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(contains humale male to female goat mom TFTG, hyper)

Commission for KageJason


In this world, there are two kinds of people; those that plan expenses, and those that buy every port of their favorite game possible.

“Didn’t you get Undertale like, eight months ago?”

Evan was not in Game Stop because he was frugal. Meeting the cashier’s gaze, the young man brushed brown bangs under his black hoodie with a smile. “Yeah, but that was for the Switch. This is the new VR version.”

Instead of being impressed, the blond rolled her eyes continuing to ring up his purchases. Some people enjoyed that the commercial store had put a bigger emphasis on merchandise alongside game selling. Evan did not know any other place that sold Spyro T-shirts.

“So you’re just going to play the same game again? That seems a bit of a waste of an Oculus.”

“The same!?” Evan rocked back in an over dramatic display of shock. “This isn’t just some port, ma’am! This is a complete recreation of the game for a virtual reality platform. Tobyfox himself added whole new stuff just for this edition. I can’t wait to see how they integrated the pellet dodging battle mechanics. It’ll be a better workout than Beat Saber.”

The cashier was surprisingly patient waiting for Evan to finish. “If the ghost nerd is done, that’ll be eighty-six-twenty. Would you like a year's warranty on the game?”

“No, thanks.” Evan sighed while producing his credit card. It never failed someone had to mention his pale pigmentation on the rare occasions he ventured outside. Wearing baggy black pants and a hoodie in warm weather kept him from frying. To everyone else that was, somehow, suspicious as all hell.

“All right! You’re all set!” The woman forced that vacant smile required for customer service, handing the bag of clothes, toys, and video games over to Evan. “Enjoy it at any rate. I hope it’s more than another secret boss fight for that price.”

“Sure,” Evan said, already moving towards the exit with the wind out of his sails. His attention focused on flipping through his phone for when the next bus would come by. All that mattered now was getting home as soon as possible. Seeing characters like Toriel rendered in 3D would be the perfect way to end this day.



On an unrelated note, it’s very reckless to open a door by shoulder tackling it. At the very least people should check that no one is coming inside first. Evan looked up mid-tweet horrified the door stopped a few inches open with a girl’s body smooshed firmly into the glass. A sharp squeaking filled the air as gravity asserted control, sliding his unintended victim onto the ground in a heap.

“Ack! I’m sorry!” Evan’s bag of goods fell to the side as he rushed to offer both hands. The embarrassing aspect of what he had just done was why it took a few seconds after seizing one slender arm to notice this lady was wearing one heavy blue fur coat.

“I’m fine! Don’t worry,” she muttered with her other hand over her... snout!?

Whoever, or whatever, this person was almost got dropped back on her butt when Evan recoiled. Luckily, she was already far enough on giant animal paw feet to finish standing on her own. It was like staring at a Star Fox character or something. They looked like a humanoid fox with classic blue and black markings, with an insanely thick tail raised high against their back. The bright red tank top and cargo shorts did everything to sell her modest furry curves.

“Mind watching where you’re going?” she grumbled, too angry about her bleeding nose to care about Evan’s gawking. “It’s bad enough I almost get run over by texting drivers, but this isn’t any better.”

“R-right! Sorry, miss.” Evan winced when her glowing yellow eyes gazed upon him. Something told him that was not some elaborate suit. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Yeah, thanks.” His question seemed to disperse what anger the vixen had towards him. Her muzzle pulling back into a sharp-fanged smile was not much better. “I heal fast, this is more distracting than painful. Take care!”

“Oh...good?” Evan’s heart skipped a beat as this strange creature walked past him to enter the store. Not that he knew what to expect, but avoiding a mauling was a plus to his day.

“Hey, is this yours?”

“What? Oh!” Evan whirled to see the blue female had taken his discarded bag, getting a surge of annoyance that she had a hand digging into his things. “Yeah, it is. What the heck are you doing?”

“Oops!” She laughed sheepishly, removing her searching hand and handing it back to Evan. “Sorry, force of habit. I can’t help being curious about what treasures get left laying on the ground. You know?”

“No, I don’t,” Evan said flatly. A quick glance into his bag took stock everything was there. Glancing back at the intrusive vixen caused her to hold up both hands in an open display of their emptiness.

The fact her palms and fingertips puffed into thick yellow pads like a paw was a bit distracting, though.

“No hard feelings, right? Hope Undertale VR is fun. I was picking up a copy myself.”

