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(contains MORE big fat dragons, and lots more property destruction)

Part 1 Part 2


To be fair, Midna could do very little about whoever was dragging her along. Not that she liked getting her pudgy underbelly scrapped across miles of jagged rocks. Knees and paws were also getting pretty nicked. There was also no light source, so it was hard to tell if she was still blinded or if it was just the cave.


"Ow! Damn it, you suck!" Midna growled and thrashed harder. The tunnel might have started out accommodating for two thick dragons, but the constant pressure along Midna's hips told her it was not a thorough construction. A thought confirmed when her rapid dragging came to a sharp and painful stop due to her rear getting wedgied by a narrow space in the corridor.

It did help escape her abductor's grasp, but only for a few seconds. They seemed to recover before she could gain some bearings and simply grabbed a better hold under her armpits. She opened her mouth to hurl more insults only to get some very soft mounds grinding their scales against her nose. This was, of course, the breasts of another massive dragon which was working to heave against Midna's weight.

A few good tugs finally got Midna's butt free with a loud cracking of rocks. Whoever had their arms around her chest refused to let go, using the momentum to drag her further down the tunnel. Before long Midna began to blink at an approaching light. It shinned around her fellow dragon in a fantastic backdrop as it got brighter. She realized this was actually sunlight. This other beast was taking her outside?

Apparently so, since a large blue scaled rear and tail popped out of the tight tunnel exit, shortly followed by Midna's portly black hide. There was just enough time to recognize Desmond by her stylized hair, blue scales, and black underbelly before she used the momentum of their escape to toss Midna overhead.

Midna cried out as her enormous body flailed helplessly through the air. There was definitely some strength to such short arms. It must have been at least a mile before her butt made contact with the ground again. A sound akin to rubber twanging echoed through the land as she bounds twice more. Upon the final landing, Midna was unfortunate enough to not regain any footing and simply went into an uncontrolled roll across some hillsides. It took the edge of a forest to finally stop her momentum, and that needed the sacrifice of several dozen oaks.

The world felt much prettier spinning in a swift clockwise motion. Midna might have barfed if there was even anything in her poor belly to lose. Eventually, things slowed down enough for her to roll clumsily back onto shaking thick paws. A few sharp pains caused her to wince and proceed to pick trees and rocks caught in the soft plush of her fat. At least her scales were just scraped up a little and not actually cut up.

"Heads up!"

Midna whipped her head around and immediately regretted that. She managed to make out Desmond's round black gut rushing forward before it smashed into her nose. Once more, the rounded curves of her massive body were sent in a reckless tumble over many ancient trees. At least she did not get far before landing into a riverbank with a big splash. Although it did freeze up her rump scales with water gushing around it.

She had just managed to shake her tail free of moisture when a shadow blotted out the sun. Turning back around Midna's nose honked against the equally broad snout of Desmond. They seemed similarly sized dragons, although Midna felt some pride her stomach pressed a bit harder against this new girl.

"Let's see you eat me now!" Desmond snarled with hands reaching out to grab at Midna again.

Too bad for that plan it had lost its element of surprise. Midna growled in anger at her indignation and wet butt, lashing out to grab Desmond's wrists first. With a hard yank, she brought a surprised Desmond rushing forward to get her nose rammed into the Midna's hardened forehead.

The blue dragon's vision flashed with stars as she gave a pained yelp. That might have even chipped a few teeth, but Midna was not letting them escape just yet. She pulled on Desmond's wrists again this time slamming their enormous bellies together. Fat collided with fat to create a deep slap resonating across the forest stronger than a thunderbolt. Only then did she release Desmond so she could wobble blindly off balance. That was so Midna could finish her combo by jumping into the air, slamming both her thick paws into Desmond's plump breasts.

It was very satisfying to make Desmond the one careening out of control this time. Midna landed on her tail enjoying how her adversary tumbled head over feet across a hill rich with poison oak. They might have kept on going if not for the rock formation at the bottom.

Apparently, dragons had some very durable skulls. Desmond dislodged her face from the rocks leaving them more cracked than her. Rolling back onto her paws, the blue dragon let out an angry roar turning back toward Midna. The whole forest shook to each paw step.

