten as a Christmas ‘gift’ a few years back. The tiger had ended up collateral damage during one of the kitsune twins ongoing prank war, resulting in his gaining fifty extra pounds until the new year rolled over. Their skittish giggles at his expense had been better than waddling around the house in nothing. 

Thankfully, this was nothing so extreme, but the tiger wondered if his hips felt a little more full in his palms. Served him right for binging a whole week of new game releases and UberEATS promotions. The true price some people have to pay for a livestreaming career.

Finally, in a decent assortment of shirt and jeans, Max slipped into his sneakers. There were stores only a few blocks away so he could easily walk there before any online deliveries made it to his doormat. Which was good since his stomach began roaring by the time he got into Safeway.

The smell of slightly overcooked food probably past their life left Max barely getting a cart before bolting into the deli.

“How can I help…”

“Ham!” The tiger barked, making the young beaver girl running the counter jump. “Two pounds!”

The girl forced a smile behind her pronounced front teeth as she reluctantly collected the meat demanded of her. Drool trickled off Max’s chin, never taking blue eyes off the processed lunch meat. It probably took everything he had just to hold out long enough for her to finish before snatching the bag out of her grasp. Claws easily tore through the plastic so he could promptly shovel the salty meat slices into his mouth. A task slightly more difficult as his jaws seemed to shrink smaller, gaining a more rounded edge.

“Thank you!” he said, letting out a burp. The empty bag fluttered into his cart while ham settled pleasantly into his belly.

But that was not near enough to satisfy this tigers problem. Max turned away from the frightened beaver to place two roaster chickens and a rack of ribs onto his cart. One of those he popped open into the child support seat to snack on while aimlessly hunting through each aisle.

More food was finding its way into Max’s mouth than his cart. Ignoring the concerned stares of employees and patrons alike, the tiger showed no remorse finishing a whole chicken and busting open a bag of dinner rolls. Yet this never seemed to influence his stomach. Eight doughnuts in a row left him neither feeling nor looking full. He seemed stuck in a torturous state of perpetual hunger.

If anything, Max’s midsection became thinner as he went; collapsing into an inward curve that brought attention to his bouncing hips. Luckily, they were one of many other areas happily accepting the mass he so greedily consumed. With each swallow, the ruffles of his baggy jeans smoothed out. Hips creeped inch by inch into a wider span, hoisting up a rear that pulled the seat of their jeans tight.

As he rounded one corner, the tiger almost tripped with how hard his legs were pushing together. The girth of his thighs became so much he had to widen his walking stance, adding more bounce to his expanding rear. Even the striped tail whipping through the air to his steps gained a lot more fluff.

“Sweet!” he purred while tearing open a pack of Oreos. The joy of chomping down cookies to further fatten his lower body was too good to notice the higher pitch of his voice.

He did notice how destroying a whole batch of cookies left a harsh effect on his throat. Without regard for the display of hand warmers his left hip knocked over in a hard sway, Max made a beeline for the dairy section. There was only a slight pause in finding the whole fat milk before he was knocking back a gallon jug.

The effect of the tigers illegal binge witnessed by a lucky few was nothing short of seeing a balloon under a water faucet. Technically, it was two balloons. With each loud chug of creamy lactose, Max’s pecs rose under the cheap shirt, becoming soft mounds that strained the fabric. They became impressively bloated before another shifting caused them to fall as hanging sacs of fat. 

If Max even noticed the heavy melons compacted under his shirt, there was no sign of caring. He ripped open another jug intent on drinking it faster than the first. Streams of milk leaked down plumping cheeks to rain across the swelling shelf of his chest. The mounds gained a distinct roundness to them as they expanded, soon squishing together in a very pliable mess in the struggle to find room. By the time Max finished, his shirt had been so stretched, the hem lifted well above an exposed, heavily curved, midriff. The underside of two massively thick breasts squeezed under the tight band trying to escape. When he bent to deposit the empty jugs in his cart, everyone got another impressive view of his furry glutes rising out of his jeans.

“Will that be...everything, Sir?...ma’am? Will that be everything?” The cashier, an elderly bear man, could only keep a blank face watching Max dump empty packaging on his conveyor belt.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” Max said, brushing stray locks of brown hair from his elegant feline face. He was too busy wondering if he needed a haircut to notice the mistaken gendering. 

