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(contains paw worship, human to anthro chocobo TF, mild muscle and hyper growth)


Mephia stumbled around the bend, thanking her lucky goddess for an open door at the end of the tunnel. Moreso when she saw It was made of metal. Those were hard to break even when rusted over from time in the dank underground.

This could have lead to a cache of supplies or a tomb of undead for all the cleric knew. A stray fireball whizzing past her head to explode against the stone walls sort of forced her hands on the matter. Half her plate mail and shield had been blasted apart by an endless volley of spells already. She did not want her flowing black hair trimmed by a blazing inferno.

Mephia mustered what strength she could for one final sprint. Angry cries of hungry enemies bit at her ears, making a great motivation to squeeze her buff frame through the crack. The last remaining strap on her breastplate popped from the pressure sending the half-melted armor clattering across the floor. Much as the woman hated to lose what little gear she had left, it did remove just enough bulk for her to slide through.

Slamming her weight against the door, Mephia got it closed just before a mess of black-robbed figures came into view. Both metal beams slammed into place with a satisfying clank before Mephia turned to lean her back on the door. Only the rapid heaving of her chest gave off any noise in the blackened room. The muffled voices of her pursuers trying to bang on the door was a good sign. With any luck, they might not be able to force their way in.

That was assuming the bastard cultists had not run out of spells trying to burn Mephia's face off. Her church had clearly underestimated the combat force of this mission. Even someone with a 'one-woman army' reputation can only handle so many evildoers without rest, or gear in this current situation.

Perhaps luck would hold out long enough to get at least one of those. Mephia swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to get a barring on her surroundings. A quick snap of the fingers illuminated her sword into a light source.

Well, what was left of her sword, anyway. Mephia held up the handle with only an inch of jagged metal for a blade. When glaring at it with annoyance did not cause the edge to miraculously regrow itself, she tossed the useless weapon away.



Torches ignited themselves in a flash that rocked a surprised Mephia against the door, cupping her eyes. Training kicked in, allowing her to remain still with level breaths. Ears strained to pick up any noise of an ambush with toned muscles tense for a moment's reaction. Strangely no other sound besides the soft crackling of many small fires came about. Perhaps the magic of her light spell simply triggered some kind of old system past occupants used when entering and leaving.

When the colorful spots finally left her vision, Mephia lowered her hands. This was reassuringly not some old guys tomb, but a chamber of worship. The walls were painted over with decorative gold and blues too pretty for death cultists. Several racks had been set up along the walls for placing offerings, although the plates and bowls for food only displayed dust. At the center was a throne carved of the finest rare metals and jewels. The cost of such decorative furniture must have been immense, especially to make it fit for a giant.

Except it was not a giant sneering down at Mephia over rounded spectacles.

"About time, someone showed up. I was getting bored." The creature shifted in her seat, setting aside a flimsy book titled 'Manga' to address the little human.

"Um...hi?" Mephia gave the best smile someone that fought through hordes of imps could manage.

It did little to appease the strange bird-woman. Snowy white feathers ruffled as if the greeting was an insult. Granted, that could have been how uncomfortable the metal seat looked holding her pudgy frame. The monster's waist and hips were so thick they spilled onto the armrests, flowing into a stomach that sagged out in an apron onto her lap. A pair of breasts the size of boulders rested atop said gut, barely held back by a bikini top of fine silk and jewels. It's simple ruby clasp looked ready to break every time the bird drew breath.

Having so many feathers on display sure made the creature more inviting than the angry stare let on. The other garments she wore were a loin cloth of the same silks, some blue decorative bracers on scaled brown hands, and silver-tipped caps on the claws of her scaley Y-shaped bird feet. Overall the appearance reminded Mephia more of the stuffed dolls she collected as a kid than anything divine.

"And what the WARK happened to you?" The big bird was regarding Mephia with a similar analytic stare. Except, the sight of a human covered in burns and broken armor was a lot less flattering. "You show up in my presence looking like KWEH shit on purpose?"

Mephia had no idea what a kweh was but knew a stuck-up tone when she heard it. "So sorry, your highness. Mayhaps, in your infinite wisdom flowing over that chair, you neglected to notice the mob of cultists and demons trying to kill me?"

The cleric braced for an angry retort and some kind of weak attack to assert dominance. Instead, the giant birds beak twisted into a grin. She leaned to one side, resting her beak in one hand regarding her visiting human.

"A warrior with a wit as sharp as her sword? I take it back, I like you."

"Actually, I'm a cleric for the church of…"

"Even better! Would you like to WARK for me too?"

"Uh...what?" Talk about an abrupt conversation turn. Mephia began to wonder about this enormous fat bird.