“Uh…” But the door closed before Evan could begin articulating a thought. For a second he played with the idea of going after her but decided this encounter had been weird enough. Now he just wanted to get home safe and alone where he could forget all about that lifelike tail.

Unfortunately, the woman was all over Evan’s thoughts the entire commute. Furries and their passions for wearing full-body suits was nothing new in this day of the internet. Still, something about how that girl’s body moved was so natural. It had to have been skin tight to hug her body like that. Something no normal person could have survived going down the street in with all that insulating fluff.

It was only when Evan walked into his home with the door locked that he could finally think of something else, like spending the rest of his day enjoying a new game. After almost choking on a quick snack of bean burritos, the young man dove into his bag for the promised package.

“Huh.” Evan’s brown eyes blinked rapidly, unsure why the box felt slightly different from when he handled it in the store. “When did she take off the wrapping? Oh well, at least the chip is here.”

A sneaky suspicion crossed Evan’s mind that maybe his brand new copy got switched out for a used one while he was shifting through plushies. While a bit irritating, as long as the game worked he might not storm back there to demand an exchange.

Finding that out had to wait a bit while Evan cleared out space in his living room and then calibrate it to his VR headset. It had been some time since he got a game that required ample amounts of space. Bachelors collect a lot of random piles during such time periods.

When it came time to load up the Undertale menu, it was worth the effort. The floating text projected in 3D looked like Evan could walk around it, though he did not try it. He knew the walls would prevent that, assuming he did not hit some furniture first.

Gripping control wands firmly, Evan moved one of their laser pointers to select the smaller floating text to start a new game. The series of cut scenes poured out grander than he could have expected. It was the same opening narration he had read through other ports but now done in amazingly rendered models instead of picture stills. They recounted how monsters and humans used to live in peace, had some conflict that drove monsters underground, and all that stuff about barriers.

And then everything went black.

Several seconds of silence passed before Evan began looking around. Suspicions of being slipped, an old, damaged copy resurfaced with renewed anger. His headset picked up absolutely nothing even after a complete three-sixty. Only the rhythmic dripping of water seemed to try simulating a cave.

“Over here!”

Evan almost fell over his couch thanks to a sudden cry from the headsets left speaker. He whirled in that direction, equally surprised to find a beam of light piercing the darkness like a spotlight. That had not loaded in a minute ago. As expected, there was the classic character of a large sunflower with a cartoonish smiling face in its center.

“Hi! I’m Flowey,” it said with a wave of one stem leaf. “Flowey the flower, but I’m sure you knew that by now.”

Evan gave out a deep sigh, letting his heart stop thrashing inside its ribcage. A bit of an annoying lag, but he was glad the game was working. The graphic details on just the antagonist alone looked amazing on closer viewing. He could practically see all the leaf veins in Flowey’s pedals.

The flower's grin gained a more condescending edge to it. “What? Nothing to say to me? Typical idiot human, I guess.”

“Um…” Evan stepped away from Flowey despite knowing it was actually an empty space in his living room. Insulting the player directly was typical to this metagame, but he had never heard this exact line of dialogue in any previous version.

Flowey began laughing that echoing sinister laugh. All pretense of acting goofy vanished under his crooked sneer. “You do not understand what’s going on, do you? Wow, how dense of you. Oh well, I’m just here to deliver the goods. I hope you don’t mind Desmond wanting to take your game to the next level. Enjoy!”


With a wave of Flowey’s petals, several white objects flashed into existence, hurtling towards Evan in a shower of attacks. The poor boy had no chance. Nothing had told him if he should to dodge them, block them with his wands, or both. Before he could even decide on an action, it was already too late. Multiple pellets struck into his body in rapid succession while Flowey’s haunting laughter drilled into his ears.

“Ow! God damn! What!?” Evan fell onto his back in a swirling daze of pain. Despite all impossibilities, his front felt like someone had thrown a dozen softballs into him.

Evan scrambled back to his feet, ripping the headset off. There was still no one else in the living room. Lifting his shirt revealed many red welts along his bleached white skin, but there was no trace of the objects that had struck him either. A more extensive search of the place turned up further amounts of nothing, which only made things worse. That a VR game could assault its players terrified Evan more than finding a robber had broken in.

“Ugh!” The wounds throbbing across his body testified to that surreal possibility though. That flower attack sure did a number on him. Evan’s vision was still hazy and his head was feeling very heated.

