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(contains Behemoth TF, muscle growth, Hyper BE and butt)


Everyone was surprised to learn that Desmond could cook. For friends, family, and especially enemies, they only knew the blue ball of fluff for spontaneous acts of extreme transformations and the wanton destruction that followed after. Someone that introduced themselves as a scientist but only ever seemed to throw crap together to see what stuck.

To learn this borderline sociopath of gender-bending antics could do something so mundane was, for lack of a better word, weird. Sure, he was far from a 'Chopped Champion,' but he could create a decent meal that went down smooth. That was good enough for those living a single minimum wage lifestyle.

It was certainly good enough for Meepes when her front door swung open. The startled fox nearly dropped her switch in fright before realizing he was wheeling in a trolley to her couch. Familiar forms of the raccoon Jason and dewott Ganger filtered in after him. Any agitation she might have formed at their uninvited entrance was quickly crushed by their off-key singing of 'Happy Birthday.'

More importantly, Meepes' eyes grew into wide sparkling diamonds taking in the four-foot tower of a cake Desmond brought in. At least she thought it was a cake; the whole thing was walled off in pure chocolate chip cookie with a cap that could only be made out of thick fudge icing. Not that it mattered when there were at least 20 pounds of cookie within arms reach.

"Oh my god, guys! You shouldn't have!" she said, tearing into a slice of cake without waiting for a plate. Apparently, one of them had the foresight to pre-cut the massive beast and forgo candles.

"Everyone always says that, but they still love it!" Jason giggled, draping arms around the fox in a gentle hug.

Meepes offered them a thankful grin back, but could not pause her feasting for long. The interior was somehow a cake, but a cookie one to boot. Most likely an oreo mixture with the strong cream flavor. "Ugh! So good!"

"Thank Dessy for that," Ganger pipped in, accepting a plate of cake for himself. "I really need to figure out how he got the cookie dough to cook perfectly around the whole thing."

"The trick is to back the cookie shell first," Desmond said as he passed off another slice to Jason. "After that, you just use cream cheese to bind it with the...what's that noise?"

Everyone's ears perked upon noticing a rhythmic cracking permeated the room. With a bit of focus, the trio pinpointed the source back to their birthday girl on the couch. Meepes had already started on her second slice of cake, but now every chew was stapled with a sharp crunch like she had a mouth full of chips.

"Sorry, these inner chips are delicious too," crumbs sprayed over the armrest as Meepes spoke, apparently able to chew and talk at once. Frankly, no one was surprised they managed to get this much out of her cookie binging.

Jason and Ganger promptly turned to Desmond with quizzical looks.

"I didn't add chips to the cake. I swear!" he said in answer to the unspoken question.

Jason responded by picking at her slice with a fork. With some work, she lifted up a piece of spongy sweet bread with visible blue slivers sparkling in the open. "Then what the heck are these?"

"Uhhh…" A worried look crossed Desmond's face that filled his friends with nothing but total dismay. He began poking furiously at the cake to break apart more of the blue substance.

"Is this some kind of blue chocolate?" Ganger pondered observing his own piece like it might explode with careless poking.

Meepes said nothing, only looking on curiously while she finished her third slice and moved on for a fourth. A pair of black bony nubs rising out of her hair went unnoticed by everyone present. As did the fact her butt was rapidly taking up more and more couch space.

"These are definitely not chocolate," Desmond said. He gave one large chunk of blue rock a sniff, eyes shooting open to their fullest. "These are freakin aetheryte shards!"

"What the hell are you doing putting raw magic into a cake, Desmond!?" Jason stamped one foot in a surge of anger.

Desmond folded his ears back with a snarl and accusing finger point. "Don't pin this on me. You're the one that brought the crystal into the kitchen last week. Remember? You wanted to see if my meat tenderizer could break it?"

Anger quickly left Jason as the raccoon sheepishly averted her gaze. "Oh yeah…"

"You still owe me a new meat tenderizer, by the way."

"Forget that, how do you fail to notice what's going into your own cake?"

"Excuse me! I didn't expect my roommate to put raw magic into my flour bin."

"Maybe you shouldn't use the same kind of bin for your compost!"

"Wait, you've been putting magic stuff in my compost!?"

Meepes giggled through mouthfuls of cake at this amusingly random spat. Her slender frame groaned as its bones lengthened in drastic spurts. Limbs billowed out with plumping muscles that strained the fabric of her shirt and jeans. With another large swallow of the cake, her breasts gushed forward from a large deposit of fats, causing a few tears along the rim of her neckline. Toes curled in bliss, popping larger as feet stretched further across the carpet. Ripples of strong titan muscles became outlined in the denim of her pant legs.

"Guys!" Ganger barked, in a surprisingly effective effort to stop the argument. "Maybe we should just...quarantine this before something bad happens?"

"Yeah. That's definitely a good idea." Desmond carefully set his plate down with the other two following suit. "Sorry, Meepes. We're going to have to make you ano-WHATTHEFUDGEBUNNIES!?"