"Oh, right, I forget my manners as well. You may call me Nui; Chocobo goddess of health and harvests."

Mephia glanced down at Nui's gently bobbing stomach, wondered how a bird could gain a belly button that deep and looked back into her glittering hazel eyes. "Okay…what's a Chocobo?"

Nui began to laugh until she noticed the confusion on the human face. "WARK? R-really? You don't know...the giant birds you can ride on as mounts?"

"We don't have chickens big enough to ride."

"Oh, for fucking KWEH!" Nui facepalmed, running fingers down the curve of her beak. "That explains a lot. Listen, I'm a goddess from another dimension. Since the species I rule over doesn't even exist here, yet, I don't have a lot of power beyond this chamber."

Mephia raised an eyebrow. "Yet?"

"Indeed, KWEH, I could benefit from a woman of strong body and conviction to be my herald in this new world."


Mephia's intended reply came out a startled cry when the door she was leaning on shook violently. Something with immense force collided on the other side again and again. Each successive strike added a bulging dent to the metal surface. The cultists must have come back with a battering ram or a whole wagon of explosive spells.

"WARK! It looks like your alternatives aren't that great either." Nui looked equally displeased by this sudden disturbance. "I'm not exactly a bird that would leave a poor mortal to their death, but it's not like I can teleport you anywhere safer."

Mephia watched the door pause and then shake from another hard strike. This time the bolts began to loosen. "You know what, sure! We got people devoting their lives to horses and snakes. I got nothing against spreading the good word of a giant chicken."

"I'm a Chocobo, you WARK! Try to remember that as your spreading my good cheer. Now let's make you into something more presentable."


Nui gave a snap of her scaled fingers, sending a wave of energy over Mephia's form. Moments later, what remained of the human's armor shattered off its hooks and straps in a useless pile around her boots. Usually, her seven-foot-tall toned body of womanly curves would have been impressive in an undershirt and pants, but the many burns, bruises, and scars of magically healed wounds hurt the image.

"And what are you going to do?" Being stricken of her last protection did not bother Mephia as much as the way this fluffy goddess liked to phrase words.

"Imbue you with my powers, of course." Nui's grin broadened to encompass most of her soft cheeks. "That is after you come up here and pay me due worship."

"Oh, o-okay." Mephia had a feeling about this. Not necessarily a bad one, but climbing up onto the platform left her unsure what was to come next. The Chocobo's thick scalie feet looked even bigger up close where Mephia could see she barely stood eye level with her knees. "I'm no stranger to prayers and worship. What do you prefer?"

Nui's thick breasts jiggled with a heavy clucking noise that might have been a chuckle. Without offering an explanation, she leaned back on her throne, slowly sliding fatty hips against its sharp edge. Being reclined made it easier to lift up one of her giant Y-shaped feet to hover it's bottom inches from Mephia's face.

Somehow this was more intimidating than staring down a tarrasque. The three lengthy toes flexed in explicit encouragement. If only Mephia had any clue what was expected of her. She rose up onto her own toes to gaze at Nui through the gaps in her toes, expression asking the unspoken question.

"Well?" The confusion seemed to amuse Nui further. Her lower toe curled up to poke its claw casing against Mephia's chest. "Get to worshipping me already."

"You mean this and…" Mephia trailed off rapidly, pointing between the human-sized bird foot and herself.

An annoyed sigh from Nui preceded said foot pushing firmly against Mephia's face, nearly flattening her onto the floor.

That was more hint than Mephia needed. She grasped at Nui's scalie sole brushing along its sides in gentle strokes. Almost immediately, the Chocobo's body fat jiggled with a satisfied 'wark.' Nui slouched even further into her throne with a dopey smile on her beak. Tension rapidly left her thick body, the more Mephia worked on giving the world's biggest foot massage.

"KWEH! Don't be shy now, dear. Put that sharp tongue of yours to some better use."

"E-excuse me!?" Mephia could feel her face getting hot. A slight pause in her muscle kneading caused the bird's toes to descend across her shoulders.

"You heard me. The more you worship, the stronger I'll get, so you might wanna brush away that pride." A loud bang from the metal door distracted both of them for a second. "Of course, I could always ask your friends. They're very eager to get in here."

"Hmmph!" Mephia snorted into the gap between toes she had become trapped in. Just what she needed; a goddess with a fetish.

The snapping of metal hinges spurred attention back to the duties that needed tending. Mephia took a deep breath, letting her tongue flop out with the exhale. After only a moment's hesitation, she slowly racked her face across the scales of Nui's foot. Thankfully they did not immediately shred her mouth apart. In fact, they sort of tickled her lips as they slide along the surface.

