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(Contains female feeding and weight gains)

Art by: spottedtigress 


Given the necessity for money, it has become hard to convince a restaurant to ban its patrons. A little rudeness or poor behavior is an easy pill to swallow, knowing it'll pay a month's rent. Most people would have to be a direct danger to society or a sociopath to hit such a high threshold.



Desmond's entourage of canine pets was neither of these. They just tended to take the offering of 'all you can eat' as a challenge. The fact they had banned posters hanging in every restaurant in town was well deserved. It was almost a shame the new pizza place opened up without researching the legendary stomachs beforehand.

On the other hand, they paid admission, so no one intended to leave without all they could eat. Desmond had reached that point hours ago. He was more than happy to just watch the two dog woman across the table make a contest out of stuffing their faces. His squirrelly blue tail wagged, watching the taller grey wolfess pick a slice of pepperoni and olive from the tray. Her sharp fangs chomped it down in six bites and swallowed with fewer chews.

"Sixty-three slices!" Rayna proudly announced before her cheeks bulged. "BUUURP!!"

"Oh man…" the orange corgra shook slightly as her eyes drifted from Rayna to the last pizza slice. A lone greasy boat in a silver sea tray.

Such hesitation did not go unnoticed. Rayna's lips pulled back in a triumphant smile. "Full already, lightweight?"

"You wish." Vesryn's ears whipped back in a snarl. If only she felt that confident. Still, she only paused another moment before taking the last slice in her hands.

Desmond actually held his breath, watching his beloved puppy snake take small bites out of her pizza. Her purple coated stomach was already spilling out of her shirt in a heft sphere. Everyone could hear it gurgling with hours worth of pizza binging.

Rayna was just as bad. The bulge around her middle stretched out her red dress like some satin balloon. Hands gently stroked over the big 'food baby,' eliciting many pleasured burps.

Granted, she looked a lot less smug when Vesryn finished their slice and placed both hands on the table. 

"Sixty-three slices!" Vesryn beamed while her stomach protested in a low rumble.

"So, what do you girls want on the next one?"

The dogs glanced almost in sync to find Desmond already waving over one of the parlor's dumbstruck waiters. Their tails promptly began to wag.

"Sausage and garlic!" Vesryn barked.

"Anchovies and tomatoes." Rayna countered.

Vesryn let out an annoyed whine. "You know that stuff is salty as hell."

"That's what the tomatoes are for, silly."

It turned into a moot argument. Before the poor waiter could even get to their table, a rhino slide in front of them. Steam puffed out his nostrils as he casted a shadow over the trio of diners. Not that the dirty cook apron helped create an air of menace.

"How about you freaks get your fat butts out of my place? I've only been open six hours, and you've run me out of dough for the day."

Desmond looked to the others with a smile. "Hear that, girls? We made a new record?"

Both dogs shook their heads with disapproval.

"All we could eat, huh?"

"Total false advertising."

"Very sad for a first day," Desmond dipped his head in agreement before turning back to the rhino. The angry growling did nothing to hinder his glee. "Can we get about twenty garden salads to go? My pets are going to have to watch their figures after all that. Too much grease makes them feel bloated."

"Oh, I got…" the bigger cook trailed off with an unexpectedly distant look in his eyes. He was gone just long enough for everyone to exchange confused looks and then blinked back to reality. For some reason, Desmond found his joyful smile more intimidating than his glares. "You know what? I'll give you bastard dessert free if you just leave and never come back."

"Hmph!" Usually, Desmond would have argued while in a position of power, or at least to annoy. The sight of both Rayna and Vesryn lighting up at the prospect of dessert already made the decision. "You got a deal."

"Be right back then!"

They were surprised a guy that big could run so gracefully fast. Soon as the rhino disappeared behind the swinging doors, he made a straight line for the young sparrow rolling out fresh dough balls.

"Murray! Order out!"

"Those sexy garbage disposals again?" The bird clicked his beak in amusement. "Good thing we prepped more pies than a god with locals like that."

"Yeah, but I don't want them to know about it." The rhino got up close, nearly toppling his employee, trying to pass them a small black bottle. "I need you to dump every churro you can fit into the fryers. Just make sure you put this on every last one."

