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(contains male to female anthro reindeer TFTG, butt plugs, masturbation, muscle growth)


It was a hard-fought battle filled with pain and suffering, but the ordeal was finally over. The dawn of the new year was rising over the cold foggy mountains. The holidays were finally over, taking all the problems with it.

Desmond's large blue tail was wagging especially hard because of today. Nothing could have been more perfectly set up. Roommates were out for the day, and he had no experiments lined up for money-making schemes. The lithe squirrel was practically dancing about the kitchen, cooking himself eggs and toast for breakfast. Most of it was eaten before getting back to his computer station in the living room, where he consumed what remained over rereading his favorite transformation comics.

Surviving 'No-Nut November' alone was worthy of celebration, but a Christmas filled with people that never left was torture. He needed something to warm-up on first. Undertaking a task to avoid sexual activity was the greatest and stupidest mistake someone like Desmond could have ever made. He did not make it three days before one experiment turned him into a female dinosaur. The rush of different hormones that follows a gender swap practically dictates attention, not to mention having to change back.

Friends who got horny off their own, totally voluntary and legal, experiments were not much help. More than once, Desmond had to rush into quarantine to keep his paw hands literally clean. Sadly that never stopped others from 'performing' for him on the security cameras.

Needless to say, the jittering squirrel had weeks of tension to dust off. Once he was sufficiently stuffed and aroused, which was not a hard mood to reach at this point, Desmond moved to the couch where his package still sat. It had arrived over a week ago just to torment him during the final days of being unable to pop one off. Thankfully his roommates kept to themselves without asking questions. He did not want to explain the justification for buying a newly designed butt plug.

"...huh?" Unboxing his new toy, Desmond saw there was no way he could explain why the thing was Christmas themed either. Red and white stripes spiraled down its short, bulbous shape, which seemed infused with a strong peppermint oil. The air-tight apartment quickly became unbearable for his sensitive squirrel nose, forcing Desmond to fling open a window.

Trying to wash it out in three rounds of suds did not help, That smooth rubber surface must have had something melted into it, possibly for after use cleaning. Considering where it was about to go, Desmond could not complain either. He was not about to wait another week for a replacement. It was hard enough to get some privacy as is.

Once the little phallic device got a good coating of olive oil, because he was too cheap for official lubes, Desmond relocated to his room. Shorts and underwear fell off his giddy hips along the way rendering him bottomless upon reaching his bed. A few minutes were wasted, shifting atop the covers enjoying the caress of fleece on his back fur.

Desmond bit his lower lip taking slow deep breaths to steady his nerves. There was some irony in how a scientist of his transformative reputation had a rather vanilla sex drive. He rarely partook in enjoyment through toys, not including when friends brought their own. Lots of research went into learning how this holiday lump worked, only a fraction of which proved helpful.

It took all he had not to clench soon as the plug glided between his thighs. The cold touch of its oiled surface against his virgin yellow pucker was enough to make Desmond wince. Taking another deep breath helped relax his muscles enough to start working it in. Just a gentle back and forth at first getting the tender ring of muscles properly coated. He was almost surprised when the motions got his back door to loosen up pretty quick, allowing the plug's thick bulge to ease its way in with a gentle push.

"Aah!" Desmond gasped and then inhaled sharply through clenched teeth. He had not expected it to pop into the sphincter like that after passing its wider part. It rammed right into his prostate with a crushing force that sparked a hard pulse in his sheath. The bright yellow tip of his canine member poked out of the shifting black fur, rapidly growing into a full erection.

It was hard not to just beat off right there. If any advice stood out from the online research, it was the need to go slow. Desmond reclined across the mattress, taking several deep breaths to help relax his sphincter muscles. He let his eyes close, going into a soft trance focused on such amazingly alien stimulations on his insides.

Of course, even if his eyes were open, there was no way to see the fur around his pucker darkening into a chestnut-brown color. The effect continued to spread out in a wave, quickly converting all the fine hairs of his skinny backside. By the time Desmond felt ready to reach for the flap sticking out his hole, both cheeks were converted to the new dye. Only his yellow gear remained on the left flank, with the black fur of his crotch and stomach bleaching to a snowy white.

"Gaaah! Haa haa aah!" That was not as important to Desmond as finding the button to turn on his candy cane insert. Jump starting a motor sent it hammering against his prostate with rapid vibrations, driving his brain wild.

The squirrel-fox hips bucked into the air, holding his hips high with a small elated squeal. It ended up drowning out the small series of pops coursing through his pelvis, hips spreading several inches wider while large amounts of fat puffed out his butt. Excess trickled down to plump up his thighs but was quickly overshadowed by the hard edges of thick muscles as fur continued to brown.