It was not as intimidating from an outsider perspective. In fact, Midna's snout peeled into a toothy grin watching Desmond approach.

"And what's so funi-EEEEEEEEE!!"

Desmond felt the joke before she saw it. An itching started subtly across her stomach before moving over her hips, increasing into a harsh blaze that pained everything from below her shoulders.

Poison oak had wrangled itself around the entire girth of Desmond's body. Hard dragon scales could do nothing to protect the sensitive skin from the irritating sap seeping through their plates. Worse was how Desmond began to flail about in a funky hip dance knocking over trees with her tail. Arms stretched and twisted, but could only scratch at so much of her body. Such stubby limbs were not designed for reaching around bowling pin figures.

Before long Midna was gripping her own sides roaring in laughter. Desmond was getting desperate to relieve her itch, and drastic improvisation had to happen. Specifically, she put some of the fallen trees to use by grinding her backside along their bark. Many piles of sawdust were made, but the relief was worth the awkward hump action.

"Need a little help?"

"Oh, god! Yes, please!" Desmond whipped his goofy smile around, not having noticed Midna stood back up with a tree in hand. "Anything to get rid of this...agony?"


Desmond watched as the oak in Midna's hands rose up and promptly crashed down so hard on her face the length of her dragon neck compacted back into her shoulders. The log rolled back onto the ground, allowing Desmond's neck to pop out in a crooked fashion. She let out one wheezing whimper before flopping onto her back with a final thunderous earthquake.

"Jerk!" Midna grumbled, giving Desmond's unconscious belly a kick for good measure. There was plenty of desire to do more horrible things like paint on her face, but Midna's stomach gave off another annoyed grumble. All that battle ended up accomplishing was making a hungry black dragon simply ravenous for a meal.

Nostrils flared so hard they moved nearby clouds while she moved her snout around the treetops. Eventually, she caught the scent of something that seemed edible enough. Midna literally followed her nose paying little mind to the trees crushing under her mass, or the equally massive dragon laying defeated in her wake.

"Well, guess that crazy alchemist isn't giving us an antidote anytime soon." Link sighed while putting away her spyglass. Like any rational gender-bent bunny girl, she had observed Midna's fight from the safety of the enlarged tunnel entrance. Not that there were any tools to make her want to get between such a clash of titanic fat bottoms. Now it just begged the question of what to do next.

Also where the heck Midna was going.

"Aw, hell!" Link hopped from the cave entrance using her big rabbit's feet to slide along loose gravel and dirt of the mountain's slope. It was a lot more painful with pads instead of boots, but she hardly had time for that. After a few clumsy attempts, she managed to find a way to whistle with a muzzle. Now she just needed to be lucky enough for her horse to find it's way over to her in time.

Turns out there was no reason to fret. Okay, there were dozens of reasons to fret. There was just no reason to worry about Midna dragging her fat tail too far off before Link could catch up. While nothing short of a god's wrath could probably stop that bellies march, Midna was simply following her nose up the steeper ridges of the mountains. She had caught the scent of something delectable and upon reaching a plateau saw things that had her raining drool onto the rocky peaks.

Farms! Beautiful, gorgeous farms were spread out among this little niche of the cascades. A steady supply of freshly melted water and high sunlight must have made the lands very fertile. Almost every crop was overflowing with patches of squash, corn, tomatoes. All of which would go great with the herds of sheep and goats grazing in the natural grass patches out this little village.


Midna's stomach seemed keen to roar in excitement for her. The pure strain of inner muscles reverberated across the area under loud acoustics. Enough to make every worker and animal stop dead in confusion. The animals noticed the hungry dragon climbing into their midsts before the people did. Midna's body cast it's pear-shaped shadow almost from edge to edge, cause the herd to race around in a desperate attempt to hide. She leaped over the last peaks landing upon her giant black paws with a tremor that sent many of them toppling head over hoof.

Many never got a chance to recover. Midna's hand swept across the land below racking up meats and produce alike. Terrified bleats vanished down her long scalie throat as she rained a whole crops worth of food into her mouth. This was repeated again and again, leaving nothing but pawprints and deep claw trenches in the fertile lands.