It took a bit of thumping into walls but he eventually staggered his way into the bathroom. Hopefully, some aspirin would clear his head after applying ointment to the bruises. After fishing out the cream from a drawer, Evan glanced at his tired expression and shot it a raspberry before twisting off the cap.

“...what the fuck!?”

The tube and cap thunked onto the floor as Evan turned his full attention onto the mirror. Hands gripped tightly onto the sink to support him, leaning in close to his reflection. The brown eyes behind the glass mimicked his surprise and fear, unable to comprehend what they saw as being real.

Jutting out of the man’s forehead were horns; short, sharp, and pearly white. Gently gripping them with shaking hands confirmed their authenticity, while trying to yank them accidentally toppled Evan over his sink.

“Haah aah?” Watching his reflections brown hair bleach itself into a snowy white told Evan his problems were only just starting. The fibers grew a little denser during their re-dying, with bangs falling to cover his left eye.

A scratching on Evan’s ears redirected his hands onto them. Little fine hairs were growing faster than a chia pet commercial, quickly spreading around most of his face. The ears themselves lengthened wide and thick in his palms, flopping over to drape along the sides of his head in a more animal fashion. Their extra size improved his hearing a bit. He could hear every muscle groan and bone pop when his mouth pushed out from the inside.

“Grrk! Hurrrk! Hnnngh hah haa aaagh!”

Evan’s lips curled into a snarl that got more beastly with the shifting of his jaws. Through squinting eyes he watched his nose ride the top of an extending bridge to become flush with the white fur. It halted with a final pop, leaving the man with a thick snout to complete his head's transformation into some white animal, human variant.

A rather feminine-looking animal head.

“T-Toriel?” Evan gasped, wincing at his voice. Vocals had even changed to sound like a mature woman. It was true, his new head barred many similarities to the iconic ‘goat mom’ monster of Undertale. There were just a few subtle differences in the black stripes along his ears and cheeks combined with the hair to make him look fairly distinct among the species. “This… this is nuts. A game can’t just… what-oh god!”

A strange feeling passed over Evan’s chest, starting a softer kind of growth. The fabric of his hoodie lifted in a rush that smoothed out its creases. Wool creaked in protest, inflating like a tight balloon as the mass underneath gained defining round curves. Given the horrified goat woman’s face in the mirror, Evan did not need a diagram to figure out what was happening.

“N-no way!” He fumbled desperately with the zipper having to squish his expanding front to get it down.


The hanging mounds that flopped out were unmistakable breasts, all right. Evan could tell just by the pinch of his stripped undershirt these massive mammaries were his. They were already bigger than his monster head and continued to swell a little larger. Snowy furred flesh rolled out from under the taunt hem with its increasing lack of room until the whole rack fell free, exposing bright pink nipples underneath.

Evan yanked off his hoodie and undershirt. The white fur had continued to spread under the clothes to encompass most of his body, changing things as it went. While he gently cupped the enormous breasts, the hands holding them slimmed into a more elegant shape, growing small pearly claws.

“OOF!?” Time to process growing tits would have to wait. It felt like a rock had slammed into Evan’s gut, making him hunch over. When he recovered, it was alarming him to see his waist had drastically caved inwards.


Apparently the excess mass of Evan’s middle diverted downwards with interest. In one surge, his hips spread at least a foot wider, destroying the button and zipper of his formally loose jeans. They needed the room when his butt followed suit, pushing down the hem with both cheeks spilling over the top like giant snowball cakes. No amount of tugging could get the pants back over them, especially when more fat trickled into Evan’s thighs until the denim looked tightly fused onto his furry skin.

A shiver ran down Evan’s back with the sprouting of a stubby goats tail. On top of all the other transformations, it seamed comically minuscule dancing above the biggest female butt he had ever seen. The fact this new rear, tightly wrapped in uncomfortable boxer shorts, was his required a few minutes before his brain could reboot.

With reluctance and great effort, Evan wiggled her plump lower body out of its jeans. The reality of what happened had not set in until she faced the mirror. Staring back was no longer a half-naked, brown-haired young human, but a bigger goat monster straight out of Undertale. Shinning brown eyes grew wide behind her hanging bangs mimicking Evan’s bewilderment at her impossible existence.

“I’m… I’m…” Evan stuttered over the sultry pitch of her voice. Turning to view her reflection from the side, one hand rested on her butt while the other caressed her chest. Feeling the tender softness of her thick profile rapidly eased the tension, twisting muzzle lips into a sly grin. “God damn! I am one hot monster!”

