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Contains forced deflation and pool toy TF

Art by: https://twitter.com/ElastiJolt


"What kind of backwater hick scam you trying to run here!?"

Sorsha had been going on a tangent for the past ten minutes now. The growing line behind her was forming the consensus such stubborn whining was more annoying than the afternoon heatwave. That might have been objectively unreasonable. All the catgirl wanted to do was strut around a water park until an opportunity for mischief arrived. Apparently, that was too much for an innocent soul to ask from one establishment. She had already complied with their annoying rules of having to wear clothes; boys swim trunks borrowed from Desmond to go with her bikini top seemed good enough for everyone. Some would stare a bit unnerved at her bare feet unaware shielding spells protected her soft pads from the hot sidewalk.

"Ma'am, the pool toy is just five bucks."

Now she was expected to carry money around everywhere she went. The nerve of some people.

"It's highway robbery is what it is!" Sorsha slammed the package of latex onto the counter. Her anger only seemed matched by the disinterest of the teenage scruff across the way. "I could make a better pool toy than this."

"You probably should then," grumbled a middle-aged wolf behind her. "Put all that hot air to use."

The childishly sly smile Sorsha whirled to give him caused most of the line to recoil a bit. Despite looking cute as a button, the magical aura about this half-naked girl could be sensed throughout the store.

"I'd love to, but there are too many witnesses. Lucky you."

Sorsha left the gift shop with a high flick of her fluffy tail, leaving everyone lacking the context to her odd threat. Just how she liked to play with people ignorant of witches.

Entering the water park proper, she began to ponder what actions to take next. Such failed dealings with bland people was a bad start to her day. However, their suggestion seemed to resonate within her. Finding a toy to play with would be a simple solution to her problem.

Sorsha had already used magic to teleport her way inside to avoid the entrance fee. No one in the men's room had even seemed bothered by a girl's sudden appearance. Still, it was not wise to be too spell crazy and risk being ousted. Maybe one more spell could be forgivable under inconspicuous circumstances. 

"Oof!" She had been so lost in evil plotting that a collision at a crossroads was inevitable. It did not help the other guy had his snout stuck to a cellphone screen. "Hey, watch...it?"

The poor corgi was doomed the instant Sorsha laid eyes on him. He was dressed only in a pair of swim trunks and sandals, leaving his pudgy cream-colored chest on display. Their square spectacles made him look adorably nerdy but slid off after getting a face full of Sorsha's pink belly.

"Oh..uh, e-excuse me," he said with only a cursory glance before trying to finish a text.

Oh goodness, that subtle blush on his furred cheeks was impossible to ignore. Very rarely did any kind of creature have to look up to Sorsha with her minor five-foot-nothing frame. And the way he tried to hide those sparkling brown eyes behind an equally brown mane of long hair screamed introvert. But it was when he bent over to retrieve his glasses that inadvertently sealed the deal. Sorsha's face went pink taking in the sight of that thick shark tail wagging atop an enormous rump. At that moment his derriere stretched its swim trunks taut enough that another few pounds of fat might have torn them. She had never considered such a luxurious womanly backside would look so alluring on a guy.

This one would do nicely!

"It's all right cutie," she said, swooping upon him once his glasses were back in place. Draping arms around his shoulders made the little dog noticeably tense, but prevented him from fleeing. "A cute thing like you may be exactly what I need. I'm Sorsha, by the way."

The corgi twisted around with a face nearly red as a tomato. Most likely because Sorsha blocked his view with her bikini. He could not comprehend some random woman was fawning over him. "M-marco...I..."

"Oh, gosh! Marco? That name sounds as cute as it's owner." Sorsha's arms closed around Marco's neck, making the back of his head press into her modestly-sized breasts. "So yeah, I need a huge favor that only a little guy like you can provide."

"I...I have a girlfriend miss..."

"And I would love to meet her later if she's half as adorable as you," Sorsha interrupted. All this brash forwardness was doing a great job of leaving the corgi awkwardly flustered. Made it very easy to guide him off the sidewalk behind a closed concession stand. "But that's not really the kind of help I'm looking for...maybe later...more importantly I need someone to play with in this big, intimidating waterpark, and I couldn't help reading over your shoulder that said girlfriend would not be able to visit with you today."

Marco's flush became mixed with a bit of irritation. A hand moved to cover his phone screen despite the pointlessness of it. "Y-yeah, I was just on my way home actually. So if you'd let me go."

"Please, no need to be in a rush!" Sorsha acquiesced to his request but pivoted on light paws to block his attempts to walk back into the public's eye. "I mean, we both paid good money to get in here. Why not make the most of the day?"

Marco blinked quizzically into her shimmering eyes. Only now did he notice she had split-colored iris' of green and blue.  There was certainly something unusual about this girl with her cabbage top hair and pink markings, but he was not getting the corgi fear vibes off them. After the shock of her readiness to get up close with a stranger passed, a request for company seemed decent enough. He had already suffered a hard week of schooling on top of his girlfriend being stuck covering double shifts at work.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Marco pocketed his cell phone as ears and tail perked. "I'm always told I need to make new friends anyway. What did you have in mind? And...why are we back here?"