"BWWRRPP! Mmh! Not bad!" Midna picked a wad of wool from her teeth with one claw while her other hand rubbed the crest of her distended belly. Yet those shiny spikes for teeth curled into a frown. "Still pretty hungry, though. Those damn goats are way too leans. Hey, you?!"

A stray farmer squeaked in alarmed soon as Midna's glowing red eye fell on him. Thumb and foreclaw were quick to pinch him up by his overalls before the man could abandon his hay bail hiding place. Words came out in a flurry on unintelligible gibberish, which only increased as Midna dangled him close enough to see the drool dripping from her teeth.

"Got any more food, sir? I'm starving!"

It took a minute for the man's sputtering panic to die down. After another two he realized the dragon dangling him had been asked a reasonably polite question. Midna's breath patiently washed over him steamy rhythmic bursts waiting for his nerves to recollect. "N-no great dragon butt-BEAUTY! W-we shipped off the majority of our seasonal crops to Hyrule castle for their festival. All this was supposed to feed us through winters and…"

"Oh, sorry!" Midna's tail thunked to the ground in a pang of guilt. No sooner had she lowered the man back down than she perked up with a new thought. "That's fine! I have a great standing with the princess and her hero boy."

"...as their shadow?"

Midna moved with such spontaneity that the farmer barely dived into a claw trench to avoid her belly gliding overhead. All interest in the little man had been lost with the prospect of the kingdom's capital rich in food. Whole cottages crumbled from the tremors of each dragon footfall in a quick dash across the plateau.

"Send the bill to Zelda. I'm good for it!" Midna shook her hips, waving her tail at the farmer as a form of goodbye before leaping onto the mountain peaks blocking her path.


The giant fat dragon blinked as her, relatively, skinnier waist slid right between two mountains promptly leaving her bulging hips caught in a vice. Stumpy legs were lifted up just enough that only the toes of her puffy paw feet could kick frantically at the ground. Claws flung out large clumps of dirt to rain a little extra terror across the decimated farmlands.

Once again the sturdiness of dragons worked to Midna's favor. While she had no footing, her bodacious hips could still rock their fat back and slam against the bedrocks. Scales jiggled in violent waves with each rapid hard buck against the mountain tops, creating increasingly deeper cracks along the edges. Eventually, there came a loud crack from both peeks snapping apart. The rubble and Midna promptly feel upon the mountain slopes to begin a long roll down.

It left the poor farmer staring at the now flat gap in the peaks wondering if that sloshing black rear had ever been real.

* * *

"So that's why Midna is now at the pier pilfering every fish in sight." Link finished up her recapping of the past few hours with bunny ears curled against her shoulders. After her chubby dragon friend took a tumble down the mountain, Midna had been rendered dazed just long enough for Link to make it back to the castle in time for a minutes warning.

The jaw-hanging faces of Zelda and Fi were hardly encouraging for morale. It took a crash in the distance for Zelda to eventually snap her mouth closed.

"You mean to say she's just a complete ravenous beast at this point?" she said in a huff.

Link could only shrug. "She seems to still be rational, but her cravings keep getting the better of her. It could take most, if not all, the food here before she's even full."

"To hell with that!" Zelda hefted up her dress to better race back into her room. "I got a better idea."

Fi perked up. "Princess? What are you….o-oh."

Zelda had reemerged before either of her companions could move towards the door. In her hands was carefully cupped a large flask filled with a sloshing red fluid. "It appears Desmond, and I had the same ideas that countering a dragon is to make another dragon. This potion is made from a small piece of dragon fruit and heavily diluted with several physical enhancing reagents. It should make one of us much stronger than her, but it will only last for a few hours. Just long enough to get her subdued and in a place safe from my people."

"Oh, hell, no!" Link back against the stonewall of the castle frantically waving her fluffy hands. "I've had enough fat dragons for one day. I ain't going to blow up into one."

"You're already transformed, you dolt!" Zelda rolled her eyes, seeing Link look down at their pink bunny breasts in remembrance. "Since we don't know when or if your cottontail will change back, it'd be perilous to mix the effects with another potion. It's going to have to be one of us…"

"...if I change back!?" Link parroted meekly but went ignored.