It was understandable. All the onlookers saw was someone with hips so fat they threatened to leave Max wedged in the tight check-out space. When more of his sloshing breasts slipped out from under his shirt, their combined mass almost broke the credit card machine off its steel arm. Despite that, and her alluring sultry voice, there was the obvious bulge of a man’s junk poking out of the broken pants zipper.

No one wanted to say anything as Max paid for his devoured feast and made off with what scraps of food remained. It was nice to feel full. Slimmer hands rubbed their suddenly manicured claws along his soft belly fluff, enjoying the breeze of fall through the bare fur and flowing brown hair. More than once cars would slow to give him honks and catcalls, but a simple bird flipping made them easy to ignore.

“Hnngh! What the frick?” Getting back into the house was a lot more difficult. Max tried to pass through the front door only for his hips to rebound off its frame. Two more failed tries forced him to shuffle in sideways. It still scraped at his chest and ass as they squeezed against the wooden edges. “Fucking cheap doors…”

Rubbing the irritated fur on his butt, Max bounced his way into the kitchen. Once the food that would encompass dinner was put away, his thoughts returned to his true aim for the day; wasting away on video games.

What to play suddenly became a very loaded question. That walk had not done the tiger any favors except fill him with a lot of energy and left him horny to boot. It took a lot of effort to resist rubbing his tender chest long after the scraps passed.

Oh, there was that one game Kameko got on the Steam summer sale. It was some third-party developed beat dancing game with very...detailed physics. Max remembered how the kitsune had streamed a bit to show off how both male and female dancers seemed to smuggle cantaloupes in their spandex. A stirring in his own underwear helped decide that would be a great way to burn off steam.

Good lord, the bouncing characters looked even more real directly from the headset. Max could almost feel the sloshing boobs smacking into his chest while trying to mimic their motions. He frequently missed the leg placement of his steps, but that did not matter as long as the great show kept dancing with him. There was an exceptionally risque ending when the skunk model he had picked bent over to present her rear in a victory pose.

Needless to say that Max went into the second song with an insane boner straining his pants. And yet, it was not as exciting as he expected. Sure the dancing skunk was another hot babe, he just could not put a finger on why his excitement did not climb with her performance. Horniness hit some plateau, which was its own kind of torture. Maybe slower song with a random avatar might work the tigers mojo again.

Boy, did it ever. Max took his stance, trying to ignore the ache of his member being rubbed by tight underwear. A few seconds of black silence loaded up the stage, and then the huge buff mouse man materialized to begin the programmed routine. This was definitely a Kameko avatar snuck in while he was at work, right down to the swaying bulge of manliness in the digitized anthro’s red speedo.

And yet, that was all Max could focus on. The tiger barely lasted thirty seconds watching a mountain of rodent muscle do pelvic thrusts that had to have been modded. Pants creaked under another rush of growth in his ass until one hard step caused them to split down the center. Exposed briefs looked like a bikini tightly eaten between the snowy fur of jiggling glutes.

What remained of Max’s pants fell to catch a round stripped thunder thighs. The result was a startled yowl and sharp trip face first into the carpet. Luckily none of the gear got broken. The same could not be said of the tigers libido.

“Nuts to this!” he declared as he set the VR gear aside without bothering to shut them down. Clothes were removed in a less gentle fashion. His shirt had gotten so tight that letting beach balls of white fur bounce free was a wonderful sense of relief. Torn pants and underwear flew across the room onto a couch, both stained in various amounts of pre. “I… I need to cool off.”

One hand was already grinding the length of his throbbing red shaft before Max even made it into the shower. He did not even know how tight the tension was until cold water rained across his expansive mammaries. Hot water quickly spurted out to help warm his fur, but by then it took a lot to convince him to lather.

Shampooing took longer than expected, giving most of Max’s hair had grown down to the swell of his enormous backside. That also was where he decided to apply soap first. One hand on each glute rubbed the squishy flesh in circular motions that pressed them together. It made his striped tail shudder, wondering if that had always been such a sensitive area.

Chest came next, requiring even more work with how the plush mounds hung down to his belly button. Max felt like he was shifting through trash bags full of flour with how they poured over his palms and bulged through fingers. Having areolas bigger than said palms was also tricky to clean. Just touching them caused his tight balls to fire another spurt of pre into the shower spray.