Murray blinked and looked down to read the label. "Digestion and Metabolism enhancers?"

"My daughter uses it for her wrestling league." The rhino blushed a little as his explanation brought back certain memories. "She learned the hard way that overdose effect is not exaggerating. Drink enough of this crap, and whatever you eat becomes fat in seconds."

Realization slowly appeared on Murray's face, nearly turning his feathers white. "But...but those girls ate enough pizzas for twenty, maybe thirty people."

"I know!"

Not ten minutes passed before both cooks emerged back into the diner, each carrying a mountain of cinnamon sticks on a tray. One was deposited in front of each dog customer, who proceeded to dive into their treats. Having guts that put pregnant women to shame did not seem to have no impact on their appetite. Desmond was more interested in the fact a rhino could bounce with glee back into the kitchen.


Just when you thought a woman's midsection could not get any more stuffed, an extra ten pounds of sugar bread could prove you wrong. Rayna and Vesryn turned dessert into a contest of who could finish their plate first. The result was more or less a tie to Desmond's perspective. Both of his pets even downed a mug of soda in unison, followed by two belches that shook the windows.

Rayna fell back in her chair, tongue hanging off to the side as she took heavy breaths. Her dress made soft creaks with the rapid pulsing of her distended gut.  "Mmm, that almost made up for their lack of pizza."

"Oh, most definitely. Nggh!" Vesryn was struggling to undo the clasp of her belt. No sooner had she cut it loose than her purple sphere of a stomach popped off the button and zipper of her shorts. The corgra's bulge pooled atop her thighs as her shirt hem was pushed up to her breasts. No amount of tugging could get it back down even halfway, making Vesryn blush. "I, um, I think we're ready to go, master."

By comparison, Desmond's face was practically a tomato watching his dogs relaxing in such full states. Being directly addressed, however, was enough to break his stupor. He had to take turns helping Vesryn out of her chair before coming around to heft Rayna onto her heels. Both girls needed a second to adjust to their new balance, but were soon proudly waddling out of the restaurant with hands supporting their 'food babies.'


They did not get far into the parking lot when a strange roar cut through the early night air. It took Desmond a second to realize the chorus of noise came from the stomachs of his pets. Both dogs were giving their stomachs tentative rubs while looking at each other with mild concern.

"That was...odd," Rayna muttered.

"Y-yeah, that was like...unf!" Vesryn cut herself off with a soft grunt. Her muzzle scrunched into an odd expression as her hips shook violently. "Ah, ah! Why is everything feeling tight?"

"You...you too?" Rayna was joining in the shaking, shifting her weight between each foot. "It almost feels like...aahh...oh geez!!"

Desmond's eyes went wide, noticing it on the taller wolfess first. Rayna twisted to try looking behind her, presenting for the others that her butt was growing. Both plump glutes expanded with the rapid pace of a swelling balloon. Satin creaked as it stretched, keeping them tightly squeezed into an impressive red shelf.

A surprised whine drew attention back to Vesryn, who was gripping her hips in an attempt to keep them from widening. A muffin top pushed her shorts progressively down in an avalanche of mounting fat. Each attempt to pull her pants back up just made them slip further off Vesryn's thicken frame. Desmond was almost mesmerized by her shuffling since her ass spilled out the back with increasingly harsh jiggles. Those poor red panties looked uncomfortable wedged between such buns.

"Awwoo!" Rayna cried as she gripped her own backside. Attempts to hold the hem down were met with equal failure. The dress was finally starting to run out of room for her already plump figure, forcing the wolf's butt to fall out with violent sloshing of rich fats. And still, it continued to grow full and soft, bulging through Rayna's fingers.


"YIP!" Vesryn did not know how to feel when her shorts exploded off her pelvis. Her thighs inflated at such a surprising speed that they suddenly locked the hem in place halfway off her hips. Everything became tightly squeezed for a few seconds before the mounting pressure became too much for mere denim to contain.

Her panties thankfully snapped off a moment later, freeing the corgi from a very uncomfortable wedgie but leaving her meaty legs exposed.