Fi stepped forward with arm outstretched to take Zelda's full attention. "I will do this important task for you, princess."

"Oh, thank the gods!" Zelda nearly cried with a joyous smile. She promptly caught herself and tried to look stoic before passing the potion over. "I mean, thank you for helping me with this crisis Fi. My figure, I mean, people will be very grateful."

Fi raised a curious eyebrow at the flustered princess but took the potion without hesitation. The cork popped off with a loud hiss, filling the hall with a surprisingly lovely smell of cherries. If Fi felt uneasy about drinking such a brew, she hid it well while raising the bottle to her lips.

"WHOA! HEY!" Link rushed forward to pull the potion back before Fi's first swig. Her tail looked puffed up large enough to be a child's ball. "Are you seriously going to drink a dragon morphing potion in here!?"

Fi and Zelda looked around the small castle hallway and then at each other. An awkward blush spread on both their cheeks. Yeah, that would have probably been a very poorly planned decision on their part.

They quickly relocated to the castle gates where Fi was sure to have plenty of open space. The ground vibrated under the trio's feet thanks to a particular black dragon strolling around the market district. Zelda was less than thrilled to see Midna had fashioned a boat sail around her neck like a bib.

"Try to remember to get her outta my city if she puts up a fight." Zelda facepalmed when the distant Midna began using the lances of her guards as toothpicks to sample a variety of cooked meats. "Lords know I'm going to be paying enough for damages already."

"Of course, princess." Fi kicked back the potion to down it in small, delicate gulps.

Link instinctively stepped back, knowing what was to come. "Are you sure this is your best plan?"


The bottle had barely left Fi's lips before her whole body shook in a roaring belch. She raised a hand to comment, only to have her hips rock violently.


"Not as sure as I was ten minutes ago, Link." Zelda found herself unable to take her eyes off the thick dragon tail that had sprouted from Fi's behind. Its spade-shaped tip twitched ideally while continuing to slink along the ground in rapid growth. The fairy looked amazingly calm, appreciative even, as she observed her new appendage.

"Hurp!?" Fi sputtered a gentler burp while clenching at her stomach.


A stomach that decided to push back. The fairies dress billowed out in a hard rush that gave her the bulge of a heavily pregnant woman. It only held for a few seconds before continuing to inflate at a more gradual pace. Tears formed in loud rips across the squishy sphere of fat as Fi's dress could not conform to her changing figure. Her gaining flesh was all too eager to squeeze through the tears in a glittering display of bright blue scales.

"Ooooh!" Fi's mouth hung open in shocked pleasure, giving Zelda and Link a glance at growing fangs within. But the fairy was more interested in her hips falling out of her skit several feet wider and growing. Trying to pull the hem down accomplished nothing but tearing the tightening dress further. Her bright blue butt would not be contained as it pushed out behind Fi, ironically making her already muscular tail easier to hold up. "Is it supposed to feel...gassy?"

The fairy was starting to grow larger in overall size. Fi's body surged in all directions with each passing second. Soon she was looming several feet over her friends, with the head still inching towards the arch of the castle gates.

"N-not...entirely sure." Zelda bit her lip. Something finally clicked in her mind to join Link in several rapid steps back.

"How do you not know? You turn into a dragon every Thursday night." Link giggled at her own joke. At least until Zelda yanked one of her rabbit ears.

Fi staggered thanks to her thighs, plumping up. Piling fat and muscles pushed against each other to force her into a wider stance. The braids of her stocks snapped from the mounting pressure, going in a wave down to her shoes. All the force seemed to fall into it's most active there, making the front of Fi's high heels bulge in several round bubbles. In a flourish, her feet exploded from the fabric as thick, swelling dragon paws. Each melon-shaped toes grew out its own armor-piercing claw to rack at the ground in experimental flexes.

"Aah! Aah? MOOF!?" Fi gasped again, giving her hips a hard shake after they surged out in another enormous surge. This time they flowed to merge with her sagging belly and butt for an almost perfect pear-shaped figure. Even with her waist giving a lot of girth in its own right, her pelvis would clearly remain the widest part of her form. "Mmmhhh! Hnnggh! This feels...most...unorthodox! Aah!?"