"So we can make a toy without people going into a panic." Sorsha raised one of her pink gloved hands from which a ball of pulsing green light formed.

Marco yipped as the energy exploded with a sudden flash. When his vision cleared again, he could see a small plastic lump had formed in the palm of Sorsha's hand. Not exactly something he expected her to do in such a grand reveal of magical prowess. Ears drooped a little at realizing it was a simple valve. The same kind found on virtually any inflatable object.

"You can do magic? That's really cool." Marco's tail a bored wag as he looked at Sorsha confused. "But what did you make this for?"

All he got from the cat was an airheaded giggle. Without further explanation, Sorsha pressed the nozzles thick end into Marco's belly button.

"H-hey! What are yoooOOOOoooohhhh~."

A wave of coldness rippled from Marco's belly across his body. It caused the corgi to wiggle in an unwitting dance that almost had Sorsha gushing. When it passed, though, Marco's paused bewildered at having a strange sense of fullness. Not so much like after eating tons of food, but akin to his skin felt oddly stretched.

Eyes and hands moved down to stare at the little valve poking out of his belly fur. But his fingers stopped just shy of the strange addition in nervous uncertainty. It seemed perfectly capable of remaining attached to him in spite of Sorsha no longer pressing it against his fluff.

The real shock came for Marco when he pushed at his middle. He never had much body fat, at least on his upperparts. Everything tended to enjoy flowing into his very feminine butt and thighs. So it was very unexpected to find his stomach concede a large amount of squish between his fingers. In fact, his insides felt oddly hollow like his organs were no longer under the skin.

Looking back up at sorsha, Marco's mouth could only form a stupefied, "Wha..."

"Oh, sorry! Let me get that for you."

Not allowing any time to respond, Sorsha popped out the valves stopper. A burst of air hissed through the little opening, startling Marco. All feeling of tight fullness left with it. In fact, his arms had gone a bit limp. They suddenly required so much effort to lift he doubt they could reach over his head.

"W-what did you do-OMPHHH!?"

Sorsha seized either of Marco's cheeks so hard it squeezed the are out of his sentence. Quite literally as a steady stream of hissing exited the valve in his stomach. More alarming was the fact her hands began to force the corgi's head to impact on itself. Marco's arms flailed wildly but could not push the cat off.

The effort itself grew weaker with the more air escaping out of Marco. Within a few seconds, Sorsha released her grip, letting the corgi's head flop onto one shoulder looking like a shriveled raisin. He found it impossible to move anything above his neck in such a state. His muzzle had become sealed shut with no dexterity left. At least he still seemed capable of hearing and seeing. And he was staring very intently at Sorsha through the one eye that had fallen to face her general direction.

Arms strained to reach up and feel this strange sense of emptiness only to have Sorsha clamp down on those next. With one squeeze those corgi hands were reduced to the same state of shriveled uselessness, void of an underlying bone structure for support. Sorsha even began to purr a merry tune while she alternated squeezing one arm after the other.

Finally, she placed both hands on either of Marco's shoulders to give a steady push downwards. The valve squealed sharply at the high tension. All Marco could see was his vision progressively getting lower to the ground until, eventually, there was no more air left to squeeze out.

Sorsha beamed as she stood back up, holding the deflated corgi blanket. Marco's shorts, with his cell in them, fell forgotten to the ground along with his sandals. The poor dog could not do much except watch the world spiral around with her continually twisting and wrapping his mess of skin in new ways. For some reason, there was also an increasing about of squeaking filling the air. Almost like latex rubbing against itself.

After a while of being folded, Sorsha brought Marco's head around to face her grin of extreme satisfaction. "There we go! I'm no expert crafter, but this should suit us both very nicely."

With that, she released Marco's head. The corgi's vision dangled upside-down in a manner that forced him to stare at Sorsha's swim trunks. A bit more turning brought the valve into her mouth, where she began to blow hard into it.

If Marco could make noise at that point, the entire park would have heard his cries of pure ecstasy. Feeling the warmth of another's breath filling his insides was better than being petted. The pleasure must have shown on his face, for Sorsha would giggle whenever their eyes met. Slowly his form began to feel stable again. The squeaking became more frequent while his body stretched to a taunt limit.

"Bleah!" Sorsha sputtered a bit short of breath after a minute of puffing into the corgi's valve. That seemed to be her limit as well. She fitted the stopper back into its proper place, beaming with pride. "There we go. All the cuter for a play date."

Marco just stared since his mouth refused to function in terms of speaking. His ears and lips gained limited mobility that was utalized to express confusion and lingering pleasure. Despite being full and swollen, he was still being carried with some ease by the lithe catgirl. With a little effort, he found he could swivel his neck for a few seconds before the internal air forced him to look forward again. It was in those brief glances back at himself Marco's mouth squirmed in silent cries of alarm.