Max was at his limit and both hands slicked their way back between his enormous thighs. Closing eyes tight, Max leaned against the tile wall picturing the same mouse hunk smothering him with their muscles. Water from the shower head became drool left over by gentle tongue licks across his neck and breasts. Hands became large and powerful, wanting to feel everything the tiger had to offer. One applied liberal amounts of suds to his tightened balls while the other teased fingertips around his members tip. 

The time between breaths decreased while the feline groans exhaled increased in pitch. He did not need to work hard before rising tension seized up the muscles inside his pelvis. With one deep breath, his head rocked back in a yowl of orgasmic relief. Droplets of water poured across the tigers exposed neck, melting the subtle bump of his Adam's Apple away.

Knees quivered before giving out entirely, forcing Max to slide down into a sitting position near the drain. By then she was too lost in orgasm to care. One hand brushed bangs out of her face while the other continued to rub at her dick, trying to prolong the flood of euphoria pulsing inside her.

Unfortunately, as the afterglow fizzled out, Max came to the realization there was no dick in her hand to rub. Fingers opened up, patting around between her legs with no sign of her manhood. Only thing that came close was a small fleshy nub with very sensitive nerves. Giving that a few curious rubs caused the vertical lips beneath it to quiver, making the tunnel deep inside Max secret a sticky fluid of a feminine kind.

“What the fuck?” Max sputtered and then clasped at her slender throat. “What the fuck? I sound like a girl!”

“That’s absolutely right!”

Before Max could ask about the disembodied voice echoing in his bathroom, a bright flash of light made the owner's presence known. When the tigress's eyes had cleared, a white vixen now stood over her inside the shower. Her white fur was decorated in winding trails of pink ceremonial markings. Both breasts and hips bounced gently to her slightest movement, covered only in small drapes of leather squares for modesty.

“I am Venus, goddess of fertility,” she declared all smiles for the confused feline. It seemed legit, considering the ample mass of her appearance. Not to mention that despite materializing directly under the showerhead, not a drop seemed to touch her fur. Rather, it was drizzling down behind her as if smacking a wall. “I must admit I was concerned when you accepted my offering statue, but now your faith will truly be rewarded.”

“I...I’m sorry? My faith!?” Max grappled with the guardrail to stand on still sexually weakened legs. “I didn’t do anything to desire literal boobs and pussy.”

“Sure you did! The desire has been growing within you ever since you got home. And now that you willingly expelled your male essence in offering, I am all too happy to bless you with the most potent fertility.” Venus’ eyes dropped slightly, causing both her and Max to blush. Even for a goddess body Max still had twice the level of thickness on her curves. “Maybe I went a little overboard in my excitement...Oh well, you’ll bare many fine, strong cubs like this.”

“I’m sorry, no!” Max snapped with tail raised. Seeing the recoil of surprise on Venus’ face made her quickly drop the aggressive tone. “N-no, thank you, Lord… lady goddess? You were probably meant to bless my roommate, Kameko. I’d much rather stay a guy.”

“You don’t want...but I spent so much power on you.”

Living with a kitsune for years had taught Max a lot of things about the nature of foxes. When their feelings got hurt, they would make this flat-eared tail hugging motion capable of killing a man with adorableness. But Max had built an immunity to this after years of even worse transformations than maidenhood. The goddess needed to try something way cuter to make her back down from this.

“I’m sorry, but could you change me back now?” it took all Max had to sound sincere while keeping finality in her request. “Making babies does not sound like fun, especially in this crazy season.”

Venus released her tail, adorable washing off her scowling face. It was not Max’s imagination that the bathroom lights got dimmer. “You dare refuse a gift from a god? That is the highest level of offense a mortal could inflict.”

Maybe it was the sexual frustrations of her changes, or the lackluster release from the transformation that annoyed Max. Either way, she could never figure out what compelled her to throw both hands up with a replay of, “Then paint me awful and still make me a man again. I don’t care.”

“How dare you!” Venus lurched towards Max, causing the tigress to press against the wall in fear. Instead of going for the throat as expected, her snowy hands pushed under Max’s breasts on either side of her belly button. “If you will not accept my favor as a gift, then take my wrath as punishment for your insolence!”

