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(Contains hyper buff, collateral damage, masturbation, epic squirting)

Commission for bugsbob605


Another day, another dollar earned.

What a load of garbage. Between the forced overtime and frustrating lack of bodies, this day had been worth hundreds of dollars. Shame the glory of capitalism did not mean paying what work is worth. All that could be done was hope that the dollar would not go to a chiropractor on the next day off.

Whenever the hell Pizza Tent felt like giving Zel a day off anyway. Such a luxury felt more like a pipe dream now that all other delivery drivers had vanished without notice. Company apathy for working conditions had a way of making high turnarounds. Nothing but forty-hour weeks with forced overtime loomed over the coming months. An almost guaranteed lack of sleep tempted Zel to drop her own notice on the store, preferably attached to a boulder.

Sleep sounded so good as the sight of Zel's modest home came into view. The big shark was using up what shred of focus she had left to pull into the driveway without crashing through a wall. She even managed to turn the key without breaking it off in the ignition...again.


Zel staggered out of her jeep with tail fluke flailing to regain balance. A little too much weight on the handle had caused the whole door to snap off its hinges. That was not nearly enough to break her groggy thoughts out of longing for a bed. Uncoordinated hands tried several times to align it back into a closed position, damaging much of the framework in the process. Eventually, it caught on what the shark could assume was the latch. She preceded in relief up the walkway utterly ignorant of the loud clattering of metal sliding onto the pavement.

Such loud, crunching noises had become a regular thing around the neighborhood. In fact, a lot of Zel's neighbors had come to enjoy the spectacle of her arrivals home. It was hard not to take an interest in someone twice your height and several times your muscle mass. The poor girl had to use vehicles without windows just to accommodate the massive range of her bulging shoulders. Few got to enjoy them up close since only a contortionist could ride shotgun.

Zel was well aware she probably had an audience peeking through blinds or curtains and could not have cared less. They could cellphone film the titan lumbering on awkward steps into her house all they want. Maybe after those corporate idiots allow some new hirings she could put on a proper show with summertime gardening.

Then again, failing three times to get the key into the door lock made spectators very unappealing too. Zel took a deep breath that helped steady her shaking hand, broke the key off in the doorknob like a breadstick, and practically fell inside happy to be in a cavern of relative comforts. The door, like most in the house, had long since been reinforced so there was no worry of them accidentally breaking with a casual flex of beefy biceps.


The decorative window on the door, however, exploded in a misty cloud of glass shards when Zel slammed it closed. Another background noise she did not blink an eye at. It was hard enough keeping her eyes open already. The skin of her palms slapped together in two quick claps. Several lights promptly shined to light, helping guide Zel to her bathroom. Even on a more focused day, she had accidentally replaced the last light switches with a lovely hole in the wall. Sound-activated devices became a godsend to people like her.

Despite the haze around her vision, Zel was coherent enough to smell the oil and grease of pizza on her body. Every crack formed from muscle and sinew, be it her wall of abs or tree trunk thighs, seemed to be a biological net for catching gross residue. Such is the price for the glory and power that was her, the shark guessed. No way she could sleep covered in that filth.


On most days removing clothes was a more delicate procedure, since the swell of Zel's muscles tended to catch the flimsy fabric when she moved. Tonight was tough to care about her work shirt shredding into four pieces when attempting to pull it over her head. At that moment Pizza Tent could kiss the ridges of her rock hard, pizza stanked, butt. Granted Zel already had to pay for the extensively tailored size of said shirt. Good thing jeans and underwear only required gravity to pool at her feet.

The shower door had never been as easy to handle. After the fourth failure, it had been replaced with little more than a giant metal slab. Just as well, Zel was not about to be judged over home decor. One hand fumbled for the faucet knob while the other covered her maw as it opened in a wide yawn. The many rows of sharp teeth glistened off light brighter than the tiles around her.

"Ah, ah!"


Had the massive shark been just a bit more alert she would have remembered hot water never immediately comes out of cold pipes. Although that icy splash across the blue skin of her breasts certainly helped bring back some awareness. It was not enough to keep from reflexively jumping out of the stream's path. Tail and back slammed hard against the wall to leave a deep impression of Zel's silhouette in the broken ceramic.

Sweet, steamy water came pouring out a few seconds later, prompting Zel to dislodge herself from the wall. Inching back into the pouring waterfall of modern plumbing brought out a rumbling moan that shook the generic picture frames decorating the walls. Stress melted off with the dirt, making the muscles of her chest sag with much-needed relief. She turned in a deliberately slow pivot, raising arms and tail to make sure every indention of beefy aqua skin got a good rinsing.

A large amount of tile debris got washed out of Zel's back in the process. Not even their jagged edges could register under her thick feet. They were too sore from standing still waiting for delivery orders anyway. All the more reason to get it over with. Zel grabbed the only toiletries she kept in the shower; a two-foot brush and a giant tube of body wash. She had no hair to speak of and reach was a bit vital when your arms were too thick for dexterity.