The corgi's entire body had been reshaped into the large doughnut figure of an inner tube. Gone was Marco's soft fur replaced with thick latex colored in his orange and cream markings. His head now rested on a cartoonishly extended neck on one side while an extended lump roughly resembled his tail on the other. On both his flanks were other little numbs painted into dog paws. Even his hair was little more than an extension of his artificial scalp. He was a bit surprised to find he had some control over moving these parts of his inflated body, but they would hardly do him any good.

"See? You make a much better pool toy than that cheap breakable junk at the gift shop." Sorsha playfully brought Marco's rubber nose up to boop against her feline one. He blushed even harder at the squeaking noise it made. "I just saved us both five dollars."

Marco's ears creaked attempting to fold back with his look of extreme disquiet. Sorsha responded by gently petting across the curve of his fake hair bangs.

"Aw don't be afraid. You'll change back in a few hours, but I really wanted to go swimming today and couldn't possibly wade the deep end without you." She glanced around as if someone could be listening. Odds were unlikely anyone would interfere after witnessing this transformation anyway. "To be honest, I'm not a great swimmer..."

That made Marco feel a whole lot better about being squeezed into a pool toy. He only wished he could flip over and dunk her on the rides now.

"But anyway!" Sorsha happily hefted the tube corgi over her head. Her average build wiggled it's way through Marco's ring hole until he rested loosely on the curve of her hips. The warmth of her fur was surprisingly soothing against his smooth latex. "How about a little river riding to start the day?"

Marco mouthed something in his angriest scowl. Even as a balloon such corgi faces made him look incredibly young.

"That's the spirit!" Sorsha petted his head either oblivious or uncaring of Marcos intended response.

To be fair things took an enjoyable turn once they hit the water. Cold splashing waves may not have been as sensual as being inflated, but it was definitely close. Bobbing along the artificial river to Sorsha's kicks left water caressing his body in a way that made his non-existent spine shudder.

Everything became so relaxing that Marco started to lose track of time. Perhaps it was the pool toy equivalent of falling asleep.

"Hey, babe! What's a real dog gotta do to get such a hard ride?"

Macro and Sorsha were snapped out of their respective thoughts by a German shepherd paddling alongside on a pool chair. He had the scruff of age, with a slight gut to match, but the swell of his legs and biceps still drew attention.

Enough for Sorsha to giggle at the lame pick up line. Resting her chin on his armrest, they locked eyes in a moment of shared deviousness. "This doggo is actually rather soft. You offering to take me on the rougher adult rides?"

Marco rolled his eyes, or tried to, going back to staring straight down the river. The rocking waves made it easier to tune out his forced company's increasingly lewd conversation. At least for a few minutes when the pair came across an exit slope.

Sorsha was all too quick to push her corgi inner tube off her hips. For a second, there was a flash of hope she would undo the magic that formed Marco into inflated latex. Instead, she gave Marco a soft kick from inside his ring to send him floating towards a group of young kids.

"Keep the doggo company for me, would you dearies? I'll be back for him in a bit."

Marco watched helplessly from the upside-down position he had landed in as Sorsha walked off hugging the shep's arm. The way her tail shook back at him implied this would probably be a long couple of hours of helpless solitude.

He had not been wrong. While the group of human and anthro children were left stupefied at Sorsha's random present, her departure made it easy to quickly accept the toy. The fact that Marco's face could move into different expressions seemed to excite them even more. It caused them to fall swiftly into arguing who got a turn riding him while being carried into a children's wave pool nearby.

They were less than considerate in handling Marco than Sorsha had been. Two or three kids tried to climb him at a time, dunking his head under the waves so much the world began to spin. None of them cared about yanking on his elongated neck or paw stubs, giving him spikes of pain that made him worry he would tear apart. It made the hours drag on excruciatingly slow. By the time the sky started to turn orange with the sunset, Marco felt sick in his non-existent stomach.

Wait, he really was feeling sick.

"What's wrong with Mr. doggy?" asked a young otter.

The rest of the kids were quick to part themselves from their Marco toy like it might explode. And with good reason as Marco looked back to see his tube body was swelling rapidly. Latex painted corgi creaked ominously as it bloated thicker despite nothing connected to his valve. Questions of curiosity and worry echoed among the children. They were quick to leave the pool with the lifeguard's encouragement after seeing Marco get so big his inner ring had been squeezed close. The helpless corgi could only shake it's pathetically tiny paw stubs feeling the sickness reach his limits.


Marco blinked several times before realizing he had the physical capacity to do so again. The cold water continued splashing at his knees, being the only noise breaking an eerie silence around the pool. Slowly, with a rising surge of joy, he looked down to find himself restored to a fluff and blood corgi. Hands danced in his vision giving all ten fingers a testing wiggle. A moment later, the plastic valve dislodged itself from his stomach, making a plunk into the water to leave him with a belly button again.

"AHEM!" The cough of an enraged turtle lifeguard alerted Marco to her presences some feet away.

They stared at each other for a few seconds. Marco was lost in his suddenly transforming back that the turtle had to point down south for him to find the source of her ire. After some more seconds, he yelped and fell back into the wave pool trying to cover his pudgy naked form. Remembering his trunks had been left in the grass elsewhere explained why most nearby parents were rushing their kids away from the scene. 


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