Speaking of ticklish, the Chocobo's thick body shook harder than before, letting out a fit of clucking giggles. Slowly her large toes straightened out, releasing Mephia of their hold. Taking this as a sign of good work, Mephia resumed rubbing along the chicken foot's sole while lapping at the base of the front two toes. Reprehension faded with each taste as it filled Mephia with calming warmth. Her wounds ached less as they were replaced with a sense of reinvigoration. The goddess really must be giving her a blessing.

Such a thought really threw Mephia's inhibitions to the garbage. A bold step forward slammed her whole body up against the bird's foot. Such a move took even Nui by surprise, but the long pleasured 'kweh' did not sound like a complaint.

Mephia's arms wrapped around the body pillow of a chicken's foot. Her muscular hips rocked back and forth, grinding smooth skin against slick scales. Hands switched between stroking the soft scaled skin and squeezing at the tender muscles underneath. The human's tongue dragged in slow ascension along the toes undersides. She was performing like a wench at a brothel, yet could not muster any sense of shame about it. The pleasure Nui felt of a human undulating against her foot seeped back into Mephia in an addictive cycle.

"W-WARK! Oh, gosh, you are so...KWEH...a pro at this," Nui teased in between giggling fits. Fire from the torches grew brighter to give her many white feathers an aura-like glow."I bet your friends back at the church don't know about how skilled you are."

"I'm flattered my many skills can impress a goddess." Mephia shot a smug grin back. There was a big show of kissing down one toe, across space between them and back up the other one. "All I do is practice and WARK...hard?"

"Hmmm?" Nui grinned knowingly down at Mephia. The human recoiled with one hand raised to her lips, stunned to have made such an audible animal sound. "That is some good skill, my young herald. You didn't take long to get some divine might back in my belly."

"I...I feel s-strange," Mephia gasped. Undergarments felt incredibly tight while exposed skin glistened with perspiration. She wiped the sweat off her forehead only to gasp when a large clump of her black hair came off in her fingers. "WARK's happening to me?"

"If you are to be my herald, it only seems fitting to give you a form in my image."

"Wha-KWEH?" Mephia's jaw dropped, looking the chunky bird over again. Becoming a fat chicken beastman was not her ideal form of salvation. The rising tension in her limbs argued there was little say in the matter too. "Wa..wait..please, WARK!"


Heat rose to an unbearable degree until Mephia's muscles gave an involuntary flex. In that instant, her body shot up and out to a towering ten feet tall, rending her last clothes to pieces. Cold cave air prickled goosebumps over the woman's naked skin while she staggered from the sudden change of perspective. That quickly turned into an itching that Mephia's tight gloved hands tried to scratch.

"KWEH!?" she glanced down and squawked again at seeing tiny gold feathers pierced through the skin bumps in rapid growth. Mephia's perky breasts and rock-hard abs were quickly covered in a beautiful blanket of the warming feathers before wrapping around the rest of her torso. Technically there was no longer a reason to feel exposed. "Aah! Aah! M-my butt too?"

Mephia's hands flew to her plump backside, feeling an odd pressure just above the crease of its cheeks. The tip of the human's spine reserve direction in an explosion of additional vertebrae growth. Skin and muscle grew out into a nub that she could twitch slightly.


"KWEH!" Mephia gasped when her tail suddenly became hidden in a thick bush of feathers. Some had to have reached a yard-long curved in a decorative high arch. She gave her butt a few test bounces, admittedly liking the way the bundle fluttered with her movements.

"Yup. You are becoming rather pretty." Nui had straightened on her throne. Her own massively feathered frame still loomed over the changing cleric with great interest in their transformation. "Just don't booty shake too much. You might get mistaken for a mating dance."

"H-hey! WARK!?" Mephia giggled and pushed at Nui's giant hand, stroking across her head. The gentle claws peeled off what remained of Mephia's black hair, sparking a tiny sense of regret to this agreement. Almost as if to make up for it, she felt an itching of feather grow up her neck to blossom into a rich bundle of crown feathers atop her bald scalp. Feeling their fluff texture also made Mephia aware she lost her earlobes. Only tiny black holes remained to hear under a dense patch of facial feathers. "So should I be worried about WARK! Yeah, that. Why do I keep doing that!?"

"Oh, the squawking is a bit of a side effect for being part Chocobo," Nui explained, running two fingers down the whole of Mephia's back feathers. It tickled so many spinal nerves that even Mephia's buff thighs almost buckled. "It'll become a lot more controllable with time, but try not to let it frustrate you."

