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(contains macro growth mtf TG, and ice cream)

Art and Al by: Goattrain 

Al raised an eyebrow watching ample mounds of milk pass over the countertop into eager black paws. A small part of the goat regretted offering to pay for a good time without limitations. How was he to know Desmond never took things in moderation?

"You sure four scoops is enough?" he said as the clerk passed him a cone with a scoop of mint ice cream on it.

Their server ran up their order that Al's last ten bucks for the day barely covered. She seemed proud of the colorful tower applied to Desmond's cone while depositing a handful of coins into the goats free hoof-hand.

"Believe me, I've tried." Desmond bobbed his head in long drags of a yellow tongue across his ice cream. "Anything more than four tends to get a bit messy."

"I bet." Al continued watching the weird squirrel-fox attack his pile, giving his own ice cream little nibbles. He also had no idea if Desmond comprehended sarcasm.

Regardless, it was a beautiful enough day to walk around the mall, devouring their treats. The change in Al's hand continued to clink softly against his chitin-tipped fingers, making him ponder what to do with it. Some turnstiles candy and toy machines caught his attention outside a small kids play area, but then the pair had walked their way into a crossroads. A somewhat intricate fountain took up much of the middle area with three pillars of bowls powering a waterfall into the basin.

As they walked around, the flashing of metal under the clear water made Al take notice of an age-old tradition. Letting out a chuckle, he tossed his coins in one after another before handing his last quarter to Desmond. "Here, make a wish."

"A wha...oh!" Desmond stared blankly at the currency in his palm for a second, unsure if it went with his melting pile of ice cream. Ears perked upon noticing the fountain, and he sent the disc flying in a fashion that made it skip twice before vanishing under the water.

"Show off," Al said with a smirk. "Ah...aah!?"

The poor goat barely got two steps away before a tension made him stagger. A hoof hand grabbed at his forehead, trying to ease out the sudden disorientation. It did nothing to help as a rising heat made his breathing heavy. 

Not two seconds later, the feeling struck Al again, stronger and this time consistent. Harsh tension seized up his body, causing the ice cream to slip from his hoof-fingers. He could only silently lament his half-eaten mint when it splated across the floor, but then it was quickly crushed by the expanding girth of his hoofs.

"Oh, no! Why now?" Al was no stranger to these sensations, but to have them happen without cause was alarming. With each second, his view of the ground zoomed out, similar to using a Google Map. He held up his arms, watching his shirt sleeves rapidly pull back until catching on plump biceps. The same happened to his pant legs, pulling up to unveil white-furred goat shins until thighs proved too thick to slip out. "Why does this always happen in the mall?"

"I dunno…" Desmond was backpedaling until his fluffy blue tail pressed into a far wall, just to be safe. His goat buddy had already sprouted to nine feet tall, then surged past ten with no signs of stopping.


"Gah!" Al felt a pressure give around his waist, which was the button and zipper of his pants breaking. Several more tears echoed across the mall, drawing attention from shoppers just in time to watch his fattening white butt tear the rear seams in its escape. The goat took a few nervous steps, afraid to fall into the fountain. But that just made him wonder why his hips had a wide girth that gave more bump to his actions. "What's happening n...now? Oh, no."

A scratching in Al's throat shifted his voice into a much higher octave. A quick feel of his face confirmed plumper cheeks, a sleeker goat muzzle, and lots of soft hair growing through hoof-fingers to brush his upper back. Even his worried bleats sounded a lot more feminine to match the attractive features.

Seeing the thick chin beard still swish about on that girly face made Desmond wonder if it was a permanent goat trait, like with dwarves.

They both seemed to have the same thought next. Al peered over his stomach bulging between tight shirt and pants hems to eye his crotch bulge with Desmond. The tightly drawn denim showed it was already small, in proportion to Al's growing size anyway. As they watched, it rapidly deflated between his thickening thighs until nothing but a small mound showed through.

Surprised onlookers didn't need to use their imagination since Al's wiggling female rear demolished what remained of her pants shortly afterward. Denim rained across the mallway as Al let out a surprised bleat, trying to cover her forming maidenhood. Hunching over was all it took to promptly shred her shirt down the arch of her spin. The rest slid off her chubby form easier than blankets.

Desmond's eyes grew wide at the giant pussy looming over him, licking his ice cream almost on autopilot. Good thing they were in a two-floored mall as Al seemed to level off around sixteen feet or so. She might even be able to get out the loading bay if her horns and hips didn't get in the way.

Modesty was something Al had to surrender quickly with nothing but fur left to cover her chubby gender-bent body. She slumped in a deep sigh, only to straighten back up with another bleat. Eyes flew to her chest along with both hands, slamming their hoofs upon each pec in a hard press. A few seconds of apparent struggling revealed the problem when fur began to squish around the goats hardened fingers with increasingly soft, growing mass.

Despite her best efforts to hold them back, pinching on her lungs forced Al to release her chest. A pair of perky breasts bounced forward proudly, continuing to swell. A sight many recorded on cell phones. Before long, they had inflated to some wonderfully huge mounds spilling over the top of her stomach pudge. The goat's cleavage looked easily capable of sandwiching an average person, maybe two.

Al heaved a few heavy pants, lowering her thick butt onto the floor to catch her breath. She knew that it was just welcoming more pictures, but an explosive increase in mass had been tiring. The chilly air against her bare fur was a bit soothing. It was not like mall security could get her to move outside anytime soon.

Something poking at one of her hooves brought Al's attention down her legs. Desmond was still eating at his cone, but also using a free hand to admire the thick chitin of her toes. The whole platform looked as big as a car next to his tiny form. He was so enamored by Al's size that it took a while for him to notice the death glare she was giving.

"What?" he said between more confused licks. When Al gave an angry snort, he shrugged harder. "Don't blame me for this! I wished for a 'big boat.'"


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