The rush passed, allowing Desmond to flop back onto his bed in heaving gasps. His tail had already dwindled to half its former size and continued to shrink in mass. Brown had overtaken almost all his body, with white to highlight his chest and underarms. Slight spasms in his paws were mistaken as byproducts of arousal tension, toes giving a final flex before they became encased in hard cloven hooves.

Hooves that were inching off the bed with each little twitch Desmond made. His body was lengthening almost as fast as its thickening while the little jittering toy did its job. Its constant humming of holiday cheer rang in his widening ears as it massaged along the insides of his bowls. He had no idea why he never tried this kind of thing sooner.

"Mmmh! Mmh! F-fuck yeah!" The short groans cracked and shifted to a higher pitch each time Desmond exhaled. His hands finally found their way to his groin, not surprised by the hard pulsing knot at the base of his cock ready to explode. Fingers traced along its girth then massaged its length. For some reason, his digits felt compelled to press together, making it slightly hard to tease his tapered head thoroughly. As five fingers became three tipped in hard black chitin, he settled on stroking the whole stick. His other hoofed hand delved lower to knead the tender white sac of his balls.

The attention was hardly needed. Not long after, a wave of tension washed over Desmond's pelvic insides. Something swelled behind his cock and began heaving several soft contractions oozing creamy fluids over thick cervine fingers. It was not the explosive orgasm he expected, but could hardly complain about the ripples resonating across his body.

"Hnnngggh!" In fact, Desmond's body was taking very well to the new toy. More cum than he ever thought possible poured from his shrinking member, making it look like an emptying water balloon. Effeminate groans droned over the light popping across his body, limbs swelling with powerful muscles. An especially firm set of ridges rose out of his soft stomach fur, only to be overshadowed by the piles of fat overwhelming his pecs. Fresh breasts rolled their ample mass off the sides of Desmond's ribcage, each easily surpassing his head in size.

Fatigue rushed in soon as the pleasure died out. Desmond relaxed across the bed, heaving hard for air against the new weights on his chest. For the longest time, his mind faded into a pitch-black canvas, unable to comprehend anything outside how fantastic that session had gone for a first-timer. It barely registered when his muzzle elongated into a thicker snout full of flat herbivore teeth. The headache that followed with the growing of foot-long antlers from his forehead was shrugged off as a normal aftereffect of a good fapping.

It was only when the steady drumming inside his ass came to an abrupt stop that Desmond snapped back to reality. It was lucky the plug came pre-charged at all, but of course, he would run out the battery fast. Still, it was nice to get so much use out of a short period of time.

At least until Desmond sat up and felt heavy breasts smack the top set of her abs.

"What the…?" She looked down with a hand instinctively reaching to cup one of the giant globs of flesh. They were pretty firm with only a bit of white fur squishing between hoofed fingers. Extra-firm pectoral muscle bulged out behind them to give a bit of support as well. "Oh, hell!"

Desmond regarded her changed three-digit hand for a second before it shot between dense thighs. Sure enough, there was just enough time to feel the last bit of her sheath withdrawal before the chitin tips of her fingers were prodding the hot folds of a vagina. The tender fur around it was already getting crusty from all the spunk her balls had deposited on their trip into ovaries.

Rushing to the bathroom was difficult for a number of factors. Having to deal with hooves and gravity was hard enough with beefy legs wobbling about worse than jello. Desmond almost managed to get there, until antlers caught in the doorway knocking her flat on a plump white rear. The fact her plug was still shoved up it only made the landing extra painful.

"Ugh!" was the dejected sigh that left an amazingly cute caribou's lips upon seeing herself in the mirror. She turned her enormous nose back and forth, kind of liking the rounded chin profile. Hunching over was required to do this since the rest of her curvy body was thickened out with the broad muscles of a beast. Only gently sloshing breasts became visible in the glass if she stood to a full eight-foot height, not counting the antlers. "Not again! I don't want to be a Christmas reindeer in spring. Who the heck demanded a seasonal TF plug?"

Speaking of which, Desmond noticed her anus was starting to feel a bit tender. Hooves clipped on the tiled floor as she spread her stance to better grab at the Christmas nub poking out her pucker. She took a deep breath before gently easing it out.

The plug refused to budge. Wrinkling her wide nostrils, Desmond applied more of her inflated muscles. That got the candy cane toy to wiggle but still could not slide it out of her tight ring. Slowly it dawned on the new dear that more than her limbs had been strengthened up with untold levels of muscle.

"...you've got to be fucking kidding me…"


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