There were some people in this world that would react to a spontaneous transformation with horrified panic. Evan’s first impulse was to turn and twerk her ass into the mirror, giggling wildly at how hard her glutes bounced. After years of the fan research, she had never heard of a goat monster being so ‘dummy thick’ in the cannon game. Most did not have black stripes along their sides and back either. Fanart was a literal huge ass exception she would not complain about. Despite the sloshing and wobbling of her heavy curves, the new goat felt lighter than when being human.

Eventually, the lewd dancing had to stop, bringing rise to more important aspects of her change. Evan gripped her breasts with a pensive hum, watching their excess flesh pour around her palms. It was doubtful anything in her closet could fit over these massive mammaries besides the larger hoodies. Bras would probably be even worse to shop for. She had limited knowledge of cup sizes, but it was safe to assume these puppies surprised most conventional charts.

Luckily there was some sweatpants that could survive being wrapped around Evan’s hips. The elastic still strained from the effort, leaving nothing to the imagination. This fur coat would probably make the sun nothing to worry about, anyway.

Shoes were practically impossible, much like socks. Evan noticed while putting the sweats on that her feet had doubled in size. Toes thickened to make them all relatively even while growing blunt claws of their own. Firm, leathery bumps underneath gave them an animal paws appearance. If only her roommates had sandals or something to borrow.

Oh, crap. Evan had no idea how she would explain this to her roommates. Their work shift ended in six hours so there was no time for a proper excuse. Maybe she could just coax them to play the game and fill the house with goat women.

Evan smacked her forehead with another bubbly giggle. That whole incident with a digital Flowey felt like a decade ago instead of minutes. With boobs and butt firmly stuffed in her loosest winter outfit, she wiggled her way back into the living room. Getting used to the way gravity made her body rock with every step may take years to get used to.

“What the...shit!” Evan was a lot less pleased to catch the scent of something burning while entering her living room. Sensitive snoot nostrils focused on the source; her oculus resting on a smoldering section of the rug. “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

For all the surprises that happened in one afternoon, Evan remembered proper fire control methods. She unplugged the system and deposited it in the kitchen sink, where she got water to dump over the charred carpet. At least she would not become a bombshell goat and homeless at the same time.

The relief of that promptly turned to anger that her treasured VR headset had become smoldering circuits and melted wires. Removing the game chip required a hammer and pliers, with internal damage showed it had been the source of the overheating. Pretty much nothing about the little black lump was recognizable.


“I’m sorry, ma’am. We can’t give a refund for this.”

Once things were safely fire-proofed back at home, Evan had gone back to the GameStop as fast as her hips could wobble. Somehow she already knew this would accomplish nothing, but her games self-destruction had not left a pile of clues to follow.

“Like hell, you can’t. Your game made me a damn goat before it burned my stuff!”

“That really can’t be an issue with our software, ma’am...either of those issues.” The same cashier that worked earlier stared at Evan with the same weariness one would a hobo with an ‘end times’ sign. “I mean...you were a goat when you bought the game an hour ago. I remember you perfectly.”

It was true, Evan had expected just going down the street would unleash hell. Instead, people smiled as they passed her, sometimes with eyes dipping southward. Some rowdy teens had even honked for her booty while driving past. Not exactly attention she was used to, or really seemed to mind. She was way more upset about being out a three hundred Oculus.

A quick check of her state ID explained that apparently the goat’s name was Cooper now. In addition, she had gained over thirty pounds, three guesses where, and grew just over six feet tall. That explained the strange feeling of being in tight spaces when combined with her sides bumping into every stand she walked around. With any luck, this meant her roommates would hardly notice anything out of the ordinary.

“But it’s still the game I bought here. How can I not get anything for nearly killing me?”

“I’m afraid this isn’t our game,” the woman explained, holding the little melted lump of lost dreams with two fingers. “Our version of Undertale came in a white casing, and the box art is all different. This was probably a bootleg from China or something. Still do not understand why it would start burning inside the machine, though.”

“...does anyone else complain about Chinese bootlegs turning them into stacked monsters?”

“Um...no? Though if that was a thing I know many people that would have been into it.”

“Yeah? Go figure.” Evan ran a hand over her muzzle, blushing when her hunching forward caused her breasts to squish onto the counter. “This is a mixed feeling kind of day.”

“Well, what happened to your original copy?”

“I don’t know. It was in my bag when I ran into that...wait a second! Who was that blue squirrel chic that came in here after me?”