The gentle strokes of soft bristles combing out more stubborn grease and rubble stuck in her muscle cracks was also very therapeutic. Each pass sent ripples across her sweaty skin, causing her tail to twitch, especially when it came to grooming her thickened pectorals and hardened stomach. She let her eyes half-closed, imaging her tool as the hand of a lover admiring every nook of her powerful body. Shapely hips swayed to the motions of their tender explorations, generating fresh wall cracks with each swing of the sharks tail. They moved teasingly downward with every pass, only a hairs breath away from the heat growing between her thighs.

"O-oh!?!" Zel's eyes shot open at a sudden tension deep behind her abs. A hard contraction raced down her inner tunnel, making her shudder from head to fluke. The flexing muscles reached her pussy lips, making them gap open to exude a moist warmth, unlike the shower steam before relaxing closed again. "Oooooh fuck!"

Great, now Zel had made herself horny. Or was that just a side effect of all the crap stress that came with working customer service? Probably both, she surmised while taking a deep breath. One hand slowly unclenched, unaware it had snapped the brushes handle in half during the wave of tense arousal.

That was fine. Zel still had a perfectly smooth conditioner bottle to play with. She was quick to pilot it around to rub the damp fold of her slit with its rounded end. A mix of soap suds and arousal juice made for a great improvised lube while teasing at her ripened clit. It helped a lot when she pushed half the bottle in, tongue rolling out with a deeper roar as her inner walls stretched in accommodation.

The bottle popped out of Zel's tight pussy to be gently guided in a bit deeper. A rhythm was slowly worked up, rubbing faster as more lube juices were applied to its cylindrical shape. Not the most practical of makeshift dildos, but one that did the trick in all her special shark places.


"Hnnngh! F-fuck yes!" The bottle picked up speed until it was pile driving into her foamy slit. Zel's free hand slapped into the wall for balance, barely missing the shower spout and knobs. Another rush of pleasure made fingers clench, digging through the plaster in an explosion of cracks that surrounded the deep palm impression.

Shivers were soon rippling up and down Zel's hard, sculpted body. The shark's spine arched back and forth in undulation with each plunge into her dripping cunny. Her head tucked in and out of the raining water causing it to splash everywhere. Mounting pressure made it hard to focus on anything else. A straining squeak came from the bottle as her grip tightened. She just needed to work a little extra power behind each stab into herself.


"D-damn it!" A stray twinge in Zel's loins had caused her thighs to reflexively press together. The result was similar to hammers colliding together with a grapefruit between them. All the remaining bottle soap burst out the head decorating most of the shower door with it.

Zel was more pissed that she was so close than over the damages. The bottle had been bent in an odd shape that no longer rubbed her pussy the right way. Tossing it to the ground, she managed to turn the faucet off before ripping the steal knob in a rush to her bedroom. There was no time to towel off like water really bothered a shark anyway.

The bedroom door was especially padded to help prevent muscle induced accidents. A wise investment when Zel busted in and flopped right onto her reinforced titanium bed without bothering to close it. Not like anyone else was going to come wandering in to watch. A shame since a good dick sounded ideal right then.

Still, she worked with what she had. Hands immediately saw to her needs; one rubbing vigorously at the smooth lips between her legs while the other alternated massaging the swollen meaty flesh of her breasts. There was way more muscle than fat, but that hardly made her nipples any less sensitive. She did not need to rub her pearl for long before the mounting pressure returned.

"Aah! Aah! Aah!" The whole bed bounced with the harsh bucks of packed shark hips. Zel had three fingers desperately diving deep as they could reach into her tunnel. Abs puffed and clenched with the rapid desperate panting for breath. "Nnn-NnnNNGGGHHH!!"

All of Zel's sinew grew tense at once, leaving her butt thrust high in the air and her tail straightened. She had hit the plateau and then tried to hold onto that lifting wave. Quivers vibrated through her limbs, wanting to build its power as high as possible. She bit her lip stifling a moan feeling efforts give within seconds.

Zel fell back on her bed, crying to the heavens. Her pussy flexed around her fingers and then began spurting large amounts of shark juice around them. On the third contraction, her hand was sprung out of the warm pussy by an entire eruption of fluid that hit the far wall with enough force to shatter vases and the dresser they rested on. There was just enough lull in Zel's orgasm to take several deep breaths, promptly contracting a blast that shattered her bedroom window and sprinkled spooge across the lawn.

Only then did the buff shark woman collapse entirely onto her bed. Her legs were coated in cum and the rest of her in cold water, but that hardly mattered. It was all she could do to breathe until blackness fully encompassed her vision.

If anything, the orgasm worked Zel into an amazingly comfortable sleep. She would wake up feeling like a million bucks, only to wish she had that much in her checking account. It was just lucky she knew a contractor that gave a 'friends with benefits' discount on home repairs.


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