Fi's chest rushed forward, the swell of her bust doubling in size, and then doubling again. She tried to reach for them but felt compelled to flare back her cloak-like wings instead. What remained of the purple dress tore free to fully expose the fairy in all her fat shimmering scales. Breasts bounced joyously in their newfound freedom, becoming sloshing boulders to rival even Midna's. A point emphasized by how the sizeable blue gem crest Fi usually wore became tightly packed inside her cleavage.

What fascinated the fairy more was how her wings lengthened and contoured. Hard bending joints formed as they became more in line with her shoulders, giving a much stronger resemblance to traditional dragon wings. However, several long extra flaps grew out at the ends of each wing. It only took a second of curious twitching to realize these were claw-like extensions equally dexterous as hands.

"This transformation has quite many beautiful qualities to it," Fi said while using her new wings to caress her stomach. There was some humor to be found in how Link was starting to resemble a real bunny in perspective size. Too bad it was marred by the constant grumbling of her insides. It did not particularly feel like hunger, just bloating. "I never...hnngh?"

A strange cramp made Fi's face grimace on instinct. She realized what that meant a moment before her jaw pushed out against her lips. Loud crunched of shifting bones, and growing teeth rang in her eardrums as she watched her upper lips enter her bottom field of vision. They were quick to take her nose with them, extending out into the long bridge of a broad reptilian snout. Her muzzle finished with a loud pop, making Fi gasp from the sudden relief and rain spittle upon Zelda.

"S-sorry about that, Princess." Fi rocked back and forth on her paws, making her enormous butt and tail sway. Even her words were gaining a bit of a snarling tone to them. While she could feel the buds of horns sprouting from somewhere in her mane of pale blue hair, pressure in her neck began to rise. "In many ways, I think it'd be comfortable to say this form is rather ni-"


Fi felt something give in her neck, which lead to a harsh blow to her forehead. What a shame the finale of her transformation was her neck tripling in length. The result of which caused the fairy dragon's head to collide into the stone arch of the gate where his friends stood. Multiple, bull-curved, horns had sprouted in her daze to dig many of their own deep cracks into the architecture.

"Is she supposed to do that?" Link offered with a grin, but Zelda's cold stare promptly had the bunny faking interest in some passing birds.

Zelda craned her head up to her changed friend nursing their new head bump. "You okay up there, Fi?"

"Y-yeah, that was just...unexpected. Fortunately, my skull seems to have increased in strength as well." Fi gently hunched down to dislodge her horns from the stone wall. Surprisingly that only caused a minor rain of broken rubble. "It might be a good safety measure to take more consideration of our environment before undergoing other drastic transformations."

"...duly noted. Can you please do something about Midna now before she eats my favorite restaurant?"

All three of them turned to find the state of Hyrule had become progressively worse during their few minutes of dragon fattening. Midna left a small trail of destruction in her aimless waddling across the city. The majority of her damage had been caused simply from trying to wedge her bouncing black butt around corners and between streets. Except, of course when she would bend low, unintentionally presenting herself with tail raised high, and smashed through the front of a store to pillage it for nourishment.

"Oh!? Yes, of course!" Fi straightened up while fluttering her wings. Despite the attempt to look dignified, the hard jutting of her hips with each tremor-inducing step worked against making a friendly dragon impression.

"So…" Link started after an awkward pause to watch the blue fae waddle away. "How is she supposed to get Midna out of the city safely?"

Zelda stiffened but said nothing. Unless one counted the strange croaking noise in her throat.

Looking over, Link was less thrilled to see the princesses face locked in a state of stupefied horror. "Zelda...?"

"Link!" The princess cut her off by laying a gentle hand upon the bunny girl's shoulder. "We've all had a very long day. So if you make me think about all the collateral I'm going to have to sort out tomorrow again I'll shave your fur for my pillow."

"Mmh. Mmh." Link nodded twice with an amazing air of calmness. "If you need me I'll be...somewhere in the castle."

"Of course." Zelda gently removed her hand so Link could take off running. She never took her eyes off the pair of dragons looming over her city as they drew nearer.


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