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Guest star appearance by Yuki


Working the morning shift was not that bad. Sure, nine times out of ten, a person would express utter disgust for them if asked. None of them liked disturbing tranquil sleep just to serve the barely legal terms of corporate machines.

Lynda was just one of those ten percent that enjoyed being awake. Mornings were also those times when minds were the sharpest, and the body had ample energy to work on. Granted, her daily half-gallon of coffee also helped with that. It was the best time to do anything, really. The air was crisp. The roads were silent. There was something almost serene about pretending you had the world to yourself for a short while.

"Welcome to McDonald's! What's for breakfast this fine day?"

But like all things, the rest of society eventually wakes up at its own pace. First comes the early risers, followed by the commuters until there's a line circling the building. That was still nothing compared to what the dinner rush usually brought when school lets out and all.

"What? Uh, one number two, a large coffee, and two breakfast burritos."

A thick finger with a dark grey nail thumped on the drive-through register. Two years of practice helped Lynda avoid tapping four buttons at once. "Anything else today?"


"Thirteen-sixty-two at the second window. Thank you!"

Maybe it was the sound of an engine revving, but Lynda was sure she heard a grumbling of 'overpriced shit' before the order box cut out. Not the first time such a complaint was made, nor was there time to care about customer feedback. Within seconds a dented chevy pulled up to her window driven by a blue-collar goat man. One look at the twenty-somethings disheveled hair and facial fur immediately gave the impression this poor guy had a bad start.

Another reason Lynda tended to like the morning shift was the amazing crew working with her. Before she could even open the window to great this customer, a brown paper bag and a cup of coffee were set beside her register fresh for hand out.

"Hi!" Lynda said with all the enthusiasm working fast food had left her with. "How are you today?"

The goat said nothing right away, which immediately told Lynda what kind of exchange this was going to be. She had been through this song and dance so many times it was part of the job routine. Ire started to build up behind her grinning face sarcastically eager to see which of the many possible comments they would treat her with today.

In the man's defense, seeing a large mass of grey and black in a brand shirt had been understandably confusing. The last thing strangers to this particular location expected to pop out the window was a long grey nose trunk.

"That'll be thirteen-sixty-two." Lynda continued when no response was forthcoming. This was the part she really did not want to do since it involved retracting her head to turn sideways. It was the only way she could get her thick grey arm through the drive-through slot without getting stuck.

"Uh, y-yeah. Whatever, Jumbo." Small weights fell into Lynda's outstretched hand, which she could see past her shoulder was the desired currency. "Just...don't eat me, okay?"

Lynda's enthusiasm dropped, causing her whole lumbering finger to visibly relax with it. Her hand pulled back into the window before slamming it shut. That was so the customer could not hear her angry snort. Something Lynda promptly regretted when her trunk inflated from the air to give a small toot instead. Grey's cheeks burned a shade of red as she tried not to imagine everyone suddenly staring at her, working the register.

"And here you go," she said without the positive tone upon reopening the window. Professionalism was not worth minimum wage compared to getting this moment over with.

The goat also did not hide his amusement that Lynda's bulk forced her to hand out the bag and coffee in separate trips. He secured the new hot beverage in a holder before cutting off Lynda's attempt to wish him a nice day.

"Don't try to suck out the ice cream machine, fat ass."

"Oh, really original, you fucking garbage muncher!" Lynda shot back, but the car had already pulled away by the time she managed to wiggle her head out the window. "Find me an elephant that only weighs triple digits, and I might be impressed next time!"

Luckily there was no one else waiting in the drive-though yet. Lynda retracted her head to close the window, running a large hand through her black hair with blond streaks. The same pass was used to remove her headset to clear her head with gentle shaking. Giant sail-like ears flapped about with the motion creating audible wind gusts that got her blushing again. "I dunno if I hate people or being a pachyderm more."

"Maybe we shouldn't let you run the drive-through then?"

"GAH!" Having not expected an answer caused Lynda to recoil with a start. Unfortunately, the tiny groove for car service was not accommodating for a species of her size. In half a step, her entire rear became pressed against the window, giving non-existent customers a good view of her black pants and short tail tuft. "Don't do that, Yuki!"

It was clear the blue mouse that had left their spot after passing the last order along. Under normal circumstances, she would have been thrilled to see Lynda standing up for herself. Unfortunately, Yuki was both a cherished friend and the assistant manager. The adorably stern glare behind her rounded glasses implied which one was on the clock.

"Sorry, that kind of slipped out." Lynda diverted her gaze to the ground pressing index fingers together sheepishly.

Yuki tapped her foot twice before giving a dejected head shake. "Hun, I hate short insults as much as you hate fat ones."

"And tall ones," Lynda added.

"And butt ones," Yuki conceded.

"And belly ones…"

"...and huge feet ones."

"...ugh, remember that weird guy with the trunk fetish?"

Yuki's whiskers fluttered, tail snapping behind her. "We're getting off the subject. You really need to watch that temper. I'm worried some morning I'm going to come in, find half the equipment trashed, and three perverted customers crushed under your butt."

"Pfft!" Lynda rolled her eyes so hard her trunk whipped up to brush the side of her face. "Please, use my great elephant powers for evil? If I'm going to sit on anyone, it'd be you or someone that enjoys this quality of caboose."

If that had not defused Yuki's disappointment in her friend, Lynda smacking their hips had helped. Even in uniform, the mouse could see the flesh underneath jiggle and jerked her gaze away, trying to hide a deep blush. It was hard to tell if the four-foot mouse was actually entertaining such ideas or just enjoyed being teased. Either way, it took out any attempt to sound authoritative when she straightened up.

"What have I told you about acting dorkishly lewd behind the counter?"

"That it improves morale and drives up sales!"

"You're lucky your cute. Just don't accidentally squish our senior regulars or something."

"You kidding?" Lynda replied with a flailing sputter from her trunk. "The seniors are mostly why I'm still here. They're practically the only ones that don't seem to mind…"

The thought trailed off as Lynda's eyes and hands came to rest on the drastically outward swell of her uniform shirt. While the company did have a line of large species shirts to prevent a show of cleavage, the enormous breasts were still tightly defined. Each massive orb was over twice the size of Lynda's head, resting atop an even larger belly sphere for support.

Yuki's saucer-round ears lowered, seeing the joy drain from her giant friend. With how often they hung out, the space between those massive mammaries had become a perfect next for her tiny rodent body. Shame such rare acceptance did not seem enough to placate Lynda's insecurities. "Hun…"

A gust of wind rushed through the restaurant, alerting the pair its front door had been opened. Lynda's expression flipped to her grinning 'game face' once more, performing a pirouette that her co-workers found impressive on those stumpy feet. She promptly relaxed, seeing a teenaged labrador entering in his Mcdonald's uniform. "Oh, hey, Vance! Is it eight already? Mind if I take a break, boss?"

"Yeah, sure." Yuki waved a hand dismissively, having to move aside so the elephant could thump past the registers to get into the lobby. Naturally, the second her friend employee was gone, another four people came waltzing through the door. "Vance, can you grab drive-through once you clock on, please? I got front."


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