The cashier blinked, confused by the topic change. “What? I don’t know that crazy lady. She came in, knocked over a shirt stand with that monster of a tail and bought some anime figurines.”

“She’s the one that pulled a switch in my bag! Wait, why is a GameStop selling anime…”

“Ma’am, I just work here. They’re the ones choosing merchandise.”

“Fair enough. Where can I find her?” Evan leaned over the counter, trying to gaze at the register's monitor. “Don’t you keep customer records?”

“That...would be illegal, miss.”

“I’ll give you a hundred bucks.”

“...please leave now. I’m getting scared your tits will eat me.”

“O-oh!” Evan looked down, feeling her face burn. The clerk was leaning away with fearful eyes glued to the round hoodie bust smooshed against her registers base. Both of them could see the bumps of plump nipples pointing at the smaller human accusingly. “S-sorry about that…”

Leaving in utter defeat took all the bounce out of Evan’s paw steps, figuratively anyway. Feeling her boobs grinding gently against the rough wool of her hoodie made the next target finding some better clothes. A new oculus would have been preferable, but the unexpected nipple sensitivity was getting her annoyingly aroused.

Thank whatever god was doing this to Evan there was a Kohl’s in the same mini-mall. An aged woman was attending the jewelry display directly in front of the entrance when she entered, only eyeing the clear lack of underwear outlined by the goat’s clothes for a second. 

“Welcome, miss! How may I help you today?”

“I need like…” Evan stopped herself short of honking her chest, instead just awkwardly hovering her palms under the big shelf. “...eight bras and panties, maybe? And if you don’t have my size, I’d like to order customs.”

The woman nodded with a strange sympathetic understanding. “Yes. I don’t think we carry anything for monsters, but I must get measurements, anyway. If you wish to do it yourself, I can provide adequate tape.”

“M-myself?” Evan parroted. Seeing the old woman produce a roll of measuring tape brought about a rush of internal conflict within the goat. In fact, it was her first panic attack since becoming a fluffy bombshell. Suddenly having to be in front of another person took the fun out of having enormous naked breasts, but she had no idea how to measure the huge globes either. “I...I don’t…”

“Oh, don’t be nervous dear.” The woman laughed, putting a reassuring hand on Evan’s. “I have a granddaughter that needs her own custom stuff too. She’s not as gifted as you, but it’s a dance I’m well versed with regardless of species. Maybe I can find a tarp or sports bra for you.”

“T-thanks?” The reassurances ironically caused Evan to blush harder.

There was no tarp, but they managed to take Evan’s measurements with some well-placed towels. She still almost suffocated herself holding a breath as the ice-cold tape squished under her boobs for a proper band length.

“Hm. An X-cup, eh?” The clerk mused to herself while Evan gawked at her hanging mounds in the trio of fitting room mirrors. That was a size even she had not expected. “Looks like we must order out then, but I can find you a lot of good covering blouses and shirts in the meantime. They’re meant for portly ladies, but should give plenty of comfort room all the same.”

“Um, thank you.” Evan stammered while stuffing her chest back into the hoodie. How often do people her size waltz through the door to make such a lackluster reaction?

Turns out the panties were a lot more plentiful thanks to not needing extensive wireframe support. Evan went straight for the frilliest pair hanging off the rack, enjoying how they tickled her fur, sliding up the girth of her thunder thighs.

Blouses and skirts were just as enjoyable. Evan was sure having only a thin ring of cotton around her hips would be too much. Somehow their freedom worked great for her without a lot of expected fluttering. The last thing she wanted was to moon everyone whenever she turned too fast.

The bulk of Evan’s wardrobe still comprised jeans and t-shirts by the end. Pants fitted for people much rounder than her still clung onto booty and legs, but in a comfortable, gentle way. Her friendly older clerk was a professional at finding everything Evan could want.

Except for Sandals. Apparently a lot of monsters made due on just their rough paws.

“Have a pleasant day!” she said, waving Evan on her way out.

“Yeah, sure! You too.” Evan stepped out onto the sidewalk, pausing from the glare of a low dipping sun. Blue jeans, a blue shirt, and a black hoodie wrapped over her hourglass figure. Their caress fed Evan’s joy, revitalizing her love for this new body. Solar radiation would probably never cook her fuzzy butt ever again. “Yeah...it has been a good day, more or less.”

Grinning, the goat set off for the walk home not caring who stared to ogle her skipping steps. Evan was way more excited about going to work tomorrow in her new dress blouse.