"Good to KWEH!" Mephia jumped from a sudden pressure tugging under her nose. She almost shrugged it off when an even harder pressure caused her whole face to scrunch up. Lips peeled back in a confused discomfort, nostrils stretching longer down the curve of her upper jaw. Between that and her teeth itching, it hardly took a scholar to realize what this meant for her transformation. "Wha-WAAARK!"

The entirety of the human's skull subtly changed shape, developing a wider bridge between the nose and...mouth!? Mephia gasped for breath finding her lips peeling back more than should have been possible. There was nowhere else for them to go with the bones of her teeth pushing out into upper and lower lumps to form a sandy brown bird beak. What little skin of her nose remained ended up scrunched atop the base colored a bright pink around her nostrils.

"Wa...WARK? Testing? Oh, thank the goddess, I mean, you." Mephia clicked her shiny new beak a few times before grinning up at Nui. "Could have warned me about that, you know?"

"It's always cuter seeing your faces when they change. The stupefied surprise is adorable."

"KWEH you so much!" Mephia giggled until another itching rushed over her hands and feet. She lifted her gloves, watching sharp black talons pierce the tip of each finger. They were quickly put to good use tearing the rest of the leather off, revealing hands coated in shimmering brown scales up to her elbows.

Glancing past them, Mephia was not surprised to find her boots squirming. Her feet were suffering even more extreme cramps that caused them to flex and twitch in increasingly alien motions. Two distinct bulges began to push out the front while a third mounted against her heels.


The thought of removing her footwear did cross the cleric's mind, but a bunch of dagger-sized talons solved the problem for her. Mephia staggered out of her boots, shifting balance onto the enormous bird feet growing out of them. They were the same Y-shaped as Nui's with bright gold scales encasing her shins. Each of the three toes was tips in enormous black talons that made even gripping the marvel platform easy to walk on.

"Cool," Mephia said in awe of her transformation. She looked over her fluffy golden pelt with deep admiration, mostly because she had not bloated out into some fatass. If anything, her muscles looked even bigger under a coat of feathers. Her hands roamed up the abundant curves of her hips to her breasts, giving a series of happy beak clicks.


"I'm glad you approve, but we got that to still deal with." Nui laughed despite the mob of evil pounding on her doorway. "Let's do something about the whole being naked part next."


Mephia snapped back to reality instantly, but Nui had already snapped her fingers. In a flurry, the scraps of broken armor and clothes lifted off the ground back onto her feathery form. Seams strained, and metal groaned on contact, reforming to connect and flow across the clerics form through a magic well beyond her knowledge. The idea so much power could be gained by licking a chicken's foot almost had her bwaking with laughter.

The resulting armor that did form struck Mephia as less than practical. There were some nice decorative bracers for her forearms and legs, but her breastplate barely served its purpose. Plates were set to protect her upper chest, leaving her abs and under breasts exposed. Parts that hooked on around a loin cloth seemed more designed to resemble a skirt than pauldrons.

A really low hanging skirt.

"You sure you're not a goddess of kinky KWEH in your WARK?"

Nui feathers ruffled. "I'll have you know there are more than conventional mortal ways to serve a goddess. Your world is going to have much to learn."


The door had finally taken all the abuse it could stand. Hinges went flying off with one more explosive hit sending the square plate slamming into the ground. A rush of black-robed figures seized this opportunity to trample into the chamber. Of course, the sight of a giant muscled bird woman standing beside an even bigger pudgy bird goddess made the whole crowd stop in confused horror.

"Why don't you start with them?" Nui suggested with an evil giggle. "As my herald, it only seems fitting I give you the magic to make even more Chocobo followers like me."

"Wait, WARK?" Mephia glanced up in time to see Nui give her sloshing rear a hard shake. There came a sudden dizzy spell along with a heavy weight hitting Mephia's right hand. She glanced down to find a new bastard sword resting in her grip. It's blade looked trimmed with rare metals while the hilt and blade showed decorative feather patterns.

More importantly, the former human was stunned to suddenly 'know' a rush of new spells. Being wholly connected to Nui gave Mephia all kinds of power to channel into her being. Abilities like transforming others into whatever feathery color and shape she wanted. That was certainly going to make recruiting for the future Church of the Ample Chocobo a lot easier.

"Now be snappy about it," Nui broke Mephia out of her power rush with an annoyed clacking of foot claws on the floor. "You're not getting out of licking my other foot, either."

"KWEH! As you wish, goddess!"

The threat sounded more like a reward to look forward to. Mephia raised her new sword, funneling Nui's blessing into it so the blade would glow a wavy blue aura. Before the cultists could even figure out what was going on, she lunged upon them, ready to add many more members to her religious, and literal, flock.


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