“H-hey, don’t be hastiiiiieeeEEEEEEEE!!”

A crackle of sparks traveled from Venus into Max’s belly. The tigress gave out several alarmed mews, writhing under the energy flooding her center. It only lasted a few seconds but left her gasping for breath, insides bubbling tight like she had just eaten a buffet.

“W-wait…” Max tried to say, but Venus was done with them. Another flash brought the rooms light back to normal. Shower head resumed its water assault on the tigress without a goddess to stand between them. “W-what did you do...uuuughh!! OH!?”

Max doubled over, hugging at her stomach. She gave a startled gasp when the flesh underneath quivered back. All at once the pressure inside her mounted until it could take no more. The flat sheet of white fur gurgled and bulged against her palms. Within seconds she had a prominent bump that seemed a little off to just be pudge.

“Ah! Ah! Oh no!” Slim paw hands continued rubbing and pushing, but could not halt the stomachs rapid expansion. Max turned to her side, catching her profile in the tiny vanity mirror. Watching her middle continue to push outward gaining an increasingly defined round shape eventually reminded her this was a goddess of fertility. “No, no no! Please, I said I was sorry.”

Max stumbled her way out of the shower, finding it hard to keep balance. Her hips had resumed growing under the weighted pressure piling on top of them. Every second drastically changed her center of gravity.

Finally, making it to the sink mirror confirmed what Max had already feared. Hands came to rest under the swell of her stomach already passed its first trimester. She continued to watch and feel it swell with each passing second. Its top rose to the point it parted her breasts, so their doughy mass flowed off either side. A strange popping sensation made her jump and then groan as trickles of milk leaked from her bloated nipples.

“Nnggh!!” Another pop toppled Max forward over the bathroom counter. She felt a flutter of movement that caused her belly button to snap into an outie. Knuckles turned white, gripping the counter when another fluttering of movement made her ass bounce in a final surge of fat. Yet another hard kick against her taut skin had her gasping for breath when the white sphere inflated to press at the wood between her hands. “H-how many kids did she freaking give me!?”

Max took a few careful steps back, trying to adjust the heavy load her body carried in all the best places. One look in the mirror was all she needed to sigh in defeat. Any semblance of a thin female figure was gone. Breasts had firmed up into tight bags of milk, with excess continuing to leak across a medicine ball of white fur loaded with kits. Her butt jutted out with so much fat it could hold a few drinks. The hips and thighs accompanying them only needed one look to tell squeezing them through the door would be an effort of epic proportions.

A sharp ring made Max jump so hard that both tits slapped her face. Quickly recovering, the tigress mom scrambled her mass through the door frame back into the kitchen where her phone rested.

“H-hello?” she said after a moment’s hesitation. The voice was still a bit jarring to hear, but Max had a few friends that were not already aware of his occasional gender shifts.

Except whoever was calling did not answer right away. There was soft breathing before a Japanese heavy accent offered a “M-Maxie?”

“Keata!?” Max said, truly surprised. It was not like Kameko’s sister to call his phone directly. “W-what’s up?”

A short laugh from the other end made Max’s ears burn. “I could ask the same thing. You sound like a...I take it my package ended up arriving at a bad time?”

To the tigresses credit, she only needed ten seconds to put the pieces together. “That was your goddess idol? What the hell?”

“Yeeeeah. Kameko was trying to make fun of my bust size last week, so I wanted to prank her with a bit of motherly love. Why on earth were you playing with the idol?”

“I wasn’t playing! It didn’t even have a name on the address.”

“Oh, I didn’t know people just open up random packages they weren’t expecting.”

“...then how did you expect Kameko to open it?”

“Point being, sorry you ended up in the crossfire....again. How about I swing by and we go shopping for your new body?”

“I…” Max really wanted to chew the damn three-tail out for another stupid kitsune prank. Unfortunately, a series of hard belly kicks reminded her that not even sweat pants would be functional until some tenants left the womb. “That would be appreciated. I don’t think any of us keep maternity dresses around the house.”

“Maternity dresses? Why would you...Maaaaaax? What did you say to the goddess when she appeared?”

It was hard to take a long, dejected breath with several fussy babies pushing on her lungs, but Max found a way. She could practically hear the devilish grin on that stupid fox's face. “It’s kind of a funny story...”


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