Rayna's garments fared little better. She at least had the thought to slip off her panties before her thighs swelled up against each other. That did nothing to save her stockings as fat cascaded down into her shins, tears forming in zigzag patterns along the ruined nylon.


Rayna yelped as the mounting weight became too much for her heels to support. Even her feet looked positively thick by wolf standards falling out onto the bare pavement. 

No sooner had she recovered than her hands flew to her breasts. They were already huge udders, but under the confines of a bra and dress, it was hard to miss their sudden growth spurt. Grey furred cleavage bulged out of Rayna's neckline, eager to escape the pathetic bra trying to hold it back.

Speaking of bras, Vesryn was regretting wearing one today. A hard shift made her shirt flutter, creases smoothing out over her inflating breasts. With each second, they passed another cup size overflowing the corgra's bra and digging the straps into her shoulders.

"Whoa…" Desmond's jaw dropped, watching Vesryn trying to reach back for the clasp. His poor dog was bending best she could with such girth, presenting her butt and belly in unintentionally lewd poses. Even when she got a hold of it, there was no elastic left to help release the lock.


Luckily Vesryn found a way to get the job done. It still hurt when the straps whipped back against her tits with a loud whip crack. No sooner had they been released than both mounds exploded out into large beach balls. A large amount of soft purple mammaries slipped out from under the taut shirt hem to rest upon her jiggling stomach.

Come to think of it, Desmond noticed both girl's middle section looking a lot bigger. Their furry hides no longer stretched from full bellies but sagged with excessively generous love handles.


"Aah haa!!" The front clasp of Rayna's bra lost it's fight for containment soon afterward. Boobs surged out in their new freedom to overflow her hands.


The wolf's neckline tore under the mounting pressure to unveil cleavage that could suffocate a person. Combined with the belly strain, Rayna could only blush to watch her dress continue rending down the front, stopping just below her deep belly button.

"Well," Vesryn mused while examining her hands. Each finger plumped up like cooking sausages followed by the arms themselves become thick as summer hams. "This is...revealing."

"Very much so." Rayna brought her own hammy hands up to feel her cheeks fill out into a double chin, seeing the same happen to Vesryn. "Can't remember the last time I felt this squishy and, mmmhhh, bloated."

"No, kidding." Vesryn pushed both hands against her gut, giggling at how deep they sunk into the dense fur. "It's like we just turned into pizza dough, only way cuter. Are you also getting a bit...um…"



"Maybe a little bit," Rayna admitted with a sheepish smile. Hands traveled the folds of her gut but were hesitant to dip under its apron towards her crotch. "All that stretching and swelling really plays on the nerves."

"Bwarrp!" Vesryn burped back, having pushed her middle a bit too hard. A seconds pause to let the release sink in, and both girls giggled like crazy. "Hey, master, want to go home and maybe...oh my…"

Rayna followed her friend's gaze to Desmond, cracking a broader grin at seeing what made them stutter. "Well, now! Looks like master sure enjoyed our little unintentional show too."

"No!" Desmond lied curtly, tail curling around to try hiding the massive tent in his crotch. Getting to watch two adorable pets blimp out thicker than their rhino server had a profoundly arousing effect on all of them.

Before he knew it, Vesryn was pressing into Desmond's side with a delighted laugh. Flabby arms hugged him hard against the massive boobs straining under her shirt.

"He definitely looks in dire need of stress relief. Good thing, soft and squishy things work wonders for that."

"Hey! Hey!" Desmond wiggled in protest, trying to break free. It only worked to unintentionally knead the corgra's belly for her pleasure. "That's not what I-MPPPHH!?"

Rayna took the opportunity to press in on Desmond's other side for a complete master sandwich. His frantic shifting and helpless pushing back quickly got both their tails wagging. "My, he is really stressed out. We should be good pets and help him out with that."

"That's a good idea. We can't be slacking just because we gained a few pounds."

"Urrf! F-fine! We can play when we get home." Desmond huffed, pushing one hand on either girl's chest to keep himself from slipping down between them. A sudden notion gave him pause for concern. "While we're on the topic, how am I going to fit both of you into the car!?"


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