Ganger and Jason turned to check on their fox friend and expressed similar cries of alarm.

"What?" Meepes tilted her head curiously at her friend's reactions. Sure she had to look way down at them over the crest of boobs the size of boulders. Having the magical ability to shift her size and mass hardly made this a new experience. She just figured her powers were fluxing in the excitement of such delicious cookies.

What the fox could not see was her muzzle stretching and popping into a very wide, un-fox-like snout. Even her nose inflated into a large black button, nostrils flaring with each breath. Teeth sharp as daggers continued grinding through each slice of cake in increasingly bigger mouthfuls. She had already finished the top layer and was two-thirds through with the next. Horns kept growing out around her ears, making forward curves to point like daggers at everything she gazed upon.

"Hey, are you guys going to finish those?"

Without waiting for an answer, Jason, Ganger, and Desmond were bowled over by muscular arms thick as trees. Meepes snatched up their discarded plates to chomp down both them and the pieces of cake they carried. Desmond was pretty sure he saw a plastic fork get crushed between those fangs too.

"Behemoth Meepes?" he mumbled watching the fox continue to grow and shift. A sharp pop formed a pronounced hump in Meepes' stance as spines tore out her shirt in a row following the spine. "...great."

Ganger gulped. "How big is she going to get?"

"GRWAR!" Meepes scrunched up her rippling shoulders as if in response. In three sharp bursts, her entire shirt exploded off the massive girth of her muscular torso and sloshing breasts.

Another pop brought the fox thumping forward onto her hands and feet. Knuckles flexed and thickened into the making of forepaws, with her feet quickly following suit. The bridge of her powerful muzzle scrunched up from another tension which she relieved by stretching out her beefed-up hind legs.

A flex that Meepes' already strained pants could not handle. The bulking fox-behemoth was rendered naked in one final explosion of denim scraps. Despite being forced into a quadruped stance, her butt still maintained a plump womanly shape that jiggled with the excited shaking of her hips.

That felt so nice to stretch the kinks out, especially with warm air washing over Meepes' muscles. Unfortunately, she was still hungry. The scent of fresh cookies still teased at her enlarged nostrils, eliciting lots of drool while she padded towards her birthday cake. Ignoring frantic cries from Desmond, the transformed beast dug her muzzle straight into the pile of baked goods that remained. Hard shudders raced through the ridges of her muscular body, snapping her tail like a wild snake. Amazingly that appendage gained well over a yard in extra length yet kept the thick coat of fluffy fox fur.

Desmond watched her gorging helplessly for a while. Almost every mouthful he could see Meepes' gain more and more behemoth traits; whether it was the way her paws scraped over the carpet, or how her boobs bloated rounder until they were squished between her biceps. It was a rather fascinating spectacle until he caught sight of Jason's death glare from over Meepe's shaggy growing mane.

"This is not my fault!"

"This is totally your fault," Jason countered, jabbing a finger at the trolly Meepe's long purple tongue was licking. "Your cake, your fault!"

"I'm way more worried about my plants than the state of Meepes right now, thank you." Desmond gave the fox-behemoth a gentle pat on the side, almost startled when she purred back. "See? She's doing just fine."

"How is she supposed to even leave her house like this?"

"Through the wall, I guess," Desmond said, shrugging when Jason and Ganger stared at him dumbstruck. "What do you want from me? Behemoths go where ever the fuck they want."

"Damn...straight…" Meepes said, her tone deeper with a rumbling undertone. She licked her black lips several times, trying to savor the lingering taste of cookie cake for all it was worth. Eyes glowed in the deep blue of aetheryte magic as she looked lazily from Desmond to Jason and Ganger on either side of her massive flanks. "Sooooo...that cake was terrific, Dessy. Thank you. We going to play any games now? Any presents or something?

"Sure, I know a game!" Jason said, only to recoil when Meepes turned to fully face her. "Um...y-yeah. Whoever can keep Desmond pinned down the longest wins a chocolate chunk cookie."

"Wait, wha…?"

Desmond had barely comprehended what had been established before a bulldozer of white muscle and breasts tackled him to the floor. Scream of terror became muffled with his head firmly lodged between Meepes' sprawling behemoth chest. Front paws coiled around to help keep him propped in there for good measure.

Meepes glanced back to give Jason a triumphant smirk. Her long thick tail knocked over her coffee table in its happy wagging. "Jokes on you. I'm the best at this game."

"Heh, you sure are," Jason said with a forced smile. Soon as Meepes turned back to settle in atop the squirrel-fox, Jason grabbed Ganger's shirt in a hard yank for the front door. "Okay, let's go home."

"Hey, what?" Ganger barely kept his balanced glancing back and forth between Jason and the monster keeping their friend smothered in what, admittedly, looked like a rather enjoyable predicament. "Shouldn't we help…"

"No. He'll be fine."

Jason continued her retreat without regret for the muffled groans and rumbling purrs that filled up Meepes' living room behind her.